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         Mcnab Andy:     more books (100)
  1. Last Night Another Soldier...: Quick Read by Andy McNab, 2010-04-27
  2. Exit Wound by Andy McNab, 2010-10-11
  3. Traitor by Andy McNab, Robert Rigby, 2006-07-06
  4. Immediate Action by Andy McNab, 1996-08-16
  5. Payback by Andy McNab, Robert Rigby, 2006-10-05
  6. Meltdown by Andy McNab, Robert Rigby, 2008-05-29
  7. Dark Winter by Andy McNab, 2004
  8. Liberation Day: A Nick Stone Mission by Andy McNab, 2003-04-22
  9. Firewall by Andy McNab, 2001-06-26
  10. Spoken From the Front: Real Voices from the Battlefields of Afghanistan
  11. Firewall by Andy McNab, 2001
  13. Bravo Two Zero: The Harrowing True Story of a Special Forces Patrol Behind the Lines in Iraq by Andy McNab, 1994-09-01
  14. Remote Control by Andy McNab, 1999-06

1. Andy McNab
Andy McNab. Last Update 03 August 1998. Andy McNab joined the infantry in 1976 as a boy soldier. In 1984 he was badged as a member of 22 SAS Regiment.
Andy McNab
Last Update: 03 August 1998 Andy McNab joined the infantry in 1976 as a boy soldier. In 1984 he was badged as a member of 22 SAS Regiment. He served in B Squadron 22 SAS for nine years and worked on both covert and overt special operations worldwide including anti-terrorist and anti-drug operations in the Middle and Far East, South and Central America and North Ireland. Trained as a specialist in counter terrorism, prime target elimination, demolitions, weapons and tactics, covert surveillance and information gathering in hostile environments, and VIP protection, McNab worked on co-operative operations with police forces, prison services, anti-drug forces and western backed guerrilla movements as well as on conventional special operations. In Northern Ireland he spent two years working as an undercover operator with 14th Intelligence Group, going on to become an instructor. McNab also worked as an instructor on the SAS selection and training team and instructed foreign special forces in counter terrorism, hostage rescue and survival training. In the Gulf War, McNab commanded the famous Bravo Two Zero patrol, an eight man patrol tasked with destroying underground communication links between Baghdad and north-west Iraq and with finding and destroying mobile Scud missile launchers. The patrol infiltrated Iraq in January 1991, but were soon compromised. A fierce fire fight with Iraqi troops ensued and the patrol was forced to escape and evade on foot to Syria. Three of the eight men were killed; four were captured after three days on the run; one escaped.

2. McNab, Andy
Liberation Day McNab, Andy. In stock, usually dispatched within 24 hours Liberation Day - McNab, Andy. In stock, usually dispatched within 24 hours

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5. Andy McNab Andy Macnab Andy Mcnabb
Sitemap. Andy McNab. Här hittar du bla en intervju där han beskriver sanningshalten i Remote Controll. Snabbsök alla Andy McNabböcker hos
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Andy McNab
Andy McNab blev känd för den breda allmänheten när han 1993 skrev boken "Bravo Two Zero"/ "Bravo Två Noll" om sina upplevelser som tillfångatagen SAS gruppchef under Gulfkriget. I gruppen fanns även Chris Ryan som senare också kom att skriva en bok om sina upplevelser under samma uppdrag i boken "Den ende som kom undan". Adlibris Bokus
=Pocket =Inbunden/Kartonage =Audiokassett/Audio CD
NON FICTION Bravo Two Zero Andy McNab
Normalt pris i handeln: 107,00 kr
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Adlibris 140 kr Bokus 96 kr Adlibris
NON FICTION IMMEDIATE ACTION Andy McNab engelska Beskrivning: He is one of the most highly decorated soldiers alive. He is also the first to break the code of silence about the most elite fighting force in the world. What Andy McNab has to say is so explosive that the British government tried to stop him. A street fighter, a hard case, and a flawless soldier, Andy McNab became one of the elite fighting men in "the Regiment"Britain's covert SAS. His actions behind the lines in the Gulf War made him a hero. But the full story of his life and his amazing career in Special Forces has remained a secret...until now.

6. Ksi±¿ka - McNab Andy - Nim Zapadnie Zmrok - Wirtualna Polska
Nim zapadnie zmrok Andy McNab bibliografia. autor Andy McNab tytul Nim zapadnie zmrok tytul oryginalu Last Light jezyk oryginalu
Poczta Czat SMS wpkontakt Ksiazka -Polskie www -¦wiatowe www -Grafika -Katalog -Wirtualna Polska -Grupy dyskusyjne
Ksi±¿ki Katalog Ksi±¿ka > Nim zapadnie zmrok Strona g³ówna Ksiêgarnia Autorzy A-Z Wiadomo¶ci ... Konkursy   bibliografia fragment ok³adki autor seria cykl wydawnictwo recenzje komentarze inne wydania wiadomo¶ci ksi±¿kowisko ksi±¿ka w konkursie
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ksi±¿ki autorzy serie ... fragmenty Patronaty WP Ardeny 1944-1945 Norbert B±czyk Leyte 1944 Zbigniew Flisowski Carlota Fainberg Antonio Munoz Molina Mój d³ug S³awomir Sikora ... wiêcej Nim zapadnie zmrok - Andy McNab bibliografia autor: Andy McNab tytu³: Nim zapadnie zmrok tytu³ orygina³u: Last Light jêzyk orygina³u: angielski liczba stron: miejsce wydania: Warszawa rok wydania: oprawa: miêkka wymiary: 12,5x19,5 cm wydawca: Wydawnictwo Albatros/Andrzej Kury³owicz ISBN: Wasza ocena liczba g³osów: 10 najni¿sza cena 25,5 z³  opis ksi±¿ki Nick Stone otrzymuje od brytyjskich tajnych s³u¿b SIS zlecenie zabicia na terenie parlamentu cz³onka ¶rodkowoamerykañskiej delegacji handlowej. Wskazanym celem okazuje siê ch³opiec. Nick rezygnuje z wykonania zadania, ale szanta¿owany przez szefa SIS pod±¿a za ch³opcem do Panamy. Ch³opiec ma byæ tylko ¶rodkiem do zapanowania nad potê¿nym handlarzem broni± - jest bowiem jego synem. dodaj komentarz  Fragment
Niedziela, 3 wrze¶nia 2000

7. Bersaglio In Movimento (McNab Andy) (Ed. 2003 - Longanesi) : Leggi Le Opinioni E
Translate this page Leggi le Opinioni e confronta i prezzi di Bersaglio in movimento (mcnab andy) (Ed. 2003 - Longanesi). Bersaglio in movimento (mcnab andy) (Ed. 2003 - Longanesi).
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8. Last Light Andy McNab Andy McNab
Last Light Andy mcnab andy McNab. Author or Artist Andy McNab. Title Last Light Andy McNab. mcnab andy Andy. McNab Subject
Last Light Andy McNab Andy McNab
Author or Artist : Andy McNab
Title: Last Light Andy McNab.
McNab Andy
Andy. McNab
Subject: Adventure thriller
Category: Fiction General
Format: Hardcover
Carolyn Keene-Dinosaur Alert! (Nancy Drew Notebooks (Paperback))...

Uzzi Reiss Martin Zucker-Natural Hormone Balance for Women: Look Younger, Feel Stronger, and Live Life with Exhuberance...

Carolyn Keene-The Clues Challenge (Nancy Drew (Paperback))...

Carolyn Keene-Circus ACT (Nancy Drew Notebooks (Paperback))...
Paul Dowswell-21st Century Debates: Genetics (21st Century Debates)...

9. Unilibro Italia | Autore Andy McNab
Translate this page mcnab andy ,Fuoco di copertura Andy McNab ,Bersaglio in movimento Andy McNab ,Sotto tiro Andy McNab ,Dark winter Andy McNab ,Fuoco di copertura Andy McNab Andy&idaff=

10. Andy McNab
ANDY MCNAB, DCM MM. Andy McNab joined the infantry as a boy soldier. For security reasons, Andy McNab s appearance and location cannot be revealed.
Andy McNab joined the infantry as a boy soldier. In 1984 he was 'badged' as a member of 22 SAS, and was involved in both covert and overt special operations worldwide.
During the Gulf War he commanded Bravo Two Zero, a patrol that, in the words of his commanding officer, "will remain in regimental history forever."
Awarded both the Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM) and the Military Medal (MM), McNab was the British Army's most highly decorated serving soldier at the time that he left the SAS in February 1993.
He wrote about his experiences in two phenomenal number one bestsellers, Bravo Two Zero (1993), which was filmed in 1998 starring Sean Bean, for which he wrote the screenplay, and Immediate Action (1995).
He is also the author of four number one international bestselling novels, Remote Control (1997), Crisis Four (1999), Firewall (2000) and Last Light (2001). His fifth, Liberation Day, has just been published (October 2002) and reached the No.1 slot in The Sunday Times Bestseller List. Sales of his books to date exceed 5 million copies, in fifteen languages.
"The best suspense writer to put pen to paper since Alistair MacLean" (Stephen Coonts) Andy McNab "delivers authenticity in spades" (Publishers Weekly). "McNab's greatest asset," according to London's Sunday Times, "is that the heart of his fiction is not fiction: other thriller writers do their research, but he has actually been there."

11. Modern Warfare
Add to Basket Add to basket, Author Mcnab, Andy, ISBN0552141275, Pub Corgi Books Ltd. Cage, Lm 4.85, Author mcnab andy, ISBN0552147990, Pub Corgi Books Ltd. Warfare&Col

12. Andy McNab
Andy McNab. ?. Pseudonym of a former SAS sergeant who writes thrillers based on his own experiences. He is the creator of Nick Stone , former SAS agent.
Andy McNab Pseudonym of a former S.A.S. sergeant who writes thrillers based on his own experiences. He is the creator of 'Nick Stone', former S.A.S. agent. Titles and year of publication:
1) Remote Control 2) Crisis Four 3) Firewall 4) Last Light 5) Liberation Day 6) Dark Winter Back

13. Pattuglia Bravo Two Zero - McNab Andy
Translate this page Nuovi libri scritti da mcnab andy Nuovi titoli pubblicati da TEA Inserisci il tuo indirizzo e-mail. Remainder. Autore, mcnab andy. Prezzo, EURO 8,50.

14. World Book Day - Authors - Andy McNab
Andy McNab. Andy McNab was in the SAS for 17 years on active duty all over the world, and became the British Army s most highly decorated serving soldier.
S kip Navigation P rint C ontact Back to Author Profiles Andy McNab Now you can chat online with the man no-one ever sees. Andy McNab was in the SAS for 17 years on active duty all over the world, and became the British Army's most highly decorated serving soldier. His books, including Bravo Two Zero, Immediate Action, and Liberation Day are high-octane action adventures in which you can just tell that he has been there and done that. Where do you write?
I do not have a regular place where I write. I use an Apple Mac Powerbook so I am pretty mobile. At home I tend to lie on the sofa with the computer propped on a cushion. Sometimes, if I feel my deadline looming, I try the desk in my office to make me feel I'm knuckling down. That usually lasts about a day or so. Because I travel a lot I tend to write on the move. For that reason I have two extra batteries in my bag and about 800 different leads. Where do you read?
I read on the train and sometimes in bed. That's about it really. I always plan to read on a flight but get seduced into watching a bad film. What book did you think you'd hate but didn't?

15. Andy McNab
Pseudonym for the exSAS commander and author of Bravo Two Zero. The sort of thing we allow on Why of course. As long as someone

16. Frontline: The Gulf War: War Stories: Andy Mcnab
Everybody knew that we would have to move out of that hide position because we were so closed up, we were such an easy target, so it was a.. really a question
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Everybody knew that we would have to move out of that hide position because we were so closed up, we were such an easy target, so it was a.. really a question of out of the frying pan into the fire. We come out of our position of concealment but then we were exposed on... the plains. But it was the only option that we had. So it was... really a controlled frenzy. Everybody was starting to get as much liquid down them as possible because we knew we were going to have to start moving fast; we knew that we were going to have to leave a lot of our... equipment behind so we need to sort of get as much liquid down and refill our water bottles before we start moving. People started to throw chocolate.. started to eat chocolate...
Q. Tell me how did you first.. what did you do, you first began to hear the creak of the APC......? About four or five hundred metres out of that hide position we started to hear track vehicles coming from the East which is to our lefthand side as we were moving South. It was... very frustrating because you couldn't see what it was. Because of the lie of the ground there was a slight rise. These vehicles have come from the main supply route, and they were now starting to move towards this... depression that we was in.

International forfatterbibliografi.
A B C D ... Z
Han er født i 1959 ved London. "Bravo to nul" ("Bravo two zero")
Wangel (Virkelighedens verden): 1994
Vinten, 1. udg. : 1994, 1997(5)
Vinten paperbacks, Virkelighedens verden, ny udg. : 1998 "Elitesoldat : DCM MM" ("Immediate action")
Vinten paperback : 1996(1), 1997(2)
Bogklubben Egmont : 1996
Bogsamleren : 1999
Paperback Bogklubben : 1999 "Fjernstyret" (Remote control", 1997)
Vinten, 1. udg. :1998
Bogklubben Egmont : 1998
Vinten : 2000 Vintens paperbacks : 2000 Lademann : 2001 del af bogen "Det Bedstes bøger, bind 206" ; Det Bedste : 2002 "Bravo to nul ; Elitesoldat" ("Bravo two zero ; Immediate action") (DK5: 99.4 McNab, Andy) Vinten : 2000 Lademann, 765 sider : 2003 "Kriserum fire" ("Crisis Four"), 368 sider Vinten : 2000 Bogklubben Egmont : 2000 Lademann : 2001 Paperback Bogklubben : 2001 "Kodeord Firewall" Lademann : 2001 Bogklubben Egmont : 2001 Lademann, paperbackudg. : 2002 uddrag i bogen "Det Bedstes Bøger" , bind 212 ; Det Bedste : 2003 "Sidste udkald" Lademann : 2002 Lademann, i.e. ny udg. : 2002 Egmont Bogklubberne : 2002 "Terrorpenge" Lademann : 2003 Kilder: Dansk Bogfortegnelse 1976- ; Novelleregister frem til 2000

18. Biographies - McNab,Andy
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19. Andy McNab
a new andy mcnab book to be released on November 4th 2004 DVD The Story Of The SAS. andy mcnab The Ultimate Warrior
janeriks Books I've read
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SPY NOVELS CRIME NOVELS ... Back NEW! Pre-order Deep Black - a new Andy McNab book to be released on November 4th 2004. SAS Shadow Warriors of the 21st Century: The Special Air Service Anti-Terrorist Team gives you a first-rate insight into the arms and techniques of the SAS, and tells of some of the SAS' ops. The Real Heroes of Telemark tells the true story of the sabotage against the heavy water plant at Rjukan , destroying Hitler's hope of a nuclear bomb. Chris Ryan's Ultimate Survival Guide was released on October 2nd. See Secret Soldiers: Special Forces in the War Against Terrorism See The SAS Self-defense Handbook: A Complete Guide to Unarmed Combat Techniques Soon shipping! The Increment ! - Chris Ryan's latest book, will be released on June 3rd 2004. Make sure it lands in your mailbox immediately after release - pre-order it today.
Matt Browning returns, the SAS has started killing ex-soldiers and amid outbursts of roadrage Matt goes to Russia and back. A page turner for your holidays.... Home Norwegian Banknotes About janeriks Norsk/Norwegian ... Guestbook NEW in Crime and Suspense John Grisham's new bestseller The Last Juror P. D. James' new Dalgliesh mystery

20. Authors M - P - McNab, Andy
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