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         Ovid:     more books (100)
  1. An Ovid Workbook (Latin Literature Workbook) (Latin Edition) by Charbra Adams Jestin, Phyllis B. Katz, 2006-06-01
  2. Ars Amatoria ("The Art of Love") (in three Books), Remedia Amoris ("Remedy of Love"), Medicamina Faciei Feminae ("The Art of Beauty"), The History of Love and The Court of Love (mobi) by Ovid, 2008-10-01
  3. Ovid in the Age of Cervantes by Frederick A. de Armas, 2010-05-01
  4. Games of Venus: An Anthology of Greek and Roman Erotic Verse from Sappho to Ovid (The New Ancient World)
  5. Ovid: Amores. Text, Prolegomena andCommentary in Four Volumes. Volume II.A Commentary on Book One (ARCA, Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs 22) (v. 2) by Amores : McKeown, J. C. Ovid, 1989-12-15
  6. "Metamorphoses": Ovid's Roman Games by Edgar M. Glenn, 1987-01-30
  7. Feminine Rhetorical Culture: Tudor Adaptations of Ovid's Heroides (American University Studies Series IV, English Language and Literature) by Deborah S. Greenhut, 1988-06
  8. Last Mafioso, The by Ovid Demaris, 1985-11-01
  9. Ovid's Metamorphoses: An Introduction to the Basic Aspects by Karl Galinsky, 1975-06-30
  10. A Companion to Ovid (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World)
  11. Works of Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso): Metamorphoses ("Transformations"), Amores ("The Loves"), Ars Amatoria ("The Art of Love"), Remedia Amoris ("Remedy ... Faciei Feminae ("The Art of Beauty") (mobi) by Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso), 2008-10-01
  12. TALES FROM OVID by Ovid. Transl. Ted Hughes, 1997
  13. Durchstarten in Latein. Übersetzungstraining für Ovid, Vergil und Co. (Lernmaterialien) by Wolfram Kautzky, 2003-01-01
  14. Ovid's Metamorphoses (1752) (Latin Edition) by Ovid, 2009-04-27

The Works of ovid Basque Baha i Bible Book of Shadows Buddhism Celtic Christianity Classics Homer Hesiod Aeschylus Sophocles Euripides Plato Virgil ovid Confucianism DNA

102. The Love Books Of Ovid: Index
Sacred Texts Classics ovid. THE LOVE BOOKS OF ovid. Latin ELEGY IV ovid, His Mistress And Her Husband Are All Bidden To The Same Supper.
Sacred Texts Classics Ovid
Introduction: I

Introduction: II

Introduction: III
... [Latin]

103. Ovid: The Metamorphoses
Lecture on ovid s Metamorphosis. Introduction. The text for this week is ovid s Metamorphosis, the only work we study from Latin Literature.
Lecture on Ovid's Metamorphosis [The following is the text of a lecture delivered in LBST 301 in November 1997 by Ian Johnston. This text is in the public domain, released November 1997] Introduction The text for this week is Ovid's Metamorphosis , the only work we study from Latin Literature. And that might strike you as rather curious. Most of us are aware that Latin has played a far more vital influence on our language than Greek or Hebrew and that the influence of Roman civilization on the development of Western Culture has been absolutely decisive. So you might well wonder why Roman civilization gets such a short treatment in Liberal Studies, in comparison, say, to the treatment of the Greeks and the Jews. I don't intend to answer that question in any detail, but, before turning our attention to Ovid, I would like to say some things about Roman culture and history by way of filling in some of the wide gap between Aristotle and Ovid, a leap of a little over three hundred years. I don't pretend that this is by any means an adequate survey, but it may help to remind us of some reasons why Ovid's text is, while very familiar in some respects, is decisively different from the texts we have been reading. A Historical Interlude At the time of Aristotle, Rome existed as a small, relatively insignificant city state (but growing in power) in mid-Italy. By legend the city had been founded about four hundred years previously (in 753 BC). But the city was certainly not yet significant enough to attract the attention of the important states to the east.

104. Vertex: WWW Login For Ovid Databases
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Vertex Online -palvelu on lääketieteen ja hoitotieteen tietopalvelu, jossa yhdistyvät viitetietokannat ja kokotekstin sisältävät elektroniset lehdet. Palvelun avulla on mahdollista käyttää mm. Medline (ml. PreMedline ) ja Cinahl -tietokantoja, jotka on integroitu Journals@Ovid Full Text -lehtiin. Käytettävissä ovat myös mm. Evidence Based Medicine -tietokannat, Current Contents uutuusseurantatietokanta, Books@Ovid Ovid@Hand ja MedWeaver
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105. ICM-Akademicki Serwer Baz Bibliograficznych
Witamy na serwerze. W systemie ovidNET dostepne sa bazy MEDLINE, INSPEC, ovid Biomedical Collections Core, II i III. Zapytania i uwagi do admin@ovid.
Witamy na serwerze W systemie OvidNET dostêpne s± bazy: MEDLINE, INSPEC, Ovid Biomedical Collections: Core, II i III. A by zalogowaæ siê:
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Akademie Medyczne:
Bia³ystok Bydgoszcz Gdañsk Lublin ... Wroc³aw
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Politechniki i Akademie Techniczne: AGH ATH ATR Bia³ystok ... Wroc³aw
Uniwersytety: Bia³ystok, Gdañsk ¦l±ski UJ UJ-BJ ... UMK
UW: fuw chem BUW psych ... ZielonaGóra
Instytuty i O¶rodki Badawcze: Centr.Onkol. CZMP I.Hematologii WIML Inne: A.Morska AR-Lublin AWF-Kraków AWF-Bia³aP Je¶li nie posiadasz jeszcze konta, zapoznaj siê z warunkami , jakie musisz spe³niaæ, ¿eby je otrzymaæ. Reorganizacja kont Dla pocz±tkuj±cych: wprowadzenie do OvidNET (na przyk³adzie MEDLINE). Zapytania i uwagi do: admin@OVID Ostatnia zmiana

106. Marcus Tullius Cicero
Translate this page (ovid, Met 1,34 f). - klassische Quellen des Gervasius Otia Imperialia, dec.1, cap.1. siehe auch Melodien zur Metrik (Hexameter). ovid, Metamorph.
Cicero: Somnium Scip. Ovid: Met. 1,1-88 - neu! - SBS [ Hans Zimmermann
Hans Zimmermann
lapsit exillis (index) Griechisch / Latein ...

107. Web-ezy - The Key To Better Searching For Information
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108. Detailed Information Of A Member
37th Parliament. Members of the House of Commons. ovid Jackson. Federal Political Experience. Political Affiliation Liberal Caucus.

109. Ovid Databases
Biosis, Passworded, YES. Caltech s ovid databases Passworded access Logon with Password (Request Password Specify ovid and provide your UID.). Biosis*.
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110. OVID:Fasti
ovid. Fasti. On the Roman Calendar . Browse below Download. Fasti Book I January. Book II February. Book III March. Book IV April. Book V May. Book VI June. Index ABCD.
OVID Fasti 'On the Roman Calendar' Browse below: Download Fasti Book I January Book II February Book III March Book IV April Book V May Book VI June Index ABCD DEFGHIJ LMNO PQRSTVXZ
This work MAY be FREELY reproduced, stored and transmitted, electronically or otherwise, for any NON-COMMERCIAL purpose. Back to Poetry In Translation Home Page for more translations. Last Modified 10/Apr/2004

111. USA Biomedical Library - Ovid Tutorial
This 40 minute, interactive ovid Tutorial is designed to show you stepby-step the basic components of a MEDLINE database search using the ovid Web Gateway.
Ovid Tutorial 2.0 University of South Alabama Biomedical Libraries
Reviewed and revised as of January 18, 2000
This 40 minute, interactive Ovid Tutorial is designed to show you step-by-step the basic components of a MEDLINE database search using the Ovid Web Gateway.
  • Instructions for using this Tutorial Formulating your question Developing your search strategy
  • 112. The San Antonio College LitWeb Ovid Page
    The ovid Page. ( 43 BC AD 17 ). In nova fert animus mutatas dicere formas / corpora Like the following work, a product of ovid s unhappy exile from Rome.
    The Ovid Page
    ( 43 B. C.- A. D. 17 )
    In nova fert animus mutatas dicere formas / corpora...
    Major Works
    Amores . This work and the following four are translated and introduced by Peter Green in The Erotic Poems . Penguin.
    The Art of Love.
    Remedies of Love.
    Cosmetics for Women.
    Verse letters of famous heroines to their lovers. Translated with Introduction and notes by Harold Isbell. Penguin.
    The Metamorphoses . George Sandys ( 1640 ) Translation On Line On Line from M.I.T.
    The Metamorphoses has also been translated into verse by Humphries ( Indiana, 1955 ), Gregory ( Mentor, 1960 ), and Mandelbaum ( Harcourt Brace, 1993 ).
    Fasti. Half-completed poetic calendar. Tristia. Like the following work, a product of Ovid's unhappy exile from Rome. Both appear in Poems of Exile . Translated and introduced by Peter Green. Penguin, Letters from the Sea. About Ovid Sara Mack, Ovid . Yale, 1988. Intended as an introduction for the general reader. Structure of the Metamorphoses Pictures from the Ambrose Collection . Excellent. The Ovid Project Ovid Look-up Tool from Perseus Project.

    113. Horace And Ovid
    Horace and ovid are poets of highly finished and polished verseform, masters of the polished word. TWO ROMAN POETS Horace and ovid.
    TWO ROMAN POETS: Horace and Ovid
    Rather than abridge extensive material on these two important authors, about whom there is simply too much to say, I am going to refer the reader to the HORACE and OVID articles in the famous Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition (l910) This is the last of the great editions of the Britannica, fine scholarly articles signed by leaders in their fields. THere are detailed scholarly backgrounds, firstrate descriptions of their poetry by one of the leading critics of the turn of the century (Sellar) - read these articles carefully and enjoy their scholarly but at the same time well-written prose style. One cannot do better in this case than "refer". Often it is hard to grasp the infinite care and polish of Horace's Odes, especially when one is struggling at intermediate level with the complex language structure, let alone the difficult verse forms. Although it seem a strange notion, I strongly suggest reading Houseman's Shropshire Lad carefully as the best way of preparing for grasping the infinite polish of Horace's style. Houseman was of course a complete Classical scholar, as well as poet. Although his rhyming poems may seem at first glance quite diffrent from Horace's rhythmically accented Latin, the compactness and tightness of form is much the same. But beyond this, Houseman has the same notions of filing and polishing for which Horace is famous, and I can think of no bettr analog for Horace than very slow and careful reading of Houseman.

    . The starting point for ovid is Ephedra, aC/C++ to Java source code transformation environment....... They are now available as part of the ovid CVS.

    115. Ovid. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
    The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. ovid. The poems of ovid fall into three groups—erotic poems, mythological poems, and poems of exile.
    Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia See also: Ovid Quotations PREVIOUS NEXT CONTENTS ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso) ( d) ( KEY B.C.

    116. Ovid: Metamorposes
    Liber VI. Liber VII. Liber VIII. Liber IX. Liber X. Liber XI. Liber XII. Liber XIII. Liber XIV. Liber XV. ovid, The Latin Library, The Classics Homepage.
    P. OVIDI NASONIS METAMORPHOSES Liber I Liber II Liber III Liber IV ... The Classics Homepage

    117. Ovid Bibliography
    ovid, Publius ovidius Naso, Hellenistic Bibliography, Greek Poetry, Latin Poetry, Metamorphoses, Amores, Love Elegy, Classics, Arts, Leiden University. ovid.

    118. Leeds University Library - Medline Tutorial
    ovid Technologies for permission to use the screenshots Duke University Medical Center Library for the inspiration. Updated September
    @import url(/library/css/lib3.css); You are here: Library Subjects Medicine Training Medline tutorial FAQ A-Z index Search Site Map ... Contact us
    Medline tutorial
    On this page: Introduction Acknowledgements
    Introduction Top of page
    This is a self contained tutorial to introduce you to searching the Medline database, it will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. To follow the tutorial, read the information that appears on the screen, and when you start using the database, follow the instructions that appear in the yellow boxes on screen. Please take a few moments to fill in the evaluation form at the end of the tutorial. Start the tutorial
    Acknowledgements Top of page
    OVID Technologies
    for permission to use the screenshots Duke University Medical Center Library for the inspiration
    Updated September 25, 2003

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