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         Lanyer Aemilia:     more books (17)
  1. The Poems of Aemilia Lanyer: Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum (Women Writers in English 1350-1850) by Aemilia Lanyer, 1993-09-16
  2. Renaissance Women: The Plays of Elizabeth Cary : The Poems of Aemilia Lanyer (Pickering Women's Classics)
  3. The Poets I: Isabella Whitney, Anne Dowriche, Elizabeth Melville, AemiliaLanyer, Rachespeght and Diana Primrose, Printed Writings 1500-1640 (Early Modern ... Facsimile Library of Essential Works) (Pt.2) by Isabella Whitney, Anne Dowriche, et all 2002-02
  4. Aemilia Lanyer: Gender, Genre, and the Canon (Studies in the English Renaissance)
  5. Refiguring the Sacred Feminine: The Poems of John Donne, Aemilia Lanyer, and John Milton (Medieval & Renaissance Literary Studies) by Theresa M. Dipasquale, 2008-04-15
  6. Lanyer: A Renaissance Woman Poet by Susanne Woods, 1999-08-05
  7. Aemilia Lanyer: Gender, Genre, and the Canon.(Review) (book review): An article from: Shakespeare Studies by Karen Robertson, 2000-01-01
  8. Refiguring the Sacred Feminine: The Poems of John Donne, Aemilia Lanyer, and John Milton.(Book review): An article from: Christianity and Literature by William Tate, 2009-09-22
  9. Isabella Whitney, Mary Sidney and Aemilia Lanyer: Renaissance Women Poets
  10. The Poems of Aemilia Lanyer: Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum.: An article from: Renaissance Quarterly by Cynthia E. Garett, 1996-09-22
  11. The Poems of Aemilia Lanyer: Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum. by Aemilia. LANYER, 1993
  12. Aemilia Lanyer: Gender, Genre and the Canon.(Review): An article from: Renaissance Quarterly by Carole Levin, 1999-12-22
  13. The Poets I **ISBN: 9781840142235** by Susanne (EDT)/ Travitsky, Betty (EDT)/ Cullen, Patrick (EDT)/ Whitney, Isabella/ Dowriche, Anne/ Colville, Elizabeth/ Lanyer, Aemilia/ Speght, Rachel/ Primrose, Diana/ Martin, James Woods, 2002-02-01
  14. Refiguring the Sacred Feminine; the Poems of John Donne, Aemilia Lanyer, and Joh by Theresa M Dipasquale, 2008

81. WWP Text Ordering Information
Melvill, Elizabeth. A Godly Dream, 1606. lanyer, aemilia (Bassano). Salve DeusRex Judaeorum, 1611. Cary, Elizabeth (Tanfield), Viscountess Falkland.
WWP The Texts Current Contents of WWO
Texts included in Women Writers Online, sorted by date
View list sorted by author or title
Roper, Margaret (More), trans. (from Desiderius Erasmus). A Devout Treatise Upon the Pater Noster, 1526 Roper, Margaret, trans. (from Desiderius Erasmus). A Devout Treatise Upon the Pater Noster, 1531 Parr, Katharine. Prayers Stirring the Mind unto Heavenly Meditations, 1545 Askew, Anne. The First Examination of Anne Askew, 1546 Bacon, Ann (Cooke), trans. (from Bernardino Ochino). Sermons of Barnardine Ochine of Sena, Translator's Preface, 1548 Elizabeth I, trans. (from Marguerite d'Angouleme). A Godly Meditation of the Christian Soul, 1548 Parr, Katharine. The Lamentation of a Sinner, 1548 Elizabeth I. The Accession Speech and Prayer, 1558 Elizabeth I. The Marriage Speech (extemporaneous version), 1559 Elizabeth I. The Marriage Speech (parliamentary version), 1559 Locke, Anne (Vaughan). A Meditation of a Penitent Sinner, 1560 Askew, Anne. The Two Examinations of Anne Askew (Foxe), 1563 Bacon, Ann (Cooke), trans. (from John Jewel). An Apology or Answer in Defence of the Church of England, 1564

82. Shasta's Livejournal Archives From November 14, 2003
The Duchess of Malfi – John Webster 92. The Poems of aemilia lanyer – aemilialanyer 93. The Satyricon – Petronius 94. Utopia – Sir Thomas More 95.
November shasta's official list of the hundred best books ever. 1:43 PM In response to my post about that Modern Library book list, my friend Sean says: "Any list designed by committee is kind of pointless - weird decisions that arise from the normalizing effect of group work, rather than weird decisions that arise from some interesting individual character tic." And I figured, hey, I'm all about the character tics. I therefore present you with Shasta's Official List of the Hundred Best Books Ever.* * Except I limited it to fiction, short stories, drama, and poetry, so that cuts out a bunch of books. I also didn't include any books I haven't actually read, so that cuts out a whole bunch more. When I was trying to decide between two or more books, my decisions were ultimately based almost wholly on whimsy and shelf positioning, so that detracts somewhat from the force of my claim that these are the Best Books Ever. But they are damned good books! In no particular order: 1. Gravity’s Rainbow – Thomas Pynchon
2. The Crying of Lot 49 – Thomas Pynchon

83. Aemilia Lanyer, "To The Ladie Arabella"
To the Ladie Arabella. Great learned Ladie, whom I long haue knowne,And yet not knowne so much as I desired Rare Phoenix, whose
To the Ladie Arabella
Great learned Ladie, whom I long haue knowne,
And yet not knowne so much as I desired:
Rare Phoenix , whose faire feathers are your owne,
With which you flie, and are so much admired:
True honour whom true Fame hath so attired, (5)
In glittering raiment shining much more bright,
Than siluer Starres in the most frostie night.
Come like the morning Sunne new out of bed,
And cast your eyes vpon this little Booke,
Although you be so well accompan'ed (10)
With Pallas , and the Muses, spare one looke
Vpon this humbled King, who all forsooke,
That in his dying armes he might imbrace
Your beauteous Soule, and fill it with his grace.
c [c verso blank] Salve Deus home page

84. PhD Reading List 2002-03
Sidney, Sir Philip, Astrophil and Stella. Spenser, Edmund, The FaerieQueene, Book II. lanyer, aemilia, Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum .
PAPER ONE 1. Poetry
Beowulf "Wife’s Lament" (in various places, eg. Marckwardt and Rosier, Old English [Norton]; W.F. Boulton, An Old English Anthology Chaucer: House of Fame, Book of the Duchess, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl Lydgate, John, Troy Book (selections) Henryson, Robert, Testament of Cressid (ed. Denton Fox) Bokenham, "Lives of Holy Women" (selections) Marlowe, Christopher, Hero and Leander Sidney, Sir Philip, Astrophil and Stella Spenser, Edmund, The Faerie Queene , Book II Lanyer, Aemilia, "Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum" Donne, John, Songs and Sonets : "The Good-morrow," "Song" ("Go and catch a falling star"), "The Undertaking," or "Platonic Love," "The Indifferent," "The Canonization," Air and Angels," "Break of Day," "The Anniversary," "Twickenham Garden," "Love’s Growth" or "Spring," "Mummy" or "Love’s Alchemy," "The Flea," "A Nocturnal upon St Lucy’s Day," "The Bait," "A Valediction: forbidding mourning," "The Ecstasy," "The Funeral," "The Relic" Herrick, Robert

85. Amelia Lanyer
Amelia lanyer. TO THE VERTVOVS Reader. Often haue I heard that itis the property of some wo men, not only to emulate the virtues
Amelia Lanyer
Often haue I heard that it is the property of some wo-
men, not only to emulate the virtues and perfections
of the rest, but also by all their powers of ill speaking,
to ecclipse the brightness of their deserved fame: now
contrary to this custome, which men I hope uniustly lay to (5)
their charge, I haue written this small volume, or little booke,
for the generall vse of all virtuous Ladies and Gentlewomen
of this kingdome; and in commendation of some particular
persons of our owne sexe, such as for the most part, are so well
knowne to my selfe, and others, that I dare undertake Fame (10) dares not to call any better. And this haue I done, to make knowne to the world, that all women deserue not to be blamed though some forgetting they are women themselues, and in danger to be condemned by the words of their owne mouthes, fall into so great an errour, as to speake vnaduisedly against (15) the rest of their sexe; which if it be true, I am persuaded they can shew their owne imperfection in nothing more: and there- fore could wish (for their owne ease, modesties, and credit) they

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