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81. Genealogy Data Back to Main Page. nelson, marilyn Joan Birth living Gender Female FamilySpouse Sprinkle, Ronald Leo Birth living Gender Male Parents http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~grantham/html/dat120.htm | |
82. Gonzaga University Staff: Marilyn Nelson marilyn nelson Asst To VP, Student Life. http://www.gonzaga.edu/archimedes/staff/main.cfm?SID=023008085049Ne |
83. The National Book Foundation marilyn nelson James Monroe Campus Schools Bronx, New York May 1317,2002. This has been a tough year for our students. marilyn s http://www.nationalbook.org/famlit2002mnelson.html | |
84. SIGGRAPH 2003 On-line Art Gallery (click on thumbnail to view a larger version), marilyn nelson Universityof Arkansas Arkansas, USA mnelson@uark.edu, US Naval Signal http://www.siggraph.org/artdesign/gallery/S03/2d/0446.html | |
85. Poetry Reading By Marilyn Nelson Poetry Reading by marilyn nelson. http://www.torringtonct.org/Public_Documents/TorringtonCT_CommCal/00369D93-000F8 | |
86. Karen Nelson - Jesse H. Jones Graduate School Of Management Richard Frankel, marilyn F. Johnson and Karen K. nelson. 2002. The Research.marilyn F. Johnson, Karen K. nelson and AC Pritchard. 2000. http://jonesgsm.rice.edu/Faculty/Karen_Nelson/Default.asp | |
87. Marilyn Nelson Clark Written by marilyn nelson Clark Published by Primrose Press (April 1994) ISBN1884617247 Price $12.95. See Also. Civilization Tomb. Islam Structure. http://health-books-online.net/search_Marilyn_Nelson_Clark/searchBy_Author.html | |
88. Poetry Reading With Marilyn Nelson Event Poetry Reading with marilyn nelson, Coordinator Melissa Morphew,Office / Department English Department, Date Thursday, March 11, 2004, http://www.shsu.edu/~slo_www/orange_key/Events/Poetry Reading.html | |
89. Enterprising Women o, our partners. o, our advertisers. o, advisory board. o, friends of EW. o, contributingarticles. o, contact us. Enterprising Women Hall of Fame. marilyn Carlson nelson. http://www.enterprisingwomen.com/nelson.htm | |
90. PRESS RELEASE: Marilyn Nelson To Receive Award At Berlin Hotel Investment Confer Free Press Release Service) The hosts of the upcoming 5th Annual International HotelInvestment Forum (IHIF) have announced that marilyn nelson, chairman and http://www.prweb.com/releases/2001/12/prweb31042.htm | |
91. Complete Record Information Author nelson, marilyn McCord. Title A practical guide to neural nets/ marilyn McCord nelson and WT Illingworth. Publisher Reading, Mass. http://nucleus.cshl.org/worldpac/eng/r000007/r006101.htm | |
92. 2001 NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FINALIST MARILYN NELSON TO READ 2001 NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FINALIST marilyn nelson TO READ. FAYETTEVILLE,Ark. marilyn nelson, whose most recent book Carver A http://advancement.uark.edu/news/NEWS_ARCHIVES/Oct01/MarilynNelsonReading.html | |
93. Poetry Reading By Marilyn Nelson Set Nov. 18 Poetry reading by marilyn nelson set Nov. 18. 12, 2003Poet marilyn nelson willread from her own work at 730 pm, Tuesday, Nov. 18, in 127 Memorial Hall. http://www.udel.edu/PR/UDaily/2004/nelson111203.html | |
94. SSRN Author Page For Karen Nelson Between Auditors Fees for NonAudit Services and Earnings Management Richard M.Frankel , marilyn F. Johnson and Karen K. nelson Massachusetts Institute of http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=2221 |
95. A Practical Guide To Neural Networks By Marilyn McCord Nelson , W T. Illingworth A Practical Guide to Neural Networks by marilyn McCord nelson , WT. Illingworth Book. crimsonbird.com Online Discount Shopping http://www.crimsonbird.com/cgi-bin/a.cgi?j=0201523760 |
96. Genealogy Data Father Eisemann, Fredrick John Mother Kennedy, Muriel. Family SpouseNelson, marilyn Death 15 Jun 1980 Rockhampton. Children http://home.worldoptions.com.au/nadsett/gedcom/dat6.htm | |
97. GLSP Summer 2004. Fully Enrolled. HUMS 620 Poetry Workshop Fun with the Sonnet. nelson,MarilynR. 06/14/2004 06/18/2004 Note Special Schedule -. Fisk Hall 412. http://www.wesleyan.edu/glsp/course-information/su04_descriptions/hums620.ctt | |
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