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1. Authors: Louise Rafkin Louise Rafkin. ouise Rafkin holds a seconddegree black belt in poekoelan tjiminde tulen, an Indonesian martial art. A teacher of self-defense to adults and children, an author, and a journalist, she http://www.twbookmark.com/authors/22/220 | |
2. Different Daughters: A Book By Mothers Of Lesbians Louise Rafkin Title Different Daughters A Book by Mothers of Lesbians rafkin louise LouiseRafkin Subject Family Relationships Motherhood Category shops Education http://www.hjgains.co.uk/Louise-Rafkin-Different-Daughters-A-Bo-215-245-688-0.ht | |
3. Rafkin Louise Anderer Leute Dreck Die Gewissenhaften Aufzeichnungen Einer Putzfr Translate this page rafkin louise Anderer Leute Dreck Die gewissenhaften Aufzeichnungeneiner Putzfrau. rafkin louise. Taschenbuch Paperback Belletristik http://www.21kom.de/Rafkin-Louise-Anderer-Leute-Dreck-Die-gewis-3442541425.html | |
4. ADAM RAFFERTY Ingo 2 Radman AR 11 Radner Gilda 2 Raducan Andreea 8 Rae Tonya 2 Raeburn SirHenry 9 Rafferty Gerry @ 4 Rafi Mohammed @ 6 rafkin louise @ 1 http http://musica.godado.it/godado.pperl/page=EfJk/k=adam rafferty/l=4/w1=0/af=0/p1= | |
5. Anderer Leute Dreck Die Gewissenhaften Aufzeichnungen Einer Putzfrau Rafkin Loui Translate this page Anderer Leute Dreck Die gewissenhaften Aufzeichnungen einer Putzfrau rafkin louise. Diegewissenhaften Aufzeichnungen einer Putzfrau. Autor rafkin louise. http://www.1aroman-netz.de/Rafkin-Louise-Anderer-Leute-Dreck-Die-3442541425.html | |
6. EthnoNe - Séminaire 3 - Anthropologie Du Genre - Christian Ghasarian, Barbara W rafkin louise (éd.). 1990. - Differents mothers sons and daughtersof lesbian talk about their lives. rafkin louise. - 2001. http://www.unine.ch/ethno/biblio/2002genre.html | |
7. Louise Rafkin's Official Home Page official home page of author louise rafkin, includes reviews,interviews and writing samples. louiserafkin.com, http://www.louiserafkin.com/ | |
8. New York Times: Housekeeping With Louise Rafkin - Louise Rafkin's Official Home official home page of author louise rafkin, includes reviews, interviewsand writing samples. The New York Times Housekeeping with louise rafkin. http://www.louiserafkin.com/reviews/nytimes.html | |
9. Interview October 10, 1998: Author/Housecleaner Louise Rafkin Michael Interviews louise rafkin, author of "Other People's Dirt A Housecleaner's Curious Adventure" October 10, 1998. Listen in http://www.notmuch.com/Features/Interview/int-101098.html | |
10. Jennifer Murphy Reviews Christina Bartolomeo's Cupid And Diana & Louise Rafkin's People's Dirt A Housecleaners Curious Adventures. by louise rafkin. Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1998 In Other People's Dirt, louise rafkin claims they do indeed, and furthermore http://www.mashmagazine.com/99oct/octbook.html | |
11. Buy Other People's Dirt By Louise Rafkin At Walmart.com Other People's Dirt by louise rafkin in Hardcover. ISBN 1565121627. The author offers an intimate, quirky tour of her clients' lives through the evidence of their habitats and relates the http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://na.link.decdna.net/n/3532/4200/www.walma |
12. Alibris: Louise Rafkin Used, new outof-print books by author louise rafkin. more books like thisby rafkin, louise, and Bechdel, Alison (Illustrator) What Cats Dream? http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Rafkin, Louise | |
13. Louise Rafkin, Literature louise rafkin, Literature. louise rafkin Home page of Bay Area writerlouise rafkin, author of Other People s Dirt. Includes reviews http://www.art-5.com/literature/authors/r/louise_rafkin/ | |
14. Unholy Alliances: New Fiction By Women (1st Ed) By Louise Rafkin (Editor) ISBN: Unholy Alliances New Fiction by Women (1st ed) by louise rafkin (Editor) isbn 093941614X from 60 stores. Author louise rafkin (Editor) ISBN http://www.campusi.com/isbn_093941614X.htm | |
15. Wauu.DE: Arts: Literature: Authors: R: Rafkin, Louise http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Literature/Authors/R/Rafkin__Louise/ | |
16. Powell's Books - Other People's Dirt: A Housecleaner's Curious Adventures By Lou More Books by. louise rafkin. Home Construction Subtitle A Housecleaner's Curious Adventures Author rafkin, louise Publisher Plume Books Copyright c199 Subject http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?show=Trade Paper:Used:0452280818:8.95 |
17. Pittsburgh Association For The Education Of Young Children Different Daughters A Book by Mothers of Lesbians. rafkin, louise (editor) Cleis Press Sons and Daughters of Lesbians Talk About Their Lives. rafkin, louise (editor) Cleis Press http://www.pghaeyc.org/pghaeyc/resources/resantibiasbooklist.html | |
18. Other Peoples Dirt; By Louise Rafkin. (book Reviews) HighBeam Research, Free Preview 'Other Peoples Dirt; by louise rafkin. (book reviews)' Full Membership required for unlimited access. Comprehensive archive of newspapers, magazines, trade Other People's Dirt; by louise rafkin. ( book reviews) People Weekly Balfour, Victoria http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?docid= |
19. Louise Rafkin Biography And Quotes Sites If these resources do not have louise rafkin biography and quote informationthat you need, please contact one of the sites directly. louise rafkin. http://www.matchc.com/r_authors/Louise_Rafkin.html | |
20. Anderer Leute Dreck - Louise Rafkin Test, Preisvergleich, Shopping, Auktionen Translate this page Anderer Leute Dreck - louise rafkin Preisvergleich, Test, Auktionen und Testberichte. Testund Preisvergleich Anderer Leute Dreck - louise rafkin. http://www.yopi.de/Anderer_Leute_Dreck_Louise_Rafkin_Buecher | |
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