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         Leyner Mark:     more books (48)
  1. Tooth Imprints on a Corn Dog by MARK LEYNER, 1995
  2. Why Do Men Have Nipples? Page-A-Day Calendar 2008 by Mark Leyner, Billy GoldbergM.D., 2007-06-30
  3. Tooth Imprints on a Corn Dog Edition: 1 by Mark Leyner, 1995-01-01
  4. Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex?: More Questions You'd Only Ask a Doctor After Your Third Whiskey Sour [WHY DO MEN FALL ASLEEP AFTER S] by Mark(Author) ;Goldberg, Billy(Author) Leyner, 2006-08-31
  5. Porque los hombres se duermen despues de darse un revolcon?/ Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex? (Spanish Edition) by Mark Leyner, Billy, M.D. Goldberg, 2007-05
  6. My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist by Mark Leyner, 1990
  7. Tooth Imprints on a Corn Dog by Mark Leyner, 1995
  8. My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist: Cruising for Sentiment Being by Mark Leyner, 1990
  9. Why Do Men Have Nipples by Mark Leyner, 2005-01-01
  10. Why Do Men Have Nipples? Hundreds Of Questions You'd Only Ask A Doctor After Your Third Martini by Mark; Goldberg, Billy Leyner, 2005
  11. Let's Play Doctor: The Instant Guide to Walking, Talking, and Probing Like a Real M.D. (Paperback) by Mark Leyner (Author) Billy Goldberg M.D. (Author), 2008
  12. My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist by Mark Leyner, 1990
  13. BOMB Issue 32, Summer 1990 (BOMB Magazine) by Barbet Schroeder, Alain Kirli, et all 1990-06-15
  14. Et Tu Babe 1ST Edition Signed by Mark Leyner, 1992

41. Sub Verbis: Reader: Book Lists
Lawrence, DH, Sons and Lovers. LeSeur, Meridel, North Star Country. leyner, mark, Et Tu, Babe? leyner, mark, Tooth Imprints on a Corndog. Melville, Herman, Moby Dick.
book lists
the shelf I the shelf II WisCon Carl Brandon
the shelf, part I
I have many bookshelves, but this one is special. First, because it was a gift from a treasured friend and mentor. But it has grown into much more than that. At first, I began placing my most recently read books on its shelves simply because they were empty. Its deep shelves have long since been stacked and double stacked beyond capacity. Think of this bookshelf as a map. With this map, I (and now you) can follow a few of the paths my mind has wandered down. The lists below are by no means comprehensive, but perhaps a book you find here may lead you down new and interesting roads. Expect this list of literary journeys to grow. fiction science fiction drama philosophy ... science Fiction author title Ackroyd, Peter

42. SciFan: Writer: Mark Leyner (bibliography, Books, Series, Web Links)
writers series A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. home about links email. Writers mark leyner (1956 - ), Bibliography,
search by writer, book or series: writers series A B ... Writers : Mark Leyner (1956 - ) Bibliography Get pricing and availability through our links to online stores, or click on a title to get more information and buying options. My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist Amazon Alibris
Et Tu, Babe
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  • My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist
    Internet links If you know a good site about this author, please let us know , we'll consider adding it here.
  • 43. SciFan: Books: My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist By Mark Leyner (from Our Databas
    My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist, by mark leyner, Novel, first publication in 1990. New to SciFan? SciFan is dedicated to helping

    44. Books: Mark Leyner (The Boston Phoenix . 10-20-97)
    The Boston Phoenix mark leyner The Tetherballs of Bougainville THE TETHERBALLS OF BOUGAINVILLE, by mark leyner. Harmony Books, 240 pages, $21.
    Mark Leyner
    By Matthew DeBord THE TETHERBALLS OF BOUGAINVILLE, by Mark Leyner. Harmony Books, 240 pages, $21. Mark Leyner might be this era's most frustrating writer: at times a fevered logophile crossed with a blistering satirist, he often refuses to submit to the mundane rigors of narrative, instead succumbing to the lure of hilarity. That tendency prevents him from getting to a higher level, that of a Nabokov rewired for the millennium. After 1995's Tooth Imprints on a Corndog , Leyner's fans might have been justified in speculating that he was gearing up for the longer, more conventional novel that would distance our reigning literary prankster from the cult persona he established with I Smell Esther Williams (1983) and My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist (1990), then dismantled in his 1992 breakout, Et Tu, Babe Leyner's latest novel, unfortunately, isn't that book. Unlike Martin Amis, who shelved some of his trademark comic inventiveness in order to wrestle with the larger saga of exile and events in Money , or Bruce Wagner, a kindred spirit who hit the ground running with Force Majeure , Leyner now reads like a writer in a rut, and he probably knows it. But when Leyner sees trouble, he resorts to what has worked in the past. The result is his most scathing novel to date, a masterpiece of concentrated disgust and madcap ridicule that expresses more than a smidgen of what could be seen as midcareer bitterness over his position in the pantheon of contemporary writers.

    45. Excerpt From ET TU, BABE (by Mark Leyner)
    Excerpt from ET TU, BABE (by mark leyner). I had once intended to write an entire novel while having to urinate very badly. I wanted
    Excerpt from ET TU, BABE (by Mark Leyner)
    I had once intended to write an entire novel while having to urinate very badly. I wanted to see how that need affected the style and tempo of my work. I had found, for instance, that when I'm writing about a character who's in a Ph.D. program and I don't have to urinate badly, I'll have him do a regular three- or four-year program. But if I'm writing a novel and I have to urinate very badly, then I'll push the character through an accelerated Ph.D. program in perhaps only two years, maybe even a year.

    46. Excerpt From ET TU, BABE (by Mark Leyner)
    Excerpt from ET TU, BABE (by mark leyner). Bookstore shelfspace is limited, as are the column inches available in today s book reviews
    Excerpt from ET TU, BABE (by Mark Leyner)
    Bookstore shelf-space is limited, as are the column inches available in today's book reviews, and we at [TEAM LEYNER] headquarters are adamant in our belief that all competitionactive or potentialmust be neutralized.

    47. From An Interview With Mark Leyner (http://gopher
    From an interview with mark leyner My work evolves mostly by a constant process of accumulating information or language. From an interview with mark leyner.
    From an interview with Mark Leyner My work evolves mostly by a constant process of accumulating information or language. These come from many sources, including stuff that is purely imagined, but there is no hierarchy in my mind that places imaginary materials above things I find. I’m always writing things down that I come across on the radio or television, so materials are accumulating every day… It’s as if there’s this constant static or white noise around me that I can tap into. I’m a fanatic about having external things going on around me. I love having the television on… I love the feeling of having all that information around me. Having all this access to information and sources of mental stimulation makes me feel very comfortable. This seems to be my nature. I guess I’m a child of the media age. Some people like trees and lakes. Well, sensory overload is my environment. This is what makes me feel serene. I despise the contemptuous attitude so many professors seem to have, for example, about television, rock and roll, and certain kinds of movies. Personally I could never see the difference between Popeye and Thackeray. Part of this attitude is motivated by my hatred of any kind of authority figures, especially academics, professors. I’d say my work presents the world the way people like you and me actually live in it, the way we receive and perceive it… We live from minute to minute, with things constantly changing, kaleidoscopic. Our cultural matrix intensifies the whole natural process of things appearing in front of us and then disappearing… you go eat some strange breakfast cereal and you read the back of the cereal box, while the tv is blaring out some other text and maybe your children are telling you some other kind of story. And all the while this white noise is filtering in from outside your window. The point is that our days are very fragmented, with a million things happening, affecting our perceptions, that have completely arbitrary relationships to one another.

    48. Mark Leyner Discusses "The Tetherballs Of Bougainville" :: Linux Public Broadcas
    Etopia Interviews mark leyner Discusses The Tetherballs of Bougainville Posted by etopia on Apr 10, 2003 1150 PM. Etopia Books

    49. Mark Leyner Discusses "The Tetherballs Of Bougainville: A Novel" :: Linux Public
    mark leyner Discusses The Tetherballs of Bougainville A Novel Posted by etopia on Apr 10, 2003 1018 PM. PostNuke A Very Funny

    50. Online Catalogue | Results
    $17.95. I Smell Esther Williams Written by mark leyner Trade Paperback Vintage Fiction 0679-75045-2 January 1995 $16.95.

    51. Et Tu, Babe By Mark Leyner
    Et Tu, Babe Written by mark leyner Fiction Vintage Trade Paperback August 1993 $17.95 0679-74506-8, ABOUT THIS BOOK In

    52. La Repubblica/cultura_scienze: Leyner, Degno Figlio Dell'eta' Dei Media
    Translate this page Nel variegato panorama del movimento avant-pop mark leyner è senza dubbio lo scrittore che ha ottenuto i maggiori riconoscimenti, sia in termini di critica
    dall'immaginario televisivo alla cultura di strada Leyner, degno figlio
    Mio Cugino, il mio gastroenterologo
    Leyner si considera infatti un vero figlio dell'età dei media, se è vero, come dice, che si sente veramente a suo agio solo "quando la radio o la televisione sono accese e sul tavolino ci sono un bel mucchio di libri, giornali e riviste da consultare". Una stimolazione continua di cui si serve per scrivere pagine che miscelano con indifferenza le partite di baseball con le trattative per la pace in Bosnia, i Boston Celtics con le stimmate di Cristo.
    La densa scrittura leyneriana, più vicina alla poesia che alla prosa, è una pioggia di metafore che abolisce la trama e i personaggi, per giocare simultaneamente con diversi codici. "Sono cresciuto in un ambiente cittadino e ho visto che in uno spazio piccolissimo esiste ogni tipo di linguaggio", spiegava Leyner alcuni anni fa in un'intervista rilasciata a Fernanda Pivano. "Così, quando ho cominciato a pensare a che genere di scrittore avrei voluto essere, decisi di usare tutti i diversi linguaggi - della tecnologia, dell'amore, della politica, della pubblicità - per ottenere un tipo di scrittura completamente nuova, che mostrasse come i linguaggi non sono forse così diversi l'uno dall'altro".
    Avendo lavorato come pubblicitario di prodotti farmaceutici, Leyner ricorre spessissimo al gergo tecnico-scientifico tratto dalla biologia e dalla chimica, per raccontare situazioni grottesche di vita di strada. Come nel racconto

    53. HotWired: Club Wired - Mark Leyner Transcript
    Piecing together a bio of writer mark leyner from an assortment of publicity hype, we found his prose compared to William Burroughs, Jimi Hendrix, MTV and rap
    Search: Wired News Webmonkey Animation Express HotWired Archives Wired Magazine The Web -> HotBot for Monday, 13 March 1995 Piecing together a bio of writer Mark Leyner from an assortment of publicity hype, we found his prose compared to William Burroughs, Jimi Hendrix, MTV and rap music. The author of My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist and Et Tu, Babe (Vintage Paperbacks) - Leyner's latest over-the-top effort is called Tooth Imprints on a Corn Dog (Harmony Books). Willing victims of his promotional steamroller, we invited Leyner into our luxurious HotWired studios with the mere promise of a chair, a computer and a damn fast Net connection. He joined us live online in Club Wired, on Monday, 13 March at 2:00 p.m. PST. jerrylewis asks: Was Team Leyner at all inspired by Team Bonzai from the film "Buckaroo Bonzai?" The only film I've ever seen is "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory." grifter asks: Are you watching the OJ trial? I watch Marsha Clark. sean asks: If you could have one person taken outside and severely beaten, who would it be? The bitter woman who reviewed my book in Entertainment Weekly last week.

    54. Mark Leyner, Free Books
    mark leyner, Free Books. Free Books L mark leyner. World Historic Rant Trevor Dodge s rant based on mark Lerner s Et tu, Babe. mark
    Mark Leyner, Free Books
    Free Books L Mark Leyner
    World Historic Rant

    Trevor Dodge's rant based on Mark Lerner's Et tu, Babe.
    Mark Leyner
    J. Sheridan Le Fanu Bem Le Hunt Jacqueline Lichtenberg ...

    55. Listology: AUTHORS1. [Past] Authors: Mark Leyner
    AUTHORS1. Past Authors mark leyner by dgeiser13 Ranked and Rated = Stars = To Read?
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      Ranked and Rated ========= ? Stars ======== To Read? Definitely: My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist (1990), Et Tu, Babe (1992) Probably: Possibly: Unlikely:
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    56. Eye - BOOKS: Donald Barthelme, Mark Leyner - 12.02.93
    60 STORIES. By Donald Barthelme Penguin, $14.99 paper. MY COUSIN, MY GASTROENTEROLOGIST. By mark leyner Vintage Contemporaries, $13 paper. by JASON ANDERSON.
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    Love Bites

    Moondoggie Extended Play ... ABOUT EYE eye -
    Book review
    60 STORIES
    By Donald Barthelme Penguin, $14.99 paper
    By Mark Leyner Vintage Contemporaries, $13 paper
    Two timely paperback re-releases with one important thing in common complete contempt for standard forms of prose. 60 Stories is a very comprehensive selection of Barthelme short stories between 1964 and 1980 (he died in '89). He didn't revolutionize the form as much as I hoped he would (Joyce Carol Oates still seems to exist), but he did make a profound impact. In the stories (the comprehensible ones, that is), Barthelme mixes up arcane knowledge, literary references and dissected clich,s into a brew that is heady, often confounding and always ingenious. Some day soon, he will get his due and be recognized as the most original American writer of the century. Then I'll throw the biggest block party you've ever seen. Since My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist was first published the year after Barthelme's death, it sets Leyner up nicely as the executor of Don B.'s estate. The much-celebrated pseudo-novel hurtles down the slipstream packed with medical jargon, high-low culture collisions and a near-complete disregard for narrative. In fact, its follow-up, Et Tu, Babe (also re-released by Vintage), may be a better novel just because it's more cohesive. But like Barthelme's stories, Leyner's debut is most impressive for the variety and cleverness of his ideas, so much so that whether or not they're slotted anywhere in particular is irrelevant. Neither meta-fiction nor MTV-fiction, My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist rocks.

    57. Eye - BOOKS: Tooth Imprints On A Corn Dog -- Mark Leyner - 07.27.95
    By mark leyner Harmony Books/Crown/Canadian Manda, $26.95 cloth. review. And mark leyner would deny it if I suggested it to him. Then he d beat me savagely.
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    Love Bites

    Moondoggie Extended Play ... ABOUT EYE eye -
    By Mark Leyner Harmony Books/Crown/Canadian Manda, $26.95 cloth
    Ever fallen asleep after eating a large anchovy pizza with The Learning Channel on the TV and woken up to discover a young, strapping valet giving you a pedicure and your head filled with the makings of the greatest play ever written? An epic Greek tragedy that centres on the overwhelming significance of liposuction and body building amid the trappings of consumer culture and the earlier, funnier films of Arnold Schwarzenegger, y'know, before he got into Strindberg? Me neither. And Mark Leyner would deny it if I suggested it to him. Then he'd beat me savagely. Tooth Imprints On A Corn Dog is, like its predecessor, Et Tu, Babe?, a book about the incredible fame Leyner has amassed since the success of My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist in 1990. Naturally, magazine editors stumble over each other to ask him to write articles some of the ones in this book have appeared in The New Yorker, Esquire Gentleman and, inexplicably, Elle. They are very funny pieces about beauty pageants, what to wear when you're on steroids and incorporating product placements in classic literature, among other topics. The hook for fans who are otherwise distressed at the current master of gobbledygook fiction (a poor excuse for a description, but it sounds better than "medical porn") releasing a compilation of articles they've probably read already, clipped and shrink-wrapped in order to mount them on the walls of their office cubicles, is "Young Bergdorf Goodman Brown." This is Leyner's adaptation of Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown," but the tale has been transplanted into the famed New York department store, which harbors, somewhere in its sub-levels, a secret meeting place for rabbis and extra-terrestrials.

    58. Mark Leyner's Quirky World - Kristina Curkovic
    mark leyner s Quirky World. by Kristina Curkovic. If you ve never encountered mark leyner s writing, you might suffer a little bit
    Mark Leyner's Quirky World by Kristina Curkovic If you've never encountered Mark Leyner's writing, you might suffer a little bit of a shock, perhaps encounter a bit of confusion, and certainly enjoy quite a few laughs during your reading. To put it one way, Leyner could honestly be called a very "unique" writer. If nothing else, the title of this and of his other books might give you a quick glimpse into Leyner's odd world: his previous works include I Smell Esther Williams and My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist. The Tetherballs of Bougainville is a variety act book, including autobiography, screenplay, and movie review, all in one very funny package. Set during some obscure, imagined period, it's the story of Mark, a precocious, well­read and horny little seventh grader who, to demonstrate his odd character, is, at the beginning of the novel, on the phone with his agent during his father's execution by lethal injection. Mark is just about the weirdest adolescent hero you'll ever encounter in literature. Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn can't hold a candle to this kid; Ferris Beuller would fear him. Mark is a writer, philosopher, art lover and, above all, tetherball player. The beginning of the book sets the pace for the rest of Tetherballs: after surviving the execution, Mark's father is released from prison but finds that he's been sentenced to "New Jersey State Discretionary Execution," which means that he could be on a plane while "35,000 feet below, a New Jersey state trooper steps out of his car, aims a shoulder-held anti-aircraft missile launcher, and blows your 727 into friggin' curds and whey."

    59. American Made, Mark Leyner
    American Made New Fiction from the Fiction Collective. mark leyner American Made features nineteen eclectic short stories from Fiction Collective writers.

    60. American Made, Mark Leyner
    Tell a friend Printer friendly page, American Made New Fiction from the Fiction Collective. mark leyner Curtis White American Made

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