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Polidori John William: more books (43) |
61. Iets Met Boeken john william polidori De vampier Ik dacht altijd dat Bram Stoker de uitvinderwas van de moderne vampier (een bloeddorstig, graafachtig figuur met http://sites.nps.nl/jerome/index.cfm/site/Ietsmetboeken/pageid/5028E365-508B-E1C |
62. The Literary Gothic | Author Listing Planché, JR . Poe, Edgar Allan . polidori, john . Prest, Thomas Peckett . Scott,Sir Walter . Shakespeare, william . Shelley, Mary . http://www.litgothic.com/Authors/authlist.html | |
63. Federigo ANDAHAZY / John William POLIDORI Translate this page Federigo ANDAHAZY / john william polidori. La Villa des Mystères / Le VampireMétailié / Babel - Fantastiques 99 F / 33 F Qui est john william polidori ? http://www.initiales.org/chap003/rubr003/ouvrage243.html | |
64. John Polidori Bibliography john polidori (john william polidori) Italy (1795 1821). SearchAuthors. Search Books. About john polidori, Top. It was proposed one http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/John_Polidori.htm | |
65. Works Included In This Edition Plutarch The Parallel Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans. polidori,john william Diary (MayAugust 1816). The Vampyre (1816). http://www.english.upenn.edu/~jlynch/Frank/Indexes/works.html | |
66. PETERS - RIZAL FICTION MacDonald DL, Scherf K, ed. The Vampyre; and, Ernestus Berchtold,or, The Modern Oedipus Collected Fiction of john william polidori. http://members.aol.com/dbryantmd/Page33.html | |
67. The Lord Ruthven Pages - History are legendary. In 1816, Dr. john william polidori accompanied thefamed poet Lord Byron on a trip through Europe. In Geneva, the http://gothic.vei.net/lordruthven/history.htm | |
68. WebGuest Directory - Biography : P Polenzani, Rose; Poletti, Victor; polidori, john william; Polk, JamesKnox; Polk, Sarah Childress; Polk, Willis Jefferson; Pollack, Sydney; http://directory.webguest.com/Reference/Biography/P | |
69. Shelleycircle - Community Info immortality, italy, jane williams, john cam hobhouse, john hunt, john keats, johnmilton, john murray, john polidori, john william polidori, lady caroline lamb http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=shelleycircle |
70. Lukol Directory - Reference Biography P Pointer Sisters, The (3), Polanyi, Michael (8), Polenzani, Rose (5). polidori,john william (6), Polk, James Knox (6), Polk, Sarah Childress (1). http://www.lukol.com/Top/Reference/Biography/P/ | |
71. Lives Of The Great Romantics I: Shelley, Byron And Wordsworth Published By Picke Volume 1 Percy Bysshe Shelley Including extracts from polidori, The Diary of Dr.john william polidori (1816); william Hazlitt, On Paradox and Commonplace http://www.pickeringchatto.com/lives1.htm | |
72. Author Index [Novelist - Short Story Writer - Poet - Playwright] shortstory writer, novelist polidori, john Pope, Alexander Jean Jacques Ruskin,john Russell, Bertrand writer Sassoon, Siegfried Scully, william Charles Seba http://www.readbookonline.net/authors/ | |
73. Miall -- 450: Gothic Subject Maturin, Charles. Fatal Revenge (1807). polidori, john william. The Vampyre(G. Dahlstrom). Radcliffe, Ann. A Sicilian Romance (Oxford Classics). http://www.ualberta.ca/~dmiall/Gothic/ | |
74. Lorne Macdonald - Department Of English coeditor (with Kathleen Scherf) of The Vampyre and Ernestus Berchtold; or, The ModernOedipus Collected Fiction of john william polidori (1994), Frankenstein http://www.english.ucalgary.ca/faculty/l_macdonald.htm | |
75. POLIDORI John-William : Une Page Non Officielle Translate this page polidori john-william. john-william polidori Grande Bretagne (07/09/1795- 08/1821) Médecin et secrétaire de Lord Byron en Suisse. http://www.bdfi.net/auteurs/p/polidori_john_william.htm | |
76. John William Strutt Definition Of John William Strutt. What Is John William Stru john william MacDougall (enc.) john william Mauchly (enc.) john william McCormack(enc.) john william Patrick Smith (enc.) john william polidori (enc.) john http://www.thefreedictionary.com/John William Strutt | |
77. The Life Of Dante Gabriel Rossetti Frances polidori s father was an Italian expatriate, and her mother was English.Her brother was john william polidori, author of The Vampyre. http://swc2.hccs.cc.tx.us/htmls/rowhtml/rossetti/Rossetti.htm | |
78. Ernestus Berchtold O El Moderno Edipo - CYbErDaRk.Net - (Celeste - Infernaliana) Translate this page Doctor en medicina, poeta, dramaturgo, novelista y cronista de los viajes de LordByron por Europa, john william polidori (1795-1821) tuvo una existencia http://www.cyberdark.net/ver.php3?cod=1174 |
79. AIM25: University College London: Polidori Letter and poet Alfieri; teacher of Italian in London; author of educational works; fatherof the physician and associate of Byron, john william polidori, and of http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=3444&inst_id=13 |
80. John William Polidori Definition Meaning Information Explanation ez2Find P Frederik (9) Poincaré, Jules Henri (12) Pointer Sisters, The (3) Polanyi, Michael(8) Polenzani, Rose (5) Poletti, Victor (0) polidori, john william (6) Polk http://www.free-definition.com/John-William-Polidori.html | |
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