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1. Li Po li po ( ) This page includes both English and Chinese versions. All Chinese texts are in GB code. About the poet. Drinking Alone with the Moon http://www.dpo.uab.edu/~yangzw/libai.html | |
2. Li Po li po. DRINKING ALONE BY MOONLIGHT. Three Poems 1. A cup of wine, under the flowering trees; I drink alone, for no friend is near. http://www.poetrystore.com/lipo.html | |
3. Poetry Today Online : Classic Poets: LI PO A major Chinese poet in the T'ang Dynasty, li po was a romantic who wrote about the joys official at court. li po was born in 701 in what http://www.poetrytodayonline.com/DECcp.html | |
4. Li Po li po (701762) was probably the greatest Chinese poets of premorden times times approached but never surpassed them. li po's distinctionlies in the fact that he brought an http://www.dpo.uab.edu/~yangzw/libai1.html | |
5. Li Po Extracts from poetry of li po li po was probably born about 701 CE, and is believed to have died in 762 keep strange birds as pets. li po later traveled down the Yangtze to Yun http://www.humanistictexts.org/LiPo.htm | |
6. Li Po's Literary San Francisco li po's. Unmistakable with its cave like entrance at 916 Grant, li po's is erudite Chinese poet li po (701762). li po's work celebrates natural http://www.mistersf.com/literary/litlipos.htm | |
7. THE LI PO SOCIETY OF AMERICA Actually a more general site, devoted to Asian poetry and poetic forms. http://www.levity.com/interbeing/lipo.html | |
8. Li Po English translations, including some by Ezra Pound. http://www.santafe.edu/~shalizi/Poetry/Li_Po | |
9. Li Po Most authorities believe that he was a Taoist; li po's unconcern for worldly preferment and his love for expressing thoughts on actual events, li po is best known for his http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0829921.html | |
10. Li Po (2) li po. LAZY MAN S SONG. AD 811). I HAVE got patronage, but am too lazy to use it; I have got land, but am too lazy to farm it. My http://www.poetrystore.com/lipo(2).html | |
11. Poetry Reading - China The Beautiful English translation of Li Bai's poems. Li Bai Poetry li po, Li TaiPo English Translation http://www.chinapage.com/libai/libai2e.html | |
12. Li Po Poetry li po. 701762 AD. Also Romanised Li Pai, Li T aipo, Li Bai, et cetera. http://cscs.umich.edu/~crshalizi/Poetry/Li_Po/ | |
13. Li Po And Alchemy li po and Alchemy. From Arthur Waley, The Poetry and Career of li po, 701762 AD pp. 5458. li po s inscription, of which I merely give the prose sense, runs http://cscs.umich.edu/~crshalizi/Poetry/Li_Po/Alchemy/ | |
14. Li Po Fourteen translations, with annotations. http://www.cs.uiowa.edu/~yhe/poetry/li_po_poems.html |
15. Li Po iu. Both were friends of li po. ** The Mountain. li po travelled around eastern Tzechiang for an extended period when he was young. ** Hsieh http://www.cs.uiowa.edu/~yhe/poetry/li_po_main.html | |
16. Li Po's Hermitage li po s Hermitage Adventure Gaming. The pleasure you ll find there is second only to the joy of doing good in the real world. li po s Friends. http://www.pathguy.com/lipo.htm | |
17. Li Po's Alternity Page li po s Alternity Page. MSDOS Character Generators. li po Since this is an ongoing project, li po still needs testers. The current http://www.pathguy.com/alter.htm | |
18. Li Po Pronunciation Key. li po , Li Pai , or Li T'aipo , c. 700762, Chinese poet of the T'ang dynasty. He was born in what is now Sichuan prov. Most authorities believe that he was a Taoist; li po's http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0829921.html | |
19. Li Po (bars) Bars li po 916 Grant St. (Grant bar. SF Station Visitor Comment The first time I went to li po, it was a Friday night around midnight. http://www.sfstation.com/bars/lipo/ | |
20. Li Po Chun United World College: Welcome English Trad. Chinese Site Map Language Change Site Search . http://www.lpcuwc.edu.hk/ | |
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