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         Quintilian:     more books (100)
  1. Die Gestikulation in Quintilians Rhetorik (European university studies. Series XV, Classics) (German Edition) by Ursula Maier-Eichhorn, 1989
  2. The tenth and twelfth books of the Institutions of Quintilian: with explanatory notes by Quintilian Quintilian, Henry S. 1817-1889 Frieze, 2010-08-29
  3. Quintilian: The Preface to Book VIII and Comparable Passages in the Institiutio Oratoria by Frans Ahlheid, 1983-12
  4. The Blood Tree (The Quintilian Dalrymple Crime Novels) by Paul Johnston, 2000-11-01
  5. Passion & Reason; Or, the Modern Quintilian Brothers, Volume 3 by Elizabeth Cullen Brown, 2010-03-07
  6. Die Paedagogischen Gedanken Der Institutio Oratoria Quintilians (1898) (German Edition) by Johannes Loth, 2010-05-22
  7. Quintilian's didactic metaphors .. by Jane Gray Carter, 2010-08-23
  8. The Tenth and Twelfth Books of the Institutions of Quintilian by Henry Simmons Frieze, Henry Simmons Quintilian, 2010-01-09
  9. Quintilian's Institutes of Oratory; Or, Education of an Orator, Literally Tr. With Notes, by J.s. Watson by Marcus Fabius Quintilianus, 2010-03-22
  10. The Tenth and Twelfth Books of the Institutions of Quintilian: With Explanatory Notes and References Adapted to Harkness's Revised Standard Grammar by Quintilian, 2010-03-31
  11. Quintilian on Education
  12. Des M. Fabius Quintilian Anleitung Zur Redekunst, Book 10: Lateinisch Und Deutsch (1858) (German Edition) by Eduard Alberti, 2010-09-10
  13. Über Die Substantivierung Des Adjektivums Bei Quintilian (German Edition) by Paul Hirt, 2010-05-25
  14. Critica - Untersuchunger Zur Geschichte Der Literaturkritik Zwischen Quintilian Und Thomasius: Untersuchungen Zur Geschichte Der Literaturkritik Zaischen ... in Intellectual History) (German Edition) by Herbert Jaumann, 1997-08-01

21. Marcus Fabius Quintilian Quotes And Quotations - BrainyQuote
Marcus Fabius quintilian Quotes, A Marcus Fabius quintilian A laugh, if purchased at the expense of propriety, costs too much. Marcus
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Marcus Fabius Quintilian Quotes A laugh costs too much when bought at the expense of virtue.
Marcus Fabius Quintilian

A laugh, if purchased at the expense of propriety, costs too much.
Marcus Fabius Quintilian

An evil-speaker differs from an evil-doer only in the want of opportunity.
Marcus Fabius Quintilian

Everything that has a beginning comes to an end.
Marcus Fabius Quintilian
Fear of the future is worse than one's present fortune. Marcus Fabius Quintilian For comic writers charge Socrates with making the worse appear the better reason. Marcus Fabius Quintilian For it would have been better that man should have been born dumb, nay, void of all reason, rather than that he should employ the gifts of Providence to the destruction of his neighbor. Marcus Fabius Quintilian Forbidden pleasures alone are loved immoderately; when lawful, they do not excite desire. Marcus Fabius Quintilian God, that all-powerful Creator of nature and architect of the world, has impressed man with no character so proper to distinguish him from other animals, as by the faculty of speech.

22. Quintilian
Translate this page quintilian (ca. 35 bis ca. 96 nach Christus). quintilian sah in Cicero die Verkörperung seines Bildungsideals und das stilistische Vorbild des Redners.
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23. Quintilian And The Law
Rechtsgeschiedenis / History of Law. quintilian AND THE LAW. One of them was quintilian, who wrote his Institutio oratoria at the end of the first century AD.
Rechtsgeschiedenis / History of Law

Leuven University Press The art of persuasion, as practised today in political debate as well as in the courts of law, has been developed in the rhetorical tradition, but its authors have disappeared from view. One of them was Quintilian, who wrote his Institutio oratoria at the end of the first century AD. This book is special because it contains one of the fullest surveys of rhetorical insights ever written and because it has come down to us in its entirety. Quintilian's rhetorical system has been used in teaching rhetoric at universities since the Middle Ages. The purpose of 'Quintilian and the Law' is to reintroduce Quintilian's Institutio oratoria to modern readers, and to show that the topics discussed in it are still very much alive today. To that end, modern experts of law and rhetoric present their views on the Institutio oratoria, each dealing with one of the twelve books of which it consists. The authors were free to choose their own way of working, so that some books are described in their entirety, others are discussed from one particular point of view, and others still are treated only with regard to a particular section. In Roman times, the shortest way to a political career was by working in the law courts. There, one could acquire a reputation for having a thorough knowledge of the law and for being able to speak well in public. In his Institutio oratoria, Quintilian not only formulated important insights in juridical argumentation, in the art of speech-writing, and in the performative aspects of advocacy, he also discussed the ethical problems involved. Because Quintilian larded his instructions with numerous examples from practice, his book takes us back into the Roman law courts and helps us experience their exciting atmosphere.

24. Quintilian
quintilian. quintilian(c. AD 3595), Roman rhetorician, was born at Calagurris (now Calahorra) in Spain. But the chief teacher of quintilian was a man.
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
Quintilian (c. AD Roman rhetorician, was born at Calagurris (now Calahorra ) in Spain Concerning his family and his life but few facts remain. His father taught rhetoric, with no great success, at Rome , and Quintilian must have come there at an early age to reside, and must have there grown up to manhood. The years from to he spent in Spain , probably attached in some capacity to the retinue of the future emperor Galba , with whom he returned to the capital. For at least twenty years after the accession of Galba he was at the head of the foremost school of oratory in Rome, and may fairly be called the Isocrates of his time. He also gained some, but not a great, repute as a pleader in the courts. His greatest speech appears to have been a defence of the queen Berenice , on what charge is not known. He appears to have been wealthy for a professional man. Vespasian created for him a professorial chair of rhetoric, liberally endowed with public money, and from this time he was unquestionably, as Martial calls him, "the supreme controller of the restless youth."

25. Quintilian: Ausbildung Des Redners
Translate this page quintilian Ausbildung des Redners (95 n. Chr.). quintilian schließt mit diesem Werk an seine zwanzigjährige Erfahrung als Rhetoriklehrer an.
Ausbildung des Redners
(95 n. Chr.)
Das in zwölf Bücher gegliederte Lehrbuch der Rhetorik ist die umfassendste Darstellung der Rhetorik in der Antike. Quintilian schließt mit diesem Werk an seine zwanzigjährige Erfahrung als Rhetoriklehrer an. Er will die Rhetorik weniger revolutionieren, als vielmehr das Wissen seiner Zeit darstellen. Dabei greift er immer wieder auf Cicero zurück, wobei er jedoch das sittliche Fundament der Rhetorik stärker zu akzentuieren versucht. Er wendet sich radikal gegen die Traditionen der Sophistik , wenn er sich gegen die Auffassung verwahrt, Rhetorik sei die Kunst der Überredung. Hier reagiert Quintilian auf die Erfahrungen, die er und seine Zeitgenossen mit den Künsten der Redner im Rom seiner Zeitmachte. Nach der politischen Entmachtung des Bürgertums gab es kein zwingendes Anwendungsgebiet der Rhetorik mehr. Das hatte zur Folge, daß in der Öffentlichkeit zu bestimmten (erfundenen) Fällen 'rhetorische Duelle' ausgefochten wurden. Dabei ging es im Grunde nicht mehr um die Inhalte der Reden, sondern lediglich um ihre Form. Der Redner wollte folglich im Rededuell vornehmlich glänzen, was zu einem sittlichen Verfall der Beredsamkeit führte, auf den Quintilian in seiner verlorengegangenen Schrift Von den Ursachen des Verfalls der Beredsamkeit einging.

26. LacusCurtius • Quintilian — Institutio Oratoria
quintilian Institutio Oratoria. The Roman schoolboy, or rather the teacher of rhetoric who would be instructing him, was quintilian s audience.
mail: Bill Thayer
Quintilian: Institutio Oratoria
The Roman schoolboy, or rather the teacher of rhetoric who would be instructing him, was Quintilian's audience. The statue is one of a pair now in the Octagonal Court of the Vatican Palace; for the other, including a good detail of his book-box, see this page
The Text on LacusCurtius
The Latin text will be that of the Loeb edition, 1920-1922, which in fact is that of Halm, Leipzig, 1868 with essentially cosmetic changes. It will not be entered until at least June 2004, on my return from Italy. Until then, those wishing to consult a version of the Latin original will find one, unidentified, here
The English translation is that by H. E. Butler, first published in 1920-1922 as part of the Loeb Classical Library. It is in the public domain. ( Details here Qui scribit, bis legit. (Well-meaning attempts to get me to scan text, if successful, would merely turn me into some kind of machine: gambit declined.)
The transcription is being minutely proofed. In the table of contents below, the Books that I have completely proofed are shown on blue backgrounds ; any red backgrounds indicate that the proofreading is still incomplete. The header bar at the top of each webpage will remind you with the same color scheme.

27. LacusCurtius • Quintilian — Institutio Oratoria — Book I, Chapters 7-12
Part of a complete English translation of quintilian s Institutio Oratoria, in turn part of a site containing a number of Greek and Latin texts, translations
mail: Bill Thayer
I.4-6 This webpage reproduces a section of
Institutio Oratoria



published in the Loeb Classical Library, the text of which is in the public domain. This page has been carefully proofread and I believe it to be free of errors. If you find a mistake though, please let me know! II.1-5 This webpage contains text in accented Greek, using a burned-in font. If it is not displaying properly, you need to use a compliant browser rather than Internet Explorer.
Quintilian Institutio Oratoria
Book I
Chapters 7-12
Having stated the rules which we must follow in speaking, I will now proceed to lay down the rules which must be observed when we write. Such rules are called orthography by the Greeks; let us style it the science of writing correctly. This science does not consist merely in the knowledge of the letters composing each syllable (such a study is beneath the dignity of a teacher of grammar), but, in my opinion, develops all its subtlety in connexion with doubtful points. For instance, while it is absurd to place a circumflex over all long syllables since the quantity of most syllables is obvious from the very nature of the word which is written, it is all the same occasionally necessary, since the same letter involves a different meaning according as it is long or short. For example we determine whether

28. Quintilian
Start A - Z Autoren Biographie Mythologie Philosophie Sentenzen
M. Fabius Quintilianus * ca. 35 n. Chr. in Calgurris (Spanien) + ca. 96 n. Chr. um dort bei Remmius Palaemon Grammatik, und bei Domitius Afer Rhetorik zu studieren. 68 n. Chr. folgte er jedoch Galba, dem damaligen Statthalter des tarraconensischen Spanien wieder nach Rom, wo er die kommenden zwanzig Jahre Rhetorik lehrte. Quintilian war also der erste "besoldete Professor" Quintilian verstarb um 96 n. Chr. Sein Hauptwerk Institutiones oratoriae libri XII (Ausbildung des Redners) Buch 1 Buch 2 Buch 3-7 (die Anordnung der gefundenen Argumente) Buch 8-11 (Ausformulierung der Rede, richtige Anwendung von Sprache und Stil), und (das richtige Vortragen, Modulation der Stimme, Gestik) Buch 12 Dieses umfassende Werk befasst sich mit allem, was die Rhetorik anbelangt. Cicero Der Stil des Buches ist sachlich-klar, aber elegant

29. Persönlichkeiten Der Antike - Lateinische Autoren - Pomponius Mela - Sextus Pro
Non-internet sources on quintilian - Michigan State University.
Lateinische Autoren
Seiteninhalt Pomponius Mela
Prudentius Publilius Syrus ... Rufus
    Pomponius Mela (1 Jh. n. Chr.) - Werk: De chorographia - lat. Geographie Sextus Propertius: Properz (ca. 50 - 15 v. Chr.) - Werke: Drei Bücher Elegien über seine glücklich-unglückliche Liebe Allgemein Aurelius Prudentius Clemens: Prudentius (ca. 400 n. Chr.) - Werke: Hymnen und Martyrer-Geschichten

30. Harvard University Press/Quintilian, The Orator's Education
The Orator s Education Volume I. Books 12 by quintilian Edited and Translated by Donald A. Russell, published by Harvard University Press.
The Orator's Education
Volume I. Books 1-2
Edited and Translated by Donald A. Russell Quintilian, born in Spain about A.D. 35, became a widely known and highly successful teacher of rhetoric in Rome. The Orator's Education Institutio Oratoria ), a comprehensive training program in twelve books, draws on his own rich experience. It is a work of enduring importance, not only for its insights on oratory, but for the picture it paints of education and social attitudes in the Roman world. Quintilian offers both general and specific advice. He gives guidelines for proper schooling (beginning with the young boy); analyzes the structure of speeches; recommends devices that will engage listeners and appeal to their emotions; reviews a wide range of Greek and Latin authors of use to the orator; and counsels on memory, delivery, and gestures. Donald Russell's new five-volume Loeb Classical Library edition of The Orator's Education , which replaces an eighty-year-old translation by H. E. Butler, provides a text and facing translation fully up to date in light of current scholarship and well tuned to today's taste. Russell also provides unusually rich explanatory notes, which enable full appreciation of this central work in the history of rhetoric. OTHER HARVARD BOOKS BY QUINTILIAN
The Orator's Education: Volume II. Books 3-5

31. Quintilian (1)
quintilian Marcus grundighed. quintilian, udtales Kvintillian, da V endnu ikke var opfundet. Skriv til Peter! Hop til Peter s hjemmeside.
Hop til Peter's hjemmeside. laereren.html eleven.html Quintilian
" understreger han at
Quintilian, udtales Kvintillian, da V endnu ikke var opfundet.
Skriv til Peter!
Hop til Peter's hjemmeside. Til Folkeskolen eleven.html ...
Oprettet 16/12.96. Opdateret d. rettet d. 28.1.2003

32. Quintilian. A.D. C. 35-A.D. C. 95. John Bartlett, Comp. 1919. Familiar Quotation
quintilian. AD c. 35AD c. 95. John Bartlett, comp. 1919. John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919. quintilian. (AD c. 35–AD c. 95). 1.
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Quotations John Bartlett Familiar Quotations ... CONCORDANCE INDEX John Bartlett Familiar Quotations, 10th ed.

33. Quintilian
quintilian M. FABI QVINTILIANI OPERA. Institutiones, Declamationes Maiores, Declamationes Minores. The quintilian Page The quintilian Page. by Brian Lewis.
You are in: Museum of History Hall of Rhetoric Rhetorical Theory Quintilian
Marcus Fabius Quintilianus
35 - 95 A.D.
Chair of Rhetoric
He was born in Calagurris, Spain in 35 A.D. with a roman rhetorician as a father. At 15 he was sent to Rome where he was educated in rhetoric. After his education was complete, he returned to Spain and became a rhetorician of worthy note there. He returned to Rome in 68 A.D. with the Emporer Galba and and began to teach. He published three works, of which only his Institutio Oratoria survived. Research Links Virtualology is not affiliated with the authors of these links nor responsible for each Link's content. Quintilian
M. FABI QVINTILIANI OPERA. Institutiones, Declamationes Maiores,
Declamationes Minores. The Latin Library, The Classics Homepage. The Quintilian Page
The Quintilian Page. by Brian Lewis. "Quintilian, premier guide of
wayward youth,. Quintilian, glory of the Roman toga.". ... - Results for Quintilian
... Electric Library's Free Encyclopedia Quintilian (Marcus Fabius Quintilianus), AD
c.35-c.95, Roman rhetorician and teacher. His influential Institutio oratoria ...

quintilian (c. AD 35 95), Roman rhetorician, was born at Calagurris in Spain. Concerning his family and his life but few facts remain. His father ta. quintilian.
QUINTILIAN Such is the scanty record that remains of Quintilians uneventful life. But it is possible to determine with some accuracy his relation to the literature and culture of his time, which he powerfully influenced. His career brings home to us the vast change which in a few generations had passed over Roman taste, feeling and society. In the days of Cicero rhetorical teaching had been entirely in the hands of the Greeks. The Greek language, too, was in the main the vehicle of instruction in rhetoric. The first attempt to open a Latin rhetorical school, in 94 B.c., was crushed by authority, and not until the time of Augustus was there any professor of the art who had been born to the full privileges of a Roman citizen. The appointment of Quintilian as professor by the chief of the state marks the last stage in the emancipation of rhetorical teaching from the old Roman prejudices. To comprehensive sympathy and clear intellectual vision Quintilian added refined tenderness and freedom from selfassertion. Taking him all in all, we may say that his personality must have been the most attractive of his timemore winning and at the same time more lofty than that of the younger Pliny, his pupil, into whom no small portion of the masters spirit, and even some tincture of the masters literary taste, was instilled. It does not surprise us to hear that Quintilian attributed any success he won as a pleader to his command of pathos, a quality in which his great guide Cicero excelled. In spite of some extravagances of phrase, Quintilians lament (in his sixth book) for his girl-wife and his boy of great promise is the most pathetic of all the lamentations for bereavement in which Latin literature is so rich. In his precepts about early education Quintilian continually shows his shrinking from cruelty and oppression.

35. Quintilian - Encyclopedia Article About Quintilian. Free Access, No Registration
encyclopedia article about quintilian. quintilian in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Provides quintilian. Word
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Quintilian (c. AD Alternate uses, see Number 35 Centuries: 1st century BC - 1st century - 2nd century Decades: 10s BC 0s BC 0s 10s 20s - Years: 30 31 32 33 34 -
  • Pliny the Elder brought to Rome before this year.
  • Quintilian, Roman rhetorician
  • November 8 - Nerva, Roman Emperor

Click the link for more information. Alternate uses: see Number 95 Centuries: 1st century BC - 1st century - 2nd century Decades: 0s BC - 0s - 10s - 20s - 30s - 40s - 50s - 60s - 70s - 80s - Years: 90 91 92 93 94
  • Frontinus is appointed superintendent of the aqueducts ( curator aquarum ) in Rome.
  • Roman emperor Domitian is also a Roman Consul.

Click the link for more information. Roman The Roman Empire is the term conventionally used to describe the Roman state in the centuries following its reorganization under the leadership of Caesar Augustus. Although Rome possessed a collection of tribute-states for centuries before the autocracy of Augustus, the pre-Augustan state is conventionally described as the Roman Republic. The difference between the Roman Empire and the Roman Republic lies primarily in the governing bodies and their relationship to each other.

36. Quintilian's Institutes Of Oratory
A hypertextual resource compiled by Lee Honeycutt. (Under Construction). Welcome to the hypertext version of quintilian s Institutes of Oratory .
A hypertextual resource compiled
Lee Honeycutt (Under Construction)
Welcome to the hypertext version of Quintilian's Institutes of Oratory . This site is currently under construction, but when finished will contain the full text of the Rev. John Selby Watson's 1871 translation, which is generally considered to be one of the more accurate translations from the original Latin. Currently, only the front matter and individual book indices are available for review on this site. In editing this text, I am making every effort to preserve the original style of Watson's print edition, though some footnotes and Greek phrasings will be omitted. British punctuation rules have been generally altered to conform to American style, though British spelling conventions were retained. Each of the numbered links below contain Watson's original indices for individual books of the Institutes Watson's Preface Quintilian Biography Quintilian's Preface If you should have any comments or suggestions about this site, please feel free to contact us by email at the address below. Lee Honeycutt

37. Quintilian's Institutes Of Oratory - Biographical Notes
quintilian s Institutes of Oratory. Dodwell thinks that this second marriage took place about AD 94, when quintilian was past fifty.
Quintilian's Institutes of Oratory
A hypertextual resource compiled
Lee Honeycutt
Watson's Biographical and Critical Notes
MARCUS FABIUS QUINTILIANUS was born at Calagurris, now called Calahorra, a town of Spain on the Ebro. The time of his birth is uncertain, but as he was, while still young, a hearer of Domitius Afer at Rome, who died A.D. 59, we may reasonably suppose him to have been born about A.D. 40.
What his father was, is unknown. He alludes to him once, in the ninth book, where Spalding suggests that he may have been the pleader mentioned by Seneca the rhetorician in the preface to the fifth book of his Controversies; but for this supposition there is no foundation.
The scholiast on Juvenal
He appears to have returned to Spain, and to have been brought again from thence by the emperor Galba, A.D. 68, to Rome, where he distinguished himself in the two professions of pleader, and teacher of eloquence. Among his pupils was Pliny the younger. His scholars seem to have been numerous, according to Martial, Quintiliane, vagoe moderator summe juventoe

38. Links To Literature: Quintilian
GENERAL RESOURCES. The quintilian Page. quintilian. Hyperlinked overview of life works, and ideas. BIBLIOGRAPHIES. quintilian Bibliography.
[Links to Literature: Quintilian] HOME LITERATURE NEWSLETTERS SUBMIT-A-SITE BROKEN LINK ... CONTACT NEW! Think you know literature. Play one of our new literary trivia games. Famous Quotes, Famous First Lines, Famous Last Words, Great Works, and more. To start playing, please visit our Trivia Page GENERAL RESOURCES BIBLIOGRAPHIES QUOTES ... WORKS GENERAL RESOURCES The Quintilian Page Collection of essays, background information, and a hypertext edition of Institutio Oratoria Quintilian Hyperlinked overview of life works, and ideas. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Quintilian Bibliography Extensive primary and secondary bibliography. QUOTES Bartlett's: Quintilian Collection of four cited quotations. WORKS Declamationes Maiores [Latin] The Ideal Education Institutiones [Latin] Need a second opinion? Try Search the Web. GoTo Amazon ... eBay

39. Quintilian: Rhetorik
Translate this page quintilian. quintilian war es wichtig, dass Redner natürlich wirkten. Zurück zur Startseite. quintilian gilt als der bedeutendste Redelehrer der Antike.
war es wichtig,
dass Redner
Daher seine
jeder sich
kennen lernen und nicht nur aus den allgemeinen Regeln, sondern auch aus seiner natürlichen Eigenart die Überlegung gewinnen, wie er seinen Vortrag zu gestalten hat.«
Zurück zur ... Startseite Zurück zur ... Startseite Quintilian gilt als der bedeutendste Redelehrer der Antike. Nicht nur, weil er den ersten öffentlich besoldeten Lehrstuhl der Rhetorik innehatte oder die mit 12 Bänden umfangreichste Rhetorik der Antike schrieb. Seine »Ausbildung des Redners« (Institutio Oratoria) gilt aus anderen Gründen als der Höhepunkt antiker Redelehre: Zum einen entwickelte er darin einen systematischen Lehrgang, der die Erziehung vom Kind bis zum erwachsenen Redner aufzeigt, also die Rhetorik mit der Pädagogik zu einer Einheit verbindet. Zum anderen greift er auf eine hohes Redner-Ideal zurück, den »vir bonus dicendi peritus«. Der Redner sollte bei allem politischen Engagement über eine solide Allgemeinbildung sowie ausgezeichnete rhetorische Fähigkeiten verfügen und in seinem Reden und Handeln hohen ethischen und moralischen Anforderungen genügen - angesichts des damals (wie heute gerne!) beklagten Verfalls der politschen und rhetorischen Kultur eine nachvollziehbare Forderung. Über Quintilians Leben wissen wir nur relativ wenig: Etwa 30 n. Chr. in einer der römischen Provinzen in Spanien geboren, kam Marcus Fabius Quintilianus 68 nach Rom, wo er etwa 20 Jahre lang als Professor für Rhetorik und als Prinzenerzieher wirkte. Orientiert an Cicero (als unerreichbarem Ideal) wollte er das Bildungssystem seiner Zeit reformieren, dabei entstand ein umfassender Bildungslehrplan, der Rhetorik nicht auf einzelne Tricks und Kniffe reduzierte, sondern die rhetorische Erziehung in ein umfassendes Bildungsprogramm einbettete. Etwa 90 n. Chr. gab er seine Professur auf und begann seine Erfahrungen zu systematisieren und schriftlich niederzulegen. Dabei schlugen sich auch persönliche Erfahrungen - der Tod seiner jungen Gattin und seiner beiden Söhne - , Betrachtungen über die Literatur seiner Epoche und tagespolitische Ereignisse in seinem Werk nieder.

40. Quintilian Quotes - Quotations
author QQzz quintilian quintilian Quotes. 1. A liar should have a good memory . Author quintilian Contributor Not Updated.

author Q-Qzz
1-5 Quotations of Latin teacher and writer whose work on rhetoric, 35-96bc
"A liar should have a good memory" Author: Quintilian Contributor: Not Updated Add to my book Copy Print Source
"Ambition is a vice, but it may be the father of virtue" Author: Quintilian Contributor: Not Updated Quotes on: Ambition Add to my book Copy Print Source
"While we deliberate about beginning it is all ready too late to begin" Author: Quintilian Contributor: Not Updated Quotes on: Beginning Add to my book Copy Print Source
"That laughter costs too much, which is purchased by the sacrifice of decency" Author: Quintilian Contributor: Not Updated Quotes on: Laughter Add to my book Copy Print Source
"Those who wish to appear wise among fools, among the wise seem foolish" Author: Quintilian Contributor: Not Updated Add to my book Copy Print Source
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