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         Macleod Ken:     more books (73)
  1. The Execution Channel by Ken Macleod, 2007-06-12
  2. Engine City :Engines of Light 3 by Ken Macleod, 2003
  3. La Division Cassini by Ken MacLeod, Bernadette Emerich, 2003-03-11
  4. COSMONAUT KEEP by Ken MacLeod, 2001-01-01
  5. Libertarianism, the Loony Left and the Secrets of the Illuminati (Personal Perspectives) by Ken Macleod, 1998-01
  6. Rewriting Humanity: Reflections of the Possibility and Desirability of Genetic Engineering (Scientific Notes) by Ken Macleod, 2001-01
  8. Light Company, The by Ken MacLeod, 1998-11-05
  9. Cosmonaut Keep :Engines of Light 1 by Ken Macleod, 2000
  10. Dark Light :Engines of Light 2 by Ken Macleod, 2002
  11. Giant Lizards from Another Star by Ken MacLeod, 2006-01-01
  12. The Stone Canal by Ken MacLeod, 1996-01-01
  13. INFINITIES: A Writer's Life; The Human Front; Diamond Dogs; Park Polar by Peter (editor) (Eric Brown; Ken MacLeod; Alastair Reynolds; Adam Rober Crowther, 2002-01-01

81. Ken McLeod
links. ken McLeod. Cassini Division. Cassini Division by macleod, ken $6.99 Science Fiction Fantasy Secure Shopping. Stone Canal by macleod, ken $6.99.
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Cassini Division

by Macleod, Ken
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Publisher Comments
Ellen May Ngewthu is a soldier and leader of the Cassini Division, the elite defense force of the utopian Solar Union. Here in the twenty-fourth century, the forts of the Division, in orbit around Jupiter, are the front line in humanity's long standoff with the unknowable post-humans godlike beings descended from the men and women who transformed themselves with high technology centuries ago.
The post-humans' capacities are unknown . . . but we know they disintegrated Ganymede, we know they punched a wormhole into Jovian space, and we know that the very surface of the solar system's largest planet has been altered by them. Worse, we know that they have been bombarding the inner solar system with powerful data viruses for generations.
Now Ellen has a plan to rid humanity of this threat once and for all. But she needs to convince others to mistrust the post-humans as much as she does. In the process, much will be revealedabout histo...

82. Ken MacLeod: Tähtijaosto
Tähtijaosto. ken macleod Tähtijaosto (The Star Fraction, 1995). LokiKirjat, elokuu 2000, nidottu. ISBN 952-9646-73-9, 432 s. Suom. Johanna Kuokkanen.
Aikakone FAQ Uudet kirjat Kirja-arvostelut ... Aikakartta
Ken MacLeod Tähtijaosto
The Star Fraction

Loki-Kirjat, elokuu 2000, nidottu.
ISBN 952-9646-73-9, 432 s.
Suom. Johanna Kuokkanen
Päällys Eeva Louhio
Siis että maailma on tosiaan sekaisin. Britannia ja Lontookin ovat hajonneet erilaisiksi pikkuvaltioiksi ja ideologisiksi ryhmiksi - ja niitähän riittää. Fundamentalistien Beulah City, anarkistikapitalistinen Norlonto, militantit vihreät, vasemmistolainen ja tasavaltalaismielinen UTA ja jonkinlaiset kuningasmieliset. Ja niin edelleen ja niin edelleen. Eli Englanti on melkein kuin entinen Jugoslavia rauhanturvaoperaation jäljiltä. Maailmalla asiat ovat muuttuneet yhtä lailla. Kiertorataa hallitsee Avaruuden Puolustusvoimat ja sen lasersatelliitit sojottavat alas maapallolle. Yhdysvallat yrittää hallita muuta maailmaa YK:n myötävaikutuksella ja sen Stasis-yksikkö yrittää hidastaa tiettyjen tekniikoiden kehitystä tekoälyjen pelossa. Geneven sopimukseenkin on lisäilty uusia pykäliä (kuten sodassa sallitut terrorimenetelmät). Ainoa yhteinen seikka useille ryhmille näyttää olevan tekoälyjen pelko - ja varsinkin se, että ne saattavat korvata ihmiskunnan.

83. The Stone Canal - Macleod, Ken
Science Fiction. Author Name macleod, ken Title The Stone Canal. Publisher Legend Books. Seller ID 18378. Hardcover 1996, 1st edition, VG in VG dustjacket.
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Author Name: Macleod, Ken Title: The Stone Canal
Publisher: Legend Books Seller ID: 18378 Hardcover 1996, 1st edition, VG in VG dustjacket. Price = 10.00 GBP Add to Shopping Cart < Prev Next >> Skip 100 >> ... FAQ Questions, comments, or suggestions Please write to

84. SciFan: Writer: Ken MacLeod (bibliography, Books, Series, Web Links)
mail. Writers ken macleod (1954 , Scotland), Bibliography, cache), Andrew A Adams interviews ken macleod. (Wayback Machine - Google cache),
search by writer, book or series: writers series A B ... Writers : Ken MacLeod (1954 - , Scotland) Bibliography Get pricing and availability through our links to online stores, or click on a title to get more information and buying options. Star Fraction, The Amazon Alibris
Stone Canal, The
Newton's Wake: A Space Opera
  • Engines of Light Sequence, The
  • Fall Revolution
    Recurring themes
  • Aliens - Extra-terrestrials (3 books)
  • Dinosaurs (2 books)
  • Interstellar Travel - FTL (Faster than Light) (2 books)
  • Nanotechnology (2 books)
  • Slavery - Slaves - Servitude (2 books) Internet links
  • Official website Wayback Machine Google cache
  • Andrew A Adams interviews Ken MacLeod ... Google cache
    If you know a good site about this author, please let us know , we'll consider adding it here. If a link doesn't work, please tell us so . Meanwhile try our links to Google or the Wayback Machine, they might have kept archived copies.
  • 85. Flamefests On Technical Topics
    Flamefests on technical topics. by ken macleod. More about technology · More by ken macleod · More web pages like this article · Discuss this article.
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    Flamefests on technical topics
    by Ken MACLEOD Tuesday, 02 May 2000
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    Just catching up on email since I've been offline since Thursday, I see the firewall/tunneling over HTTP thread is flaring on the SOAP list . There are valid points on all sides, naturally, but your typical mail list is like a conference room with dozens of participants. It doesn't matter how intelligent or knowledgable the participants are, if they don't understand how to properly focus and direct a discussion then chaos results. The end result of this thread will be like a lot of others: nothing. By the time the thread ends there will have been very little coherent information that can be garnered from the thread that anyone could use to make any usable design choices or decisions. Are there solutions? Yes. Solutions range from simply maintaining a list of points and counterpoints all the way up to informal and formal facilitation and discussion techniques. Will any solution be used? Most likely not.

    86. Ken MacLeod
    ken macleod. To include this picture in a page, type ken macleod , including the quotes. Create your own Manila site in minutes. Everyone s doing it!$682
    This is where Dave writes and updates Scripting News


    Ken MacLeod
    To include this picture in a page , type "Ken MacLeod", including the quotes. UserLand Software

    87. Stories, Listed By Author
    Stories, Listed by Author. Previous Tableof-Contents macleod, ken(neth Macrae) (1954- ) (chron.) * The Oort Crowd, (vi) Nature Jul 13 2000.
    The FictionMags Index
    Stories, Listed by Author
    Previous Table-of-Contents
    McCULLY, ANDERSON (chron.) (continued)
    McCULLY, HELEN (chron.)
    • Elizabethan Christmas, (ar) Dec 1955
    • Open Your House and Heart on Thanksgiving, (ar) Nov 1950
    McCULLY, ROBERT J. (chron.)
    McCUNE, JEFF (chron.)
    McCUNE, JOHN (chron.)
    McCUNN, FERGUS (chron.)
    _, [ref.]
    McCURNIN, JOHN (chron.)
    McCURRY, SAMUEL S. (chron.)
    McCUSKER, THOMAS (chron.)

    88. Ken MacLeod Definition Meaning Information Explanation
    ken macleod. definition, meaning -. ken macleod (born August 2, 1954) is a Scottish science fiction writer living near Edinburgh.
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    Ken MacLeod
    Ken MacLeod (born August 2 ) is a Scottish science fiction writer living near Edinburgh . His novels are notable for the exploration of socialist communist and anarchist political themes. He is a friend of Iain Banks and is thanked for his advice in at least one of the latter's books. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Bibliography
    1.1 sequence

    1.2 trilogy

    2 External links
    Fall Revolution sequence
    • The Star Fraction The Stone Canal The Cassini Division The Sky Road
    The Sky Road represents an 'alternate future' to the other books, as its events diverge sharply from those in the other books after 2059, due to a choice made differently by one of the protagonists.
    Engines of Light trilogy
    • Cosmonaut Keep Dark Light Engine City
    External links
    Books about 'Ken MacLeod' at: or Note: This article from Wikipedia is made available under the terms of the GNU FDL
    Further Search within Free-Definition Link from your web site to this article with this HTML tag: top

    89. Davos Newbies : Ken MacLeod
    ken macleod. Name ken macleod. Country AD. Are you attending Davos? false. Davos category CL. To send email to ken macleod, click here$308
    Davos Newbies
    A year-round Davos of the mind, written by Lance Knobel
    Ken MacLeod
    Name: Ken MacLeod Country: AD Are you attending Davos? false Davos category: CL To send email to Ken MacLeod, click here: Previous Member Next Member This Page was last update: Friday, October 22, 1999 at 1:09:36 AM
    This page was originally posted: 5/26/1999; 5:52:33 PM.
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    90. Orbit - Author Pages
    ken macleod. ken macleod graduated with a BSc from Glasgow University in 1976. ken macleod lives in West Lothian with his wife and three children. LATEST TITLES.

    91. USBooks2002
    Feature Interview ken macleod. UK Covers top US Covers Bottom. ken macleod Yes, I m excited. I d have seriously considered going - Ken MacLeod/interview.htm
    columns events features books ... media © 2002 Ernest Lilley / SFRevu
    Ernest Lilley
    Associate Editor: Sharon Archer
    Aug 02 Contents
    ... Home Columns:
    Editorial License
    US Books

    UK Books

    Can Books
    CanVention 22 and the Aurora Awards
    If It's Tuesday, this must be TOR Feature Interview: Ken Macleod Feature Review: Cosmonaut Keep by Ken Macleod BBook Reviews The Alchemists Door
    by Lisa Goldstein Alternate General s II ed by Harry Turtledove Argonaut by Stanley Schmidt Fire Logic by Laurie J. Marks The Iron Grail by John Woodstock The Sacred Pool by L. Warren Douglas The Sky So Big And Black by John Barnes Spaceland by Rudy Rucker Straw Men by Michael Marshall Smith Sisters of the Raven by Barbara Hambly To Trade The Stars by Julie E. Czerneda The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror , Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling Graphic Novel: M urder Mysteries . Original short story and radio play by Neil Gaiman. Graphic story script and art by P. Craig Russell Zine: The Journal of Pulse Pounding Narratives SFMedia Film: Austin Powers: GoldMember Metropolis (2002) Restoration PowerPuff Girls Reign of Fire ... Feature Interview: Ken MacLeod UK Covers top US Covers Bottom Feature Review: Cosmonaut Keep SFRevu: are you excited about the Hugo nomination for Cosmonaut Keep Ken Macleod: Yes, I'm excited. I'd have seriously considered going to ConJose if I hadn't already accepted a GoH invitation for Polcon, the Polish national SF convention.

    92. Ken MacLeod
    Translate this page ken macleod. ken macleod è uno dei più promettenti tra i nuovi scrittori inglesi, con i tre romanzi pubblicati finora mette in
    Ken MacLeod The Star Fraction Neuromancer
    The Stone Canal
    : stesso ambiente del romanzo precedente anche se totalmente sganciato; alcuni recensori hanno sottolineato come questo romanzo svolga una funzione chiarificatrice nei confronti della storia di The Star Fraction The Cassini Division
    La forza maggiore di MacLeod sta nel non cadere in generalizzazioni politiche e non accettare l'immagine stereotipata del capitalismo imperialistico diffusa attraverso moltissima fantascienza. collegamenti Science Fiction After the Future Went Away John D. Owen, recensione a The Stone Canal Keith Brooke, recensione a The Cassini Division

    93. Review: Review: Cosmonaut Keep By Ken MacLeod
    Cosmonaut Keep by ken macleod (buy). A macleod, ken %T Cosmonaut Keep %I Tor %D 200201 (original publication 2000) %G ISBN 0-765-34073-9 %P 336 pp.
    SF Reviews by Aaron M. Renn By Author By Title By Date Reviewed
    Cosmonaut Keep by Ken MacLeod ( buy
    Conclusion: Recommended Perhaps it was inevitable that my ever escalating expectations for MacLeod's books would eventually get the best of me. I enjoyed Cosmonaut Keep, but not nearly to the extent of the Fall Revolution. Is it just expectations? Or is the "MacLeod style" just no longer as fresh to me? Or do I have real problems with the book? Probably a bit of all three, though MacLeod on an off day is still better than most people on their best. Cosmonaut Keep is the first book of a true trilogy. Unlike with the Fall Revolution series, these books don't stand alone - or at least this one didn't. We are treated to the expected MacLeod bifurcated time streams: the first a near future story of - what else? - intrigue among political factions revolving around first contact with an alien intelligence; the second in a further out future on a strange world where humans live side by side with other sentient species. It was hard to get going on this one, but once I did I was quickly sucked in and polished the book off in two sittings. Naturally the two threads converge by the end, and how a computer consultant on Earth and a marine biologist on a planet far away come to have anything to do with each other is what makes this book an adventure. First the good. MacLeod's writing is crisp and economical. At 336 pages this book is not exactly thin, but it sure isn't overbloated either. I love the way he writes dialogue. As a partial believer in numerous fringe political beliefs such as Georgism, I particularly enjoy his extrapolations of future societies under different political schemes and how he manages to pull this off without being preachy or, well, political about it.

    94. Review: The Sky Road By Ken MacLeod
    The Sky Road by ken macleod (buy). Conclusion Highly Recommended. A macleod, ken %T The Sky Road %I Orbit %D 1999 %G ISBN 185723-755-2 %P 291 pp.
    SF Reviews by Aaron M. Renn By Author By Title By Date Reviewed
    The Sky Road by Ken MacLeod ( buy
    Conclusion: Highly Recommended What can I say, Ken MacLeod does it again. This is another great effort from him. Fans will not be disappointed. However, unlike with his other books, this one is much better if you know what has happened before. It sure helps if you've already read The Stone Canal. Don't buy this as your first MacLeod novel. At some time in the undisclosed future, humans are once again preparing to reach for the stars. At some time past, most modern computer technology had been swept away by someone called the Deliverer. And indeed many technologies and philosophies are viewed with the same level of acceptance as, say Satan worship. Meanwhile in our other thread, we get to follow the adventures of Myra Davidov after the death of a certain someone at the Khazakstan border in TSC. The only real complaint I have about this book is how the same people always seem be the key players and keep running into each other. I groaned when we found out C3P0 and R2D2 were in with Anakin and Obi-Wan from the beginning. Similarly, I cringed when I saw some of the folks Myra ran into. This is clearly a nitpick, which should show the depths to which I have to sink in order to find something negative to say about this otherwise excellent and well-written book. I'm always bothered when writers create something popular, then milk it with endless sequels. That's why I'm happy to report that I've heard that MacLeod is now working on Something Completely Different. I definitely think it's time to give this universe a rest while we still love it and want more, rather than when we've had enough.

    95. SFF: Publications: Ken MacLeod
    The True Knowledge of ken macleod. There are two sides to the true knowledge, and you have forgotten one of them ken macleod, The Cassini Division.
    The Science Fiction Foundation
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    SFF Publications
    The True Knowledge of Ken MacLeod
    "There are two sides to the true knowledge, and you have forgotten one of them" - Ken MacLeod, The Cassini Division
    Ken MacLeod is one of the most significant writers to emerge from British science fiction in the last decade. Lauded on both sides of the Atlantic, his novels explore political and utopian thought with intelligence, wit and a satiric eye. His first novel, The Star Fraction , was hailed as "a successful comic Trotskyist science fiction novel" and yet went on to win the Prometheus Award given by the Libertarian Futurist Society.
    This volume is the first attempt to examine MacLeod's work in depth, bringing together works by John H. Arnold, K. V. Bailey, Neal Baker, James Brown, Adam Frisch, Joan Gordon, Farah Mendlesohn, John Newsinger and Andy Wood and interviews with MacLeod by Andrew M. Butler and Andy Sawyer. It covers not only the Fall Revolution Quartet and the Engines of Light Trilogy, but also MacLeod's polemics and poetry. The essays discuss his politics and analyse the ideological history from which they emerge. They also explore his place in the history of science fiction, the rights of the posthuman and the ethics of genocide.
    In addition there are contributions from Ken Macleod himself: a re-examination of fellow Scot Iain M. Banks's

    96. The Science Fiction Foundation
    Foundation The True Knowledge of ken macleod - Special Publications - Back Issues. The latest is a collection of essays about the writings of ken macleod
    Science Fiction Foundation ...under construction Home Joining SFF Contact SFF Events ... Other Activities Publications Foundation - The True Knowledge of Ken MacLeod - Special Publications - Back Issues Foundation: the international review of science fiction
    Foundation is the essential critical review of science fiction, and is published three times a year by the Science Fiction Foundation. ISSN: 0306-4964258.
    Editor: Farah Mendlesohn, Production Editor: Edward James, Reviews Editor: Andy Sawyer, Consultant Editor: Ian Watson Current Issue (#89, Autumn 2003)
    The most recent issue of the journal features:
    Gary Westfahl: Science Fiction is the Simplest Thing
    Ernest J. Yanarella: Terra/Terror-forming and Death Denail in Kim Stanley Robinson's Martian Stories and Mars Trilogy
    Elizabeth Leane: Antarctica as a Scientific Utopia
    Matthew S.S. Davis: "The Words of Mercury Are Harsh...": Love's Labours Lost in
    Matthew Moore: Utopian Ambivalences in Wyndham's Web
    Christine Mains: The Scientist/Wizard in Joan D. Vinge's Hegemony?

    97. Ken MacLeod
    Page Updated 31/03/2004. ken macleod, Newton s Wakenewton s Wake 14 Mar 04. The Human FrontThe Human Front. by ken macleod Buy at,
    Page Updated: 31/03/2004 Ken MacLeod Newton's Wake 14 Mar 04 Engine City Dark Light Cosmonaut Keep The Human Front by Ken MacLeod Author Title Keyword Publisher About the Author Bibliography
    First British Edition Orbit (2004) Newton's Wake

    The explosive new stand-alone epic of galactic conflict and human folly from a true master of far-future space opera.
    The Hard Rapture took Earth’s best minds away. Now the rest are about to find out where they went ...
    Centuries ago, space settlers and soldiers fled to the stars from the sentient Al war machines that engulfed Earth. They colonised Eurydice, a planet whose rocks contain traces of its own war machines - some of which still guard a vast, enigmatic artefact on a remote tundra.
    When an expedition raids this strange artefact, the Eurydiceans discover that they weren’t the last survivors of humanity after all. Their leisured lifestyle is about to be disrupted by new arrivals for whom Eurydice is a prize worth fighting over.
    And the long-dormant war machines are awakening ...
    Newton’s Wake is a stunning stand-alone space opera, charting the struggle for human survival in a universe dominated by post-human intelligence.

    98. The Cassini Division (Ken MacLeod) - Review
    ken macleod. I m not going to rush off and buy ken macleod s other books, but I ll keep an eye out for a chance to borrow them or scam review copies.
    Danny Yee's Book Reviews
    Titles Authors ... Latest
    The Cassini Division
    Ken MacLeod
    Orbit 1998 Amazon A book review by Danny Yee At the beginning of the 24th century, the inner Solar System is dominated by the socialist Solar Union. Their front-line fighting force, the Cassini Division, defends against viral attacks from post-human Jovians and keeps careful watch on a wormhole. Ellen May Ngwethu, a member of the Division's Central Committee, travels to areas of Earth occupied by "non-cos", low-tech anarchists who still use such antiquated devices as money. Her goal is to find the physicist Malley, whose help is necessary to find a way through the wormhole. And after taking the losing side in a debate over whether to bomb the Jovians or to try to communicate with them, Ellen travels through the wormhole to ultra-capitalist New Mars. After a slower opening, there largely to link back to earlier books set in the same universe, The Cassini Division rattles along at a good pace. It is not particularly compelling as a novel, however, with no characters that really come to life. Ellen has centre-stage throughout but remains something of a cipher, her dominant feature her dedication to "the true knowledge" on which the Solar Union was founded ("self interest") and her hostility to non-humans, both rooted in her personal history. And none of the other characters gets much play at all. Suze, for example, is a sociologist who joins Ellen early on in the story and has as high a profile in it as anyone else, but she could still have been trivially edited out.

    99. Ken MacLeod - Feministische Phantastisch-utopische Literatur
    Translate this page ken macleod. ken macleod erhielt 1996 und 1998 den Prometheus Award und 1999 den British Science Fiction Award. Q ISFDB Bibliography.
    Mail Umfrage Home AutorInnen ... Z Ken[neth Macrae] MacLeod Ken MacLeod erhielt 1996 und 1998 den Prometheus Award und 1999 den British Science Fiction Award.
    Q: ISFDB Bibliography Webseiten zu Ken MacLeod: Interviews mit und Artikel von Ken MacLeod: Romane:
    Dark Light

    100. Macleod
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