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Leiber Justin: more books (27) | |||||||||
61. T - NYRSF Index By Author 2, No. 12, p. 22, letter of comment, leiber, justin, Riding the Void Captain sTorch Through Essex House ; Thomson, Amy, Issue 11, July 1989, Vol. 1, No. http://www.nyrsf.com/T_author.html | |
62. Fritz Leiber :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius leiber had married Jonquil Stephens on January 16, 1936, and theirson justin Fritz leiber was born in 1938. Jonquil s death in http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/f/fr/fritz_leiber.html | |
63. Feral Children - Journal Articles About Feral Children Read this online by leiber, justin 2002 , Journal for the Theory of SocialBehavior 272 (2002) page 325343. Nurtured by Love or Matured by Nature? http://www.feralchildren.com/en/listbooks.php?tp=1 |
64. Feral Children - Documents Online At FeralChildren.com on nonhuman primates. leiber, justin, 2002, Journal for the Theoryof Social Behavior. 272 (2002) page 325-343. At the Borders of http://www.feralchildren.com/en/listbooks.php?ll=1 |
65. Authors - L leiber, justin Beyond 1 1980 Beyond rejection 2 1987 Beyond humanity 3 1988 Beyondgravity House of Elgin 1 1985 The Sword and the eye 2 1986 The Sword and the http://www.gaslightbooks.com.au/4part/authorl.html | |
66. Self/Person/Personal Identity New York Oxford University Press. leiber, justin. 1985. Can animals and machinesbe persons? a dialogue. Indianapolis Hackett. Leibniz, GW 1949. http://www.philosophy.ucf.edu/pil.html | |
67. Leiber & Stoller Translate this page 6 Ledwidge, Francis 1 Lee, Harper 15 Lee, Mary Soon 1 Lee, Sharon 1 Lee,Tanith 8 Lehman, David 8 leiber, Fritz @ 5 leiber, justin @ 1 Leinster http://www.zuccaweb.it/musica/Leiber-&-Stoller.asp | |
68. [ Ant ] Fritz Leiber ◁ Fafhrd And The Gray Mouser ◁ Favourite Thing James Whale) . leiber married Welsh poetess Jonquil Stephens on 16 January1936, and their son justin Fritz leiber was born in 1938. http://homepage.mac.com/antallan/leiber.html | |
69. Philosophers' Home Page Index -- L -- At Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Ba Richard; Lehrer, Keith; leiber, justin; Leibowitz, Flo; Lemoine, Brett;Lenman, James W. Lepage, Francois; Lepore, Ernest; Lesser, Harry. http://www.erraticimpact.com/homepages/home_pages_l.htm | |
70. Authors Lackey To Lynn Books For Sale From Rudy's Books vg.. $1.25 FAN leiber, Fritz editor WORLD FANTASY AWARDS 2 hardcoverleiber, justin Beyond Gravity TOR 54438 88 PBO vgf. $3.00 http://www.rudysbooks.com/l.html | |
71. :: Ez2Find :: L Ricardo (1) Legrenzi, Giovanni (9) Leguizamo, John (3) Lehane, Dennis (12) Lehman,David (7) Lehrer, Tom (5) leiber, Fritz (4) leiber, justin (1) Leibniz http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Reference/Biography/L/ | |
72. :: Ez2Find :: L 13) Ledwidge, Francis (1) Lee, Harper (15) Lee, Mary Soon (1) Lee, Sharon (1) Lee,Tanith (8) Lehman, David (7) leiber, Fritz (4) leiber, justin (1) Leinster http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Arts/Literature/Authors/L/ | |
73. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Arts > Literature > Authors > L Tanith (8); Authors L leiber, Fritz (4); Authors L leiber,justin (1); Authors L Leinster, Murray (3); Authors Novelists http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=41228 |
74. NAME leiber, justin, Philosophy, University of Houston, USA, pre 1991.Leibovic, KN, Biophysiology, State University of New York, USA, pre1991. http://www.bbsonline.org/Instructions/assoclist/l.html | |
75. Bibliografie Van Het Vegetarisme L-Z La Société contre la Cruauté envers les Animaux. leiber, justin 1997Can Animals and Machines Be Persons? A Dialogue. ( ). Leitzmann http://www.xs4all.nl/~jeroenvu/gwv/biblio2.htm | |
76. Untitled Document Lehocky, Daniel L. Action Identity 1979;17(1)6176. leiber, justin AestheticEmotion 1968;6(4)215224 Many Pun Argument 1963;1(1)3639. http://www.people.memphis.edu/~PHILOS/SJP/L.HTML | |
77. Authors: L - World-Of-Celebrities - Your Online Source For Celebrities, Actors, Sharon@ (1); Lee, Tanith@ (4); leiber, Fritz@ (5). leiber, justin@(1); Leinster, Murray@ (1); Lemieux, Michèle@ (5); Lermontov, Michail http://www.world-of-celebrities.com/Authors/L | |
78. Mikko Tuomela > Kirjahylly Otava 1996; Lehtinen, Jorma R. Forum Aspectum Ajatuksiak, AspectumOy; leiber, justin Beyond Humanity, Tor 1987; Lightman, Alan http://mikko.tuomela.net/?p=kirjahylly |
79. Philosophy: Research Bibliographies 2001. Can machines have firstperson properties? leiber, justin. 1985. Can animalsand machines be persons? a dialogue. Indianapolis Hackett. Elton, Matthew. http://www2.canisius.edu/~gallaghr/introbib.html |
80. Narrative Theory And Personal Identity Thousand Oaks, CA Sage Publications. leiber, justin. 1988. Re(ed) Me; Re(ad)Myself Philosophy and Literature (1988) 134139. Lloyd, Genevieve. 1994. http://www2.canisius.edu/~gallaghr/n.html | |
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