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         Neruda Pablo:     more books (101)
  1. Oda a una estrella by Pablo Neruda, 2009
  2. Crepusculario: Poemas (1920-1923) (Biblioteca breve ; 400 : Poesia) (Spanish Edition) by Pablo Neruda, 1977
  3. Todo El Amor (Spanish Edition) by Pablo Neruda, 1999-03
  4. Mi Vida Junto a Pablo Neruda (Spanish Edition) by Matilde Urrutia, 2002-12
  5. El caso Neruda/ The Neruda Case (Spanish Edition) by Roberto Ampuero, 2008-08-30
  6. Neruda's Garden: An Anthology of Odes (Discoveries (Latin American Literary Review Pr)) by Pablo Neruda, 1995-02
  7. El Fin Del Viaje: El Fin Del Viaje (Obras de Pablo Neruda) (Spanish Edition) by Pablo Neruda, 1982
  8. Pablo Neruda (Spanish Edition) by Alberto Szpunberg, 2008-01-01
  9. Pablo Neruda - Veinte Poemas de Amor y Una Canción Desesperada (Hispanic Texts) by Dominic Moran, 2007-06-15
  10. Pablo Neruda: The Poetics of Prophecy by Enrico Santi, 1982-08
  11. Earth Tones: The Poetry of Pablo Neruda by Manuel Dur-An, 1981-08
  12. Homenaje Cubano a Pablo Neruda by VV AA, 1948-01-01
  13. Las Caracolas de Pablo Neruda - Pablo Neruda´s Seashells by Cecilia Osorio - Manuel Dannemann, 2006-01-01
  14. Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda by Pablo NERUDA, 1963

Il sito contiene l'arte in varie forme con diversi autori. Tra i poeti ¨ possibile leggere alcune poesie di pablo neruda.
vi creai una web page var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
"In the middle of my life...i've found myself in a dark wood....and i've created a web site!!" Il motivo....Lo stesso per cui voi ci siete dentro....!!! Esistono i creatori e coloro che usufruiscono di tali creazioni....!!! "The reason...the same one you have to be here..!!! There are creators and who uses those creations!!! ...Eccola la' piu' brutta,la piu' immonda,la piu' maligna: LA NOIA ! Non si scalmana con gran gesti e grida, ma farebbe facilmente una rovina della terra e in uno sbadiglio ingoierebbe il mondo ..lasciate ogni speranza..voi che entrate "for you..that are getting inside...forget any hope" (..e dopo che siete entrati, fate il refresh della pagina...per caricare quella attuale/refresh the page once getting in) ..Non dimenticatevi di firmare il mio mitico guestbook.. ..Se avete suggerimenti...poesie...o disegni che potrebbero essere inseriti nel mio sito....scrivetemi.. "if you have any suggestions...poems...or paintings that you think i can put on my site..please write me.."

102. Neruda, Pablo (
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Neruda, Pablo
By Pablo Neruda
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103. Vi-E
Completa biograf­a del poeta complementada con fotos.
Tema Titulo Resumen Ecuentra todo en "Busca Chile"
Pablo Neruda
Ricardo Eliecer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto, nació el día 12 de julio de 1904 en Parral, pueblo de la zona central de Chile.
"Cuando nací mi madre se moría"; "Madre, he llegado tarde para besarte / para que con tus manos me bendigas", dirá el niño en sus primeros poemas, buscando la imagen de la madre que sólo conoce a través de una vieja fotografía encontrada en un baúl de los Mason, sus vecinos de Temuco. "Era una señora vestida de negro, delgada y pensativa. Me han dicho que escribía versos, pero nunca los vi, sino aquel hermoso retrato". Desde muy joven sintió la llamada de la poesía (el seudónimo, elegido porque "Pablo" porque le gusta el sonido y "Neruda", tomado del poeta checo Jan Neruda, comenzó a usarlo cuando apenas tenía dieciséis años).

104. Pablo Neruda - The Academy Of American Poets
pablo neruda The Academy of American Poets presents biographies, photographs, selected poems, and links as part of its online poetry exhibits. pablo neruda.
poetry awards poetry month poetry exhibits poetry map ... about the academy Search Larger Type Find a Poet Find a Poem Listening Booth ... Add to a Notebook Pablo Neruda Crepusculario ("Twilight"). He published the volume under the pseudonym "Pablo Neruda" to avoid conflict with his family, who disapproved of his occupation. The following year, he found a publisher for Veinte poemas de amor y una cancion desesperada ("Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair"). The book made a celebrity of Neruda, who gave up his studies at the age of twenty to devote himself to his craft. In 1927, Neruda began his long career as a diplomat in the Latin American tradition of honoring poets with diplomatic assignments. After serving as honorary consul in Burma, Neruda was named Chilean consul in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1933. While there, he began a friendship with the visiting Spanish poet . After transferring to Madrid later that year, Neruda also met Spanish writer Manuel Altolaguirre. Together the two men founded a literary review called Caballo verde para la poesîa Espana en el corazon (1937), published from the war front. Neruda's outspoken sympathy for the loyalist cause during the Spanish Civil War led to his recall from Madrid in 1937. He then returned to Europe to help settle republican refugees in the United States.

105. Pablo Neruda - The Academy Of American Poets
Biography, selected poems, and links.

106. Pablo Neruda - Poesie
Raccolta di poesie dell'autore in lingua italiana.
Neruda Pablo : Poesie
Su queste una raccolta delle migliori poesie di Pablo Neruda Posso scrivere ... Abbiamo perso Ah vastità di pini Bianca ape ronzi ... XLVIII sonetto Hai altre poesie di Pablo Neruda non presenti in questa raccolta? Inviacele e le aggiungeremo

107. Neruda, Pablo (Litteraturnettet)
ENDRE INFORMASJONEN om neruda, pablo? LEGG TIL FORFATTAR. OM VIRUS OG SPAM. neruda, pablo Chile 190473 Nobels litteraturpris 1971 Nobel e-museum neruda, pablo.

108. Entel Internet
Camina debajo del fondo del Oc©ano Pac­fico, conoce la casa del premio N³bel de Literatura pablo neruda y vive otras emocionantes aventuras.

109. Irish Gravestone Inscriptions, Tracing Your Irish Ancestors: Neruda, Pablo
neruda, pablo. pablo neruda — 1904 1973. Dead Woman. If suddenly you do not exist, if suddenly you no longer live, I shall live on.

110. Recordando A Pablo Neruda
Su vida, cronolog­a de sus obras, sus amores, sus casas, fotos y selecci³n de poemas.
Icarito Especiales Recordando a Pablo Neruda
l 21 de octubre de 1971 Este especial es un homenaje de Te invitamos a conocer su vida y su obra
Te invitamos a concer la vida del Premio Nobel de Literatura 1971.


Un recorrido por las hermosas casas del poeta.

Discurso pronunciado por Neruda al recibir el Premio Nobel de Literatura 1971.

111. Pablo Neruda: Biographie Et Liste De Poèmes
Translate this page pablo neruda, poesie iranienne, francaise, anglaise, italienne, espagnole, traduction, translation. Le 24 septembre 1973, pablo neruda meurt à Santiago.
Français English
Pablo Neruda
Il reste que je ne suis qu'un homme, mais plusieurs vous diront quel homme j'ai été. J'ai toujours lutté pour le peuple et les droits de celui-ci de se gouverner lui-même, j'en ai frôlé la mort plus d'une fois et j'ai même dû me sauver de chez moi pour de longues années. Mais toujours j'ai écrit et aimé la vie. Mon oeuvre a fait le tour du monde et je suis devenu un symbole pour une jeunesse pleine de vie. Les élèves aimeront mon Chant général où je tente de faire sentir toute la beauté du monde. J'aime la vie et le monde. J'ai été heureux dans ma lutte incessante. Notez cher lecteur qu'un film fut fait sur mes relations avec un postier lors de mon exil en Italie, un film merveilleux de tendresse mettant en vedette Philippe Noiret: Il Postino
Neruda, Pablo (Neftali Reyes)
D'origine modeste, Pablo Neruda, de son vrai nom Ricardo Neftali Reyes Basoalto, est né le 12 juillet 1904 à Parral, au Chili. Son enfance, très proche de la nature, a pour cadre Temuco, petite ville de l'Araucanie. Dès l'adolescence, et pendant ses études dans la capitale Santiago, il écrit avec avidité. Depuis 1923, date de Crépusculaire (Crepusculario)
À partir de 1927, Pablo Neruda occupe plusieurs postes consulaires: Rangoon, Colombo, Batavia, Buenos Aires.

112. Pablo Neruda Poems
Here are some poems from one of the world s greatest poet, pablo neruda. Enjoy!! Ode to the Book translated by Nathaniel Tarn When I close a book I open life.
Here are some poems from one of the world's greatest poet, Pablo Neruda. Enjoy!!
Ode to the Book
translated by Nathaniel Tarn
When I close a book
I open life.
I hear
faltering cries
among harbours.
Copper ignots
slide down sand-pits
to Tocopilla. Night time. Among the islands our ocean throbs with fish, touches the feet, the thighs, the chalk ribs of my country. The whole of night clings to its shores, by dawn it wakes up singing as if it had excited a guitar. The ocean's surge is calling. The wind calls me and Rodriguez calls, and Jose Antonio I got a telegram from the "Mine" Union and the one I love (whose name I won't let out) expects me in Bucalemu. No book has been able to wrap me in paper, to fill me up with typography, with heavenly imprints or was ever able to bind my eyes, I come out of books to people orchards with the hoarse family of my song, to work the burning metals or to eat smoked beef by mountain firesides. I love adventurous books, books of forest or snow, depth or sky but hate the spider book in which thought has laid poisonous wires to trap the juvenile and circling fly.

113. Pablo Neruda: La Poesia Latinoamericana Contemporanea
Breve biografia dell'autore, associata alla segnalazioni di link su pablo neruda. E' possibile effettuare una ricerca dei libri del poeta in lingua italiana e inglese.


CLICCA QUI Novita' ... Perchè gli audiolibri?
Pablo Neruda (1904-1973)
, pseudonimo di Neftali Ricardo Reyes y Basoalto, poeta cileno considerato uno dei maggiori poeti del ventesimo secolo. Neruda nacque a Parral in Cile e comincio' a scrivere le prime poesie da giovanissimo per poi diventare insegnante. Nel 1924 il suo Viente poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
Edizione inglese

Edizione italiana

Three Poems of Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda Reads
A collection of Neruda's best poetry read by the author in Spanish.
Pablo Neruda su Vida
biography with a video and comments (espanol and english)
Pablo Neruda
Web site dedicated to the author
The Nobel Prize Internet Archive:Pablo Neruda
,with many links to sites about the author © il Narratore Associazione Culturale

114. Parral
Informaci³n acerca de actividades, turismo, historia, folklore y pablo neruda.

115. La Poésie Que J'aime ... ~ NERUDA, Pablo  (1904-1973)
Translate this page Cette page utilise des cadres, mais votre navigateur ne les prend pas en charge.
Cette page utilise des cadres, mais votre navigateur ne les prend pas en charge.

116. Pablo Neruda Escribe Su Testimonio Del 11 De Septiembre De 1973
Texto completo de las reflexiones del autor sobre la ca­da del Presidente Allende y la asunci³n del Presidente Pinochet en Chile.
Inicio Novedades Homenajes Noticias ... Foro A tres días del golpe Pablo Neruda escribe su testimonio
Mi pueblo ha sido el más traicionado de este tiempo. De los desiertos del salitre, de las minas submarinas del carbón , de las alturas terribles donde yace el cobre y lo extraen con trabajos inhumanos las manos de mi pueblo, surgió un movimiento liberador de magnitud grandiosa. Ese movimiento llevó a la presidencia de Chile a un hombre llamado Salvador Allende, para que realizara reformas y medidas de justicia inaplazables, para que rescatara nuestras riquezas nacionales de las garras extranjeras. Donde estuvo, en los paises más lejanos, los pueblos admiraron al presidente Allende y elogiaron el extraordinario pluralismo de nuestro gobierno . Jamás en la historia de la sede de las Naciones Unidas, en Nueva York, se escuchó una ovación como la que le brindaron al presidente de Chile los delegados de todo el mundo. Aquí en Chile se estaba construyendo, entre inmensas dificultades, una sociedad verdaderamente justa, elevada sobre la base de nuestra soberania, de nuestro orgullo nacional, del heroismo de los mejores habitantes de Chile. De nuestro lado, del lado de la revolución chilena, estaban la Constitución y la ley, la democracia y la esperanza.

117. La Poésie Que J'aime ... ~ NERUDA, Pablo (
Translate this page pablo neruda au Jardin des Muses. - Le site de la Fondation neruda au Chili (en Espagnol). - un site dédié à pablo neruda. - 60 poèmes traduits en anglais.
LA CENTAINE D'AMOUR Il a écrit ces 100 « sonnets de bois » à son grand amour, sa dernière femme Matilde Urrutia.
Matilde Urrutia (extraits) Au sein de la terre, j'écarterai
les émeraudes pour t'apercevoir
et toi d'une plume d'eau messagère
tu seras en train de copier l'épi.
Quel univers ! Quel stimulant persil !
Quel navire voguant sur la douceur !
Et toi peut-être et moi aussi topaze !
Toutes ensemble sonneront les cloches.
Il ne restera plus que tout l'air libre
avec la pomme emportée par le vent, dans la ramée le livre succulent, et au lieu où respirent les oeillets nous fonderons un habit qui supporte l'éternité d'un baiser victorieux. Pablo Tu arrives du Sud avec ses maisons pauvres, dures régions du froid, du tremblement de terre

118. Pablo Neruda Poems
Online texts of a selection of poems by neruda.
Here are some poems from one of the world's greatest poet, Pablo Neruda. Enjoy!!
Ode to the Book
translated by Nathaniel Tarn
When I close a book
I open life.
I hear
faltering cries
among harbours.
Copper ignots
slide down sand-pits
to Tocopilla. Night time. Among the islands our ocean throbs with fish, touches the feet, the thighs, the chalk ribs of my country. The whole of night clings to its shores, by dawn it wakes up singing as if it had excited a guitar. The ocean's surge is calling. The wind calls me and Rodriguez calls, and Jose Antonio I got a telegram from the "Mine" Union and the one I love (whose name I won't let out) expects me in Bucalemu. No book has been able to wrap me in paper, to fill me up with typography, with heavenly imprints or was ever able to bind my eyes, I come out of books to people orchards with the hoarse family of my song, to work the burning metals or to eat smoked beef by mountain firesides. I love adventurous books, books of forest or snow, depth or sky but hate the spider book in which thought has laid poisonous wires to trap the juvenile and circling fly.

119. Bed & Breakfast Garivalpo Lodging Turism Valparaiso CHILE:::::::::::::::::::::::
Hospedaje en c³moda casa de fines de siglo, a 3 minutos del centro de la ciudad, cerca de La Sebastiana(Casa pablo neruda), Muelle Bar³n, Ascensores Monjas, Polanco y Congreso Nacional.
welcome GARIBALDI # 191 Telephone : 0056-32-213402 - 490920 - 0-92978237 Valparaiso Chile E-mail :

120. Welcome To Pablo Neruda, Pablo Neruda, Pablo Neruda Famous Poet
Welcome to pablo neruda, pablo neruda, pablo neruda famous poet webpage Famous poems/poetry can be found here at pablo neruda poetry site pablo neruda.

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