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21. NABOKOV, VLADIMIR International forfatterbibliografi. http://www.bibliografi.dk/nabokov_vladimir.htm | |
22. Vladimir Nabokov Translate this page Home_Page vladimir nabokov (1899-1977), Novelista estadounidense de origen ruso, poeta y crítico, considerado como una de las principales http://www.epdlp.com/nabokov.html | |
23. Vladimir Nabokov Index Translate this page vladimir nabokov. Diese Webseite wurde im Verlauf einer Gruppenlesung von vladimir nabokovs Roman Fahles Feuer (dt. 1968) auf der http://www.ottosell.de/nabokov/ | |
24. { W A X W I N G } The Vladimir Nabokov Appreciation Site Resources Tributes Contact Shop. who? His full name was vladimir vladimirovich nabokov. Born on April 22, 1899 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Died on July 2, 1977, Montreux, Switzerland. Snippets of nabokov's novels Also a good lesson in how to begin a novel, or a http://www.fulmerford.com/waxwing/nabokov.html | |
25. Vladimir Nabokov vladimir nabokov was born in St. P ESY, 1990; SOBRANIE SOCHINENII, 1990, 1992, 1995 (4 vols.); THE STORIES OF vladimir nabokov, 1995 (edited by Dmitri nabokov); http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/nabokov.htm | |
26. Salon Directory Collection of articles about the novelist. http://www.salon.com/directory/topics/vladimir_nabokov/ | |
27. Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov Review of the book one of the modern greats , rated A+. Includes extracts from other reviews. http://www.complete-review.com/reviews/nabokovv/lolita1.htm | |
28. Vladimir Nabokov Centennial | Home his April, Vintage Books and Everyman s Library invite you to join in the international celebration of vladimir nabokov s 100th birthday. http://www.randomhouse.com/features/nabokov/ | |
29. Berlin: Kultur Buchbesprechung von Gustav Falke. http://www.berlinonline.de/kultur/lesen/belle/.xtml/belle.199801.15.html | |
30. Enfocarte.com - N°11 - Entrevista A Nabokov Entrevista al autor realizada por Bernard Pivot, en su programa televisivo Apostrophes, en mayo de 1975. http://www.enfocarte.com/1.11/entrevista.html | |
31. Vladimir Nabokov: A Who2 Profile vladimir nabokov. . Writer/Lepidopterist. vladimir nabokov's novel Lolita was so controversial that it went unpublished in http://www.who2.com/vladimirnabokov.html | |
32. The International Vladimir Nabokov Society vladimir nabokov vlahDEE-mir nah-BOA-kov, 1899-1977; novelist, poet, scholar, translator, and lepidopterist. A cosmopolitan Russian http://www.libraries.psu.edu/nabokov/bio.htm |
33. TecaLibri: Vladimir Nabokov: Opere Bibliografia dello scrittore, con brani scelti tratti dal romanzo Lolita. http://web.genie.it/utenti/t/tecalibri/N/NABOKOV_OPE.htm | |
34. Nabokov, Vladimir nabokov, vladimir, vlädE mir näbô kof Pronunciation Key. nabokov, vladimir , 18991977, RussianAmerican author, b. St. Petersburg, Russia. http://www.infoplease.com/ce5/CE036146.html | |
35. A Contrapuntal Theme Quotations from vladimir nabokov and Dorothy Sayers reflect one another in a pattern suggesting (as in John Shade's remarks in Pale Fire) life after death. http://m759.freeservers.com/2001-03-05-contrapuntal.html | |
36. NABOKOV By Mary Gaitskill. http://www.salon.com/12nov1995/feature/nabokov.html | |
37. Images - Hitchcock/Nabokov Essay from Images Journal by James A Davidson comparing the work of the director with the Russian author. http://www.imagesjournal.com/issue03/features/hitchnab1.htm | |
38. ECampus.com - Books And Stuff. Cheap! TEXTBOOKS and STUFF. EASY. FAST. CHEAP. eCampus.com find books, textbooks and college gear. Author(s) nabokov, vladimir / ISBN 0679727221 / Paperback / 8/1/1990 Author(s) nabokov, vladimir http://www.ecampus.com/search.asp?qtype=AUTHOR&qsearch=NABOKOV, VLADIMIR |
39. Lolita - Tempi Moderni Informazioni su cast artistico e tecnico, trama del film, giudizio critico e recensione a cura di Francesco Troiano. Interviste ad Adryan Lyne, vladimir nabokov e Jeremy Irons a cura di Luigi De Angelis. http://www.tempimoderni.com/1997/lolita.htm | |
40. Filmempfehlung »Lolita« (1997) Kurze Besprechung einer gelungenen Verfilmung des Romans von vladimir nabokov. http://www.beilharz.com/qs/qs-lolita.htm | |
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