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Levine Philip: more books (102) | ||||||||||
1. Philip Levine - Cover Page Phillip Levine. POEMS. Animals Are Passing from Our Lives. They Feed They Lion. Salts and Oils. A Theory of Prosody. M. Degas Teaches Art Science at Durfee Intermediate School. Gin. What Work Is . http://www.ibiblio.org/ipa/levine |
2. Levine Philip Book Finder, Book Reviews and Compare Prices for levine philip Literature Fiction Authors AZ levine philip. levine philip Book Review and Price Comparison. http://www.bookfinder.us/Literature___Fiction/Authors_A-Z/Levine__Philip.html | |
3. MSN Encarta - Multimedia - Pulitzer Prize Winners In Poetry Philip Levine. Philip Levine. Expand. James Tate James Tate, Philip levine philip Levine, Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg. Appears in these articles http://encarta.msn.com/media_461539021_761596671_-1_1__14/media.html | |
4. Borzoi Reader | Authors | Philip Levine Philip Levine was born in 1928 in Detroit, where he was formally educated in the public schools and at Wayne University (now Wayne State University). http://www.randomhouse.com/knopf/authors/levine/ | |
5. Levine Philip - OpenPoetryProject Philip Levine (1928). Joachim Philip Levine was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1928. Educated at Wayne University, Levine currently http://openpoetry.com/LevinePhilip | |
6. Levine Philip - OpenPoetryProject Philip Levine (1928). Joachim Philip Levine was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1928. Educated at Wayne University, Levine currently http://openpoetry.com/?page=LevinePhilip&version=3 |
7. Prosta Prawda T.1 - Levine Philip - Ksiegarnia.wysylkowa.pl levine philip,Prosta prawda t.1,Levine,Philip,Prosta,prawda,t.1,NOWY,SWIAT Ksiegarnia wysylkowa jedna z najwiekszych ksiegarni w Polsce - podreczniki http://wysylkowa.pl/ks404843.html | |
8. The Mercy: Poems Philip Levine Title The Mercy Poems levine philip Philip Levine Subject American General Category Poetry Drama Criticism Poetry World American General Format Paperback http://www.totalpicture.co.uk/Philip-Levine-The-Mercy-Poems-965-261-159-8.html | |
9. SAGE Publications - Author/Editor - Philip LeVine Philip LeVine Affiliations Georgetown University, USA. Products affiliated with Philip LeVine 1 Product, Title, ISSN, Frequency, UK Prices. http://www.sagepub.co.uk/author.aspx?aid=535987 |
10. Philip Levine Philip Levine. Clouds Above the Sea by Philip Levine They are silent under the whole weight of the rain to come. Back to Index. Heaven by Philip Levine http://www.angelfire.com/zine/verse/levinep.html | |
11. Philip Levine Philip Levine, Starlight. home Last updated 2001.11.7. http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~richie/poetry/html/auth114.html | |
12. Philip Levine -- 14th Annual Literary Festival -- Old Dominion University -- Bet Philip levine philip Levine s fourteenth book of poetry, What Work Is, was published this spring. Perhaps the title of this most http://courses.lib.odu.edu/litfest/14th/levine.html | |
13. New York State Writers Institute - Levine Philip Levine. Air dates Philip Levine s 15th collection of poetry, The Simple Truth, won the 1995 Pulitzer Prize. Publishers Weekly http://www.albany.edu/writers-inst/levine.html | |
14. Poetry Pages - Interview With Philip Levine An Atlantic Unbound interview with philip levine. http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/poetry/levine.htm | |
15. Seattle Arts & Lectures - Philip Levine Biography. philip levine is one of Americas most celebrated and renowned poets, having been honored with a Mavis Nu Icy Bottling Company, levine left Detroit to teach parttime http://www.lectures.org/levine.html | |
16. Philip Levine - The Academy Of American Poets The Academy of American Poets presents a biography, photograph, and selected poems. http://www.poets.org/LIT/poet/plevifst.htm | |
17. E.P.LEVINE - CAMERAS.COM Welcome to E.P.levine's, New England's premier equipment resource for professional photographers every effort to be accurate E.philip levine Inc. is not responsable for factual http://www.cameras.com/ | |
18. Philip Levine philip levine (1928 ) About philip levine On "Animals Are Passing from Our Lives" http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/g_l/levine/levine.htm | |
19. From Revolution To Reconstruction: Outlines: Outline Of American Literature: Ame American Poetry Since 1945 Authors philip levine (1928 ) philip levine, born in Detroit, Michigan, deals directly with the economic sufferings of workers through keen http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/LIT/levine.htm | |
20. Philip Levine - Select Bibliography Character and crisis; a contemporary reader edited by philip levine and Henri Coulette. Joyce Jenkins interviews philip levine ; Barbara Meier. http://www.ibiblio.org/ipa/levine/levine-bib.html | |
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