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21. Ritsos, Yannis. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. ritsos, yannis. 190990, Greek poet. One of modern Greeces most widely translated http://www.bartleby.com/65/ri/Ritsos-Y.html | |
22. Ritsos, Y.; Green, P. And Bardsley, B., Trans.: The Fourth Dimension. The Fourth Dimension. yannis ritsos. Translated by Peter Green and Beverly Bardsley protagoniststhe celebrated modern Greek poet yannis ritsos presents a timeless poetic paradigm of http://www.pupress.princeton.edu/titles/5187.html | |
23. Yannis Ritsos Translate this page Home_Page yannis ritsos (1909-1990), Poeta griego nacido en Monemvasiá, rincón medieval que duerme un sueño de siglos en el Peloponeso. http://www.epdlp.com/ritsos.html | |
24. AnyBook4Less.com - Author: Yannis Ritsos Search results for Author yannis ritsos 2. Titleyannis ritsos. by yannis ritsos, Edmund Keeley 6. Titleritsos in Parentheses. by Giannes ritsos, yannis ritsos, Edmund Keeley http://www.anybook4less.com/author/Yannis Ritsos.html | |
25. MSN Encarta - Ritsos, Yannis http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761590917/Ritsos_Yannis.html | |
26. Ritsos, Yannis ritsos, yannis 190990, Greek poet. One of modern Greece's most widely translated poets, ritsos moved from an early concern with classical themes and style to a more deeply personal lyricism. His http://www.slider.com/enc/45000/Ritsos_Yannis.htm |
27. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - épitaphe ritsos, yannis*. Encyclopédie EncartaArticle. Trouvé dans l article ritsos, yannis. 13. Bernin, le*. http://fr.encarta.msn.com/épitaphe.html | |
28. Yannis Ritsos -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, ritsos , yannis Britannica Concise. born May 1, 1909, Monemvasia, Greece died Nov. 11, 1990, Athens yannis ritsos. Greek poet. http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=402274 |
29. Yannis Ritsos - Biographie (F) Translate this page yannis ritsos. (1909-1990). Biographie. yannis ritsos à Dresde 1984 (Photo Guy Wagner). Né à Monemvassia (Grèce), le http://www.mikis-theodorakis.net/ritsos-f.htm | |
30. Yannis Ritsos: LATE INTO THE NIGHT yannis ritsos LATE INTO THE NIGHT (translated by Martin McKinsey). yannis ritsos translated by Martin McKinsey. Copyright c 1995 by Oberlin College. http://www.oberlin.edu/ocpress/TranslationSeries/Ritsos.html | |
31. Yannis Ritsos Biographie - Le Funambule - Auteurs Contemporains Translate this page DATES 1909 / 1990. yannis ritsos est né à Monemvassia dans le Péloponnèse le 1er mai 1909. Le 12 novembre1990, yannis ritsos séteint à Athènes. http://www.avignon-lefunambule.net/2003/archives/yannis_ritsos_biographie/yannis | |
32. Type_Document_Title_here POETRY. yannis ritsos. yannis ritsos was a distinguished modern Greek poet. He was born in Monemvasia, Greece in 1909. His first collection http://www.aurora.komvux.norrkoping.se/zoula/litera/01/poetry.htm | |
33. Fnac.com - Livres - Yannis Ritsos Fnac.com Livres Granganda Le Clocher Vue aérienne Translate this page Commandez Granganda Le Clocher Vue aérienne de yannis ritsos sur Fnac.com, votre magasin Fnac 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7. yannis ritsos. http://www.fnac.com/26743/rcwwwp/Ritsos-Yannis.html | |
34. A Poem From Yannis Ritsos (Greece) yannis ritsos. Home page. http://www.geocities.com/kabuli.geo/greece.htm | |
35. Modern Greek Poetry yannis ritsos. yannis ritsos Biography (E) Life, works and themes of his poetry. Also, links about Mikis Theodorakis music for the poems. http://www.geocities.com/yioulepp/ModernGreekPoetry.htm | |
36. YANNIS RITSOS http://www.terravista.pt/Guincho/2482/ritsos.html | |
37. Yannis Ritsos yannis ritsos. This page under construction. Home Site Map Privacy Policy Site Credits Contact © 1997 2004 BOA Editions Ltd. http://www.boaeditions.org/authors/ritsos.html | |
38. Selected Poems Of Yannis Ritsos Selected Poems of yannis ritsos. yannis ritsos is one of Greece s most prolific, distinguished and celebrated poets whose many honors http://www.boaeditions.org/books/yannis.html | |
39. Yannis RITSOS - Ana Sayfa yannis ritsos. Hazirlayan Mehmet Murat Yasar YASAMI 20. Yüzyil Yunan siirinin büyük ustalarindan ritsos, 1909 da Peloponnesos Monemvasia da dogdu. http://www.siir.gen.tr/siir/yannis_ritsos/ | |
40. Yannis RITSOS - Bir Çelenk BIR ÇELENK Yapraklarla gizlenmisti yüzün. Birer birer kopardim yapraklari sana yaklasmak için. Son yapragi kopardigimda, sen gitmistin. http://www.siir.gen.tr/siir/yannis_ritsos/bir_celenk.htm | |
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