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         Lian Alan:     more detail

41. Konarka Technologies - Leading Developer Of Polymer Photovoltaic Products That P
Dr. alan J. Heeger received his BS degree with high distinction in 1957 from theUniversity of Nebraska, and received his Ph.D. from the Dr. lian Li, Ph.D.
Home About Us Board of Directors Management Team ... home Founding Scientists
Dr. Srinivasan Balasubramanian, Ph.D.
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Dr. Kethinni Chittibabu, Ph.D.
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Dr. Alan Heeger, Ph.D.
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Dr. Lian Li, Ph.D.
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Dr. Sukant K. Tripathy, Ph.D.
The late Dr. Sukant K. Tripathy has inspired our work at Konarka. As a chemistry professor at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, and Founder of the Center for Advanced Materials, Dr. Tripathy was responsible for establishing the University's Institute for NanoScience Engineering and Technology. During his 15 years at UMass Lowell, Dr. Tripathy became an internationally known scientist in the materials field and he helped the University to become a significant player in the emerging nanotechnology field. Return to top ^ Dr. Srinivasan Balasubramanian, Ph.D.

42. United Co-operatives Ltd - Member Relations
movement. alan is a keen walker and is our outdoors man! David Bretherton.Member Relations Compliance Department. lian Robinson. Office
Member Relations Department
Meet The Team...
Alan Griffiths
Member Relations Manager Alan joined the department in July 2000. Many people will know Alan from his previous jobs in Credit Control and TV Services. He is also heavily involved in the Southern Social and Welfare Council. Living in Newcastle u Lyme, Alan has a number of contacts in the North Staffordshire area and is rapidly building up his knowledge of the co-operative movement.
Alan is a keen walker and is our outdoors man!
David Bretherton
David was also town Mayor of Penwortham Parish Council from May 2001 to May 2002 and has been a district councillor at South Ribble, representing the Labour Party, for the last eight years, and is currently chair of his local area committee.
Lisa Moss
Member Relations Manager Lisa has worked for the society for since 1998. Lisa worked for a year in funeral division as a funeral operative, where her responsibilities included arranging funeral, caring for the deceased and there families.
Lisa worked for loss prevention for three years as a health and safety technician responsible for the health and safety in food group and funeral division.

43. Mathematics -> Offices -> Search -> Brandeis University
Levine, Jerome, 781736-3054, 050, Goldsmith 222. lian, Bong, 781-736-3069,050, Goldsmith 314. Mayer, alan, 781-736-3066, 050, Goldsmith 302.

44. Graduate Courses -> Mathematics -> Areas Of Study -> Academics -> Brandeis Unive
08209, MATH 401d sec. 9, Research, TBA, lian, Bong. 08211, MATH 401d sec.10, Research, TBA, Mayer, alan. 08213, MATH 401d sec. 11, Research, TBA, Monsky,Paul.
@import url("/academicsdir/ntstyles.css"); Mathematics Brandeis University Academics Areas of Study Mathematics ...
MATH 101b
Algebra II Block C - MWR 10:10am - 11:00am
Monsky, Paul MATH 110b Differential Geometry
Time change 1/9/04. Block E - MWR 12:10pm - 01:00pm
Ruberman, Daniel MATH 111b Complex Analysis Block N - TF 01:40pm - 03:00pm
Adler, Mark A MATH 121b Topology II Block D - MWR 11:10am - 12:00pm
Igusa, Kiyoshi MATH 200a Second-Year Seminar Block P - TF 03:10pm - 04:30pm
Diamond, Fred MATH 201b Topics in Algebra II Block J - TF 12:10pm - 01:30pm
Diamond, Fred MATH 202b Algebraic Geometry II Block K - MW 02:10pm - 03:30pm
Mayer, Alan MATH 203b Topics in Number Theory Block M - MW 05:10pm - 06:30pm
Kleinbock, Dmitry MATH 211b Topics in Differential Geometry and Analysis II Block N - TF 01:40pm - 03:00pm Goldsmith VAN MOERBEKE, P MATH 221b Topology IV Block D - MWR 11:10am - 12:00pm Goldsmith CHARNEY, R MATH 250a Riemann Surfaces TBA VAN MOERBEKE, P

45. Alan Stewart 2004 Ditmars Written Fiction
alan Stewart. Glimmer in The Maelstrom Louise Cusack (Simon and Schuster) God sConcubine Sara Douglass (HarperCollins) Grass for his Pillow lian Hearn (Hodder
For, Sun, 8 Feb 2004 19:26:39 +1100 (EST) An updated version of the list I posted earlier. Thanks for the corrections received so far.
Further additions and corrections welcomed.
- Alan Stewart 2003 Australian Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Novels A Stranger in the Realm E N Taylor (Equilibrium Books)
A Sunburnt Country Andrew Sullivan (Ginninderra Press)
Abhorsen Garth Nix (EOS)
All This is So John F Roe (Wakefield Press)
An Evil Hour Russell Blackford (iBooks)
At the End of Time Jean Nemeyeth (Wakeman)
Blue Box Kate Orman (BBC)
Book of Dreams Traci Harding (HarperCollins)
Born of the Sea Victor Kelleher (Penguin) Breakaway Joel Shepherd (HarperCollins) Bride of The Stone Josephine Pennicott (Simon and Schuster) Dark Shinto Dale Elvy (HarperCollins) Exit Alpha Clinton Smith (HarperCollins) Eye of the Labyrinth Jennifer Fallon (HarperCollins) Fallen Gods Kate Orman (Telos) Feronian 5 Peter Melov Foxmask Juliet Marillier (Macmillan) Freedom Tony Shillitoe (HarperCollins) Glimmer in The Maelstrom Louise Cusack (Simon and Schuster) God's Concubine Sara Douglass (HarperCollins) Grass for his Pillow Lian Hearn (Hodder) Life-One John Doan (JDX) Lord of the Shadows Jennifer Fallon (HarperCollins) Myrren's Gift Fiona McIntosh (HarperCollins) Mythology Heath Sharples (Equilibrium Books) Orbital Burn Adrian Bedford [Edge SF] Passion Tony Shillitoe (HarperCollins) Scrutator Ian Irvine (Penguin) Terminator Gene Ian Irvine (Simon and Schuster)

46. English-Chinese Names Transliteration
Translate this page Alastair, Ai Le Shi, Gabriel, Gao Bi E, Marion, Mei Ri En. alan, Ai Le An,Eugene, You Ji Ne, Nancy, Man Ci. Agnus, An Ni Ci, Harriet, Ha Ri Te, Pauline,Po lian.
Abigail Ai Bi Gei Felix Fei Li Si Michael Mei Ka You Adam Ai Da An Florence Fa La ren Micky Mai Kai Adrian Ai Di An Frances Fa Ren Si Miles Mi You Ci Agatha Ai Ga Te Frank Fa Ren Ka Michelle Mei Shi Le Agnes Ai Gei Ni Frieda Fei Ri Da Milly Mei Li Alastair Ai Le Shi Gabriel Gao Bi E Marion Mei Ri En Alan Ai Le An Eugene You Ji Ne Nancy Man Ci Albert Ai Bi Te Geoffrey Gao Fa Ri Ned Ni De Aiyisha Ai Yi Shi George Zhou Ji Nelly Ni Li Alex Ai Le Ci Gerard Zhi Rao De Nicholas Ni Kao La Albert Ai Le Bo Gilbert Ji Ba Te Neil Ni You Alexandra Ai Li Da Giles Ji Ai Le Nick Ni Ka Alexander Ai Li De Gladys Gao La Di Oliver You Li Fa Alfred Ai Fan De Gloria Gao Ri Ai Oscar Dou Si Ka Alice Ai Li Ci Gordon Gao Da An Owen You Wen Alison Ai Li San Grace Gao Raa Ci Pamela Po Mi La Amanda Ai Men Da Graham Gao Ri An Pat Ba Te Amelia Ai Mei La Gregory Gao Zhou Ri Patricia Ba Ri Shi Andrew An De Ri Guy Gao Ai Patrick Ba Ri Ka Andy An Di Harold Ha Rou De Paul Po Le Agnus An Ni Ci Harriet Ha Ri Te Pauline Po Lian Ann An Harry Ha Ri Peter Po Te Anthony An Te Ni Hazel Ha Zhi Le Phil Fei You Arnold Ai Ni Di Helen Ha Lian Philip Fei You Ba Audrey Rou De Ri Henry Hai An Ri Polly Po Li Barbara Ba Ba Rao Herbert Ha Ba Te Prudence Po Rou Ce Barry Ba Ri Horace Hao Ri Si Quentin Wen Ti Ni Basil Ba Si Le Hugh Hao Rachel Ri Cha Si Belinda Ba Lian De Ian Ai An Ralph Rao Fa Ben Ben Irene Ai Ren Ray Rao You Benjamin Ben Zha Men Isabel Ai Zha Ba Raymond Rao You Men Bernard Ben Ai De Ivan Ai Fa An Rebecca Ri Ba Ka Bert Bi E De Jack Ji Ai Ka Reggie Ri Ji Bertram Ba Te Ren James Zhi Ai Me Richard Ri Cha De Betty Ba Ti Jane Zhi An E Rick Ri Ka Bill Bi Le Janet Zhi An Te Rob Rou Ba Bob Bo Ba Jean Ji An Robert Rou Ba Te Brenda Ba Ren Da Jennifer

47. IFETS Mailing List Archive: Re: IFETS-DISCUSS Digest - 12 Oct 1
Next message Ania lian Re IFETSDISCUSS Digest - 12 Oct 1999 to 13 Oct 1999 ;Previous message alan Holzl Re IFETS-DISCUSS Digest - 12 Oct 1999 to 13
Re: IFETS-DISCUSS Digest - 12 Oct 1999 to 13 Oct 1999
About this list Date view Thread view Subject view ... Author view Alan Holzl
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 14:40:04 +1000 List address to send message to everyone: ifets-discuss@LISTSERV.READADP.COM
Details of current discussion:
I think that Anna, misinterpreted my statement below to mean that lecturers
should give up all other activities such as research and lectures to
concentrate fully on the preparation of flexible learning materials. If
this is so, then my response is no. I mean that lecturers should still do
all of these things but less of them to compensate for the extra time they
need to devote to developing flexible learning materials. My experience in

48. IFETS Mailing List Archive: Re: IFETS-DISCUSS Digest - 8 Oct 19
Reply Ania lian Re IFETSDISCUSS Digest - 8 Oct 1999 to 9 Oct 1999 ; Reply Martin DateWed, 13 Oct 1999 165120 +1000 From alan Holzl a.holzl@mailbox.uq
Re: IFETS-DISCUSS Digest - 8 Oct 1999 to 9 Oct 1999
About this list Date view Thread view Subject view ... Author view Alan Holzl
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 16:51:20 +1000 List address to send message to everyone: ifets-discuss@LISTSERV.READADP.COM
Details of current discussion:
After a period of "missing in action" but still "lurking", I wish to
respond to Stephan Mahaley about the multiplicity of content format and the
support services provided to teachers for promoting flexible learning. As a
member of a unit which would qualify as one of these support services we
try to encourage our clients to choose and use the best technology for the
learning context. For example if you are just going to put lecture notes

SHERCOJ DE alan MENDELAWITZ1. Shi karesis lian vangon kaj demandas rukule, Karulo,kiom da amatinoj estis kun vi antau mi? Post kelkaj silentaj minutoj, shi
Alloga juna virino charme promenas tra eleganta drinkejo. Shi alfrontas viron, kiu sidas sole.
- Saluton, belulo! - shi ronrone diras. - Mi faras ian agon, kiun vi volas por $200.
- Bonege! - li respondas, - Farbu mian domon!
Edzino: Kion vi farus se mi mortus? Chu vi denove edzighus?
Edzo: Ne, kompreneble ne.
Edzino: Chu vi ne kontentas pro nia edzigho?
Edzo: Karulino! Evidente mi kontentas pro tio!
Edzino: Do, sekve, kiel vi ne volus  denove reedzighi?
Edzo: Jes, en ordo. Jes, mi supozas ke mi denove edzighus. Edzino: Chu vi dormus kun shi en nia lito? Edzo: Nu, tio estus tauga, chu ne? Edzino: Kaj chu vi demetus la fotojn pri mi el la muro, kaj anstataui ilin per fotojn pri shi? Edzo: Mi supozas ke oni konsideras tion kiel deca agmaniero. Edzino: Kaj mi supozas ke vi permesus al shi ludi per miaj golfludaj klaboj? Edzo: Evidente ne! Shi estas maldekstrulino. ChAS-PERMESO Kelkaj knaboj estis fishkaptantaj che ilia preferata lageto. Subite la chasgardisto eruptis el la arbustoj. Unu el la knaboj forjhetis sian fishilaron sur la grundon kaj komencis rapide forkuri.

50. The Snoring Forum
Dec 2003 Re injection snoreplasty Joe 06 Jan 2004 sleep angel v Cpap alan Smith04 Tongue holder Lewis Bishop 28 Sep 2003 I have fixed my snoring lian 20 Sep
Sound off about your favorite snoring/apnea remedies! If you have had good luck with a particular snoring cure or invested in a remedy that proved a waste of money please tell us about it.
Read or comment on the topics below or Click here to start a new thread
Pillar Implants - 100% success 18 May 2004
Re: Pillar Implants - 100% success 23 May 2004
Snoring Just Won't Stop Judy 18 May 2004 CPAPs and Sleep Titration Study RIPOFFS Jim L 10 May 2004
Re: CPAPs and Sleep Titration Study RIPOFFS Judy 18 May 2004
Rainout Down Under 10 May 2004 help me, my boyfriend snores so loud Christy 25 Apr 2004 Hypnosis to Stop Snoring Matt 21 Apr 2004 I feel like the only woman in the world that snores VaPa 08 Apr 2004 Looking for Sleep Angel's Phone Number 08 Apr 2004
Re: Looking for Sleep Angel's Phone Number The Editor 08 Apr 2004
Snoreplasty and near-death experience... Gary M 07 Apr 2004 Where to Start? JJ 04 Apr 2004
Re: Where to Start? 20 Apr 2004
Re: Where to Start?

51. &Quot;Homage To Dali&Quot; By Alan Bortman - / Art Supplies
Product List. *Lotus Stamen (Nelumbo Nucifera; lian Xu) Whole 16 Oz V * EgyptianPalm I By Evergreen Homage To Dali By alan Bortman / Art Supplies.
&Quot;Homage To Dali&Quot; By Alan Bortman - / Art Supplies
Product List Lotus Stamen (Nelumbo Nucifera; Lian Xu) Whole 16 Oz: V
&Quot;Egyptian Palm I&Quot; By Evergreen Painting Studio

Pittsburgh Steelers Large Leather Portfolio

Jimmie Johnson Large Leather Portfolio
Silver Diamond Dangle Earrings
&Quot;Homage To Dali&Quot; By Alan Bortman - / Art Supplies
Art Supplies - &Quot;Homage To Dali&Quot; By Alan Bortman / Product Description:
&Quot;Homage To Dali&Quot; By Alan Bortman - "Hollyhocks" by Frederick Carl Frieseke Framed Size: 27.00" X 32.00" Frame Desc. : 1.5" Furniture finish Cherry with traditional profile and blue accents - Keywords: Woman, flowers, Garden, Buildings, House, Children's Images, Girls, Impressionism, Figurative, Floral, art, prints, posters

52. Instructor Profiles - Romain's Kung Fu Academy
Awarded title of Jiao lian in January of 2004. For more information, readJiao lian Matt’s Tournament Team profile. Si Hing alan Tetefsky.
Romain’s Kung Fu Academy is a registered trademark of KUROM INC.
“Building a foundation for a better life.”
ABOUT OUR STAFF Jiao Lian Lauri Sylvester
  • Current Rank: 2nd Degree Black Sash, 1999 Training For: 8 years STORM Team/Leadership Team: 7 years Instructor Certified Level 1, August 1998 Current Responsibilities: Owner and Head Instructor, Haverstraw Location
Si Hing Frank Gorham
  • Current Rank: 1st Degree Black Sash, 2000 Training For: 7 years STORM Team/Leadership Team: 5 years Instructor Certified Level 1, August 1998 Current Responsibilities: Teaches at Nyack location, assists in teaching tournament team and demo team.
Si Hing Greg Stritmater
  • Current Rank: 2nd Degree Black Sash Training For: 7 years STORM Team/Leadership Team: 6 years Instructor Certified Level 1, Aug. 1998 Current Responsibilities: Teaches at Nyack location, Vice President 527 A.D. Inc. Co-creator of the Bullysafe program.
Si Je Margo Graves
  • Current Rank: 1st Degree Black Sash, 2002 Training For: 6 years STORM Team/Leadership Team: 5 years Instructor Certified Level 1, 2000

53. Kustom PC's Forums - Trading Sound Vs Temperature
which has a brushed aluminium face that would go with the lian Li case ? alan. Strangerin Strange Land. alan s Avatar. Join Date May 2001. Location North of

54. Alan Hargens, PhD,  Abstracts
alan R. Hargens, PhD Professor Orthopaedic Clinical Physiology. 91. Hargens AR,DH Gershuni, SJ Mubarak, SR Garfin, G lian, J Fronek, NC Yaru and WH Akeson.
Alan R. Hargens, PhD
Physiology Abstracts: 1. Hargens AR. Freezing behavior of macromolecular solutions: implication to polar biology. Symposium on Organismic and Cellular Bases of Low-Temperature Adaptation, SUNY, Geneseo, 1974. 2. Hargens AR and BW Zweifach. Exchange between blood, tissue, and peripheral lymph in mesentery. Federation Proceedings 34:400, 1975. 3. Mubarak SJ, AR Hargens, CA Owen and WH Akeson. The wick catheter technique for measurement of intramuscular pressure: A new research and clinical tool. Transactions 22nd Annual Meeting Orthopaedic Research Society 1:49 New Orleans, LA, 1976 and Orthopaedic Transactions 1:50, 1977. 4. Owen CA, SJ Mubarak, AR Hargens, L Rutherford, and WH Akeson. Intramuscular pressure measurement in limb compression: clarification of the pathogenesis of the crush syndrome spectrum. Transactions 22nd Annual Meeting Orthopaedic Research Society 1:151, New Orleans, LA, 1976. 5. Hargens AR and HH Ussing. Ion transport generated by alternating current across synthetic, desalination membranes. Federation Proceedings 35:603, 1976. 6. Hargens AR and BW Zweifach. Myogenic contractility in collecting lymph vessels. Microcirculatory Society Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 1976.

55. ACS Consultants
alan graduated from the University of Western Australia with Bachelor of Economicsand Commerce and completed postgraduate degrees from Mr. Leong lian Chong.
ACS Consultants, Associates and Alliances Mr. Andy Kuah Senior Consultant Andy graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce (Management) from the University of Western Sydney (Macarthur). He also holds 2 Diplomas, one a Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management from Singapore Institute of Management and the other a Diploma in Business Administration from Thames College. Andy has accumulated more than 12 years of business experience in the IT vendor industry and is a successful entrepreneur. Due to his remarkable track record as well as his management and technical expertise, Andy has been nominated Technopreneur of the Year in 2001 by Shell LiveWire Entrepreneur of the Year in 2002 by Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (ASME). Mr. Alan Yeo Senior Consultant Alan Yeo has about 15 years of professional consulting sales and business development implementing successful strategic plans and business development activities across the Asia-Pacific region for Nasdaq-listed, UK-listed and MNC companies. He has a proven sales track record and an established network of strong distribution channels, alliances, government agencies and private companies in the region.

56. Kim-Lian Ringtone
Kimlian, Hey boy! Danii Minogue The Bangles Justin Timberlake S Club Juniors Alfred Jodocus Kwak Eve Intenso Project alan Jackson Jagged Edge
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57. Alan's Personal Craps..
Just Another Boring Day.. Name alan. Doing Slacking at home Music The new songJolin rap with Jay? poor thing.. ke lian de Jialin is having headaches..

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Alan's Personal Craps.. Just Another Boring Day.. Name: Alan
Doing: Slacking at home
Music: The new song Jolin rap with Jay? No idea what's the title.. =x
Mood: End of Holidays.. >.
Hey Hey..
been months since i last posted? i guessed the last time i remembered about posting was in August. now's Jan already, time really flies.. so how's life everybody? i guess no one's will be reading this blog anyway, after the owner's sudden disappearance.. this is good news though, i can start posting stuff that people won't get to know.. haha..
yeah, other than studies and stuff, i'm fine. just abit trouble now and then.. seems like heaven's still playing after all this while? haha, i've grown to accept fate anyway.. well, all these while i've been troubled by love again, what else huh? seems like i'm really popular between some groups of people whom i don't really know.. and i had no idea how they got my no. in the first place? prank calls and stuff.. urgh.. really feel like cancelling my hp plan..let no one contact me.. =x
anyway, i was saying my no. being given to many people. dunno how these ladies somehow managed to get my no anyway.. haiz, why make life more miserable for me? i find that, although i'm not really good looking, there's still many who like my type haha =P

There was also some great saves by our goalie alan Jukes. League Match Dec 21stLlandegfan 1 lian 2 Gary Lewis 35 (pen) Andrew Bailey 41 lian climbs up the
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League Match Dec: I4th

LIan 2 - Gwalchmai
Arwyn Hughes 20
Liifon Backhouse 90
Llan gained another 3 points with a fine display of football, with a goal from Arwyn and also a last minute goal from Llifon. There was also some great saves by our goalie Alan Jukes.
League Match Dec: 21st Llandegfan 1 - LIan 2 Gary Lewis 35 (pen) Andrew Bailey 41 LIan climbs up the league with rewards coming from a penalty-spot by Gary Lewis, and a line solo goal by Andrew Bailey to seal the three points. Megan Cup 1st Round January 4th H/Head Gwelfor 3 - LIan 4 Gary lewis 65 - 70 (pen) G Mayall 85 O.G. It looked very dark on the horizon as Llan went in at half-time trailing by 3-0, but with a quality goal and a penalty from Gary Lewis brightened things up, and a goal by Gary Mayall took the tie to extra time with Llan being ne stronger side, the hosts conceeded an own goal to see LIan through. Megan Cup 2nd Round February 15th Lian 2 - Llangefni 2 Rob Owen 31 David Louic 35 League leaders Llangefni came to visit and the game ended 'all-square' after 90 minutes, with LIan goals from Rob and David Louie. Extra time also saw the game all-square. This cup-tie was then decided on penalty shoot-outs with Llan winning by 4-2, thanks to our goalkeeper Gareth Parry with fine saves.

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    60. Amanda Margaret HARRIES - HESTER
    1 Joy Margaret HILLS =Jeremy John WILTSHIRE Marriage Mount lian Chapel,Heatherhead, Surrey. Child alan Dan WILTSHIRE Birth 8 JUN 1935.
    Amanda Margaret HARRIES
    Ancestors of Amanda Margaret HARRIES
    David HARRIES Amanda Margaret HARRIES David CUNNINGHAM George Brown CUNNINGHAM George BROWN Margaret BROWN ... Margaret MILLER
    Descendants of Amanda Margaret HARRIES
    Amanda Margaret HARRIES Philip BRICKLE Marriage: 7 AUG 2003, Gretna Green, Scotland
    Go To List Of Surnames
    Family Tree Web Pages Produced by Version 3.28 (Unregistered Version)
    David HARRIES

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