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21. DBLP: Justin Leiber dblp.unitrier.de justin leiber. List of publications from the DBLP BibliographyServer - FAQ Ask others ACM DL - ACM Guide - CiteSeer - CSB - Google 2002. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/l/Leiber:Justin.html | |
22. Beyond Gravity By Justin Leiber : Booksamillion.com (0812544358, Paperback) BooksA-Million.com offers Beyond Gravity by justin leiber at a deep discount (0812544358, Paperback). Find everyday discounts of 10% to 46% off and save even more on bargain closeouts. Paperback) by justin leiber. Sorry This title is not currently available http://www.booksamillion.com/ncom/books?pid=0812544358 |
23. Justin Leiber Bibliography A bibliography of justin leiber s books and short stories, with book covers andlinks to related authors. justin leiber USA (1938 ) (Son of Fritz leiber). http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/Justin_Leiber.htm | |
24. Fritz Leiber Bibliography FantasticFiction Authors L Fritz leiber. Fantastic Fiction, Fritz leiber (FritzReuter leiber Jr) USA (1910 1992) (Father of justin leiber). Search Authors. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/Fritz_Leiber.htm | |
25. Leiber, Justin Bücher Antiquariat Günstig Gebraucht Kaufen Translate this page Bücher von leiber, justin günstig kaufen. Antiquarische Büchervon leiber, justin gebraucht kaufen. Antiquariat leiber, justin http://www.gebraucht-buch-versand.de/2_LONDONGERA_1.htm | |
26. Leiber, Justin - Buch-laden9.de - http://www.buch-laden9.de/buch_56/leiber_justin.html | |
27. La Science-fiction - Leiber, Justin, 1938- justin leiber ; trad.,ECL Meistermann. Paris Nouvelles éditions Opta, 1986. 215 p. ; 18 cm. http://www.sdm.qc.ca/txtdoc/sf/adu/LEIBERJUSTIN.html | |
28. La Science-fiction - Romans Et Nouvelles Pour Adultes / Par Yvon Allard Maurice; Lecas, Gérard; Legault, Anne; Legrand, Benjamin; Lehman,Serge; leiber, Fritz; leiber, justin; Leinster, Murray; Lem, Stanislas; http://www.sdm.qc.ca/txtdoc/sf/sf30.html | |
29. BEYOND HUMANITY. - Leiber, Justin. Science Fiction. Author Name leiber, justin. Title BEYOND HUMANITY. PublisherTOR, (New York, 1987, Ist PB printing). Seller ID 3944. 254 pp, PB. http://www.capricornbooks.ca/si/3944.html | |
30. ISFDB Author Directory (L) Lehman. Serge Lehman, John Lehmann, Paul Lehr. Herb Lehrman, Fritz leiber,justin leiber. Larry R. Leichter, Evelyn Leif, Janet Leigh. Stephen http://www.isfdb.org/DIR_L.html | |
31. Twilight Books Taschenbuch/Hefte-Seiten Translate this page 22049 Harrison, MJ Idealisten der Hölle R (2-3) 1.A 1.50 22057 leiber, Fritz Programmierten Musen R ( 2 ) 1.A 2.00 22064 leiber, justin Ego-Transfer R http://www.twilightbooks.de/verlage/tb-b.htm | |
32. SciFan: Books: Beyond Humanity By Justin Leiber (from Our Database Of Fantasy & about links email. Beyond Humanity, by justin leiber, Novel,first publication in 1987. New to SciFan? SciFan is dedicated to http://www.scifan.com/titles/title.asp?TI_titleid=17425 |
33. On My Vicious Ways ; A Response To Justin Leiber On my Vicious Ways ; a Response to justin leiber. 2001. Below is my responseto his remarks. On my Vicious Ways A Response to justin leiber. http://lattice.linguist.jussieu.fr/article.php3?id_article=37 |
34. Item 755229477 (Justin Leiber Set) . All the books from justin leiber,grouped in one set. See the individual items for further descriptions.......justin leiber set Item 755229477. http://www.lotauctions.com/listings/details/index.cfm?method=view&itemnum=755229 |
35. Urticator.net - Justin Leiber Home urticator.net Search Essays Actors Works Full Text justin leiber. justin leiber. Author Beyond Rejection, http://www.urticator.net/actor/3/318.html | |
36. Urticator.net - All S. Kurosawa, Akira Kurt L Engle, Madeleine Lakos, John Lambert, Christopher Lavoisier,Antoine Le Guin, Ursula K. Lear, Edward leiber, justin Lem, Stanislaw http://www.urticator.net/essay/0/7.html | |
37. Dansk Scifi-forum (Penguin 1969, god, 19,, eng. leiber, justin, Beyond Humanity. (Tor1987, ok, 15,-, eng. leiber, justin, Beyond Humanity. (Tor 1987, ok,15,-, eng. http://scifi-forum.dk/sfland.php?sp=beg&forfatbog=L&start=100 |
38. ► Leiber, Justin [Arts: Literature: Genres: Science Fiction: Authors: L] - Robert Bloch Essays When Screwballs Meet It is reprinted here with the permission of justin leiber. justin leiber s webpagecan be found here; information on Fritz leiber can be found at Lankhmar. http://www.worldsearch.com/dp.lisa/en/Arts/Literature/Genres/Science_Fiction/Aut | |
39. Literatureseek.com Leiber,_Justin Literature Genres Science Fiction Authors L leiber, justin Found0 sites about leiber, justin. Add / Update Url - Become an Editor http://www.literatureseek.com/categories/Arts__Literature__Genres__Science_Ficti | |
40. Y Fo Lire ! Liste Des Livres De Justin LEIBER Translate this page Pour changer le TRI, cliquez sur les entêtes de colonnes ci-dessous Nouv= Nouveautés, N° = Numéros des livres, T. = Nb de tomes, Crit. http://www.yfolire.net/sf/liste.php?rech4=834&zone4=aut |
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