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121. Cthulhu Coffee Offers lovecraftand-coffee-inspired humor, among other things. http://www.cthulhu-coffee.com/ |
122. The H. P. Lovecraft Library If you have text, rich text, html, or Word 97 copies of anything written by HP lovecraft that is not here, please consider sharing it with your fellow fans of http://terror.black.art.pl/~darkeye/bookz/library/_horror/lovecraft/ | |
123. Lurking Fear - The Band Folk/punk band from the mid 80s with songs influenced by H.P. lovecraft. History, lyrics, and sound files. http://www.fortunecity.co.uk/madchester/latin/497/ | |
124. HP Lovecraft - HP Lovecraft 1 / HP Lovecraft 2 (2 On 1) On Universal Music | Roc HP lovecraft HP lovecraft 1 / HP lovecraft 2 (2 on 1) on Universal Music hauntingly hazy arrangements, and imaginative songwriting that drew from pop and http://www.musicaobscura.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/departments/page_number/15/sta | |
125. Cthulhu Chick Tract I myself don t agree with Chick s fundamentalist Christianity, nor do I take the writings of HP lovecraft seriously (although I wouldn t reccomend trying to http://www.howardhallis.com/bis/cthulhuchick/ | |
126. Delta Green: A War Of Attrition Using Call Of Cthulhu 5.0 A site for Keepers of Delta Green, offering scenario ideas, characters, and definitions for novices, experts, or lovecraft fans of all types. http://www.angelfire.com/games5/deltagreen | |
127. FYE HP lovecraft HP lovecraft/HP lovecraft II. Play Audio Clip. All Available Formats, Release, Price, CD HP lovecraft/HP lovecraft II, 09/12/00, $13.99, Add To Cart. http://www.fye.com/catalog/musicProduct.jhtml?itemId=10435136 |
128. The Cthangband Home Page Variant influenced by H.P. lovecraft. Overview, known bug list, source, and executables for a variety of platforms. http://www.visi.com/~thornley/david/cthangband/ | |
129. HarperCollins Publishers Australia - Authors > Profiles HP lovecraft. Renowned as one of the great horrorwriters of all time, HP lovecraft was born in 1890 and lived most of his life in Providence, Rhode Island. http://www.harpercollins.com.au/authors/author_profile.cfm?Author=0010813 |
130. Lovekraftia Read a series of essays on H.P. lovecraft. http://www.geocities.com/panmuse13/hpl1.html |
131. H.P. Lovecraft Illustrated Graphic Classics HP lovecraft The master of gothic horror presented in comics and illustration. Graphic Classics HP lovecraft 144 pages, b w, color cover $10. http://www.graphicclassics.com/pgs/hpl.htm | |
132. Anchorhead Rated 5/5 by Carl Muckenhoupt. lovecraftinspired gothic horror at its best. http://www.wurb.com/if/game/17 | |
133. H. P. Lovecraft Collection / Information The HP lovecraft Collection / Information. button to the lovecraft site HP lovecraft Archive lovecraft, HP (Howard Phillips) At the Mountains of Madness. http://www.niulib.niu.edu/rbsc/Lovecraft.html | |
134. Yaahh!!! Shub-Niggurath!!! The Goat With Thousand Youngs!!! A search engine specialized in Howard Philips lovecraft, Cthulhu Mythos and related subjects. http://www.shubniggurath.com/ | |
135. Two Classic Albums From HP Lovecraft: H.P. Lovecraft/ H.P. Lovecraft II Collecto Shopping online for Two Classic Albums from HP lovecraft HP lovecraft/ HP lovecraft II manufactured by Collectors Choice. Two Classic http://www.blueballweb.net/twoclassicalbumsfromhplovecraf.html | |
136. Untitled Document Contiene informaci³n relativa a las obras de H. P. lovecraft y a su tem¡tica. http://espanol.geocities.com/alazifcl | |
137. Article: Things We Were Not Meant To Know: H.P. Lovecraft And Cosmic Horror, By Things We Were Not Meant to Know HP lovecraft and Cosmic Horror. lovecraft, HP The Best of HP lovecraft Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror and the Macabre. http://www.strangehorizons.com/2001/20010618/lovecraft.shtml | |
138. Postcards From Kadath An illustrated travelogue inspired by H.P. lovecraft. http://users.rcn.com/laarree/oldies/guide/kadath.html | |
139. H.P. Lovecraft @ Catharton Authors Websites The HP lovecraft Archive. HP lovecraft in the Movies. FAQ for alt.horror.cthulhu. Message Boards creepinglist. HP lovecraft. NIGHTFOG. necronomicon2. http://www.catharton.com/authors/214.htm | |
140. Frontpage 3D and 2D work for sale from a selection of artists. Specialising in areas related to H.P.lovecraft, Gothic imagery and Dark Fantasy. http://www.arkham-darkart.co.uk |
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