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21. Mike's Site Index Photographs of Maryland, West Virginia, and tributes to my favorite authors (brian lumley), music (the Blues and Jimmy Buffett). http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/latin/687 | |
22. SFBookcase.com - Author Brian Lumley's Biography,Bibliography,Novels,Short Stori Author detail page, listing a brief biography about them, a list of their novels, and sites related to them. SFbookcase author profile. SFbookcase gives you all of the information about new Username Password Register brian lumley. Monday April 26 2004 8/10. brian lumley's Mythos Omnibus Volume Two http://www.sfbookcase.com/author.asp?authorid=26 |
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24. Brian Lumley Books On Archivesinc.com . 3. lumley, brian Necroscope 2 Vamphyri......the burrowers beneath, lumley, brian, harpercollins publishers 2. lumley, brian Bloodwars. Forge November 1995 Paperback good massmarket paperback; spine creased See Full. http://www.archivesinc.com/pg/brianlumley.html | |
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26. Brian Lumley Books On Abetterbookstoreonline.com . 5. lumley, brian THE HORROR AT......the brian lumley companion, lumley, brian and stanley wiater, tor Click to view full description. 1. lumley, brian IN THE MOONS OF BOREA See Full. http://www.abetterbookstoreonline.com/pg/brianlumley.html | |
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30. Brian Lumley Books On Secondtimebooks.com . 2. lumley, brian House of Doors......house of doors, lumley, brian, tom doherty associates, llc Click to view full description. 1. lumley, brian Bloodwars. New York, NY, U.S.A See Full. http://www.secondtimebooks.com/pg/brianlumley.html | |
31. Festa-Verlag Translate this page Dreamland 1, 1101, lumley, brian, 11.95EUR. Dreamland 2, 1103, lumley, brian, 11.95EUR. Dreamland 3, 1104, lumley, brian, 11.95EUR. Dreamland 4, 1106, lumley, brian, 11.95EUR. http://festa.exxa.de/index.php?manufacturers_id=13 |
32. Brian Lumley Books On Peacockbooks.net . 2. lumley, brian THE HOUSE OF DOORS (TOR HORROR......the house of doors (tor horror), lumley, brian, tor books Click to view full description. 1. lumley, brian MAZE OF WORLDS See Full. http://www.peacockbooks.net/pg/brianlumley.html | |
33. Festa-Verlag Translate this page Das Erwachen, 2801, lumley, brian, 10.00EUR. Vampirblut, 2802, lumley, brian, 10.00EUR. Kreaturen der Nacht, 2803, lumley, brian, 10.00EUR. http://festa.exxa.de/index.php?cPath=29 |
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39. Lumley, Brian Translate this page lumley, brian. brian lumley wurde an Englands Nordostküste geboren aber lebt z.Zt. im Südwesten, in Torquay, Devon. Er war Soldat http://www.x-zine.de/xzine_autoren.id_109.htm | |
40. Lumley, Brian | ( L ) | Einzelne Autoren | Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror lumley, brian Lackey, Mercedes. http://www.buch-verzeichnis-online.de/b/578402.html | |
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