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         Ovid:     more books (100)
  1. Ovid Metamorphoses by Humphries Rolfe, 1983
  2. Ovid: Amores, Metamorphoses : Selections by Ovid, Charbra Adams Jestin, et all 2000-03-01
  3. Ovid (Hermes Books Series) by Sara Mack, 1988-09-10
  4. The Green Felt Jungle by Ed Reid/ Ovid Demaris, 1964-01-01
  5. Ovid's Metamorphoses, in fifteen books. Translated by Mr. Dryden. Mr. Addison. ... And other eminent hands. Publish'd by Sir Samuel Garth, M.D. Adorn'd ... ... The fourth edition. Volume 1 of 2 by Ovid, 2010-06-10
  6. Ovid in Exile (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum) by Matthew M. McGowan, 2009-04-30
  7. Ovid's Heroines: A Verse Translation of the Heroides by Ovid, 1991-09-25
  8. Selections From The Metamorphoses And Heroides Of Publius Ovidius Naso (1889) by Ovid, George William Heilig, 2010-09-10
  9. Approaches to Teaching the Works of Ovid and the Ovidian Tradition (Approaches to Teaching World Literature)
  10. The Pygmalion Effect: From Ovid to Hitchcock (Louise Smith Bross Lecture Series) by Victor I. Stoichita, 2008-06-15
  11. The Love Books of Ovid by Jean De Bosschere, 1930-01-01
  12. Ovid:Heroides and Amores (Loeb Classical Library) by Grant Showerman, 1947
  13. Narrative dynamics in Ovid's Metamorphoses (Classica Monacensia) by Stephen Michael Wheeler, 2000
  14. The Heroïdes: Or, Epistles of the Heroines, the Amours, Art of Love, Remedy of Love, and Minor Works of Ovid by Ovid, Henry Thomas Riley, 2010-04-09

121. Persönlichkeiten Der Antike - Lateinische Autoren - Obsequens - Ovid - Persius
Lateinische Autoren
Seiteninhalt Obsequens Ovid Persius Petron ... Phaedrus Julius Obsequens : Obsequens (4. Jh. n. Chr.) - Werk: Liber prodigiorum Publius Ovidius Naso: Ovid (43 v. Chr. - 17 n. Chr.)
Bild eines Unbekannten - von Ovid existiert kein Bild
Bildquelle: Curriculum vitae - Coniunctiones et alia
  • Antike-Rezeption-Kunst - Eichstätter Datenbank - Darstellungen in illustrierten Ovid-Ausgaben Denkmal in Tomis - P. Rehfeld Grabinschrift in Tomis - P. Rehfeld Ovid - Biographie - Christian Kreienbühl Ovid - Biographie und Werke - Chris-Latin Ovid Ovid - Kupferstiche - P. Rehfeld Ovid - Kurzbiographie - Volker Stevens - Gymnasium Odenkirchen Ovid - Kurzbiographie - Gutenberg-Projekt Ovid Kurzbiographie - Thomas Golnik Ovid - Lateinische Literaturgeschichte - Gymnasium-Diplommittelschule St.Klemens Ovid - Leben und Werk anhand trist. 4.10 - Universität Erlangen Ovid - Leben und Werk - Lateinische Literaturgeschichte - Gymnasium-Diplommittelschule St.Klemens

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