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Leapor Mary: more detail | |||||||
21. Leapor: Monarch From leapor, mary. Poems Upon Several Occasions. By the late Mrs. leapor,of Brackley in Northamptonshire. The Second and Last Volume. http://www.orgs.muohio.edu/womenpoets/leapor/monarch.htm | |
22. FirstScience.com Poems - An Extract From The Enquiry By Mary Leapor mary leapor (17221746), a Northamptonshire kitchen maid, produced a substantialbody of exceptional poetry which was only published after her early death at http://www.firstscience.com/SITE/poems/leapor.asp | |
23. Nature Poems And Science Poems - 168 Poems from The Enquiry from The Enquiry by mary leapormary leapor How near one Speciesto the next is join d, The due Gradations please a thinking Mind http://www.firstscience.com/site/poems.asp | |
25. Mary Leapor, Free Books mary leapor, Free Books. Free Books L mary leapor. The Poetry ofmary leapor (172246) Includes posthumously published volume Poems http://www.free-books-1.com/l/mary_leapor/ | |
26. Countrybookshop.co.uk - Works Of Mary Leapor, The mary leapor (172246) was the kitchen-maid daughter of a Northamptonshiregardener. Her Conditions, Works of mary leapor, The, Order This Item. http://www.countrybookshop.co.uk/books/index.phtml?whatfor=0198182929 |
27. Volume 44 January - December 1997 Note. A note of mary leapor s reputation. H . Van de Veire VictoriaUniversity, Wellington , New Zealand. Pages 205 207. Part of http://www3.oup.co.uk/notesj/hdb/Volume_44/Issue_02/440205.sgm.abs.html | |
28. OUP USA: The Works Of Mary Leapor: Richard Greene The Works of mary leapor. Edited by Richard Greene and Ann Messenger. 0198182929,hardback, 400 pages. mary leapor Richard Greene Price $120.00. http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/LiteratureEnglish/BritishLiteratur |
29. OUP USA: Mary Leapor: Richard Greene mary leapor. A Study in EighteenthCentury Women s Poetry. Richard Greene. 0198119887,hardback, 256 pages. The Works of mary leapor Richard Greene Price $150.00. http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/LiteratureEnglish/BritishLiteratur | |
30. Aalborg Universitet ¤ Engelsk Ingram, Anne, Viscountess Irwin, An Epistle to Mr Pope (1736), ne1,8, 1, 1. leapor, mary, An Essay on Woman (1751), ne1, 4, 1, 1. William http://www.engelsk.aau.dk/e-2003/eksamen/taht2004_pensum.htm | |
31. Northamptonshire UK - Genealogy, Surnames, Family And Local History. Urban Land 1961 9.3%. mary leapor Weston mary leapor was christenedon 26 Feb 1722 at Marston St Lawrence. Her father, Phillip http://www.curiousfox.com/history/northamptonshire_6.html | |
32. Northamptonshire UK - Genealogy, Surnames, Family And Local History. 1917. Happy to share what info I have. mary leapor Brackley maryleapor was christened on 26 Feb 1722 at Marston St Lawrence. Her http://www.curiousfox.com/history/northamptonshire.lasso | |
33. Put Category Name Here Swift dominated the literary works of that time, a few daring women were also beginningto establish themselves (Sitter 9). Women like mary leapor, a peasant http://info-center.ccit.arizona.edu/~ws/ws200/fall97/grp9/part6.htm | |
34. NEH Final Report, 1997-2000 The Fair Hebrew, 1729 Killigrew, Anne, Poems by Mrs. Anne Killigrew, 1686 leapor,mary , Poems Upon Several Occasions, 174851 Liddiard, JS Anna, Mont St. http://www.wwp.brown.edu/project/grants/neh2000final/nehfinalAppA.html | |
35. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (L) 1623 1704. Leakey, Caroline Woolmer (Leakey, Caroline Woolmer ). 1827 - 1881. leapor,mary (leapor, mary ). 1722 - 1746. Lear, Edward (Lear, Edward ). 1812 - 1888. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=75&golist=true&init=L |
36. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle Authors, Works, Projects The Poems of mary leapor, Suggest a Link. Homepageof The Poems of mary leapor (Laura Mandell, Miami U., Ohio). CrumbleHall . http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2553 |
37. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle Homepage of The Poems of mary leapor (Laura Mandell, Miami U., Ohio). CrumbleHall .Poems Upons Several Occasions, vol. I (1748) and II (1751). http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=313 |
38. Rechercheergebnis Translate this page Inchbald, Elizabeth 871 Geschlechtsrollendefinitionen 882 Weibliche Geschlechtsrolle886 Frauenbilder 933 Angel in the House 936 leapor, mary 938 Lennox http://db.genderinn.uni-koeln.de/cgi-bin/recherche/deutsch?w=tab&id=6641 |
39. Rechercheergebnis Translate this page Wonder Woman Keeps a Secret 804 Davys, mary 815 Griffith, Elizabeth 841 Haywood,Eliza 882 Weibliche Geschlechtsrolle 936 leapor, mary 938 Lennox http://db.genderinn.uni-koeln.de/cgi-bin/recherche/deutsch?w=tab&id=6869 |
40. WebGuest Directory - Biography : L Leakey, Louis; Leakey, mary; Lean, David; Leandros, Vicky; leapor, mary;Lear, Edward; Leary, Denis; Leary, Timothy; Lebling, Dave; Lecavalier http://directory.webguest.com/Reference/Biography/L | |
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