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         Leary Timothy:     more books (98)
  1. Microsoft Office 2010: A Case Approach, Introductory by Linda O'Leary, Timothy O'Leary, 2010-11-19
  2. O'Leary Series: Microsoft Office Access 2003 Brief by Timothy O'Leary, Linda O'Leary, 2003-11-11
  3. Computing Essentials 2011, Complete Edition (O'Leary) by Timothy O'Leary, 2010-03-22
  4. O'Leary Series: Microsoft Office Word 2003 Introductory by Timothy O'Leary, Linda O'Leary, 2003-12-29
  5. Psychedelic Prayers: And Other Meditations (Leary, Timothy) by Timothy Leary, 1997-03-27
  6. O'Leary Series: Microsoft Office Word 2003 Brief (The O'Leary Series) by Timothy O'Leary, Linda O'Leary, 2003-09-29
  7. Computing Essentials 1997-1998 by Timothy J. O'Leary, 1997-04
  8. Mavericks of the Mind: Conversations with Terence McKenna, Allen Ginsberg, Timothy Leary, John Lilly, Carolyn Mary Kleefeld, Laura Huxley, Robert Anton Wislon, and Others (Second Edition) by David Jay Brown, Rebecca McClen Novick, 2010-11-01
  9. Confessions of a Hope Fiend by Timothy Leary, 1973
  10. O'Leary Series: Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 Introductory by Timothy O'Leary, Linda O'Leary, 2004-01-26
  11. O'Leary Series: Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 Brief (The O'Leary) by Timothy O'Leary, Linda O'Leary, 2003-12-04
  12. The O'Leary Series: Internet Explorer 6.0- Brief by Timothy O'Leary, Linda O'Leary, 2002-10-29
  13. The O'Leary Series: Excel 2002- Brief by Timothy O'Leary, Linda O'Leary, et all 2001-08-01
  14. Paradox 4.0 (O'Leary Lab Modules) by Timothy J. O'Leary, Linda I. O'Leary, 1994-01-01

81. Leary, Timothy Forum Frigate
leary, timothy Forum Frigate FAVORITE AUTHORS FLEET Post MessageThe JollyRogerOne Page Version. DR. Welcome to the leary, timothy Forum Frigate.,Timothyhall/shakespeare1.html
Leary, Timothy Forum Frigate

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The Jolly Roger One Page Version
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S WORD.COM: Open Source CMS][ ... Term Papers
Leary, Timothy Forum Frigate
Welcome to the Leary, Timothy Forum Frigate. Post yer opinion, a link to some of yer work, or yer thoughts regarding the best books and criticisms concerning Leary, Timothy. We'd also like to invite ye to sail on by the Leary, Timothy Live Chat , and feel free to use the message board below to schedule a chat session. And the brave of heart shall certainly wish to sign their souls aboard The Jolly Roger If ye long for truth and the honest sea,
the Carolina Navy longs for ye.

82. Timothy Leary: Design For Dying
Chris Mitchell looks into the abyss and laughs, thanks to timothy leary s DesignFor Dying. timothy leary Dies s report on leary s passing.
splinters (daily weblog) interviews features new writing ... contact spike Search Spike magazine
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A Happy Death Chris Mitchell looks into the abyss and laughs,
thanks to Timothy Leary's Design For Dying email Chris at
Got an opinion or a question about this article?
Come and talk about it in the spike forum E ven in death, Timothy Leary is still trying to shatter society's taboos. Design For Dying appears eighteen months after the former Harvard psychologist turned LSD guru passed away from prostate cancer. Written during his last months, Leary's book attempts to dispel our fear of death by suggesting that technology increasingly lets us orchestrate the how, where and when of our own grand finale. Leary designed his own death in loving detail. Scorning hospitalised medical care, he announced at one point that he intended to take his own life, which would be broadcast live on the World Wide Web from Leary's website , and then be cryogenically frozen . The ensuing media furore provided the perfect vehicle for Leary to give countless interviews about making death the high point of life. In the end, Leary died peacefully at home, untelevised and unfrozen, but he managed to pull off an audacious parting shot: in April this year, some of his ashes were sent into orbit alongside those of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry.

EcoMall timothy leary IN CYBERSPACE. Excerpts from an interview conductedby Marianne Schnall ©. On June 1st, 1996, on a full moon
TIMOTHY LEARY IN CYBERSPACE Excerpts from an interview conducted by Marianne Schnall On June 1st, 1996, on a full moon just slightly after midnight, Dr. Timothy Leary died in his sleep surrounded by friends at his mountaintop home in Beverly Hills. He was seventy-five and died from inoperable prostrate cancer, and according to his son Zachary, his last words were, "Why not?" and "Yeah." A cyber-memorial took place at his site on the World Wide Web ( ), where he had posted health updates and described the process of "designer dying", which included his daily intake of both legal and illegal drugs. His last book, "The Ultimate Trip" explores his experience dying and is due out in the Spring of 1997. Leary, always an iconoclast, had originally planned to capture his final moments on videotape for possible broadcast on the Internet and has arranged to have a portion of his cremated remains sent into space. The legendary futurist, who characterized himself to me as a "dissident philosopher", and who was known for sayings like "Turn on, tune in, drop out", "Question Authority" and "D.I.Y. - do it yourself" was always ahead of his time. In the 1960's at Harvard University, Dr. Timothy Leary became a cultural icon with his controversial ideologies and experiments designed to expand human consciousness. Thirty years later, the legendary psychologist had continued to advance the frontiers of the human experience with his prolific research and scholarly output, which included his crusading endeavors into the world of cybernetic realities and electronic communication.

84. SALON: Timothy Leary
SALON. timothy leary s dead really. Three decades later, Moody Blues vindicated.By IAN SHOALES. timothy leary has passed on, as they say. He was 75.
Timothy Leary's dead really Three decades later, Moody Blues vindicated By IAN SHOALES T imothy Leary has passed on, as they say. He was 75. In his life, he went through many transformations from Harvard Professor to Acid Guru to Learning Annex Self-Help Instructor to Cybercult Cheerleader to Chipper Dying Guy on the Internet, and finally to Dead Man, both virtually and literally. Personally, I always considered him a bit of a fool and I don't mean the holy kind either. His famous exhortation to "Tune in, turn on, drop out" was catchy enough, I guess, but matched against other famous catchphrases, "Veni, vidi, vici," "Go west, young man," or even "Don't follow leaders, watch the parking meters," it seemed fatuous somehow. Besides, if you want to attach cultural influence to yourself, it's probably self-defeating to urge your listeners to lapse into unconsciousness. That's probably why he was always reinventing himself. Every ten years or so, he had to appeal to a whole new generation of stoners, each of which have different values. Back in the '60s, for example, it was all son et lumiere lava lamps, and trips that lasted for days. Today it's multimedia, e-mail, and hallucinations that have to be over by the end of lunch break.

85. Artzar - Timothy Leary Interview
An Interview with timothy leary by Mark Katzman. the list could go on.leary said it best You get the timothy leary that you deserve. .
An Interview with Timothy Leary
by Mark Katzman
Regardless of your take (and there are many), Timothy Leary will be remembered as one of the 20th century's mightiest figures. Psychologist, psychedelic rabble-rouser, zen prankster, international criminal, cyber-guru, visionary... the list could go on. Leary said it best: : "You get the Timothy Leary that you deserve." The author of such books as The Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality The Psychedelic Experience High Priest Exo-Psychology Flashbacks Surfing the Conscious Nets (1995), among others, Timothy Leary will continue to amaze and confound us for generations to come. His legacy is well represented by his web site, which he worked on intensely before his death. I spoke with Timothy Leary by phone at his home in Beverly Hills in the fall of 1995. At the time, the hoopla surrounding his imminent "de-animation" was in full swing. He was in the upbeat process of what he called "designer dying." Leary was again smashing cultural taboos. He brought to the world a new and absolutely positive approach to the meeting with the unknown. I'd just read Chaos and Cyber Culture (Ronin Publishing, 1995) and come away with a new appreciation not only of the creative possibilities of the computer but of the sweet Chaos which we call the world.

86. NewsHour Online: Timothy Leary In Memoriam
timothy leary IN MEMORIAM. MAY 31, 1996. TRANSCRIPT. timothy learydied peacefully today at the age of 75. Best known as
MAY 31, 1996
TRANSCRIPT Timothy Leary died peacefully today at the age of 75. Best known as a 1960's guru of LSD and expanded consciousness, Leary made the line "tune in, turn on and drop out" a catch phrase for the baby-boom generation. Charlayne Hunter-Gault is joined by regular essayist Anne Taylor Fleming and Harvard Psychiatrist and author Robert Coles to look back at Leary's tangled legacy. CHARLAYNE HUNTER-GAULT: Dr. Timothy Leary was a respected Harvard psychology professor in the early 60's when he began a series of experiments with mind-altering drugs like LSD. He was fired in 1963 for using students in his tests then went on to become a guru of the psychedelic 60's revolution. At sit-ins, love-ins, and marijuana smoke-ins, he crusaded to turn the world on to LSD. TIMOTHY LEARY: It's no accident that enormous crowds come out to hear me lecture. Whenever I go to a college, it's always sold out. It's not because I'm that clever. It's because they gave me the good lines in the showturn on, tune in, drop out. CHARLAYNE HUNTER-GAULT: But not everyone was turned on by Leary's message of drug-induced ecstasy. Then President Richard Nixon called him "the most dangerous man alive."

87. Interview With Dr. Timothy Leary, September 1995
HIGH TECH TODAY Full text of Interview with Dr. timothy leary. Russell Hoffman( Host ), High Tech Today Dr. timothy leary ( TL ), guest. Host
Full text of Interview with Dr. Timothy Leary
An interview by Russell D. Hoffman on his radio show HIGH TECH TODAY The following interview occurred on a live broadcast on radio station WALE. The views expressed are solely those of Russell D. Hoffman and his guest and do not necessarily reflect anyone else's point of view. Due to a variety of minor difficulties I was only able to introduce Dr. Leary and ask one question. Prior to his appearance on the show I read from his book Chaos and Cyberculture. This interview picks up where he comes on the show. Unfortunately once he got there, we lost him again after the first break! I talked to Dr. Leary after the show, and we had hoped to re-interview him, but on May 31st, 1996 he died at the age of 75, of prostate cancer. Plans call for a small portion of Dr. Leary's and Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry's ashes to be encapsulated in a lipstick-sized container and piggybacked on the final stage of a launch vehicle in the fall of 1996. Although I have protested the intentional and unintentional creation of space debris many times, I want to point out that these ashes will be going on a

88. Timothy Leary
timothy leary s Last Moments. The passing of timothy leary, that particularsoul, that part of all of us, was, is, a very special passing.
Carol Sue Rosin writes about
Timothy Leary's Last Moments
Portal Ether Ship Home Earth Portal Controls Tribute to Dr. TIMOTHY LEARY
From: Carol Rosin
I The room was silent all day except that everyone had agreed to be thinking, "I love you Timothy. It is ok to go now." John had suggested this would help him release himself, and that touching him or talking would bring him back into his body, at a time when it was clear to all that he was ready to leave. At one point during the day, however, he sat straight up in his bed and said, "Why? Why not? WHY NOT? Why not? Why not? Why not?" about twenty times with different inflections, as he looked into the eyes of each person in the room. At another point, he said the word, "Beautiful," as though he was describing something he was seeing. Everyone who spent time with Timothy has hir story. Most of us will never be the same after having met him. I will never be the same. This is my tribute to Timothy. It's also a way for me to bring forward and share awarenesses he raised. One afternoon, his assistant, Vicki Marshal, and I asked him what he wanted to do with his body. He said that he wanted to be cremated, and that he wanted me to get his ashes into space. I've accepted this mission, with the joy he expressed as he ordered it. An essence of Timothy's ashes will be launched on board the Pegasus rocket, organized by the first entrepreneurial space burial company in Houston, Texas, Celestis, Inc., in late September or in October, from Vandenberg Air Force Base. (The entire fee for space burial is only $4800.) Timothy was thrilled to hear that he will be launched along with other space pioneers including Gene Rodenberry, creator of "Star Trek," Dr. Gerard O'Neill, author of "The High Frontier" and physist at Princeton University who designed fabulous space stations and who educated us about the mass driver which can mine the moon and asteroids, and Todd Hauley, of the International Space University.

89. Timothy Leary --  Encyclopædia Britannica
leary, timothy Encyclopædia Britannica Article. notions such ,leary, timothy US educator turned drugculture guru (b. Oct. 22 reality

90. CNN - Leary 'tunes In' To Hereafter - May 31, 1996
LOS ANGELES (CNN) For many, timothy leary is a name forever frozenin the 1960s. Born How should timothy leary be remembered? Feedback
Leary 'tunes in' to hereafter
Counterculture guru dead at 75
May 31, 1996
Web posted at: 9:15 p.m. EDT LOS ANGELES (CNN) For many, Timothy Leary is a name forever frozen in the 1960s. Born in 1920 to a dentist and a schoolteacher in Springfield, Massachusetts, he went on to become one of the most controversial figures of the '60s. One of his biggest successes, whether intentional or not, was in polarizing the older and the younger generations, particularly in the United States.
How should Timothy Leary be remembered?
Tell us your thoughts
Read what other users have said The young saw him as a harbinger of social change, a key player in the counterculture crowd that was "in" at the time. Their parents saw the former Harvard University psychologist as a corrupter of youth, an anti-establishment leader dismissed from Harvard when authorities learned he had given drugs to students to study their reactions. Colleagues remember his research habits as "sloppy," but fellow hippies like Abbie Hoffman, Aldous Huxley, and Allen Ginsberg called him their friend. Leary survived the '60s, the drugs, and the busts, but try as he did, when the 1960s were over, he never again had quite the same impact on the world. The guru became the gadfly, dabbling in stand-up comedy, movies, and music. (99K

91. Tim Leary
title Game of Life leary, timothy leary / Paperback / Published 1993(Publisher Out Of Stock) Read more about this title Giger s
Telesterion Esoteric Bookstore Amazon TOP 100 Hot Books Up ... Franz Bardon [ Tim Leary ] Up Tim Leary Tim the person was perhaps more of a clown than he needed to be; but then, most of us haven't been imprisoned and hounded as he was.... However, his world model, and his new system of brain-based spirituality, is revolutionary and extraordinary. He will be remembered for that work for centuries after his egotism is mere historical curiosity.
Intelligence Agents Usually ships in 24 hours
Timothy Leary / Paperback / Published 1996
Our Price: $11.96 ~ You Save: $2.99 (20%)
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Usually ships in 24 hours
Timothy Leary, et al / Paperback / Published 1994
Our Price: $15.96 ~ You Save: $3.99 (20%)
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Flashbacks : A Personal and Cultural History of an Era Usually ships in 24 hours
Timothy Leary, William S. Burroughs / Paperback / Published 1997
Our Price: $12.76 ~ You Save: $3.19 (20%)

92. Index To Comic Art Collection: "Lear" To "Leavitt"
Call no. PN6728.25.C6L4 1980 leary, timothy, 1920-. 2 (Spring 1996) I. leary, timothy. II.
Michigan State University Libraries
Special Collections Division
Reading Room Index to the Comic Art Collection
"Lear" to "Leavitt" Back to the L index screen
Back to the
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Leary, Timothy, 1920-
See also Off the Leash
Leav, Mort, 1916-
American comics artist
See also Lettuce
On down the list This segment last edited September 4, 2001

93. OCPHP: Authors
leary, timothy. INDEX contributing cyberdelia to CP magazine, Reality Hackers(formerly High Frontiers Magazine of drug fame) Infopsychology Neuropolitique
Authors September 16 1997
Lady, El
Starlin, Jim
Laidlaw, Marc
Dad's Nuke (1985)
The balance of power in a self-sufficient neighborhood walled off from the religious fanatics, is threatened by `Dad' Johnson's acqui- sition of a nuclear power source and his neighbor's home built missile launcher.
I Smell Esther Williams
Neon Lotus
Landreth, Bill
Out of the Inner Circle (nonfiction)
Laumer, Keith
A plague of Demons
A stange -but extremely well written mixture of Edgar Allan Poe and SciFi with Cyborgrobots. A forrunner to "Robocop" and "Transformers"?
Leary, Timothy
contributing cyberdelia to CP magazine, Reality Hackers (formerly High Frontiers Magazine of drug fame)
Leiber, Fritz
"Coming Attraction"
Lem, Stanislaw
Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
The effects of a complete disintegration of paper and how this completely stops for the most part the flow of information, and how this affects society.
Imaginary Magnitude
One Human Minute
Short story about brains in vats imagining brains in vats
Lethem, Jonathon

94. Foucault And The Art Of Ethics; Author: O'Leary, Timothy; Paperback
Foucault and the Art of Ethics. Author O leary, timothy Paperback; Bibliography256 pages Published January 2003 Continuum International Publishing Group ISBN
Foucault and the Art of Ethics
English Books

German Books

Spanish Books

Sheet Music
Foucault and the Art of Ethics
Author: O'Leary, Timothy
Paperback; Bibliography
256 pages
Published: January 2003
Continuum International Publishing Group ISBN: 0826456278 The art of ethics, the first comprehensive assessment of Foucault's later works. This comprehensive assessment of Michel Foucault's later work responds to the contemporary crisis in ethics, focusing on the way Foucault attempts to bring together the two seemingly-incompatible spheres of ethics and aesthetics through his reassessment of the Greek tradition. PRODUCT CODE: 0826456278 USA/Canada: US$ 29.90 Australia/NZ: A$ 45.00 Other Countries: US$ 46.10 convert to your currency Delivery costs included if your total order exceeds US$50. We do not charge your credit card until we ship your order. Government and corporate Purchase Orders accepted without prior account application. PLACE AN ORDER To prepare to buy this item click "add to cart" above. You can change or abandon your shopping cart at any time before checkout. CHECK ORDER STATUS Check on order progress and dispatch.

95. Timothy Leary A Thanatos
contratto si ruppe. Ilmessaggio ai posteri, “Ognuno ha il timothy leary che si merita”.
Timothy Leary Auto-epitaffio "Vorrei evitare di essere messo in una frase su una pietra. Per epitaffio, preferirei avere una schermata di computer di epitaffi, che mostri l'epitaffio della settimana, che potrebbe essere uno dei seguenti: ex professore ad Harvard, ex carcerato, ex viaggiatore acido, ex disc jokey, ex consulente per i giochi di computer." Timothy il genio Timothy possedeva un PhD della University of California a Berkeley, lavorò presso l'Harvard Center for Personality Research, nel Dipartimento di Relazione Sociali, è stato direttore di ricerca alla Kaiser Foundation di Oakland. Importanti sono i suoi studi nella ricerca sulla personalità. Collaborò con Alan Watts, il divulgatore dello zen, Aldous Huxley, l'autore di "The Doors of Perception". Fu uno dei promotori della "Beat generation" assieme a Allen Ginsberg, Jack Jerouac, William S. Burroughs e Peter Orlovsky. Il suo motto più famoso "Turn on, Tune in, Drop out!"

96. Timothy Leary
CSP Changing My Mind, Among Others by timothy leary Author Index Title Index. Changing My Mind, Among Others. leary,timothy. (1982). Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice­Hall. ISBN 0-13, Timothy

97. CSP - 'High Priest' By Timothy Leary
Hardcover, xvi + 353 pages. Contents...... Index. High Priest. leary, timothy. (1968). New York World PublishingCo. ISBN None

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Religion and Psychoactive Sacraments:
An Entheogen Chrestomathy
Thomas B. Roberts, Ph.D. and Paula Jo Hruby, Ed.D.
Author Index
Title Index
High Priest. Leary, Timothy.
New York: World Publishing Co.
ISBN: None
Description: Hardcover, xvi + 353 pages. Contents: Acknowledgements, note on The League for Spiritual Discovery, 16 chapters (called "trips"), appendix. Excerpt(s): At the time I ate the sacred mushrooms of Mexico I called myself as follows: An atheist, a rationalist, skeptical of any sort of authority, ritual, tradition, faith, or magic, an empiricist-intolerant of scholastic speculation and Talmudic juggling. An arrogant disdainer of fear-directed bourgeois conformity. I was convinced that the choice was to be independent-effective-right or obedient-routine-good, but not both. (page 282) At the time I ate the sacred mushrooms in Mexico I was a rationalist humanist. Supremely confident but empty because, although I could predict and master the game, I had lost the thread of mystery. I had run through and beyond the middle-class professional game board. There were no surprise moves left. I had died even to the lure of ambition, power, sex. It was all a Monopoly game-easy to win at but meaningless. I had just been promised tenure at Harvard.

98. ®ivotopis Timothy Learyho
Životopis timothy learyho byl publikován na serveru Najeho intenzivním prekladu s laskavým svolením tvurcu tohoto
®ivotopis Timothy Learyho
byl publikován na serveru
Na jeho intenzivním pøekladu s laskavým svolením tvùrcù
tohoto serveru neustále pracuji,
zatím zde naleznete v èe¹tinì pouze struèný ¾ivotopis
a plný text knihy The Psychedelic Experience
(v angliètinì, èeský pøeklad u¾ také vy¹el).

v¹echny materiály byly pou¾ity a pøelo¾eny
se svolením tvùrcù serveru

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103 gebrauchte Bücher zum Stichwort timothy leary von derzeit 9 Millionenim Verzeichnis des ZVAB sind nur einen Mausklick entfernt. timothy leary.
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[SW: Esoterik Timothy Leary Details O' LEARY TIMOTHY (POSTSCR: Whisper: a timescript, Whisper Promotions 1971 Hardback Very Good/ 1st Ed Writings of drug pusher smuggled out of prison in UK - Timothy O' Leary furnished the 8 page Postscript 126pp Details Suchen und Finden Oder finden Sie das Buch, das Sie und Ihre Freunde so lange vergeblich suchten:
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