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         Rimbaud Arthur:     more books (100)
  1. Arthur Rimbaud : Oeuvres complètes by Arthur Rimbaud, Pierre Brunel, 1999-01-01
  2. Arthur Rimbaud (Spanish Edition) by Enid Starkie, 2000-08
  3. Delirium: An Interpretation of Arthur Rimbaud by Jeremy Reed, 1991-12-31
  4. Les saisons litteraires de Rodolphe Darzens: Suivi de documents sur Arthur Rimbaud (French Edition) by Jean-Jacques Lefrere, 1998
  5. Arthur Rimbaud (Twayne's World Authors Series) by Frederic Chase St. Aubyn, 1988-09
  6. Delerium; an interpretation of Arthur Rimbaud. by Jeremy Reed, 1991-01-01
  7. Concordance to Oeuvres Completes of Arthur Rimbaud by William Carter, 1978-06
  8. LA Vie De Fean-Arthur Rimbaud by Paterne Berrichon, 1977-06
  9. RIMBAUD, ARTHUR by Enid Starkie, 1961
  10. A Season in Hell: The Psychological Autobiography of Arthur Rimbaud (Poets in Prose Series) by Arthur Rimbaud, 1995-11-09
  11. My poor Arthur;: An illumination of Arthur Rimbaud by Elisabeth M Hanson, 1959
  12. My Poor Arthur: A Biography of Arthur Rimbaud by Elisabeth M. Hanson, 1960
  13. Arthur Rimbaud (Outlines) by Benjamin Ivry, 1998-10
  14. Prose Poems from The Illuminations of Arthur Rimbaud. by Arthur. RIMBAUD, 1943

81. Glbtq >> Literature >> Rimbaud, Arthur
Because his writing stresses liberation, the French boypoet arthur rimbaud, whose art is based solely on his individual creativity, is a progenitor of
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Rimbaud, Arthur (1854-1891) Because his writing stresses liberation, the French "boy-poet" Arthur Rimbaud, whose art is based solely on his individual creativity, is a progenitor of modern gay poetics. Sponsor Message.
Le Parnasse Contemporain They traveled together to Brussels and London and acknowledged each other in their writing. Rimbaud, for example, playfully refers to Verlaine's eyes in his famous poem "Vowels" (1871). The couple may appear masked in the section of A Season in Hell Nearly all of Rimbaud's mature poetry was written during his love affair with Verlaine. The latter encouraged him in the creation of The Illuminations in London in 1872 and A Season in Hell in 1873. After the affair ended in July of 1873, when Verlaine shot him in the wrist during a violent quarrel, Rimbaud essentially abandoned his career as a poet. After a Brussels printer published A Season in Hell in October 1873, providing a way for Rimbaud to send a few copies to his friends in Paris, Rimbaud's interest in his own work declined. During 1874 and 1875, he traveled widely in Europe. In the spring of 1876, he enlisted in the Dutch army, but soon abandoned that, preferring to travel to Sweden, Denmark, Greece, and Egypt, where in 1880 he was a coffee buyer and in 1887 sold guns.

82. Arthur Rimbaud
Pr©sentation de l'oeuvre Un coeur sous une soutane d'arthur rimbaud,   l'origine d'un spectacle de la compagnie professionnelle Am©d©e Bricolo fiche technique, cr©ation, distribution et acteurs.
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83. Rimbaud, Arthur
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Rimbaud, Arthur
O vive lui, chaque fois Que chante le coq gaulois.
Mais je n'aurai plus d'envie,
Et dispersera tous efforts.
Il fait qu'elle fuie et vole !
Chanson de la plus haute tour
Oisive jeunesse a tout asservie, J'ai perdu ma vie Ah ! Que le temps vienne
Je me suis dit : laisse, Et qu'on ne te voie : Et sans la promesse De plus hautes joies. Auguste retraite.
J'ai tant fait patience Craintes et souffrances Aux cieux sont parties, Et la soif malsaine Obscurcit mes veines. Ainsi la Prairie Grandie, et fleurie D'encens et d'ivraies Au bourdon farouche De cent sales mouches. Ah ! Mille veuvages Qui n'a que l'image De la Notre-Dame ! Est-ce que l'on prie La Vierge Marie ? Oisive jeunesse a tout asservie, J'ai perdu ma vie Ah ! Que le temps vienne Soleil et Chair I Le Soleil , le foyer de tendresse et de vie, Est d'amour comme Dieu, de chair comme la femme, Le grand fourmillement de tous les embryons!

Biografia del poeta con la possibilit  di leggere online una selezione di poesie.
ARTHUR RIMBAUD BIOGRAFIA Arthur Rimbaud, considerato l'incarnazione del poeta maledetto, nacque a Charleville nel 1854 in una tipica famiglia borghese (dove non ebbe né l'affetto del padre, che assai presto lasciò la famiglia, né quello della madre, inflessibile e tiranna). Educato in famiglia ed a scuola secondo gli schemi più tradizionali, si segnalò per la straordinaria precocità intellettuale componendo versi sin dall'età di dieci anni; a 16 anni rifiutò di colpo tutti gli schemi secondo cui era stato educato, fuggì ripetutamente di casa, cominciò il suo vagabondaggio: visse tra esperienze di ogni genere, senza escludere alcol, droga e carcere. Si rifiutò di tornare a scuola e, nel corso di una nuova fuga, incontrò Paul Verlaine, amicizia che fu decisiva nello stimolare la straordinaria e precocissima vena creativa del poeta adolescente. Tentò di raggiungere Parigi dove, alla caduta dell'Impero di Napoleone III, era sorta la Comune. Proprio nel '70 ebbe inizio l'avventura letteraria di questo "enfant prodige" (che cominciò a comporre imitando Hugo e i parnassiani), un'avventura che durò cinque anni, durante i quali scrisse tutte le sue opere più importanti. Riscosse grande successo tra i poeti simbolisti e nell'ambiente intellettuale parigino, ma questo successo fu effimero, e ben presto Rimbaud si ritrovò a essere ignorato e dileggiato. Nel 1872 mise fine al suo movimentato soggiorno parigino e ritornò a Charleville, dove però non ottenne stima né comprensione. Continuò tuttavia a frequentare Verlaine, che l'accompagnò a Londra, poi a Bruxelles, dove scrisse una parte delle Illuminazioni e Una stagione all'inferno (1873). Verlaine pose fine al loro legame burrascoso nel 1873, ferendolo con un colpo di pistola.

85. MSN Encarta - Rimbaud, Arthur
Translate this page rimbaud, arthur. 1. Présentation. Un guide du Web. Plus de résultats pour rimbaud, arthur, Autres fonctionnalités Encarta. Rechercher rimbaud, arthur.
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Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Rimbaud, Arthur Pr©sentation Rimbaud, Arthur (1854-1891), po¨te fran§ais au g©nie pr©coce, qui abandonna brusquement la po©sie   l’aube de ses vingt ans, apr¨s avoir profond©ment... « Le g©nie du bien ou du mal » Une saison parisienne L'homme aux semelles de vent Po©tique de la voyance Articles voisins Illuminations, les (Arthur Rimbaud) Une saison en enfer (Arthur Rimbaud) 2 ©l©ments M©dias 3 ©l©ments S©lection de sites Web Une saison en enfer (Arthur Rimbaud) Illuminations, les

86. Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud
Short biography of rimbaud and Verlaine, The Drunken Boat , some letters and explanation about Absinthe.
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87. LookSmart - Directory - Arthur Rimbaud
YOU ARE HERE Home Lifestyle Books Authors Gay Lesbian rimbaud, arthur. arthur rimbaud Learn the juicy history of arthur
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Arthur Rimbaud - Learn the juicy history of Arthur Rimbaud, French poet, adventurer and man-about-town.
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  • Arthur Rimbaud - Tribute
    Part of a web ring dedicated to the 19th-century French symbolist offers texts such as "Illuminations" and "Season in Hell," a biography and contemporaries.
    Fine Line Features - Total Eclipse, About Rimbaud and Verlaine

    An account of the relationship between Rimbaud and Verlaine. Includes links to the film of the same name.
    MSN Encarta - Rimbaud, (Jean Nicolas) Arthur

    Encyclopedia entry profiles the life and works of the French poet Arthur Rimbaud.
    Poetry in Translation - Rimbaud: Selected Poems in Translation

    Provides selected poems of Arthur Rimbaud in a new, downloadable English translation. Includes extracts and an index of first lines.
    Bookseller offers the opportunity to purchase several titles by Rimbaud, including his complete works. Rimbaud, Arthur - Drunken Boat
  • 88. The Drunken Boat - The Life And Poetry Of Arthur Rimbaud
    The life and poetry of arthur rimbaud.
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    89. Rimbaud, Arthur
    encyclopediaEncyclopedia rimbaud, arthur, ärtür raNbO Pronunciation Key. Related content from HighBeam Research on arthur rimbaud.
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      Rimbaud, Arthur O Pronunciation Key Rimbaud, Arthur , French poet who had a great influence on the symbolists and subsequent modern poets, b. Charleville. A defiant and precocious youth, Rimbaud at 16 sent some poems to Verlaine Une Saison en enfer (1873), a confessional autobiography in which he renounces his former hellish life and his work. At an undetermined time he produced Les Illuminations, consisting of prose poems that transcend all traditional syntax and narrative elements. See W. Mason, ed. and tr., Rimbaud Complete (2002) and I Promise to Be Good: The Letters of Arthur Rimbaud (2003); biographies by E. Starkie (3d ed. 1961, repr. 1968) and G. Robb (2000); studies by W. M. Frohock (1963), W. Fowlie (1966), R. G. Cohn (1974), K. Ross (1980), C. A. Hackett (1981), and C. Nicholl (1999). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia

    90. Rimbaud, Arthur
    rimbaud, arthur (18541891). French poet of the symbolist school. He was born and educated in Charleville, Ardennes Department. He
    Rimbaud, Arthur
    French poet of the symbolist school. He was born and educated in Charleville, Ardennes Department. He exhibited great intellectual precocity and wrote verse at the age of ten. When he was 17, he composed the strikingly original poem, The Drunken Boat (1871; trans. 1941), which he submitted to the older poet Paul Verlaine . This work, which set the tone of the entire symbolist, or decadent, movement, so impressed Verlaine that he entreated the author to move to Paris. Later, accompanied by Verlaine, he went to England and then to Belgium. In Belgium, Verlaine, with whom Rimbaud had a stormy relationship, tried twice to take the life of the younger poet, wounding him seriously in the second attempt. Rimbaud wrote an allegorical account of the matter in A Season in Hell (1873; trans. 1932).
    In 1880 Rimbaud became a trader in North Africa, with headquarters at Harer and Shoa, central Abyssinia. Verlaine, under the impression that Rimbaud was no longer alive, published the latter's poems in Illuminations (1886; trans. 1932). This work contains the famous Sonnet des voyelles (Sonnet of the Vowels), in which each of the five vowels is associated with a different color. In 1891 Rimbaud returned to France for medical treatment of a tumor on his knee; he died in a hospital at Marseille. On the strength of a few poems that he wrote between the ages of 10 and 20, Rimbaud ranks as one of the most original of all French poets.

    91. The Illuminations And Other Poems
    The Illuminations, a Season in Hell and other poems by arthur rimbaud, translated by Christopher Mulrooney.
    table of contents
    Arthur Rimbaud The Illuminations
    and other poems translated by Christopher Mulrooney Ut

    dream-holes in the net

    92. Creative Quotations From Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891)
    . . arthur rimbaud (18541891) born on Oct 3 French poet, adventurer. Search millions of documents for arthur rimbaud. Highbeam Research,
    CQHome Search CQ CQ Indexes CQ E-books ... creative
    Creative Quotations from . . . Arthur Rimbaud 1854-1891) born on Oct 3 French poet, adventurer. He identified with the Symbolists and, for a time, associated with Paul Verlaine; wrote "Illuminations." Search millions of documents for Arthur Rimbaud
    Creative Hats
    Tshirts African Cichlids Idle youth, enslaved to everything; by being too sensitive I have wasted my life.
    I saw that all beings are fated to happiness: action is not life, but a way of wasting some force, an ennervation. Morality is the weakness of the brain. I invented the colors of the vowels! A black, E white, I red, O blue, U green I made rules for the form and movement of each consonant, and, and with instinctive rhythms . . . The poet makes himself a seer by a long, prodigious, and rational disordering of all the senses. Every form of love, of suffering, of madness; he searches himself, he consumes all the poisons in him, and keeps only their quintessences. Life is the farce which everyone has to perform.
    Published Sources for Quotations Above:
    F: Song of the Highest Tower, in Collected Poems (written 1872; ed. by Oliver Bernard, 1962).

    Le sonnet Poison Perdu , d'abord attribu©   arthur rimbaud recherche son auteur. Un dossier pour ouvrir le d©bat et un espace de discussion.
    UNE ENIGME A RESOUDRE - Première partie -
    - Seconde partie -
    La polémique de 1923
    - Troisième partie : En construction
    Une mystification de Verlaine...

    Ce site souhaite rassembler toute personne intéressée par l'énigme du sonnet "Poison perdu" et ouvrir une discussion sur ce thème. En 1882, "Le Gaulois" publie pour la première fois "Poison perdu" en l'attribuant à "un poète inconnu".
    Dès lors, plusieurs hypothèses furent émises sur la paternité du sonnet :
    - Arthur Rimbaud,
    - Germain Nouveau, - Charles Cros ou une composition à quatre mains voire six pour certains. Aujourd’hui, nul ne peut affirmer détenir la solution. Différentes versions existent avec quelques variantes : «Et» à la place de «Rien», «Luit» remplace «Brille», «Aucun» pour «Pas un », le « rideau bleu » perd sa couleur, sans oublier la ponctuation. Cette situation n’est pas rare ; nombreux textes rimbaldiens ont cette particularité. De plus, Verlaine précise qu’il adresse de mémoire le sonnet à Vittorio Pica. C'est certainement le cas pour les autres publications. Il est troublant que personne ne puisse prouver, du vivant de Verlaine, la paternité ou la non-paternité de Rimbaud. Verlaine atteste l’authenticité de «Poison perdu» puis écrit «je m'en bats l’œil, et le bon».

    94. Rimbaud, Arthur
    Translate this page arthur rimbaud. Écrivain (Charleville, Paris, Londres, Bruxelles), puis, à partir de 1876, mercenaire (Java), commis administratif
    Arthur Rimbaud À gauche : Rimbaud en Éthiopie vers 1883. (Cliquez pour agrandir) Notes : Rimbaud est né à Charleville. - À l'époque, la ville de Mézières, sa voisine, était une ville séparée. - Charleville, fondée en 1606 par Charles de Gonzague, duc de Mantoue, conserve de nombreuses traces de ses origines ducales : une grande place ressemblant à celle des Vosges, à Paris, un ancien couvent des Filles du Saint-Sépulcre et un Veux Moulin sur un des bras de la Meuse. - La ville de Mézières, à côté, est plus austère avec sa citadelle et ses rues tortueuses. Le nom de la rue où est né Rimbaud portait le nom de Napoléon au moment de sa naissance. Une librairie occupait le local du rez-de-chaussée de la maison où il est né. Le père de Rimbaud, Frédéric, était capitaine et originaire de Dole (dans le Jura). Il aimait beaucoup écrire mais tout son oeuvre a été perdu (dont un Coran annoté). Sa mère est née Vitalie Cuif. Rimbaud eut un frère, Frédéric, qui finit conducteur de voitures à Attigny (Ardennes), trois soeurs, une qui mourut en bas-âge et deux prénommées respectivement Vitalie (1858) et Isabelle (1860). Peu après la naissance d'Isabelle, la famille Rimbaud dénénagea rue Bourbon dans le quartier ouvrier de Charleville.

    95. Rimbaud: Selected Poems
    Selected Poems of arthur rimbaud including many of the major early poems, and extracts from Les Illuminations, Une Saison En Enfer, and from the Voyant Letter. Freely downloadable for noncommercial purposes.
    Rimbaud Selected Poems HOME DOWNLOAD A.S.Kline
    Contents First Evening Sensation Romance Eighteen Seventy ... Index of First Lines
    First Evening
    Première Soirée
    She was barely dressed though, And the great indiscreet trees Touched the glass with their leaves, In malice, quite close, quite close. Sitting in my deep chair, Half-naked, hands clasped together, On the floor, little feet, so fine, So fine, shivered with pleasure. I watched, the beeswax colour Of a truant ray of sun’s glow Flit about her smile, and over Her breast – a fly on the rose. I kissed her delicate ankle. She gave an abrupt sweet giggle Chiming in clear trills, A pretty laugh of crystal. Her little feet under her slip Sped away: ‘Will you desist!’ Allowing that first bold act, Her laugh pretended to punish! Trembling under my lips, Poor things, I gently kissed her lids. She threw her vapid head back. ‘Oh! That’s worse, that is!’… ‘Sir, I’ve two words to say to you...’ I planted the rest on her breast In a kiss that made her laugh With a laugh of readiness…. - She was barely dressed though, And the great indiscreet trees Touched the glass with their leaves In malice, quite close, quite close.

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    Buy rimbaud, arthur books from the best shops. Browse by author rimbaud, arthur (114 of 14). 1. Title rimbaud Complete Works. Author(s) rimbaud, arthur. more.
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  • 97. Pistes Pour La Lecture De « Voyelles » De Arthur RIMBAUD
    Propose un certain nombre de pistes pour lire, comprendre et expliquer le tr¨s ©nigmatique po¨me Voyelles de arthur rimbaud.
    Bonjour, vous êtes le ème visiteur ! un petit message ?
    A noir, E blanc, I rouge, U vert, O bleu : voyelles,
    Je dirai quelque jour vos naissances latentes :
    A, noir corset velu des mouches éclatantes
    Qui bombinent autour des puanteurs cruelles,
    Golfes d'ombre ; E, candeurs des vapeurs et des tentes,
    Lances des glaciers fiers, rois blancs, frissons d'ombelles ;
    I, pourpres, sang craché, rire des lèvres belles
    Dans la colère ou les ivresses pénitentes ;
    U, cycles, vibrements divins des mers virides,
    Paix des pâtis semés d'animaux, paix des rides
    Que l'alchimie imprime aux grands fronts studieux ; O, suprême Clairon plein des strideurs étranges, Silences traversés des Mondes et des Anges ; - O l'Oméga, rayon violet de Ses Yeux ! MANUSCRIT ORIGINAL dit par Le Tourniquet Pistes pour la lecture de " Voyelles " de Arthur RIMBAUD (Je dis bien "pistes pour la lecture", et non explication, car le but n'est pas d'éliminer du sens, mais d'en amener, de construire au poème la plus grande quantité possible d'harmoniques, d'enrichir le champ des connotations, afin d'ajouter de l'écho au poème et de la profondeur à notre lecture) Tout d'abord, à propos du jeu sur les couleurs, relire

    98. Les Poésies
    Translate this page Accueil Auteurs Dessins Tirage au sort . Poésie(s) de arthur rimbaud Le dormeur du val.

    99. Oeuvres Complètes - Arthur Rimbaud
    Oeuvres compl¨tes du po¨te et une partie de sa correspondance. Avec un forum et un moteur de recherche interne.

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