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Phipps Wanda: more detail | |||||||
21. Wanda Phipps, Literature wanda phipps, Literature. Mind Honey All about the poetry and other creative activitiesof writer/performer wanda phipps. Homepage maintained by the author. http://www.art-5.com/literature/authors/p/wanda_phipps/ | |
22. "muse Apprentice Guild Announcements: Featured Writer, Culture Animal Award, Lit WORK. BY wanda phipps. EXCERPTS FROM A JOURNAL OF EMOTIONAL SENSATION wanda phipps. wanda phipps My poetry has been published in the chapbook Lunch Poems (Boog Literature) and in the http://www.muse-apprentice-guild.com/winter_2003/wandaphipps/home.html |
23. Wauu.DE: Arts: Literature: Authors: P: Phipps, Wanda of writer/performer wanda phipps. Homepage maintained by the author. http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Literature/Authors/P/Phipps__Wanda/ | |
24. Credits/Authors wanda phipps is a poet, journalist, dramaturg, translator as wellas a singer/songwriter. Her poems have appeared in over sixty http://www.jackmagazine.com/issue1/credits.html | |
25. "Rose Window, Or Prosettes" By Wanda Phipps me through the street. ©2002, wanda phipps. Back to first page wandas account of Speech Acts page 1, 2. wanda read Rose http://poetry.about.com/library/weekly/aa060502b.htm | |
26. Speech Acts: Poetry In Performance At The Educational Alliance Arts School wanda phipps reviews a typical poetry reading Mayhem madness as the theorist ismade to sit under the chair and the stage manager asks for 50 more bucks but http://poetry.about.com/library/weekly/aa060502a.htm | |
27. Wanda Phipps Biography And Quotes Sites If these resources do not have wanda phipps biography and quote informationthat you need, please contact one of the sites directly. wanda phipps. http://www.matchc.com/p_authors/Wanda_Phipps.html | |
28. Soft Skull: Wake-Up Calls 66 Morning Poems By Wanda Phipps; wanda phipps, who s written 66 wanda phippss series of poems is an extendedmeditation on what it feels like to be herself in the first light of day. http://www.softskull.com/detailedbook.php?isbn=1-932360-31-X |
29. Byliner: Writers: Wanda Phipps Byliner. Join Log in. Writers. wanda phipps. Add to your list. 1story found. Story, Date, Site. Morning Poem 40 , 8 Mar 2002, Salon.Home; http://www.byliner.com/writer/?id=5491 |
30. Byliner: Writers: P phipps, Claire, 6 Feb 2004, add to your list. phipps, wanda, 8 Mar2002, add to your list. Picarille, Lisa, 4 Sep 2000, add to your list. http://www.byliner.com/writers/?idx=p&p=6&view=l |
31. File:///Untitled wanda phipps. wanda s poems have appeared in over thirty journals includingEXQUISITE CORPSE, TRANSFER, RED TAPE, THE WORLD, HANGING http://www.cyberpoems.com/aboutwanda.html | |
32. Untitled By Wanda Phipps while longing to seduce solitude as my best and brightest companionI look inside I fill my mouth. © copyright 1997 wanda phipps. http://www.cyberpoems.com/untitled.html | |
33. A Fable Wanda Phipps A Fable wanda phipps (inspired by an Alice Notley suggestion). theysay the devil made him do it stealing the magic xylophone from http://www.canwehaveourballback.com/phipps.htm | |
34. Wanda Degen Bonnie phipps, wanda Degen, Julie Davis, John McCutcheon, Evo Bluestein, Karen Muellerand many others. Produced by Mark Howard, Ron Wall, and Bryan Bowers. http://www.wandadegen.com/CD.html | |
35. Poetry York, Eddie Watkins, Eileen Tabios, Heather Sweeney, Sandra Simonds, Soraya Shalforoosh,Larry Sawyer, Summer Rogers, Sean Reagan, wanda phipps, Marvyn Petrucci http://users.rcn.com/wanda.interport/poetry.html | |
36. From "Mail Poems" By Wanda Phipps 2. hide from the little bear. with the lover of horses. how you nuzzlemy neck. thinking of her clean shaven pussy. makes me tremble. http://wso.williams.edu/~cbirtche/mpm/phipps2.html | |
37. From "Gray Fox Woman" By Wanda Phipps I am so full of sun. so full of morning light. so full . . . that I just wanna fuckeverybody. I wanna fall down rolling on the grass women. I want gray fox women. http://wso.williams.edu/~cbirtche/mpm/phipps1.html | |
38. Jezebel New York chiaki with Bubblyfish wanda phipps with Adam Kendall Miixxy Kaesha KVK Honeychild aka DJ Sugarfree special guest Holly Daggers SURPRISES! http://www.jezebelnyc.com/jezebel2.htm | |
39. Googlism Who Is Translate this page wanda peck, wanda peterson, wanda phillips. wanda phipps, wanda pierce,wanda porter. wanda rachel glinert, wanda reisel, wanda robinson. http://www.googlism.com/who_is/w_index.htm?navpage=9 |
40. Oregon State Snowmobile Association I would personally like to thank the convention chairs Lindy Bastian, Susan phipps,wanda Penner, John phipps, Sherri Hallett, Dave Elder and Dennis Jordan for http://www.oregonsnow.org/conv2003results.html | |
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