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         Lem Stanislaw:     more books (100)
  1. Star Diaries: Further Reminiscences Of Ijon Tichy by Stanislaw Lem, 1985-06-26
  2. The Invincible (Ace Science Fiction Special 4) by Stanislaw Lem, 1973
  3. A Stanislaw Lem Reader (Rethinking Theory) by Peter Swirski, 1997-11-12
  4. Solaris by Lem Stanislaw,
  5. Solaris (french) by Stanislaw Lem, 2002-08
  6. The Chain of Chance by Stanislaw Lem, 1978-01-01
  7. The Art and Science of Stanislaw Lem
  8. Mortal Engines by Stanislaw Lem, 1992-05-15
  9. Microworlds by Stanislaw Lem, 1986-11-24
  10. Return From The Stars (Helen and Kurt Wolff Books) by Stanislaw Lem, 1989-06-01
  11. Imaginary Magnitude by Stanislaw Lem, 1984-07
  12. Memoirs of a Space Traveler: Further Reminiscences of Ijon Tichy by Stanislaw Lem, 2000-02-11
  13. Hospital Of The Transfiguration by Stanislaw Lem, 1991-04-30
  14. More Tales Of Pirx The Pilot (Harvest Book) by Stanislaw Lem, 1983-09-26

21. Der Stanislaw-Lem-Klub
Nachruf auf einen Fanklub in Dresden mit drei Artikeln ¼ber seinen Aufstieg und Fall.
Der Stanislaw-Lem-Klub
Erinnerungen (aus TERRAsse 10)
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22. An Interview With Stanislaw Lem
By Wojciech Orlinski of Wiadomosci Kulturalne .
an interview with Stanislaw Lem
by Wojciech Orlinski of "Wiadomosci Kulturalne" Q: Your books display not only your outstanding knowledge and imagination, but also a great sense of humour. It's amazing, how rarely they are analyzed from this point of view... Lem: I was using humour for various reasons. First, some topics were unsuitable for serious treatment, such as questions of genetics. All those sketches of weird skeletons I drew in the "Star Diaries" were intended to make this subject less horrible. When I was writing that, there were no punks, nobody had a Mohawk haircut, young men did not paint their faces. Nevertheless I had such a feeling, that when mankind will attain control over human genetics, wild things of that kind will happen. Human irresponsibility will lead us to crazy situations. In order to present those crazy situations, I had to create a pattern of levity. On the other hand, most of my works were written under communism and I had to acknowledge the existence of censorship. For example, when I wrote a story of the first frozen person in "Edukacja Cyfrania" - about an orchestra, whose members are being eaten alive one by one by a cruel Goryllium, but everybody pretends not to notice anything - I had to cover it in a disguise of inseriousness, and add a story of the second frozen person, which had no political hidden meanings. That made it easier to publish the story. I had to use such tricks many times. There are thus two kinds of my humour: the first is a camouflage painting, the second are some microrevenges, that the author can take on the surrounding reality. I have to add something which I cannot understand. Here you can see a bookshelf with my Japanese translations. The Japanese could never understand my humour. Nothing is funny in my books for them. The "Star Diaries" were published in Japan, but without such a success, as the books written absolutely seriously. This is a culture completely alien to us.

23. Study Guide For Stanislaw Lem: Solaris (1961)
A quite comprehensive discussion of Solaris, lem's most famous book, chapter by chapter.
Study Guide for Stanislaw Lem: Solaris
Using this Guide List of other study guides Doing Science Fiction research? Check out the Science Fiction Research Bibliography. More information about Lem Nathan M. Powers' fine Scriptorium ... page on Lem. Introduction During the Soviet era, Polish writer Stanislaw Lem was the most celebrated SF author in the Communist world. Although he read Western SF when he was young, he soon found it shallow and turned for inspiration to the long tradition of Eastern European philosophical fantasy. Western readers not familiar with this tradition often misread his works, expecting more action-oriented, technophilic fiction. Solaris comes closer to being a traditional SF novel than most of his works, but its main thrust is still philosophical. There is a deep strain of irony which runs through this work, for all its occasionally grim moments. The great Russian experimental director Andrei Tarkovsky made an important film based on the novel which is considerably more confusing that the book. (For more information about Tarkovsky and his film, see

24. Love And Tensor Algebra - Stanislaw Lem
A poem by stanislaw lem
Love and Tensor Algebra
from "The Cyberiad" by Stanislaw Lem
    Come, let us hasten to a higher plane
    Where dyads tread the fairy fields of Venn,
    Their indices bedecked from one to n
    Commingled in an endless Markov chain!
    Come, every frustrum longs to be a cone
    And every vector dreams of matrices.
    Hark to the gentle gradient of the breeze:
    It whispers of a more ergodic zone.
    In Riemann, Hilbert or in Banach space
    Let superscripts and subscripts go their ways.
    Our asymptotes no longer out of phase, We shall encounter, counting, face to face. I'll grant thee random access to my heart, Thou'lt tell me all the constants of thy love; And so we two shall all love's lemmas prove, And in our bound partition never part. For what did Cauchy know, or Christoffel, Or Fourier, or any Bools or Euler, Wielding their compasses, their pens and rulers, Of thy supernal sinusoidal spell? Cancel me not - for what then shall remain? Abscissas some mantissas, modules, modes, A root or two, a torus and a node: The inverse of my verse, a null domain. Ellipse of bliss, converge, O lips divine!

25. TP: Telepolis-Stanislaw Lem
Kolumne des Autors stanislaw lem im OnLineMagazin mit Artikeln ¼ber k¼nstliche Intelligenz, Informationstheorie und Computer.
heise online c't iX Technology Review ... Kiosk
Zur Krisensituation im informationstechnologischen Bereich
Stanislaw Lem
Die Kehrseite des technologischen Fortschritts
Stanislaw Lem Die Megabitbombe
Stanislaw Lem Das Internet und die Medizin
Stanislaw Lem Der Weg ohne Umkehr
Stanislaw Lem
Stanislaw Lem
Stanislaw Lem Die Vormundschaft der Computer
Die ersten Schritte in den Ausbau einer "Ethikosphäre" wurden bereits gemacht Stanislaw Lem Bewusste und unbewusste Illusionen Stanislaw Lem Emotional Quotient Stanislaw Lem Geist aus der Maschine Kann aus dem Internet eine bewusste Intelligenz entstehen? Stanislaw Lem Internetspiele Stanislaw Lem Metainformationstheorie Von einer befreiten Evolution Stanislaw Lem Das Geheimnis des Verstandes Stanislaw Lem Meine Weltanschauung Das genaue Wissen ist nur eine vereinzelte kleine Insel im riesigen Ozean des Nichtwissens Stanislaw Lem Der Infoterrorismus Stanislaw Lem Onomastische Cyberkriege Stanislaw Lem Der Verstand als Steuermann Stanislaw Lem Das Internetrisiko Stanislaw Lem Probleme mit der Phantomatik Stanislaw Lem Kreuzwege der Information Stanislaw Lem Artificial Servility Stanislaw Lem Die Simulation der Kultur Stanislaw Lem Stanislaw Lem Meine Abenteuer mit der "Futurologie"

26. Planet BrainSex: Stanislaw Lem
at Planet BrainSex; comprised of a brief biographical blurb, some artwork, and a page with links to further online resources.
Stanislaw Lem is one of the world's most widely read science fiction writers. His books, all originally published in Polish, have appeared in 30 languages and sold more than 12 million copies. Lem is not a typical science fiction writer, as many unappreciative sci-fi fans will tell you; he is writer addressing profound philosophical issues and telling fantastic tales often compared with Italo Calvino and Jorge Luis Borges. Lem is best known to English readers for his 1961 novel Solaris (English translation 1970), on which Russian film director Andrei Tarkovsky based his epic 1971 film, and for his 1967 collection of robot fables The Cyberiad (English translation 1974). Many find his work too strange and somewhat difficult. It can be, yet Lem is anything but dull. Lem Net Lem Art

27. Communication Breakdown: The Novels Of Stanislaw Lem
An article about the ideas in stanislaw lem's science fiction.
Communication Breakdown: The Novels of Stanislaw Lem
His novels are novels of ideas. That alone is a good reason to read him. Still, ideas come in many flavors. Even authors who focus on them, have varying degrees of skill at dealing with them. They can hide as well as reveal much about the writer's philosophy and sense of life. These questions are a skeleton his tales give flesh to. The other side of this equation is how the reader reacts to Lem's work. As a stylist and storyteller is he easy to read and humbly poetic? Or tedious and over-cerebral? Or mysterious? Or does he ramble on incoherently? Are the places, technology, people, and aliens he creates scientifically believable, since most science fiction places a high value on this quality? To show how the two sets of questions interact and can be separated, think of an author's works whom you ideologically disagree with, yet are still entertained by and on a certain level find real. Since Lem is a science fiction writer, let's use another example from science fiction: Bruce Sterling's Heavy Weather . This is a story about storm chasers in the near future, after society basically collapses and the weather has gone wild. This is a novel which I found believable and captivating, yet I did not buy into Sterling's environmental message or his dark commentary on free markets. This did not stop me from seeing his characters as real people or his world as basically true to form. Somehow, his story telling ability and his skill at painting seemingly real gadgets plus melding the two was not sunk by other things in this novel.

28. Revista Gigamesh - Crítica De Libros - Solaris, De Stanislaw Lem
El aut©ntico sentido de la maravilla, cr­tica al libro origen del t­tulo, de stanislaw lem, por Javier Negrete.
El auténtico sentido de la maravilla Solaris , de Stanislaw Lem La editorial Minotauro nos ofrece ahora una reedición en bolsillo de Solaris . Se trata acaso de la novela más conocida de Stanislav Lem; sin duda, la adaptación cinematográfica del ruso Andrei Tarkovsky ha colaborado a su fama. No es cuestión de seguir desarrollando la trama de la novela, pero sí de advertir que aquellos que sean aficionados a los finales redondos, razonados, «científicos», en los que todo queda explicado y archi-explicado tal vez se sientan defraudados... o descubran una forma distinta de escribir ciencia ficción. Solaris puede considerarse una novela de «primer contacto». Aunque en este caso el contacto se ha producido mucho tiempo antes de que se desarrolle la acción, no se ha avanzado apenas nada en la comprensión de ese misterioso ser que es el planeta entero. En la crítica de Rakhat, apuntaba: ¿Es tan fácil o tan útil crear extraterrestres literarios realmente extraños?. Lem lo hace en Solaris , y consigue crear en los lectores las mismas sensaciones de frustración y extrañeza que experimentan sus personajes al ser incapaces de comprender a Solaris o comunicarse con él. En ese sentido, recuerda algo a una de las mejores obras de Clarke, Cita con Rama , cuyo espíritu traicionó mercenariamente el propio autor al destripar sus sugerentes (y sólo sugeridos) misterios en las diversas continuaciones. Lem viene a susurrarnos al oído que no nos dejemos llevar por las sirenas del progreso científico, que lo que conocemos del funcionamiento del universo y de nosotros mismos es sólo una delgada corteza, y que nunca, por su propia esencia, llegaremos a conocer el meollo de la realidad. Con este mensaje pesimista ha escrito también magníficas novelas como

29. LESELUST: Stanislaw Lem - Sterntagebücher
Rezension von Daniela Ecker.
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Stanislaw Lem - Sterntagebücher L

Roman. Suhrkamp 478 Seiten ISBN: Erschienen 1971 unter dem Titel Dzienniki Gwiadowe Deutsch 1978 von Caesar Rymarowicz Es handelt sich hier um die Schriften Ijon Tichys, der auf seinen Reisen zu fernen Galaxien, Monden, Sternen, Sonnensystemen einige für uns uninformierte höchst seltsame Erlebnisse aufzuweisen hat. So gerät er beim Versuch, sein Raumschiff zu reparieren, in eine Zeitschleife - und begegnet sich selbst in unzähligen Variationen. In der ersten Zeitschleife verdoppelt er sich; er wird nachts geweckt, von seinem Ich des nächsten Tages - und glaubt nicht daran. Am nächsten Tag - nun ist er selbst schon der vom Dienstag - hat er die geniale Idee, wie er das Raumschiff doch reparieren könnte, versucht den vom Vortag zu wecken - der nicht glaubt, was er sieht. Und so verfielfacht er sich bei Durchzug durch die Zeitschleife noch unzählige Male, und gerät aufs böseste mit sich selbst in Konflikt... Oder die Geschichte vom katholischen Missionar, der auf einem Planeten mit ausgesprochen friedfertigen, liebenswerten Geschöpfen landet. Sie lesen ihm jeden Wunsch von den Augen ab, sind Feuer und Flamme für die neue Religion - und martern deswegen den Missionar zutode. Zu seinem eigenen Wohle, und gegen jegliches innere Empfinden - denn das höchste für einen Christen, so hatte er ihnen immer wieder gepredigt, wäre ein Einzug ins Himmelreich als Märtyrer. Da man nun alles für seinen Nächsten geben sollte, hatten sie ihm diesen vermeintlichen Wunsch schweren Herzens erfüllt...

30. McIrvin, Matt
Includes pages on physics, Usenet, and the writing of stanislaw lem, and humor from alt.religion.kibology.

Mechthild Bausch stanislaw lem. stanislaw lem. stanislaw lem - erste polnische Ausgaben. stanislaw lem-Information. stanislaw lem Professor Tarantogas
  • Besuch MIT 3
  • Das Literatur-Café im Internet - Andreas Bergmanns Buchtipp - "Also sprach Golem" von Stanislaw Lem
  • EXLIBRIS - Bücher von Stanislaw Lem
  • Lem: das Geheimnis des chinesischen Zimmers
  • Mechthild Bausch - Stanislaw Lem
  • Stanislaw Lem ...
  • 32. The Village Voice: Film: Space Odysseys By J. Hoberman
    J. Hoberman reviews the movie adaption of a novel of philosophical scifi by stanislaw lem.
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    33. Lem, Stanislaw (1921- )
    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z this site WWW. lem, stanislaw (1921 )
    The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight
    Lem, Stanislaw (1921- )
    Polish physician who turned to science fiction writing in about 1950 and explored in depth the possible nature of extraterrestrial intelligence. He suggested that we may have no common ground with alien races and that any signals we receive from them may prove meaningless. This was the central theme of his novel Solaris List of all science fiction entries.
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    34. Stanislaw Lem - Filme
    Kurzinformation zum Film.
    Stanislaw Lem
    (UdSSR 1972, 170 Min.) Regie: Andrej Tarkowskij Buch: Friedrich Gorenstein, Andrej Tarkowskij Kamera: Wadim Jussow Musik: Eduard Artemjew, Johann Sebastian Bach Schnitt: Ljudmila Fejginowa Bauten: Michail Romadin Darsteller: Natalja Bondartschuk (Harey), Donatas Banionis (Kris Kelvin), Nikolaj Grinko (Vater), Jurij Jarvet (Snaut), Anatolij Solonizyn (Sartorius), Wladislaw Dworschezkij (Berton), Sos Sarkisjan (Gibarjan) u.a. Produktion: Mosfilm, Format: 35 mm, sw und Farbe (Sowcolor), Länge: 167 min. zurück

    35. Bibliópolis: Congreso De Futurología, De Stanislaw Lem
    De stanislaw lem.
    portada reseñas opinión artículos ... nosotros
    Stanislaw Lem
    Kongres futurologiczny
    Col. Libro de Bolsillo nº 1377
    Alianza, 1988
    Compra este libro en
    Diarios de las estrellas Los viajes de Gulliver Memorias de un viajero estelar Divina Comedia Ciberiada con Solaris nonsense portada reseñas opinión artículos ... nosotros

    36. Stanislaw Lem
    Translate this page Home_Page stanislaw lem (1921), Escritor polaco de ciencia-ficción nacido en Lvov, ciudad de Ucrania que hasta 1939 perteneció a Polonia.
    Stanislaw Lem
    E scritor polaco de ciencia-ficción nacido en Lvov, ciudad de Ucrania que hasta 1939 perteneció a Polonia. De familía judía, estudió Medicina, aunque tuvo que dejarlo por la ocupación nazi de Polonia. Trabajó de mecánico, soldador y hasta traficó con armas para la resistencia. En 1944, habiendo su familia perdido todas sus posesiones, se traslada a Cracovia, donde estudia Psicología. Apasionado por la cibernética, se ha interesado también por la Matemática y la Filosofía. Su primera publicación es una revista juvenil, Hombre de Marte y su primera novela Los astronautas (1951). Más tarde La nebulosa de Andrómeda El Hospital de la transfiguración Los diarios de las estrella s (1957) y Edén (1959). En 1961 publica Solaris , de la que Andrei Tarkovski hizo una película que fue galardonada con el Premio Especial de Jurado en el Festival de Cannes de 1972. Otras novelas suyas son El Invencible Ciberiada: Fábulas para una Era Cibernética (1965), conjunto de cuentos esperpénticos en los cuales critica, con humor negro, las diferentes ideologías terrestres; La voz de su amo Un vacío perfecto Congreso de futurología Magnitud imaginaria La investigación (1976) y Un minuto humano (1986). En ese mismo año publica

    37. Ureda - Lem, Stanislaw
    Translate this page lem, stanislaw, Siehe unter Internet Siehe unter Virtualität Seite weiterempfehlen. Internet Virtualität. Impressum / Haftungshinweis Ureda © 2002 KJ Durwen.

    38. Stanislaw Lem, The Futurological Congress And The Future Of Illusion
    stanislaw lem foresaw the coming of the age of simulation in which humanity would lose itself in a world of illusions.
    Stanislaw Lem and
    The Future of Illusion In 1971, the author Stanlislaw Lem published a short novel titled The Futurological Congress in which he offered an intriguing diagnosis for what has gone wrong with contemporary society. In the novel, the main character, Ijon Tichy, wakes up from suspended animation in the future and finds that people now routinely partake of "psycho-chemical" drugs that can induce realistic hallucinations or waking dreams. Instead of merely watching television, they live out the fantasies of television as if it is happening to them. Not surprisingly, Tichy discovers that this world of artificial experience has generated more than its share of problems. Many people, for example, have become permanently lost to reality, preferring to spend their lives in a realm of alluring fictions. And it seems that everyone indulges fantasies of profound and unmitigated evil, popping pills so they can hallucinate the act of torture, sexual assault and murder. The novel follows Tichy's experiences as he slowly acclimates himself to this strange new existence. We see his bewilderment, his doubts, and his growing panic as he comes to the realization that he is trapped in a world in which the worst in humanity has been brought out by the power to simulate the look and feel of reality.

    39. Lem, Stanislaw - Ureda
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    Impressum / Haftungshinweis
    K.-J. Durwen

    40. Solaris
    Comentario acerca del gran cl¡sico de stanislaw lem.

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