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41. Sub Verbis: Reader: Book Lists Lawrence, DH, Sons and Lovers. LeSeur, Meridel, North Star Country. leyner, mark, Et Tu, Babe? leyner, mark, Tooth Imprints on a Corndog. Melville, Herman, Moby Dick. http://www.subverbis.com/booklists.htm | |
42. SciFan: Writer: Mark Leyner (bibliography, Books, Series, Web Links) writers series A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. home about links email. Writers mark leyner (1956 - ), Bibliography, http://www.scifan.com/writers/ll/LeynerMark.asp | |
43. SciFan: Books: My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist By Mark Leyner (from Our Databas My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist, by mark leyner, Novel, first publication in 1990. New to SciFan? SciFan is dedicated to helping http://www.scifan.com/titles/title.asp?TI_titleid=39008 |
44. Books: Mark Leyner (The Boston Phoenix . 10-20-97) The Boston Phoenix mark leyner The Tetherballs of Bougainville THE TETHERBALLS OF BOUGAINVILLE, by mark leyner. Harmony Books, 240 pages, $21. http://weeklywire.com/ww/10-20-97/boston_books_2.html | |
45. Excerpt From ET TU, BABE (by Mark Leyner) Excerpt from ET TU, BABE (by mark leyner). I had once intended to write an entire novel while having to urinate very badly. I wanted http://www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~akman/leyner.html | |
46. Excerpt From ET TU, BABE (by Mark Leyner) Excerpt from ET TU, BABE (by mark leyner). Bookstore shelfspace is limited, as are the column inches available in today s book reviews http://www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~akman/bookshelf.html | |
47. From An Interview With Mark Leyner (http://gopher From an interview with mark leyner My work evolves mostly by a constant process of accumulating information or language. From an interview with mark leyner. http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~pamhard/238leynerintv.htm | |
48. Mark Leyner Discusses "The Tetherballs Of Bougainville" :: Linux Public Broadcas Etopia Interviews mark leyner Discusses The Tetherballs of Bougainville Posted by etopia on Apr 10, 2003 1150 PM. Etopia Books http://www.lpbn.org/print.php?sid=350 |
49. Mark Leyner Discusses "The Tetherballs Of Bougainville: A Novel" :: Linux Public mark leyner Discusses The Tetherballs of Bougainville A Novel Posted by etopia on Apr 10, 2003 1018 PM. PostNuke A Very Funny http://www.lpbn.org/print.php?sid=345 |
50. Online Catalogue | Results $17.95. I Smell Esther Williams Written by mark leyner Trade Paperback Vintage Fiction 0679-75045-2 January 1995 $16.95. http://www.randomhouse.ca/catalog/results.pperl?authorid=17583 |
51. Et Tu, Babe By Mark Leyner Et Tu, Babe Written by mark leyner Fiction Vintage Trade Paperback August 1993 $17.95 0679-74506-8, ABOUT THIS BOOK In http://www.randomhouse.ca/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=0679745068 |
52. La Repubblica/cultura_scienze: Leyner, Degno Figlio Dell'eta' Dei Media Translate this page Nel variegato panorama del movimento avant-pop mark leyner è senza dubbio lo scrittore che ha ottenuto i maggiori riconoscimenti, sia in termini di critica http://www.repubblica.it/online/cultura_scienze/avantpop/leyner/leyner.html | |
53. HotWired: Club Wired - Mark Leyner Transcript Piecing together a bio of writer mark leyner from an assortment of publicity hype, we found his prose compared to William Burroughs, Jimi Hendrix, MTV and rap http://hotwired.wired.com/talk/club/special/transcripts/95-03-13.leyner.html | |
54. Mark Leyner, Free Books mark leyner, Free Books. Free Books L mark leyner. World Historic Rant Trevor Dodge s rant based on mark Lerner s Et tu, Babe. mark http://www.free-books-1.com/l/mark_leyner/ | |
55. Listology: AUTHORS1. [Past] Authors: Mark Leyner AUTHORS1. Past Authors mark leyner by dgeiser13 Ranked and Rated = Stars = To Read? http://listology.com/content_show.cfm/content_id.9802 | |
56. Eye - BOOKS: Donald Barthelme, Mark Leyner - 12.02.93 60 STORIES. By Donald Barthelme Penguin, $14.99 paper. MY COUSIN, MY GASTROENTEROLOGIST. By mark leyner Vintage Contemporaries, $13 paper. by JASON ANDERSON. http://www.eye.net/eye/issue/issue_12.02.93/ARTS/bo1202f.htm | |
57. Eye - BOOKS: Tooth Imprints On A Corn Dog -- Mark Leyner - 07.27.95 By mark leyner Harmony Books/Crown/Canadian Manda, $26.95 cloth. review. And mark leyner would deny it if I suggested it to him. Then he d beat me savagely. http://www.eye.net/eye/issue/issue_07.27.95/ARTS/bo0727a.htm | |
58. Mark Leyner's Quirky World - Kristina Curkovic mark leyner s Quirky World. by Kristina Curkovic. If you ve never encountered mark leyner s writing, you might suffer a little bit http://www.umich.edu/~mrev/archives/1997/10-8-97/leyner.htm | |
59. American Made, Mark Leyner American Made New Fiction from the Fiction Collective. mark leyner American Made features nineteen eclectic short stories from Fiction Collective writers. http://nupress.northwestern.edu/title.cfm?ISBN=0-914590-99-5 |
60. American Made, Mark Leyner Tell a friend Printer friendly page, American Made New Fiction from the Fiction Collective. mark leyner Curtis White American Made http://nupress.northwestern.edu/title.cfm?ISBN=0-914590-98-7 |
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