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161. History Of The Scots In New Scotland (Nova Scotia) A brief history of the settlement of Nova Scotia by the Scots. Includes the Nova Scotia tartan and the actual founding of the province by king James and Sir william Alexander. http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Heritage/FSCNS/Scots_NS/About_Clans/HtySctNS.html | |
162. About The First Spiritual Temple: Pioneers: Florence Cook, Part 1 Biography of the medium who manifested the spirit of Katie king, and was championed by Sir william Crooks. http://www.fst.org/cook.htm | |
163. Title Page For ETD Etd-042099-141554 Title page for ETD etd042099-141554. Type of Document, Master s Thesis. Author, king, william E. Author s Email Address, willking@mindspring.com. http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-042099-141554/ | |
164. The William Sauntry Mansion Built in 1890, this 25room bed and breakfast home has Queen Anne and Eastlake elements throughout. All guest rooms feature fireplaces, queen or king beds, and private bathssome with double whirlpools. http://www.sauntrymansion.com/ | |
165. Rebel King, King Robert The Bruce, King Edward, Robert The Bruce, Braveheart The Rebel king. A novel about Scotland's king Robert Bruce who fought the Wars of Independence after king Edward of England executed william Wallace. http://www.robert-de-bruce.com | |
166. Chantus Studios. Handmade Master Quality Classical And Acoustic Guitars william king Luthier. Classical and acoustic guitars. One at a time, by request. http://www.chantus.com/docs/cs.html | |
167. The William Craig Company, Inc Real estate appraiser in Kirkland serving king, Snohomish, Pierce, Thurston, and Skagit counties in Washington. Offers online ordering and tracking of appraisals, vendor services, and definition of area served. http://www.wcci.biz/ | |
168. CNN.com - Larry King: Prince William At 20 - June 21, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/06/21/lkl.william/index.html | |
169. Anglo-Saxon England Student essays about AngloSaxon England by william Bakken and a thesis about the relationship of king Cnut with the English Church. http://members.aol.com/bakken1/angsax/angsaxe.htm | |
170. The Jason Williams Home Page Dedicated to the 6' Kings point guard. Biography, statistics, articles, quotables, photo gallery, theater, Jason Wiliams store, links, updates, and chat. http://www.angelfire.com/wv/jw55 | |
171. Gay History And Literature Essays on homosexuality in eighteenthcentury England; the Nazi era; the gay tombs in Westminster Abbey; Michelangelo; Kings James I and VI; Sir Francis Bacon; Anthony Bacon; lesbian pirates Anne Bonny and Mary Read; Johann Joachim Winckelmann; william Beckford; Rev. John Church; and Ludwig van Beethoven. http://www.infopt.demon.co.uk/gayhist.htm | |
172. King Lyons & Williams Lodge Masonic lodge meeting in Pompano Beach, Florida, under the International F AM and OES. http://www.geocities.com/kinglyonsnwilliams/ |
173. KingsCourt: Jason Williams Dedication A page dedicated to the most exciting king, Jason Williams. Includes many pictures. http://angelfire.com/ga2/kingscourt/jwilliams.html | |
174. NBA.com Playerfile Jason Williams Jason Williams Player File from NBA.com . Notes, links to news, features, video, audio, personal, season highs, career highs about the talented 55 king. http://www.nba.com/playerfile/jason_williams.html |
175. Jason Williams Showtime A Jason Williams Page with Pictures as a king, as a College player and in HighSchool, Statistics, and a lot of Showtime. http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Field/9303 |
176. At The Tomb Of Tutankhamen @ Nationalgeographic.com Maynard Owen Williams describes the opening of the tomb of king Tutankhamen for National Geographic in this online version of the famous first article from 1923. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/egypt/index.html | |
177. Everett Real Estate Buyer and seller services for Snohomish, king, and Skagit Counties. http://www.eradanwilliams.com/ | |
178. Koning Willem I College - Intro © Koning Willem I College, sHertogenbosch contact, http://www.kw1c.nl/ | |
179. Www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/1094/will.htm Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/1094/will.htm |
180. Jason Williams SLAM! Page dedicated to the guard of the Sacramento Kings by Phil Fan of 55 . Biography, statistics, articles, images, links. http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Pressbox/4822/ |
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