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81. I3814: Katherine (ABT 1875 - ____) BIRTH ABT 1875. Family 1 HELGELAND Oskar Kristensen HELGELAND. katherine INDEX. HOME. Isabell philips. ABT 1788 . http://nsgna.ednet.ns.ca/miller/d0001/g0000090.htm | |
82. EMW-L Archives -- March 2002 (#8) for the Study of Early Modern Women EMWL@LISTSERV.UMD.EDU From Margaret Reeves mreeves@CHASS.UTORONTO.CA Subject Re katherine philips Content-Type text http://www.listserv.umd.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0203&L=emw-l&F=&S=&P=727 |
83. EMW-L Archives -- March 2002 (#6) Society for the Study of Early Modern Women EMWL@LISTSERV.UMD.EDU From MargaretThickstun mthickst@HAMILTON.EDU Subject katherine philips In-Reply-To http://www.listserv.umd.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0203&L=emw-l&F=&S=&P=527 |
84. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Edman To Edward Edson, katherine philips of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Calif. Republican.Delegate to Republican National Convention from California, 1920. Female. http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/edman-edward.html | |
85. Tygrysek-Team - Nowe Pokolenie Cyber M³odzie¿y konta.waw.pl Nieoficjalna strona katherine Heigl http http//www.gina-philips.konta.waw http://www.tygrysek-team.konta.waw.pl/ | |
86. Literary Encyclopedia Contributions Agreed Peacock, Thomas Love. Peirce, Charles Sanders. Pelevin, Viktor. Percy, Walker.Petrarch. philips, katherine. Plato. Pollock, Sharon. Pratt, EJ. Puccini, Giacomo. http://www.litencyc.com/contents/agreed.html | |
87. Principal Authors In The EVD 1742; Payne, Henry Nevil, dc.1710; Peaps, William, fl.1649; philips,Ambrose, 16741749; philips, katherine, 1632-1664; philips, William http://www.letrs.indiana.edu/evd/evdauth.html | |
88. Our Graduates Jefferson City High School (Missouri) Odom, A. Louis University of MissouriKansasCity philips, katherine Arlington, VA (Consultant) Plummer, Donna http://swbsec.missouri.edu/newourgrads.htm | |
89. Index2 Women writers have dated back to the 16th centuries and such women as Aphra Behn,Christine de Pizan, Jane Anger, Jane Austen and katherine philips have played http://merlin.alleg.edu/group/austen/My website/ | |
90. More On Philips 132. philips dvd737. 133. philips monitors. 134. coin philip iiii. 135. katherinephilips. 136. philip alexander delaware. 137. philip brown. 138. philip island. http://www.wordtally.com/philips.htm | |
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