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Masters Susan Rowan: more detail | |||||||||
41. Wednesday May 12, 2004 5358, Day in the Life of a Ballet Dancer, A, Martin, John, 4.7, 0.5. 29973, SummerSong, masters, susan rowan, 4.8, 4. 29320, Flying Ghosts, Matheson, Shirlee Smith,4.4, 6. http://www.owensboro.k12.ky.us/oms/ar_author.php?offset=1000 |
42. Search: Arts>Literature>Authors>M 2) Martnez, Dionisio D. (1) Marvell, Andrew (3) Massinger, Philip@(7) masters, Edgar Lee (5) masters, susan rowan (1) Mathews http://aoltvsearch.aol.com/cat.adp?id=41229 |
43. Lukol Directory - Reference Biography M Mason, Dan (1), Mason, Lisa (1), Massinger, Philip (7). masters, EdgarLee (5), masters, susan rowan (1), masterson, Chase (4). masterson http://www.lukol.com/Top/Reference/Biography/M/ | |
44. Rowan County, NC Genealogy Forum David and Lloyd Jones Cubert masters 2/09/04 Re Re Division of Estates - PeterTREXLER-1810 - susan Murray 9 Howard Family - Judy Walker 9/04/03 rowan CO WILL http://genforum.genealogy.com/nc/rowan/ | |
45. MARCH 9 susan rowan masters is the author of four novels for young readers, Night Journeyto Vicksburg, The Secret Life of Hubie Hartzel, Libby Bloom, and Summer Song. http://www.lee-county.com/library/readfest/2003/Authors_Child.htm | |
46. Alibris - Click Here To Find Books By This Author! V. ~ masters, Roger ~ masters, Roger D. ~ masters, Roy ~ masters, Ruth E. ~ masters,Simon ~ masters, Stanley H. ~ masters, susan rowan ~ masters, Sylvia http://www.alibris.com/authors/authors0265.html | |
47. What's New At OCU? Dance Department Chairman Jo rowan with Jillana at a Balanchine Workshop in Taos,NM. susan Gilstrap completed her coursework for a masters of Business http://www.okcu.edu/Dance_amgt/news_09_01_00.html | |
48. RPQuiz List Report Preview 4.2 0.5 English NonFiction 9774 Liang and the Magic Paintbrush Demi 3.2 0.5 EnglishFiction 14866 Libby Bloom masters, susan rowan 4.7 2.0 English Fiction. http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/GreenbriarEastES/AR_Titles/ARTitles20.html | |
49. New York Authors M. Martin, Mary Jane Martin, Rafe masters, susan rowan Maxner, Joyce Mazer, HarryMazer, Norma Jean McCully, Emily Arnold McGovern, Ann Meltzer, Milton Morrison http://www.nyla.org/index.php?page_id=645 |
50. Beaufort Road Race, Beaufort NC - July 17, 2004 Male Phillip rowan, 3421 (2003) Female - Kathleen Galvin, 3758 (2001) Male masters- Phillip rowan, 3421 (2003) Female masters - susan Teachey, 4455 (2001 http://www.beaufortroadrace.com/race_winners.htm | |
51. Author Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire! Cohen, Miriam, 2.7. Libby Bloom, masters,susan rowan, 4.7. Library Dragon, The, Deedy, Carmen Agra, 4.8. Life http://www.donohoschool.com/AR/booklistL.html | |
52. AR Author M-McCully 2.6, 0.5, Marzollo, Jean, Soccer Sam. 1.6, 0.5, Mason, Jane B. Hello, TwoWheeler!4.8, 4, masters, susan rowan, Summer Song. 0.8, 0.5, Masurel, Claire, Cat and aDog, A. http://www.gwinnett.k12.ga.us/BerkeleyLakeES/AR_Lists/AR_author/M_McC.html | |
53. Wauu.DE: Arts: Literature: Children's Literature: Authors: M http//place.scholastic.com/annmartin/ann/index.htm. masters, susan rowan Includesinformation on susan rowan masters books, worksin-progress, and school http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Literature/Children_s_Literature/Authors/M/ | |
54. Reference Biography M 1); Mason, Dan@ (1); Mason, Lisa@ (1); Massinger, Philip@ (7); masters,Edgar Lee@ (5); masters, susan rowan@ (1); masterson, Chase@ (4 http://world.ammissione.it/browse_/Reference/Biography/M/ | |
55. Back 2 School Stories - MCPL masters, susan rowan LIBBY BLOOM J Overshadowed by her talented oldersister, fourth grader Libby finds her own niche in school. http://www.mcpl.lib.mo.us/readers/lists/juv/backschool.htm | |
56. :: Ez2Find :: M Harry (1) Martorell, Joanot (2) Martnez, Dionisio D. (1) Marvell, Andrew (9)Massinger, Philip (7) masters, Edgar Lee (5) masters, susan rowan (1) Mathews http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Arts/Literature/Authors/M/ | |
57. :: Ez2Find :: M Cudworth (4) Masi, Alex (2) Masini, Marco (1) Mason, Dan (1) Mason, Lisa (1) Massinger,Philip (7) masters, Edgar Lee (5) masters, susan rowan (1) masterson http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Reference/Biography/M/ | |
58. NYS Authors & Illustrators Lunsford, Cin Forshay. M. Martin, Mary Jane; Martin, Rafe; masters,susan rowan; Maxner, Joyce; Mazer, Harry; Mazer, Norma Jean; McCully http://www.slms-nyla.org/authors.html | |
59. Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 5228 EN, Koko s Kitten, Patterson, Francine, 4.4, 0.5. 12176 EN, Levers,Ollerenshaw, Chris, 4.4, 0.5. 14866 EN, Libby Bloom, masters, susan rowan,4.4, 2.0. http://yorkcountyschools.org/yes/ar/ar4.4.htm | |
60. Archived: Listas De Libros De Lectura Translate this page Lippert, Margaret H. LA HIJA DE LA SERPIENTE LEYENDA BRASILEÑA. Martin, CLG TRESMUJERES VALIENTES. masters, susan rowan. LA VIDA SECRETA DE HUBIE HARTZEL. http://www.ed.gov/Family/RWN/Actividades97/readlist.html | |
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