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         Lowell Percival:     more books (100)
  1. Is Mars habitable? A critical examination of Professor Percival Lowell's book "Mars and its canals," with an alternative explanation
  2. People From Coconino County, Arizona: People From Flagstaff, Arizona, People From Sedona, Arizona, Max Ernst, Clyde Tombaugh, Percival Lowell
  3. Is Mars Habitable?; [microform]: a Critical Examination of Professor Percival Lowell's Book "mars and Its Canals," With an Alternative by Alfred Russel Wallace, 2010-01-05
  4. Is Mars habitable? A critical examination of Professor Percival Lowell's book "Mars and its canals," with an alternative explanation
  5. Is Mars Habitable? A Critical Examination Of Professor Percival Lowell's Book Mars And Its Canals, With An Alternative Explanation (1907) by Alfred Russel Wallace, 2010-09-10
  6. Pluto: Clyde Tombaugh, Percival Lowell, Roger Putnam, Venetia Burney, Solar Eclipses on Pluto, Plutoed
  7. Percival Lowell: Collected Writings on the Far East (Ganesha - Collected Works of Japanologists)
  8. Mars: Is There Life On Mars? (Forgotten Books) by Percival Lawrence Lowell, 2008-01-10
  9. Percival Lowell: An Afterglow by Louise Leonard, 2010-09-10
  10. Observations of the Planet Mars During the Opposition of 1894-5 (Annals of the Lowell Observatory, Volume I) by Percival Lowell, 1898
  11. The Lowells and Their Seven Worlds. With Illustrations. by Percival (1855-1916)] GREENSLET, Ferris. [LOWELL, 1946-01-01
  12. Annals of the Lowell Observatory. Volume III. Observations of the Planet Mars During the Oppositions of 1894, 1896, 1898, 1901 and 1903 Made at Flagstaff, Arizona. by Percival (1855-1916) LOWELL, 1905
  13. Annals of the Lowell Observatory. Volume I. Observations of the Planet Mars During the Opposition of 1894-5 Made at Flagstaff, Arizona. WITH: LOWELL. Annals of the Lowell Observatory. Volume II. Observations of the Planet Jupiter and its Satellites 1894 and 1895. II. Observations of Mars 1896 and 1897 Made at Flagstaff, Arizona, and Tacubaya, Mexico. WITH: LOWELL. Annals of the Lowell Observatory. Volume III. Observations of the Planet Mars During the Oppositions of 1894, 1896, 1898, 1901 and 1903 Made at Flagstaff, Arizona. by Percival (1855-1916). LOWELL, 1905
  14. Lowell Observatory photographs of the planets. by Percival (1855-1916). LOWELL, 1910-01-01

41. MARS By Percival Lowell. Illustrations
Go to preface Diagram I Diagram of the Orbits of Mars and the EarthDiagram II Huyghens drawing of the Syrtis Major, November 28
Go to preface Diagram I Diagram of the Orbits of Mars and the Earth Diagram II Huyghens' drawing of the Syrtis Major, November 28, 1659 Diagram III Mars Plate I Mars, Sinus Titanum, frontispiece, (originally a colour plate, black and white here) Plate II Map of the South Pole of Mars, Showing the Polar Cap and its Changes, 1894. Plate III Mars Longitude degrees on the Meridian Plate IV Mars Longitude 30 degrees on the Meridian Plate V Mars Longitude 60 degrees on the Meridian Plate VI Mars Longitude 90 degrees on the Meridian Plate VII Mars Longitude 120 degrees on the Meridian Plate VIII Mars Longitude 150 degrees on the Meridian Plate IX Mars Longitude 180 degrees on the Meridian Plate X Mars Longitude 210 degrees on the Meridian Plate XI Mars Longitude 240 degrees on the Meridian Plate XII Mars Longitude 270 degrees on the Meridian Plate XIII Mars Longitude 300 degrees on the Meridian Plate XIV Mars Longitude 330 degrees on the Meridian Plate XV Syrtis MajorShowing Seasonal Change during 1894. Plate XVI Hesperiashowing seasonal change during 1894.

42. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > L > Lowell, Percival, 1
Author lowell, percival, 18551916 Keywords Authors L lowell, percival, 1855-1916;Titles N ; Subject subject unknown. Soul of the Far East, The, 1998.

43. Mars In The Mind Of Earth: Books -Non Fiction Full List
The best biography of lowell, with good discussion of his influence.376 p. lowell, percival. Mars. 228 p. lowell, percival. Mars.
Lowell, Percival Back to Subjects Comments and suggestions Author Title Publisher Year Published Notes Hoyt, WIlliam Graves. Lowell and Mars. Tucson: Univ. of Arizona 1st ed. Also published in trade paperback, 1976 and 1996. The best biography of Lowell, with good discussion of his influence. 376 p. Lowell, Percival. Mars. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Lowell, Percival. Mars. London: Longman, Green and Co. Lowell, Percival. Mars. History of Astronomy Reprints Lowell, Percival. Mars. Elibron Classics Lowell, Percival. Mars. Waterbury, CT: Brohan Lowell, Percival. Mars and Its Canals. New York: Macmillan 1st edition. 393 p. 2nd of the three major books by Lowell about Mars. There was a second printing in August 1907, and it was still being printed as of 1911. Lowell, Percival.

44. Mars In The Mind Of Earth: Books -Non Fiction Full List
Later edition in 1996 continues to refute NASA finding about the face, addressingnew data. lowell, percival. Mars. 228 p. lowell, percival. Mars.
Intelligent Life Back to Subjects Comments and suggestions Author Title Publisher Year Published Notes Flammarion, N.Camille. La Planete Mars et ses Conditions d'Habitabilitie'. Gauthier-Villars et Fils 1st ed. 2 vols. 608 and 598 p., respectively. Standard work covering the history of Mars thought and exploration up to 1909. A draft English translation apparently exists in one copy only, at the Lowell Observatory Library in Arizona. Hancock, Graham. The Mars Mystery: the Secret Connection Between Earth and the Red Planet. New York: Crown 1st edition. 344 p. Another work building on Hoagland's theories. Hoagland, Richard. The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books 1st edition. Account of the face and the Cydonia region. Hoagland, Richard.

45. NewsScan Publishing Inc. - NewsScan Daily Archives
NewsScan Daily Archives. HONORARY SUBSCRIBER lowell, percival. for a biography ofpercival lowell by David Strauss or look for it in your favorite library.

46. The Soul Of The Far East Lowell, Percival Campfire Cafe Chat
The Soul of the Far East lowell, percival Campfire Free copy of The Soul of theFar East in the Library http// If ye

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47. S³ownik Astronomiczny PTA
Strona glówna / hasla, Powrót. lowell, percival. 13.3.1855 12.11.1916 Astronomamerykanski. Fundator Obserwatorium lowella we Flagstaff w Arizonie (1894).

48. Percival Lowell Y Los Canales De Marte
Translate this page percival lowell y los canales de Marte. percival lowell (1855-1916), astrónomoestadounidense que realizó observaciones significativas de los planetas.
Personajes famosos
Percival Lowell y los canales de Marte
Otras secciones Astronomía Educativa El Sistema Solar Fotos del Sistema Solar El Universo ... Lecturas de Astronomía
Percival Lowell (1855-1916), astrónomo estadounidense que realizó observaciones significativas de los planetas. Es conocido por propugnar la existencia de canales en la superficie de Marte, y convertir estos supuestos canales en la prueba evidente de que había vida inteligente en el planeta.
Nació en Boston, Massachusetts, y estudió en la Universidad de Harvard. Viajó a Japón y Corea desde 1877 hasta 1893 y posteriormente escribió libros sobre Asia oriental. En 1894 fundó y fue director del Observatorio Lowell en Flagstaff, Arizona.
Tuvo conocimiento de los estudios realizados en Italia por el astrónomo Giovani Schiaparelli (1835-1910) sobre la geografía de Marte, estudios que habían llevado a la determinación de la existencia de un reticulado de líneas con una longitud de miles de kilómetros, los llamados canales.
Lowell interpretó tales estructuras como excavaciones construidas por los habitantes de aquel planeta para transportar el agua de las zonas polares a las áridas tierras del ecuador. Estas deducciones fueron consideradas bastante fantásticas por la mayoría de los científicos de la época.

49. Percival Lowell I Els Canals De Mart
percival lowell i els canals de Mart. percival lowell (18551916), astrònomnord-americà que va realitzar observacions significatives dels planetes.
Personatges famosos
Percival Lowell i els canals de Mart
Altres seccions Astronomia Educativa El Sistema Solar Fotos del Sistema Solar L'Univers ... Lectures d'Astronomia Percival Lowell (1855-1916), astrònom nord-americà que va realitzar observacions significatives dels planetes. És conegut per propugnar l'existència de canals a la superfície de Mart, i convertir aquests suposats canals en la prova evident que havia vida intel·ligent en aquell planeta.
Va néixer a Boston, Massachusetts, i va estudiar a la Universitat d'Harvard. Va viatjar a Japó i Corea des de 1877 fins 1893 i posteriorment va escriure llibres sobre Àsia oriental. Al 1894 va fundar i va ser director de l'Observatori Lowell a Flagstaff, Arizona.
Va tenir coneixement dels estudis realitzats a Itàlia per l'astrònom Giovani Schiaparelli (1835-1910) sobre la geografia de Mart, estudis que havien dut a la determinació de l'existència d'un reticulat de línies amb una longitud de milers de quilòmetres, els anomenats canals.
Lowell va interpretar aquelles estructures com a excavacions construïdes pels habitants del planeta per a transportar l'aigua de les zones polars a les àrides terres de l'equador. Aquestes deduccions van ser considerades bastant fantàstiques per la majoria dels científics de l'època.
Des de 1902 fins a la seva mort, va ser professor no resident d'astronomia en l'Institut de Tecnologia de Massachusetts. Lowell es va dedicar també a analitzar el moviment dels dos planetes extrems coneguts: Urà i Neptú. De la irregularitat de les seves òrbites va deduir que allí devia haver un novè planeta. El va buscar activament des del seu observatori, però sense resultat.

50. Asia Fine Books: Lowell, Percival
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51. Mars - Percival Lowell And Mars
percival lowell and Mars. 148 k GIF 37 k JPEG lowell Observatory Photo percivallowell (1855-1916) is one of the best known observers of the planet Mars.
P ercival L owell and M ars 148 k GIF 37 k JPEG
Lowell Observatory
Photo P ercival L owell (1855-1916) is one of the best known observers of the planet Mars. Lowell is pictured here in the observer's chair of the 61-centimeter (24-inch) refracting telescope in the observatory he established in Flagstaff, Arizona. Lowell Observatory is still one of the foremost sites for telescopic studies of Mars and the other planets.
The Canals of Mars 137 k GIF 43 k JPEG
Percival Lowell made this globe of Mars summarizing his observations of the planet for the year 1901. - Loaned by Lowell Observatory The straight lines represent features that were first "seen" by the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli in 1877. He called them canali , an Italian word meaning channels . The canali were also observed by Lowell who concluded they were canals built by intelligent beings. The canals supposedly supplied water from the melting polar caps to a desert world. In his book " Mars as the Abode of Life ", published in 1908, Percival Lowell presented his theory that Mars' canals were built by intelligent beings.

52. Persival Lowell
Translate this page percival lowell. © 2001. Carlos Andrés Carvajal T. Astrónomo Autodidacta.percival lowell (1855 - 1916). se graduó con
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Percival Lowell
© 2001. Carlos Andrés Carvajal T.
Astrónomo Autodidacta.
Percival Lowell (1855 - 1916). se graduó con distinción en Matemáticas en Harvard en 1876, viajo por varios años por todo el lejano oriente antes de comenzar sus estudios en astronomía. Se intereso principalmente por Marte y sus canales, como había sido descritos por el astrónomo italiano Schiaparelli. En 1894 fundó el Observatorio Lowell en Flagstaff, Arizona. Su localización geográfica a mas de 1500 metros de altura en un clima desértico lo hicieron un sitio excelente para la observación de Marte Durante 15 años de intenso estudio del planeta rojo, cuya superficie el estudio y dibujó detalladamente, Lowell estaba convencido y presionó para que se aceptase la presencia de una red de finos canales en su superficie. Concluyó que las zona brillantes observadas eran desiertos y que las zonas oscuras correspondían a zonas de vegetación y que el agua proveniente de sus capas de hielo polar fluían a través de los canales hacia las regiones ecuatoriales del globo marciano. El hipotetizó que los canales habían sido construidos por seres inteligentes que alguna vez habitaron al planeta. Sus publicaciones: Mars Mars and Its Canals (1906), y

53. Lowell, Percival
lowell, percival (1855.3.13.1916.11.12.) Amerikai csillagász. Bostonbanszületett. A Harvardon végzett, majd az arizonai Flagstaff
Lowell, Percival (1855.3.13.-1916.11.12.) Amerikai csillagász. Bostonban született. A Harvardon végzett, majd az arizonai Flagstaff-ben 1894-ben megalapította a Lowell Obszervatóriumot. Nagy gondossággal tanulmányozta a Mars felszínét és bizonygatta, hogy a Schiaparelli által a bolygó n látott egyes felszíni képz?dmények csatornák, melyek arra szolgálnak, hogy a marslakók a pólussapkák megolvadt vizét a szárazabb területekre vezessék. Megfigyelései kés?bb téveszméknek bizonyultak. 1915-ben az Uránusz pályaháborgásait megfigyelve arra a következtetésre jutott, hogy a Neptunusz on túl léteznie kell még egy égitestnek. Életének hátralév? részét ennek a feltételezett bolygónak a kutatására szentelte. 1916-ban úgy hunyta le a szemét, hogy a keresett égitestet nem sikerült megpillantania. A sors fintora, hogy obszervatóriumában kétszer is lefotózták a keresett planétát, de azt a felvételeken nem vették észre. Hosszas kutatás után 1930-ban C. Tombaugh fedezte fel a keresett bolygót, melyet Plútó nak kereszteltek el.

54. MSN Encarta - Lowell, Percival
Translate this page Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium(ci-dessus). lowell, percival. Plus de résultats pour lowell, percival,
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Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Lowell, Percival Lowell, Percival (1855-1916), astronome am©ricain qui fit des observations importantes sur les plan¨tes, surtout connu pour sa croyance en l'existence... Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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55. Mars By Percival Lowell : Arthur's Classic Novels
lowell, percival . IV. Oases. vol. 76 (August 1895) 223235. About the print versionMars The Atlantic monthly lowell, percival. Houghton, Mifflin and Co.
This document was prepared with borrowed etext for Arthur's Classic Novels. Etext was prepared for the University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center. XHTML markup by Arthur Wendover. October 10, 2003. (See source text for details.) This is the etext version of the book Mars by Percival Lowell, taken from the original etext 10.txt. Arthur's Classic Novels
by Percival Lowell
I. Atmosphere. AMID the seemingly countless stars that on a clear night spangle the vast dome overhead, there appeared last autumn to be a new-comer, a very large and ruddy one, that rose at sunset through the haze about the eastern horizon. That star was the planet Mars, so conspicuous when in such position as often to be taken for a portent. Large as he then looked, however, he is in truth but a secondary planet traveling round a secondary sun; but his interest for us is out of all proportion to his actual size or his relative importance in the cosmos. For that sun is our own; and that planet is, with the exception of the moon, our next to nearest neighbor in space, Venus alone ever approaching us closer. From him, therefore, of all the heavenly bodies, may we expect first to learn something beyond celestial mechanics, beyond even celestial chemistry; something in answer to the mute query that man instinctively makes as he gazes at the stars, whether there be life in worlds other than his own. Hitherto the question has received no affirmative reply, although the trend of all latter-day investigation has been to such affirmation; for science has been demonstrating more and more clearly the essential oneness of the universe. Matter proves to be common property. We have learnt that the very same substances with which we are familiar on this our earth, iron, magnesium, calcium, and the rest, are present in the far-off stars that strew the depths of space. Nothing new under the sun! Indeed, there is nothing new above it but ever-varying detail.

56. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Lowell, Percival
INDEX What is PG Etext Listings. Etexts by Author. lowell, percival,18551916 L Index Main Index The Soul of the Far East.

57. Lowell, Percival
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Lowell, Percival

58. Biography Search
percival lowellpercival lowell forum, biography, portrait, pictures, lesson plansand online books including The Soul of the Far East. pictures

59. MSN Encarta - Lowell, Percival
Encyclopedia Article, from, Encarta, lowell, percival. lowell, percival (18551916),American astronomer, who made significant observations of the planets.
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60. Questia Online Library - The Online Library (3)
lowell, percival, page 28478. lowell, percival. 1855–1916, American astronomer,b. Boston, grad. 28478. Read the next page from lowell, percival

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