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         Lagerlof Selma:     more books (100)
  1. Invisible Links by Selma Lagerlöf, 2009-04-27
  2. The Changeling (Lagerlof) by Jeanette Winter (illustrator), 1992-02-18
  3. The Saga of Gosta Berling (Penguin Classics) by Selma Lagerlof, 2009-09-29
  4. The Treasure by Selma Lagerlöf, 2009-10-04
  5. Jerusalem by Selma Lagerlöf, 2009-10-04
  6. Christ Legends: And Other Stories by Selma Lagerlof, 2010-01-10
  7. The Wonderful Adventures of Nils by Selma Lagerlöf, 2009-09-03
  8. Gosta Berling's Saga by Selma Lagerlof, 1997-07-01
  9. The Wonderful Adventures Of Nils And The Further Adventures Of Nils Holgersson by Selma Lagerlof, 2000-06-01
  10. The legend of the Christmas rose by Selma Lagerlof, 2010-09-07
  11. Memories of Marbacka by Selma Lagerlof, Greta Anderson, 1996-04-01
  12. Selma Lagerlöf (Swedish Edition) by Johan Martin Mortensen, 2010-03-16
  13. Selma Lagerlof: Great Short Stories from Around the World I by Emily Hutchinson, 1994-05
  14. The Emperor of Portugallia: From the Swedish of Selma Lagerlöf by Selma Lagerlöf, Velma Swanston Howard, 2010-01-12

1. Selma Lagerlof
Selma Lagerlof ( 18581940) Novelista y premio Nobel sueca, autora de gran cantidad de novelas y narraciones breves sobre la vida cotidiana y la historia de su país. Nació en Marbacka y, entre 1885 y
Selma Lagerlof
N ovelista y premio Nobel sueca, autora de gran cantidad de novelas y narraciones breves sobre la vida cotidiana y la historia de su país. Nació en Marbacka y, entre 1885 y 1895, fue maestra en una escuela de Landskrona. Sus primeros dos libros La leyenda de Gosta Berling (1891), una recopilación de cuentos folclóricos de Varmland reescritos por la autora en una prosa lírica y Lazos invisibles (1894), una colección de relatos breves le crearon una sólida reputación. A partir de 1895 se dedicó por completo a la literatura ya que la Corona le concedió un estipendio anual a perpetuidad. Sus obras, basadas, por lo general, en historias y cuentos populares suecos, se caracterizan por su naturalidad y su frescura. Sus personajes son gentes sencillas, que contribuyen a que triunfe siempre el bien sobre el mal. Selma Lagerlof recibió el Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1909 —la primera mujer en obtenerlo—, y en 1914 fue elegida miembro de la Academia Sueca, con justo merecimiento, pues su estilo no ha tenido parangón en la literatura sueca. Entre sus numerosos escritos se pueden citar las novelas Jerusalén (1901-1902), un cuento sobre un movimiento religioso en una apartada zona de Suecia, que desemboca en un éxodo a Palestina;

2. Biographien Von Schriftstellerinnen: Lagerlöf, Selma
Das Leben der Selma Lagerl¶f in einem Kurzportrait von Norgard Kohlhagen.
Selma Lagerlöf
»Das größte Glück ist, an sich selbst zu glauben.« Zitiermöglichkeiten für den nachfolgenden Text:
.N. Kohlhagen, "Sie schreiben wie ein Mann, Madame!", Allitera Verlag 2001, S. 88-95, oder:
N. Kohlhagen, "Sie schreiben wie ein Mann, Madame!", Sammlung Luchterhand 1993, S. 91-97, oder:
N. Kohlhagen, "Sie schreiben wie ein Mann, Madame!", Fischer Taschenbuch Frankfurt/M. 1983, S. 89-97. Die Frau, die diese Jugenderinnerung in ihrem Buch »Aus meinen Kindheitstagen« schildert, wird später die erste, die den Nobelpreis für Literatur erhält. Sie bekommt Förderpreise vom König ihres Heimatlandes, ihre Texte werden in andere Sprachen übersetzt, sie gehört als eine der ganz wenigen Frauen zur »Weltliteratur«. Träumt die Dreizehnjährige von solchen Entschädigungen in der Zukunft, während sie bei ihrem ersten Ball unbeachtet in einer Ecke sitzt? Selma ist vierzehn, als sie zum zweitenmal in die schwedische Hauptstadt reist. In diesem Winter 1873 beginnt sie, Tagebuch zu führen. »Wenn ich eine Schriftstellerin werden will, muß ich für alles, was ich erlebe, froh und dankbar sein. Ich muß sogar zufrieden sein, wenn mir etwas Schweres und Widerwärtiges zustößt, sonst kann ich später gar nicht beschreiben, was man fühlt, wenn man unglücklich ist.« Das schreibt sie, ganz ernsthaft und tapfer, gleich zu Beginn ihres Tagebuchs, während sie im Zug nach Stockhom sitzt. Es rührt einen an, dies Mädchentagebuch. Da wird eine Vierzehnjährige als »Hinkebein« verspottet. Da fühlt ein junges Mädchen sich als »Landpomeranze« in der Großstadt und kämpft gegen das Heimweh an. Da bemüht sich eine Halbwüchsige vergeblich, dem Idealbild ihrer Umwelt zu entsprechen:

3. Selma Lagerlof
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4. WIEM: Lagerlof Selma
Literatura, Szwecja lagerlof selma (18581940). Lagerlöf Selma (1858-1940), szwedzka pisarka. 1909 Nagroda Nobla. Z zawodu nauczycielka.
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
Oferta specjalna abonamentów dla szkó³ i instytucji!
Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Literatura, Szwecja
Lagerlof Selma
Lagerlöf Selma (1858-1940), szwedzka pisarka. 1909 Nagroda Nobla . Z zawodu nauczycielka. Od 1914 cz³onkini Akademii Szwedzkiej. Jedna z najwybitniejszych pisarek swego kraju, znana w ca³ym ¶wiecie, reprezentowa³a tzw. szwedzki neoromantyzm Uznanie zyska³a ju¿ jej debiutancka powie¶æ Gösta Berling (1891, wydanie polskie 1905). Kolejne utwory: nowele (w polskim wyborze Opowiadania Zwi±zki niewidzialne Legendy Chrystusowe (1904, wydanie polskie 1905) oraz powie¶ci, np.: Jerozolima (tom 1-2, 1901-1902, wydanie polskie 1908), Ojczyzna Liljekrony (1911, wydanie polskie 1924), Têtni±ce serce (1914, wydanie polskie 1922), trylogia rodzinna:

5. Livres De Lagerlof Selma Proposés Par
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Lagerlof Selma
Tous les livres de Lagerlof Selma proposés par Vous pouvez acheter ou offrir un livre de Lagerlof Selma en livre neuf ou d'occasion (si disponible)
Anna Svard
Anneau Du Pecheur

Charlotte Lowenskold

Christus Legenden Toen Jezus Nog Een Kindeke Was Deel 1
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6. Selma Lagerlof De Lagerlof Selma Proposé Par
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Selma Lagerlof Auteur: Lagerlof Selma
Vous pouvez acheter ou offrir Selma Lagerlof en livre neuf ou d'occasion (si disponible)
IN8 Broché, illustré. Couverture salie, dos cassé
Editions disponibles: JE SERS. Date d'édition:1939 Accueil livres neufs, livres rares, livres anciens, livres d'occasion Le thème principal associé à "Selma Lagerlof" est: [ ] CHAPITRE BIOGRAPHIES Ouvrages de Lagerlof Selma autres que Selma Lagerlof

7. Lagerlof Selma (Lagerlof_Selma) : Poezie, Prozã, Comentarii, Texte
lagerlof selma Lagerlof_Selma, Nivel acces (clasici) pe Româna Are limba materna Are limba materna Oras de resedinta Marbacka (Suedia),
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[Agonia forum] Selecþia sãptãmânii VoxPop Download Lagerlof Selma Nivel acces (clasici) pe Românã Are limba maternã Oraº de reºedinþã: Marbacka (Suedia) Acestea sunt cele mai recente texte ale acestui autor: Texte înscrise de acest autor în bibliotecã: Minunatele aventuri ale lui Nils Holgerson Legenda insulei Alvar Prozã 2004-04-19 (85: afiºãri) Comentarii: Adresa directã a acestui autor este : Casa Literaturii, poeziei ºi culturii. Scrie ºi savureazã articole, eseuri, prozã, poezie clasicã ºi concursuri. Agonia Cãutare Agonia - Ateliere Artistice Forum Reproducerea oricãror materiale din site fãrã permisiunea noastrã este strict interzisã.

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Your search for lagerlof+selma yielded 6 results using author Displaying results 1 to 6. 1. Emperor s Vision, The Lagerlof, Selma

9. Selma Lagerlof
SELMA LAGERLOF. Swedish author (18581940) Biography Selma Ottiliana Lovisa Lagerlöf was born in Marbacka, Sweden, in 1858. She
Swedish author (1858-1940)
Selma Ottiliana Lovisa Lagerlöf was born in Marbacka, Sweden, in 1858. She had been writing poetry ever since she was a child, but she did not publish anything until 1890, when a Swedish newspaper gave her the first prize in a literary competition and published excerpts from her first novel, Gösta Berlings Saga (published in 1891 and very succesfull).
During her travelling to Italy she also wrote The Miracles of Antichrist (1897), a novel set in Sicily. After several minor works she published Jerusalem (translated in English as The Holy City) but it was with The Wonderful Adventures of Nils , a book for children, that she became worldwide recognized.
She was awarded with the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1909.

10. Selma Lagerlof
Selma Lagerlof. Selma Lagerlof (18581940) Novelist who in 1909 became the first woman and also the first Swedish writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Selma Lagerlof
Selma Lagerlof
Novelist who in 1909 became the first woman and also the first Swedish writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.
An illness left her lame for a time, but otherwise her childhood was happy. She was taught at home, then trained in Stockholm as a teacher, and in 1885 went to Landskrona as schoolmistress. There she wrote her first novel, Gosta Berlings saga, 2 vol. (1891). A chronicle of life in the heyday of her native Varmland's history, the age of prosperous iron founders and small manors, the book recounts the story of the 12 Cavaliers, led by Gosta Berling, a renegade priest of weak character but irresistible charm. Written in a lyrical style, full of pathos, it showed the influence of Thomas Carlyle and played a part in the Swedish Romantic revival of the 1890s. In 1894 she published a collection of stories, Osynliga lankar (Invisible Links), and in 1895 she won a traveling scholarship, gave up teaching, and devoted herself to writing. After visiting Italy she published Antikrists mirakler (1897; The Miracles of Antichrist), a socialist novel about Sicily. Another collection, En herrgardssagen (Tales of a Manor), is one of her finest works. A winter in Egypt and Palestine (1899-1900) inspired Jerusalem, 2 vol. (1901-02), which established her as the foremost Swedish novelist. Other notable works were Herr Arnes Penningar (1904), a tersely but powerfully told historical tale; and Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige, 2 vol. (1906-07; The Wonderful Adventures of Nils and Further Adventures of Nils), a geography reader for children.

11. AES Elementary Library Book Series
lagerlof selma. The Wonderful Adventures of Nils The Further Adventures of Nils . (Fantasy/ adventure). Nils Holgerson has spent
LAGERLOF Selma " The Wonderful Adventures of Nils"
" The Further Adventures of Nils" (Fantasy/ adventure) Nils Holgerson has spent most of his life bullying the birds and animals around him. One day he does the same to an elf and is punished for his wickedness. He finds himself transformed to the size of an elf and suddenly has to learn to survive in a world of giant birds and animals. Nil's extraordinary adventures begin when he takes up with a flock of wild geese on their journey to the North. He has many terrifying experiences but learns self and respect and humility along the way. Read the sequel, "The Further Adventures of Nils" to find out whether Nils will ever return to his normal size and be able to go back home.
LAWLER Laurie " Addie Across the Prairie"
" Addie's Dakota winter"
" Addie's Long Summer"
" George On His Own" (Historical /adventure) This is a delightful series of books about Addie, a pioneer girl. The series begins as Addie's family make their way across the prairie towards Dakota where they will make their new home. When they arrive, they swap their grueling journey and their wagon home for a different set of hardships as the family endeavor to build a new life in this new land

12. Ksi±¿ka - Lagerlof Selma - Cudowna Podró¿ - Wirtualna Polska
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14. Selma Lagerlof - The Dark Spiral
The Wonderful Adventures Of Nils And The Further Adventures Of Nils Holgersson by Selma lagerlof selma Ottilia Lagerloef. List Price Lagerlof/Author
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Your search for Selma Lagerlof returned 38 results. List Price:'s Price:
Prices subject to change. Gosta Berling's Saga
by: Selma Lagerlof Greta Anderson Lillie Tudeer Selma Ottilia Lagerloef
List Price:'s Price: Prices subject to change. The Wonderful Adventures Of Nils And The Further Adventures Of Nils Holgersson by: Selma Lagerlof Selma Ottilia Lagerloef List Price:'s Price: Prices subject to change. The Wonderful Adventures of Nils by: Selma Lagerlof Lars Klinting Selma Ottilia Lagerloef Rebecca Alsberg ... Joan Tate List Price:'s Price: Prices subject to change. Lowenskold Ring by: Selma Lagerlof Linda Schenck Selma Ottilia Lagerloef List Price:'s Price:

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Translate this page Voir sur Priceminister Infos magasin. Editeur lagerlof selma Livres - Autre Support - Livres Le Merveilleux Voyage De nils holgersson À Travers Le Suéde
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16. The Emperor's Vision: And Other Christ Legends (Floris Classics) Selma Lagerlof
Title The Emperor s Vision And Other Christ Legends (Floris Classics) lagerlof selma Selma Lagerlof Subject Anthologies Category Children s Books Classics
The Emperor's Vision: And Other Christ Legends (Floris Classics) Selma Lagerlof
Author or Artist : Selma Lagerlof
Title: The Emperor's Vision: And Other Christ Legends (Floris Classics)
Lagerlof Selma
Selma Lagerlof
Subject: Anthologies
Category: Children's Books Classics
Format: Paperback
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17. Selma Lagerlof Le Merveilleux Voyage De Nils Holgersson à Travers La Suède
Translate this page Titre Le Merveilleux voyage de Nils Holgersson à travers la Suède lagerlof selma Selma Lagerlof Genre Contes Suède Rubriques Jeunesse Divers Format
Selma Lagerlof Le Merveilleux voyage de Nils Holgersson à travers la Suède
Auteur ou Artiste : Selma Lagerlof
Titre: Le Merveilleux voyage de Nils Holgersson à travers la Suède
Lagerlof Selma
Selma Lagerlof
Genre: Contes Suède
Rubriques: Jeunesse Divers
Format: Poche
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18. Selma Lagerlof - Biography, Works, And Message Board
Selma Lagerlof. Biography of Selma Lagerlof, links to the author s complete and freely available works, and message board for postings about the author.

19. Le Bateau Livre - Liste Des Livres D'un Auteur.
Translate this page Retour . Auteur lagerlof selma. Titre, Thème, Editeur, Nb de pages, Format, Prix €, LE MERVEILLEUX VOYAGE DE NILS HOLGERSSON A TRAVERS

20. Studio Bibliografico Lim Antiqua
Translate this page La leggenda di Gösta Berling. libri. lagerlof selma. Titolo. Tipologia. Home. Selma.

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