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         Milosz Czeslaw:     more books (100)
  1. Dynamics of Being, Space, and Time in the Poetry of Czeslaw Milosz and John Ashbery (Studies in Modern Poetry) by Barbara Malinowska, 2000-06
  2. Poezje by Czeslaw Milosz,
  3. Czeslaw Milosz and Joseph Brodsky: Fellowship of Poets by Prof. Irena Grudzinska Gross, 2009-11-24
  4. The Eternal Moment: The Poetry of Czeslaw Milosz by Aleksander Fiut, 1990-01-23
  5. Der Dichter in seinem Dichtersein: Versuch einer philosophisch-theologischen Deutung des Dichterseins am Beispiel von Czeslaw Milosz (European university ... Series XX, Philosophy) (German Edition) by Andrzej Wiercinski, 1997
  6. Between Anxiety and Hope: The Writings and Poetry of Czeslaw Milosz by Edward Mozejko, 1988-01-01
  7. My Century (New York Review Books Classics) by Aleksander Wat, 2003-12-31
  8. Lucifer Unemployed by Aleksander Wat, 1990-02-01
  9. L'immoralite de l'art (French Edition) by Czeslaw Milosz, 1988
  10. Native Realm: A Search for Self Realism by Czeslaw Milosz, 1988
  11. El Valle Del Issa (Spanish Edition) by Czeslaw Milosz, 2002-01
  12. A Book of Luminous Things: An International Anthology of Poetry
  13. A Book of Luminous Things: An International Anthology of Poetry
  14. El Pensamiento Cautivo by Czeslaw Milosz, 1988-01

41. Milosz, Czeslaw - Vita
Translate this page Die Zukunft der Erinnerung.Günter Grass,czeslaw milosz,Wislawa Szymborska,Tomas Venclova, Gesprächs-Dokumentation (2001, Steidl).
Czeslaw Milosz *30.Juni 1911 in Szetejnie (Seteiniai) bei Kedainiai/Litauen, lebt und arbeitet in Krakau/Polen Stationen u.a. Studium an der Universität Wilna. Parisaufenthalte. Begegnung mit dem entfernt verwandten Dichter Oscar Milosz . Arbeit beim polnischen Rundfunk. Im 2. Weltkrieg im Widerstand gegen die Nazi-Besatzer. 1935 Emigration nach Warschau und 1940 über Frankreich in die USA. 1945-51 Kulturattaché in New York, Washington und Paris. Bruch mit dem stalinistischen Regime. 1951 Übersiedlung in die USA. Seit 1960 Professur für Slawistische Literatur an der Universität Berkeley. Arbeitsgebiete: Erzählung, Essay, Roman Auszeichnungen/Ehrungen/Preise (Auswahl) Paris-Stipendium. Nobelpreis für Literatur, Schweden (1980). Odra-Literaturpreis, Polen. 2001 Ehrenbürgerwürde von Vilnius/Litauen. Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl) Verführtes Denken , Essays (1953). Das Hündchen am Wegesrand (2000, Hanser). Tal der Issa , Roman (1955/2000, Eichborn). Geschichte der polnischen Literatur Wyprawa w Dwudziestolecie.Wydawnictwo Literackie (Literarischer Verlag, Krakau).

42. Czeslaw Milosz
Translate this page Literaturnobelpreis 1980 (Nobel Prize Literature 1980) czeslaw milosz, amerik. Schriftsteller poln. Herkunft, geb. 30. Juni 1911.
Literaturnobelpreis 1980
(Nobel Prize Literature 1980)
Czeslaw Milosz, amerik. Schriftsteller poln. Herkunft, geb. 30. Juni 1911

43. Milosz, Czeslaw: To
cleny KPP 115 Kc Pri objednávce online sleva 20% cena 103 Kc Pocet milosz, czeslaw. To. Polský básník a esejista, nositel
ISBN 80-7185-565-0
Mlejnek, Josef, vázaná, 120x165, 104 stran, 129 Kè, pro èleny KPP 115 Kè
Pøi objednávce online sleva 20%:
cena 103 Kè
Poèet :
Milosz, Czeslaw
Polský básník a esejista, nositel Nobelovy ceny za literaturu z r. 1980, se ve své deváté knize vydané v èeském pøekladu pøedstavuje poprvé pùvodní básnickou sbírkou. Lapidárnì pojmenovaný svazek veršù z roku 2000 lze považovat za vyvrcholení Mi³oszovy „ponobelovské“ tvùrèí etapy: devadesátiletý básník se v nìm s fascinující ostrostí pohledu ohlíží za svou životní poutí, básnickými druhy a tragièností i krásou svìta, do jejichž podstaty se s nepolevujícím, èasto polemickým zápalem opìtovnì pokouší proniknout. Czeslaw Milosz (1911), nositel Nobelovy ceny za literaturu z r. 1980, je emeritním profesorem slovanských jazykù na Kalifornské univerzitì v Berkeley.

44. Milosz, Czeslaw: Miloszowa Abeceda
milosz, czeslaw. miloszowa abeceda. Soubor krátkých zamyšlení velkého polského básníka a esejisty je fascinující procházkou
ISBN 80-7185-627-4
Vybral a z polštiny pøeložil Václav Burian., vázaná, 145x150, 248 stran, 229 Kè
Milosz, Czeslaw
Miloszowa abeceda
Soubor krátkých zamyšlení velkého polského básníka a esejisty je fascinující procházkou Miloszowým "osobním místopisem" uplynulých devadesáti let. Krátké úvahy, psané formou svérázných encyklopedických hesel, upoutají šíøí autorova zábìru i charakteristickým rukopisem, s nímž se Milosz vyjadøuje ke svým básnickým vzorùm, kolegùm i obecným problémùm umìní a spoleènosti. Czeslaw Milosz (1911), nositel Nobelovy ceny za literaturu z r. 1980, je emeritním profesorem slovanských jazykù na Kalifornské univerzitì v Berkeley. Žije v Krakovì.

45.  - Livres  - Czeslaw Milosz
czeslaw milosz » sont Voir tous les résultats pour « czeslaw milosz » en Livres.
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Czeslaw Milosz

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Le chien mandarin
Czeslaw Milosz

Mille Et Une Nuits ; broché ; poésie
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Histoire de la littérature polonaise Czeslaw Milosz André Kozimor Editions Fayard ; Expédié sous 4 à 8 jours Ajouter au panier titres de livres correspondant au nom d'auteur Afficher par : Défaut Niveau de vente Le plus récent d'abord Le plus ancien d'abord Disponibilité Ordre de A à Z Ordre de Z à A Prix croissant Prix décroissant Le chien mandarin Czeslaw Milosz Mille Et Une Nuits ; broché ; poésie Expédié sous 24h Ajouter au panier L'abécédaire Czeslaw Milosz Editions Fayard ; broché ; roman Expédié sous 24h Ajouter au panier Traité de théologie Czeslaw Milosz Jacques Donguy ... Michel Maslowski Cheyne Eds ; broché ; poésie Expédié sous 4 à 8 jours Ajouter au panier Histoire de la littérature polonaise Czeslaw Milosz André Kozimor Editions Fayard ;

46. Milosz, Czeslaw
milosz, czeslaw. March April 1984. Recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1980. He is an internationally honored poet, essayist
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Milosz, Czeslaw
March - April 1984 Recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1980. He is an internationally honored poet, essayist, and novelist, and has been hailed as "one of the greatest poets of our time, possibly the greatest." His novels include The Issa Valley, The Seizure of Power, and Lands of Ultro. Two volumes of his poetry have appeared in English: Selected Poems and Bells in Winter.
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47. Biografia De Milosz, Czeslaw
Translate this page milosz, czeslaw. (Szetejnie, 1911) Poeta polaco. Sobrino de OV de L. milosz. Se reveló como uno de los poetas más originales del
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Milosz, Czeslaw (Szetejnie, 1911) Poeta polaco. Sobrino de O.V. de L. Milosz. Se reveló como uno de los poetas más originales del s. XX desde sus primeros poemarios: Poema sobre el tiempo petrificado (1933) y Tres inviernos (1936). Sus novelas La toma del poder (1953) y El valle de Issa (1955) y su ensayo autobiográfico La otra Europa (1959-1960) revelaron sus dotes de profundo pensador, humanista y crítico; su obra maestra en este género es El pensamiento cautivo (1953), lúcido análisis de los mecanismos de autocensura que surgen en los regímenes totalitarios. Otros títulos a destacar son el relato autobiográfico Mis obligaciones (1972), el poemario Donde surge y donde se pone el sol (1974) y el ensayo El jardín de las ciencias (1979). Desde 1957 reside en EE UU. Recibió el premio Nobel de literatura en 1980. En 1996 publicó Señorita Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

48. Milosz, Czeslaw M Milosz, Czeslaw Authors's Literature & Fiction Books Book Onli
milosz, czeslaw M milosz, czeslaw Authors s Literature Fiction Books Book Online Books Shopping St Your one stop shopping place for all Books and Magazines
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The Girlfriends'' Guide to Pregnancy Life of Pi 10 More Actual, Official LSAT Preptests (LSAT Series) The Ultimate Hitchhiker''s Guide Product Search: In Milosz, Czeslaw Books Magazines All Products Home Authors, A-Z ( M ) Milosz, Czeslaw ... Display Images Hide Images (Text Only) Postwar Polish Poetry: An Anthology Native Realm: A Search for Self Definition A Book of Luminous Things: An International Anthology of Poetry New and Collected Poems : 1931-2001 A Treatise on Poetry My Century

49. Talking To My Body Book Milosz, Czeslaw M Milosz, Czeslaw Authors's Literature &
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Talking to My Body
Rating: List Price: Sale Price: You save: by Copper Canyon Press
Release Date: June, 1996
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Media: Paperback
Author: Anna Swirszczynska, Czeslaw Milosz, Leonard Nathan, Anna Swir, Leonaard Nathan
Usually ships within 24 hours Note: Displayed Prices are subject to change without notice.

50. Milosz, Czeslaw
milosz, czeslaw (1911 ). Polish poet, essayist, novelist, translator, and Nobel laureate, whose works are concerned predominantly
Milosz, Czeslaw
Polish poet, essayist, novelist, translator, and Nobel laureate, whose works are concerned predominantly with the effect of historical circumstance on human morality.
Milosz was born in šeteksniai, Lithuania, an area that became disputed territory after Poland was declared an independent state in 1918. In 1929 he entered the King Stefan Batory University in Wilno, Poland (present-day Vilnius, capital of Lithuania). His earliest poems appeared in a student publication at the university, where Milosz was cofounder of the leftist literary group Zagary (Polish for "charred wood"). Milosz's first two volumes of poetry, Poemat o czasie zastyglym (Poem of the Frozen Time, 1933) and Trzy zimy (Three Winters, 1936), anticipate the despair and moral confusion of World War II (1939-1945).
In 1934 Milosz received his law degree from the King Stefan Batory University, and traveled to Paris, France, on a scholarship to study literature. The following year he returned to Wilno to work at a radio station. When Germany invaded Poland in 1939, Milosz joined the underground movement of resistance to the Nazi occupation (see National Socialism) and edited an anthology of anti-Nazi poetry Piesn niepodlegla (Invincible Song, 1942).
After the war, Milosz worked as a cultural attaché at the Polish embassies in Paris and Washington, D.C., until 1950. He defected in 1951 and spent the next ten years in France, during which time he published "Zniewolony umysl" ("The Captive Mind," 1953), an acclaimed political essay about the effects of World War II on the values of four imaginary writers forced to rationalize Stalinism (see

51. Milosz, Czeslaw
milosz, czeslaw (1911). czeslaw milosz was born June 30, 1911 in Seteiniai, Lithuania, as a son of Aleksander milosz, a civil engineer
Milosz, Czeslaw Czeslaw Milosz was born June 30, 1911 in Seteiniai, Lithuania, as a son of Aleksander Milosz, a civil engineer, and Weronika, née Kunat. He made his high-school and university studies in Wilno, then belonging to Poland. A co-founder of a literary group "Zagary", he made his literary début in 1930, published in the 1930s two volumes of poetry and worked for the Polish Radio. Most of the war time he spent in Warsaw working there for the underground presses.
In the diplomatic service of the People's Poland since 1945, he broke with the government in 1951 and settled in France where he wrote several books in prose. In 1953 he received Prix Littéraire Européen. In 1960, invited by the University of California, he moved to Berkeley where he has been, since 1961, Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures. Presented with an award for poetry translations from the Polish P.E.N. Club in Warsaw in 1974; a Guggenheim Fellow for poetry 1976; received a honorary degree Doctor of Letters from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1977; won the Neustadt International Prize for Literature in 1978; received the "Berkeley Citation" (an equivalent of a honorary Ph.D.) in 1978; nominated by the Academic Senate a "Research Lecturer" of 1979/1980. From Nobel Lectures, Literature 1968-1980.

52. Snabbsök
milosz, czeslaw, ISSADALEN, 9176083799, 87.01, Pocket, 59.00 ca 59.00, milosz, czeslaw, NEW AND COLLECTED POEMS, 0060514485, 03.03, 159.00,, CZE

53. Milosz, Czeslaw (Litteraturnettet)
ENDRE INFORMASJONEN om milosz, czeslaw? LEGG TIL FORFATTAR. OM VIRUS OG SPAM. milosz, czeslaw Litauen / Polen / USA 1911 Nobels litteraturpris

54. Milosz, Czeslaw (Norwegian Writers' Web)
CHANGE INFORMATION on milosz, czeslaw? ADD AUTHOR. milosz, czeslaw Lithuania / Poland / USA 1911 The Nobel Award 1980 Nobel e-museum milosz, czeslaw.

55. Milosz, Czeslaw - LaCentral - Barcelona
Translate this page milosz, czeslaw Abecedario. Diccionario de una vida Ediciones Turner, Madrid. 19.90 €. milosz, czeslaw El valle del Issa Tusquets, Barcelona 1999.

56. Czeslaw Milosz - The Academy Of American Poets
czeslaw milosz The Academy of American Poets presents biographies, photographs, selected poems, and links as part of its online poetry exhibits.
poetry awards poetry month poetry exhibits poetry map ... about the academy Search Larger Type Find a Poet Find a Poem Listening Booth ... Add to a Notebook Czeslaw Milosz Czeslaw Milosz was born to Weronika and Aleksander Milosz on June 30, 1911, in Szetejnie, Lithuania (then under the domination of the Russian tsarist government). After the outbreak of World War I, Aleksander Milosz was drafted into the Tsar's army, and as a combat engineer he built bridges and fortifications in front-line areas. His wife and son accompanied him in his constant travels about Russia. The family did not return to Lithuania until 1918, whereupon they settled in Wilno (then a part of Poland; also called Vilnius or Vilna). Milosz graduated from high school in 1929, and in 1930 his first poems were published in Alma Mater Vilnenis , a university magazine. In 1931 he co-founded the Polish avant-garde literary group "Zagary"; his first collection of verse appeared in 1933. That same year he co-edited an Anthology of Social Poetry. In 1934 he earned a degree as Master of Law and traveled to Paris on a fellowship from the National Culture Fund. In 1936 he began working as a literary programmer for Radio Wilno. He was dismissed for his leftist views the following year and, after a trip to Italy, took a job with Polish Radio in Warsaw. He spent most of World War II in Nazi-occupied Warsaw working for underground presses.

57. Alibris: Czeslaw Milosz
Used, new outof-print books by author czeslaw milosz. 24. The seizure of power more books like this by milosz, czeslaw buy used from $5.90! 25., Czeslaw
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Browse for author " Czeslaw Milosz " matched 59 titles. Sometimes it pays off to expand your search to view all available copies of books matching your search terms. Page of 3 sort results by Top Selling Title Author Used Price New Price The Captive Mind more books like this by Milosz, Czeslaw Written in the early 1950s, When Eastern Europe was in the grip of Stalinism and many Western intellectuals placed their hopes in the new order of the East, this classic work reveals in fascinating detail the often beguiling allure its frightening effects on the minds of those who embrace it. buy used: from buy new: from A Book of Luminous Things: An International Anthology of Poetry more books like this by Milosz, Czeslaw (Editor) A collection of poetry selected by the Nobel Prize-winning poet. Included are works of Elizabeth Bishop, William Blank, Joseph Brodsky, Constantine Cavafy, Emily Dickinson, Linda Gregg, Seamus Heaney, D. H. Lawrence, Denise Levertov, Antionio Machado, W. S. Merwin, Rainer Maria Rilke, Wallace Stevens, May Swenson, Wislawa Szymborska, Wang Wei, Walt...

58. Alibris: Czeslaw Milosz
Used, new outof-print books by author czeslaw milosz. 24. The seizure of power more books like this by milosz, czeslaw buy used from $2.95! 25. Milosz
You'll find it at Alibris: Over 40 million used, new and hard-to-find books! CART ACCOUNT WISHLIST HELP ... SEARCH search in
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Browse for author " Czeslaw Milosz " matched 59 titles. Sometimes it pays off to expand your search to view all available copies of books matching your search terms. Page of 3 sort results by Top Selling Title Author Used Price New Price The Captive Mind more books like this by Milosz, Czeslaw Written in the early 1950s, When Eastern Europe was in the grip of Stalinism and many Western intellectuals placed their hopes in the new order of the East, this classic work reveals in fascinating detail the often beguiling allure its frightening effects on the minds of those who embrace it. buy used: from buy new: from A Book of Luminous Things: An International Anthology of Poetry more books like this by Milosz, Czeslaw (Editor) A collection of poetry selected by the Nobel Prize-winning poet. Included are works of Elizabeth Bishop, William Blank, Joseph Brodsky, Constantine Cavafy, Emily Dickinson, Linda Gregg, Seamus Heaney, D. H. Lawrence, Denise Levertov, Antionio Machado, W. S. Merwin, Rainer Maria Rilke, Wallace Stevens, May Swenson, Wislawa Szymborska, Wang Wei, Walt...

59. Czeslaw Milosz, Writer
1911 . Original Poetry. milosz, czeslaw, The New Yorker. Poetry. milosz, czeslaw, A Treatise on Poetry, 1957. miloszœs ABC s, 1957.
Czeslaw Milosz
Winner Nobel Prize for Literature 1980
Original Poetry Milosz, Czeslaw,
The New Yorker
Milosz, Czeslaw,
A Treatise on Poetry,
Facing the River,
Ecco Press, Hopewell, New Jersey, 1995. ISBN: 0-88001-404-0
To Begin Where I Am

60. Milosz, Czeslaw Forum Frigate
milosz, czeslaw Forum Frigate Post MessageThe Jolly RogerOne Page Version. Welcome to the milosz, czeslaw Forum Frigate. Post,Czeslawhall/shakespeare1.html
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