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1. Camilleri, Trollope Anthony, Lins Osman Gnomiz Editoria: Sellerio Di Giorgianni libri Dei Segreti Dell Anima ) L isola nello spazio lins osman ; Un brivido http://www.gnomiz.it/librerie/sellerio.htm | |
2. Lins Osman Libri Misteri di s. Joana Carolina il libro - Translate this page La pagina degli sconti. Misteri di s. Joana Carolina, Anno, 1999. Autore,lins osman. Editore, Marietti. Dati, 100 p. Prezzo, 9,3 iva inclusa. http://www.tuttonet.com/y1y.asp/cf_ricercalibri/A_Lins Osman | |
3. Artepaubrasil Virtual - LIVRARIA Translate this page Pesquisa realizada AUTOR OSMAN LINS 8 itens encontrados. CASOS ESPECIAISDE OSMAN lins osman LINS, SUMMUS, ROMANCE PORTUGUES (BRASIL) R$ 0.00. http://www.paubrasil.com.br/livraria/scripts/pesquisa_autores.web?53171944104212 |
4. Brasilien - Portal / Sabiá Travel - Wichtige Brasilianische Autoren Translate this page 1923) Nackte Stunden Guimarães Rosa João (1908-1967) Miguilims Kindheit GullarFerreira (1930) Der Grüne Glanz der Tage lins osman (1924-1978) Die Königin http://www.brasilienportal.ch/index.cfm?nav=12,457,458 |
5. CONTEXT: Gregory Rabassa, Reading Osman Lins's Avalovara CONTEXT Vsevolod Brodsky Letter from Russia SPECIAL SALEany 100 Dalkey titles for $500. Reading osman lins's Avalovara. Gregory Rabassa the starting point of Avalovara, by osman lins. lins's novel has what could be construed http://www.dalkeyarchive.com/context/no11/Rabassa.html | |
6. »»Reviews For Lins, Osman«« lins, osman Reviews. Related Subjects Books Under Review. Book reviews for lins,osman sorted by average review score Author osman lins. Amazon base price $. http://www.booksunderreview.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/L/Lins,_Osman/ | |
7. Avalovara , Osman Lins BRAZILIAN BOOKS Search to get portuguese books from Brazil Publicada em 1973, a obra máxima do pernambucano osman lins continua a instigar novos leitores modula cada frase, cada som, osman http://www.brazilianbooks.com/SSS/click.cgi?book=2323 |
8. Avalovara - By Lins, Osman Avalovara. Literature Fiction Book Review. AUTHOR lins, OsmanISBN 1564783200 Compare price for this book. Book Store Book http://www.bookfinder.us/review6/1564783200.html | |
9. An Interview With Osman Lins .all I Can Almost Say That Words (and HighBeam Research, Free Preview 'An interview with osman lins.' Full Membership required for unlimited access. Comprehensive archive of newspapers, magazines, trade journals, TV and radio An http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?docid= |
10. General Literature & Fiction · Compare prices for this book....... Avalovara AUTHOR lins, osman ISBN 1564783200 Publish Date May 2002 FormatPaperback Book Review http://www.bookfinder.us/Literature___Fiction/General_Literature___Fiction/index | |
11. Dalkey Archive Press: Osman Lins osman lins. Titles Available. Avalovara Click here for an interview with osman lins by Edla Van Steen http://www.dalkeyarchive.com/dalkey/backlist/lins.html | |
12. Tabocas FM http://www.avecfacol.edu.br/ |
13. BRAZZIL - News From Brazil - OSMAN LINS REVISITED osman lins redux. With two more of his inventive books now available in English, the late Brazilian library has been Avalovara, by osman lins, which was published in translation http://www.brazil-brasil.com/pages/blamar96.htm | |
14. South American Trilogy: Osman Lins, Felisberto Hernandez, Luis Fernando Vidal By South American Trilogy osman lins, Felisberto Hernandez, Luis Fernando Vidal by Luis RamosGarica (Editor), Luis A. Ramos-Garcia (Editor) isbn 0934840040 http://www.campusi.com/isbn_0934840040.htm | |
15. Osman Lins - Menu Translate this page osman lins. Menu do Autor A partida. Último texto. A partida. osman lins. osmanlins nasceu a 5 de julho de 1924, em Vitória de Santo Antão (PE). http://www.releituras.com/osmanlins_menu.asp | |
16. New Acquisitions List For JULY 2003 Servico Documentacão 1952. lins, osman, 1924 OS GESTOS / osman lins Olympio, 1957. lins, osman, 1924- LA PAZ EXISTE? / osman lins, JULIETA DE GODOY LADEIRA http://www.unm.edu/~libacser/Jul/code3i.html | |
17. Osman Lins - A Partida Translate this page osman lins. Menu do Autor. A partida. osman lins. Hoje osman lins nasceua 5 de julho de 1924, em Vitória de Santo Antão (PE). Publicou http://www.releituras.com/osmanlins_partida.asp | |
18. MSN Encarta - Osman Lins Translate this page osman lins. osman lins (1924-1978), escritor brasileño, autor de novelas,cuentos, dramas y ensayos. Más información sobre osman lins de, http://es.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_961543956/Osman_Lins.html | |
19. New Acquisitions List For JUNE 2003 Servico Documentacão 1952. lins, osman, 1924 OS GESTOS; CONTOS Olympio, 1957. lins, osman, 1924- LA PAZ EXISTE? / osman lins, JULIETA DE GODOY LADEIRA http://www.unm.edu/~libacser/Jun/code3i.html | |
20. MSN Encarta - Resultados De La Búsqueda - Osman Lins osman lins . Página 1 de 1. *, Exclusivopara los suscriptores de MSN Encarta Premium. 1. osman lins*. http://es.encarta.msn.com/Osman_Lins.html | |
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