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81. Urkutatas.helyhir.hu :: Ûrkutatás lowell, percival (127 szóból áll a szöveg) (8 olvasás) Nyomtathatóváltozat (18551916) Amerikai csillagász. Bostonban született. http://urkutatas.helyhir.hu/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req= |
82. A Very Grave Matter - Percival Lowell - Burying Ground Of The First Settlers, Ne Jan. 8, 1665 A genealogy link for percival lowell. A short biographyof percival lowell from Our Newbury Ancestors. percival arrived http://www.gravematter.com/lowell-percival.htm | |
83. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With I, J, K, & L lowell, John E. lowell, John Eaton lowell, Lewis lowell, Lewis S. lowell, Lydialowell, Mary lowell, Miriam lowell, Nancy lowell, percival lowell, percival http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/1627/family/idxi.htm | |
84. Lowell Observatory - Gateway To Sedona Arizona 3. lowell Observatory percival lowell. lowell Observatory FOUNDER Mars.percival lowell gazing into the Clark Telescope. Rotunda http://www.gatewaytosedona.com/special_lowellobservatory1.htm | |
85. Anamizu And Percival Lowell Anamizu and percival lowell. By Masaki Okamoto. February, 1996. In myprefecture there is a city which has a festival named after percival http://www2.gol.com/users/stever/lowell.htm | |
86. Newbury Ancestors - Lowell John lowell, percival s older son, his wife Mary Gooch, and their four children wereaboard the Jonathan. Mary died when her fifth child was born soon after http://www.rootsweb.com/~maessex/newbury/lowellp.htm | |
87. Lowell Observatory - Flagstaff, Arizona The lowell Observatory was founded by percival lowell in 1894. The PL was definitelya PLus, as it happens to be the initials of percival lowell. http://www.kaibab.org/other/gc_oa_lo.htm | |
88. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Percival Lowell (Astronomy, Biographies) - Encyclopedia AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete informationon percival lowell, Astronomy, Biographies. Includes related research links. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/L/LowellP.html | |
89. Anecdote - Percival Lowell - Martian Venice? lowell, percival (18551916) American astronomer, brother of Amy and Abbott lowellnoted for his establishment of Arizona s Flagstaff Observatory (1894) http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=3324 |
90. Bibliomania: Free Online Literature And Study Guides Don t Panic! An error has occurred in the Bibliomania Servlet Engine.You should not be seeing this screen, if you are it is my http://www.bibliomania.com/NonFiction/Lowell/Mars/ | |
91. International: Italiano: Scienze: Fisica: Astronomia: Astronomi: Lowell,_Perciva Translate this page In tutta la Directory. http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Scienze/Fisica/Astronomia/Astronomi/ | |
92. VIRGILIO Enciclopedia | Terra E Universo | Astronomia E Cosmologia lowell http://enciclopedia.virgilio.it/directory/cgi/dir.cgi?ccat=47720&clem=21102 |
93. MSN Encarta - Reference MSN Encarta your gateway for interactive learning on the Web. http://encarta.msn.com/index/conciseindex/02/00231000.htm?z=1&pg=2&br=1 |
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