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Olds Sharon: more books (100) | ||||||
61. Scs.student.virginia.edu/~3point7/so.html Omega Facultysharon olds. sharon olds is the author of numerous volumes of poetry, including Blood, Tin, Straw (1999), The Wellspring (1996), and The Gold Cell (1987). http://scs.student.virginia.edu/~3point7/so.html |
62. Powell's Books - The Unswept Room By Sharon Olds ISBN 0375709983 Author olds, sharon Publisher Alfred A. Knopf Subject American Subject American General Edition Number 1st ed. Series Volume 10381 http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/partner?partner_id=27138&cgi=biblio&inkey=65-0375 |
63. Sharon Olds, The Gold Cell sharon olds, The Gold Cell (Knopf, 1987). The rites of passage, the cycle of life are treated with startling candor and beauty in the poetry of sharon olds. http://www.rambles.net/olds_goldcell.html | |
64. [minstrels] Sex Without Love -- Sharon Olds 812 Sex Without Love. Title Sex Without Love. Poet sharon olds. Date 16 Jun 2001. sharon olds. Comments A poem that is not easily forgettable? http://www.cs.rice.edu/~ssiyer/minstrels/poems/812.html | |
65. Poets Galway Kinnell And Sharon Olds To Read At The Library Of Congress On Thursday evening, March 28, poets Galway Kinnell and sharon olds will read from their work in the Montpelier Room on the sixth floor of the James Madison http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/1996/96-041.html | |
66. Dan Schneider On Sharon Olds' Orifices 02. Jessica Schneider So, Don, what do you think of sharon olds?. olds, sharon. Blood, Tin, Straw. Oct. 1999. 112p. Knopf http://www.cosmoetica.com/D18-DES13.htm | |
67. KENNETH AGUILLARD ATCHITY COLLECTION: FOLDER LISTING CONTINUED Box 8 Fold 53 olds, sharon DATE SPAN 05/15/1978 06/01/1978 DESCRIPTION 2 TLSs from sharon olds to KJA regarding Contemporary Quarterly. . http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/fl/f116}16.htm | |
68. Seattle Arts & Lectures -Sharon Olds Biography Born in San Francisco in 1942, sharon olds was eduacted at Stanford University and Columbia University, where she earned her doctorate in 1972. http://www.lectures.org/olds.html | |
69. Poetry Archives @ EMule.com sharon olds. thanks sharon olds, The One Girl at the Boys Party (1983) When I take my girl to the swimming party I set her down among the boys. http://www.emule.com/2poetry/phorum/read.php?f=6&i=7071&t=7071 |
70. Sharon Olds And Quincy Troupe Poem THE CLASP. sharon olds is the author of six collections of poetry. sharon olds was the New York State Poet Laureate from 19982000. http://www.diacenter.org/prg/poetry/00_01/mustro.html | |
71. Ploughshares, The Literary Journal Boston, MA 02116 Donate to Ploughshares. Authors Articles sharon olds This bio was last updated on 07/31/2001. sharon olds. sharon http://www.pshares.org/crawler/a1144.html |
72. Fooling With Words With Bill Moyers: Teacher's Guide sharon olds There is something exciting to me about writing about something that I haven t written about before and that maybe I haven t read a lot of poems http://www.pbs.org/wnet/foolingwithwords/t_txtolds.html | |
73. Www.zoooom.it Translate this page STORIA DI UN PESCE di sharon olds. PIAZZA VITTORIO di Sara Ventroni. GLI ALIENI di Charles Bukowski. STORIA DI UN PESCE di sharon olds. http://www.zoooom.it/rubriche/giornalino.php?id=17&tipo=POESIA |
74. Unswept Room By Sharon Olds Reviewed By Michael Meyerhofer Unswept Room by sharon olds Reviewed by Michael Meyerhofer. I recently had the opportunity to read sharon olds newest book of poetry http://www.circlemagazine.com/issuetwentynine/unswept.html | |
75. Fertile Heart Poetry Sharon Olds The Unborn By sharon olds. Sometimes I can almost see, around our heads, Like gnats around a streetlight in summer, The children we could have, The glimmer of http://www.fertileheart.com/poetry/p.po.olds.html | |
76. The New York Review Of Books: Sharon Olds Bibliography of books and articles by sharon olds, from The New York Review of Books. The New York Review of Books. sharon olds. From the Archives. http://www.nybooks.com/authors/3071 | |
77. Sex Without Love Sex Without Love by sharon olds 1984 How do they do it, the ones who make love without love?Beautiful as dancers, gliding over each http://students.washington.edu/godess/propoetry/sex_without_love.htm |
78. SUNY Ulster - Campus Life April 28, 1994 ~ sharon olds. Reproduced below is the original press release announcing sharon olds selection as the first guest poet of the Poetry Forum. http://www.sunyulster.edu/people/Olds.asp | |
79. Sharon Olds reviewers Links Email NHI Review Web design by Gerald England This page last updated 6th July 2003. sharon olds BLOOD, TIN, STRAW. http://www.nhi.clara.net/bs0263.htm | |
80. A Note On Two Poems By Sharon Olds A Note on Two Poems by sharon olds. This article appeared originally in Notes on Contemporary Literature.. sharon olds has become http://www.wright.edu/~martin.kich/BookBox/Olds.htm | |
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