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Panshin Alexei: more books (100) | |||||||
61. SciFan Writer Alexei Panshin (bibliography, Books, Series, Web home about links email. Writers alexei panshin (1940 - , United States), Bibliography, Get pricing and availability through http://www.scifan.com/writers/pp/PanshinAAlexei.asp&e=747 |
62. IN LOGOS VERITAS! - ERROR alexei panshin An Icon of the Creative Universe A Master of Science Fiction and Fantasy Quill - Paver of Past, Present, and Future. All about alexei panshin. http://www.inlogosveritas.com/science_fiction_and_fantasy_1/alexei_panshin.html& | |
63. Author Information Author Information. Comment! alexei panshin Rating 1.0 of 10 (1 votes) Comments 0 (show them) Biography Steven Jeffery, 2004 Terms of Use. http://www.iblist.com/author.php?id=2588&e=747 |
64. Invisible Library Titles TZ Jabberwocky, Kiwi. Thurb Revolution, The, panshin, alexei, Big Beaver Book, unknown, A sort of Boy Scout Manual, T. Mike Childs. Thurb Revolution http://www.invisiblelibrary.com/libtitle7.htm&e=747 |
65. Invisible Library Authors NQ panshin, alexei, Thurb Revolution, The, Beagle, Admiral Walter (writing as Mrs. Waldo Wintergood), Sammy Swims Upstream, T. Mike Childs. http://www.invisiblelibrary.com/libauthor4.htm&e=747 |
66. The Speculative Literature Foundation Norton, Andre good juveniles; O Dell, Scott ISLAND OF THE BLUE DOLPHINS; panshin, alexei RITE OF PASSAGE (a rebuttal to Heinlein s sexist Podkayne of Mars ); http://www.speculativeliterature.org/Reader/Booklists/bklists_funbooks6th.php&e= |
67. Common Content: Error alexei and Cory panshin s User Info. Name alexei and Cory panshin. Bio alexei and Cory panshin have been writing science fiction http://www.commoncontent.org/user/1009&e=747 | |
68. Alexei Panshin The Hugo Nomination of alexei panshin. 1969. Novel. Rite of Passage. 1990. NonFiction Book. The World Beyond the Hill Science Fiction http://web2.iadfw.net/tharvia/hugo_authors/panshin.html&e=747 |
69. Steampunk Authors P Alexei Panshin Authors P alexei panshin. Contents. Bibliographies Reviews. Search. Categories. Authors Awards Bibliographies Movies Organizations Reviews Television Writing http://www.steampunk.com/newsfch/Authors/P/Alexei_Panshin/&e=747 |
70. Alexei Panshin alexei panshin. Heinlein in Dimension A Critical Analysis by alexei panshin New Celebrations The Adventures of Anthony Villiers by alexei panshin. http://www.scifiwebhost.net/authors/p/alexeipanshin.html&e=747 |
71. Stories, Listed By Author panshin, alexei; ie, Alexis Adams panshin (1940 ); see pseudonym Louis JA Adams (books) (chron.) Sky Blue (with alexei panshin), (ss) Amazing Mar 1972 http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/isfac/s187.htm&e=747 |
72. Fiction : Rite Passage Alexei Panshin See Pics Rite Passage alexei panshin See Pics. RITE OF PASSAGE alexei panshin SEE PICS! PB. Powered Rite Of Passage by alexei panshin VGC p/b. http://www.eboomersworld.com/etc/MSIDN/rite.passage.alexei.panshin.see.pics.dprd | |
73. Y Fo Lire ! Liste Des Livres De Alexei PANSHIN Translate this page Contributeur, Collec. Genre, Infos. 115, La Révolution Thurb, alexei panshin, 1968, Masq. SF, SF, 29, Rite de Passage, alexei panshin, 1968, GalaxieB, SF, http://www.yfolire.net/sf/liste.php?rech4=662&zone4=aut&e=747 |
74. FANTASY SCIENCE FICTION STORIES (by Author) panshin, alexei, Books, 1969 NOV, br, (1940 ) transitional times in sf what will it be like in 5 years; Michael Crichton The Andromeda Strain; Clarke The http://www.sfsite.com/fsf/bibliography/fsfstorieswhop01.htm&e=747 |
75. Alexei Panshin Dragon s Libraryalexei panshin Books by the author alexei panshin. Look for the same at alexei panshin amazon.ca or at alexei panshin amazon.co.uk! http://www.dragonlibrary.com/scifi/author/Alexei_Panshin.php&e=747 |
76. RITE OF PASSAGE Alexei Panshin A RITE OF PASSAGE alexei panshin Ace 1978 Pb 254pgs No ISBN . Charming look at the life and coming of age of a young woman, Mia, who http://www.yetanotherbookreview.com/rite_of_passage.htm&e=747 |
77. ( P ) > Panshin, Alexei http://books-shop.yellowpages.pl/316R62C25_Science-Fiction-and-Fantasy-Authors-A | |
78. SCI-FI Obrad dospelosti, panshin, alexei, SF Název originálu Rite of Passage, preloil Zdenek Uhercík, vydal TRITON, 2003, 280 stran, cena 189 Kc, ISBN 80 http://pes.internet.cz/scifi/clanky/35625_0_0_0.html&e=747 |
79. SCI-FI 2.12. UKÁZKA alexei panshin, Obrad dospelosti alexei panshin. Obrad dospelosti alexei panshin. Dalí clánky tohoto autora alexei panshin http://pes.internet.cz/scifi/clanky/34341_57_44_0.html&e=747 |
80. Romane Versand Pegasos Translate this page panshin, alexei ANTHONY VILLIERS Der galaktische Dandy Verlag Bastei, Band 21158, Taschenbuch 1. Auflage 1982 (Zustand 1 sehr gut erhalten) . http://www.pegasos.de/sffp.html&e=747 |
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