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         Kemal Yasar:     more books (95)
  1. Novels by Yasar Kemal (Study Guide): They Burn the Thistles, Teneke, Memed, My Hawk, Ince Memed Tetralogy
  2. Kurde: Kurden, Saladin, Hatun Sürücü, Seyran Ates, Abdullah Öcalan, Scheich Ubeydallah, Said Nursi, Yasar Kemal, Osman Baydemir, Ismet Inönü (German Edition)
  3. Turkish Novelists: Orhan Pamuk, Aziz Nesin, Yasar Kemal, Fatma Aliye Topuz, Halide Edip Adivar, Elif Safak, Buket Uzuner, Zülfü Livaneli
  4. The Undying Grass by Kemal Yasar, 1992-06
  5. Der Sturm der Gazellen by Yasar Kemal, 2008
  6. Murder at the Ironmonger Market (Turkish Edition) by Yasar Kemal, 1999-09-01
  7. Firat Suyu Kan Akiyor Baksana by Yasar Kemal, 2005-01-01
  8. Entretiens avec Alain Bosquet by Yasar Kemal, 1992
  9. Gut geflunkert, Zilo. ( Ab 10. J.). by Yasar Kemal, 2002-03-01
  10. El Halcon by Yasar Kemal, 1990
  11. Binbogalar Efsanesi by Yasar Kemal, 2008
  12. Der letzte Flug des Falken by Yasar Kemal, 2005-09-30
  13. Iron Earth, Copper Sky by Yasar Kemal, 1974
  14. Gelbe Hitze. by Yasar Kemal, 1988-01-01

61. WIEM: Yaºar Kemal
2004. Literatura, Turcja yasar kemal (1922). yasar kemal (1922-), turecki pisarz. Jeden z najwybitniejszych prozaików Turcji.
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
Oferta specjalna abonamentów dla szkó³ i instytucji!
Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Literatura, Turcja
Yaºar Kemal
Yaºar Kemal (1922-), turecki pisarz. Jeden z najwybitniejszych prozaików Turcji. Autor reporta¿y, opowiadañ i powie¶ci g³ównie o tematyce wiejskiej. Miêdzynarodowy rozg³os zyska³a jego powie¶æ Ince Memed (tom 1-2, 1955-1969) - o legendarnym rozbójniku tureckim. W swojej twórczo¶ci nawi±zuje do tradycji literatury ludowej i folkloru, powie¶æ Legenda Tysi±ca Byków (1971, wydanie polskie 1983). Przek³ady opowiadañ w antologii Rajski statek WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry

62. Yasar Kemal På Internet (Dagens Nyheter)
Kurdish Library. Om Kurdiska Biblioteket i press. Dagens Nyheter 27 oktober 1996. yasar kemal på Internet. av Per Jönsson. Jag vill
Kurdish Library Om Kurdiska Biblioteket i press Dagens Nyheter
27 oktober 1996
Yasar Kemal på Internet
av Per Jönsson Jag vill starta världens fredligaste krig - mot Turkiets brutala juridiska system, som inte tar hänsyn till människans rätt att uttrycka sig! Det utropar den kurdiske bokförläggaren Nedim Dagdeviren från utställningsgolvet på bokmässan i Göteborg. Och som krigsstrateg är han onekligen fräck: han har lagt ut ett knippe förbjudna texter av författaren Yasar Kemal på Internet, helt utom räckhåll fôr de turkiska censurmyndigheterna och den högsta domstol som nyligen fastställde 18-månadersdomen mot Kemal för just dessa texter. Bakgrunden är en Sverigeboende exilkurds storslagna ambitioner som gäller hela det kurdiska folket, utspritt och frånhänt sina rättigheter i Turkiet, Syrien, Iran, Irak och Libanon. - Vi kurder saknar vårt land, och därmed ett nationellt bibliotek, en motsvarighet till ert Kungliga biblibteket, förklarar Nedim Dagdeviren. Och det är min dröm att här i Sverige bygga upp en sådan nationalbokskatt för mitt folk. För detta ändamål har stiftelsen Framtidens kultur gett bidrag på 1,4 miljoner kronor under två år. Men eftersom Stockholms kommun och landsting sölar med att godkänna en bibliotekslokal satsar Nedim "Dagdrivaren" (som vännerna kallar honom) på att lägga ut en databas för det kommande kurdiska nationalbiblioteket på Internet: "Kurdish Culture Network".

63. Yashar Kemal
by Talat Salt Halman). Yashar kemal was born yasar kemal Gökçeli in Adana, in autumn 1922, into a family of wellto-do landlords.
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B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Prolific Turkish novelist, short-story writer, and essayist, whose novel Ince Memed (1955, Memed, My Hawk) made him world famous. The book, which had several sequels, depicts a conflict between poor tenant farmers and rural landwoners, the Aghas. This struggle creates a young hero, a kind of mixture of Jesse James and Che Guevara, who becomes a famous outlaw and a legend of South Anatolia. " People have always created their own worlds of myths and dreams, perpetuating their lives in those imaginary worlds. At times of duress, they have created more such worlds, which have given them haven and facilitated their lives. In their transition from one darkness to another, having acquired the consciousness of death, they have realized their lives and the joy of living in the world of myths and dreams they have created." (Yashar Kemal in his acceptance speech of the 1997 Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, trans. by Talat Salt Halman) After studying two years at a secondary school, Kemal ended his formal education. In his teens and twenties Kemal worked in odd jobs. He was a cottonpicker, farmhand, construction foreman, clerk, cobbler's helper, and substitute teacher. During these years Kemal become familiar with Turkish folklore. His first book, published in 1943, was a compilation of folk elegies, which he had collected in his region. He also wrote short stories and published poems in a local magazine in Adana and small magazines elsewhere.

64. Biografia De Yasar Kemal [Kemal Sadik Gokçeli]
Translate this page yasar kemal kemal Sadik Gokçeli. (Osmaniya, 1922) Escritor turco. En su primera etapa, sus poesías reflejan su interés por el folclore (Seyan, 1939).
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(Osmaniya, 1922) Escritor turco. En su primera etapa, sus poesías reflejan su interés por el folclore ( Seyan , 1939). Tras instalarse en Istanbul y trabajar como periodista empezó a cultivar la prosa, tanto el relato breve ( Calor amarillo , 1952) como la novela, género en el que fue pronto reconocido como el mejor escritor realista de Turquía, reflejando a través de su estilo directo la vida rural de los campesinos anatolios; entre sus novelas la de más éxito fue Mémed el delgado (1955). Otros títulos son Muerte en el mercado de los herreros Los pájaros también se han ido Turquía y la libertad de opinión (1996) obra por la que fue condenado a dieciocho meses de prisión. Posteriormente publicó El halcón (1997). Recibió el premio de la Paz de la Asociación de Libreros Alemanes en 1997. Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

65. Referat Yasar Kemal Anatolischer Reis
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und referat yasar kemal anatolischer reis und a lles was mit Spickzettel und Hausaufgaben zu tun hat kannst Du hier finden.
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66.  - Livres  - Yasar Kemal
Bibliothek Translate this page Details Kelsen Hans Demokratie u. Sozialismus Details kemal Mahmutefendic Die Tränen meines Volkes Suze moga naroda Details kemal, yasar Memed mein
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Mèmed le Faucon

Yasar Kemal
Münevver Andaç
Gallimard ;
Expédié sous 4 à 8 jours
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Et la mer se fâcha roman
Yasar Kemal
Münevver Andaç
Gallimard ;
Expédié sous 4 à 8 jours
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Salman le solitaire romanSalman le solitaire. T1 Yasar Kemal Münevver Andaç Gallimard ; Expédié sous 4 à 8 jours Ajouter au panier Le Retour de Mémed le Mince roman Yasar Kemal Münevver Andaç Gallimard ; Expédié sous 4 à 8 jours Ajouter au panier Tu écraseras le serpent roman Yasar Kemal Münevver Andaç Gallimard ; Expédié sous 4 à 8 jours Ajouter au panier en Livres Mon panier Mon compte Newsletter Fnac Aide Engagement L'entreprise Fnac Recrutement Fnac dans le monde ... Fnac 2004

67. Yasar Kemal : L'écrivain Turc étudié Dans Les écoles Françaises
yasar kemal L écrivain turc étudié dans les écoles françaises. kemal Sadik Gökceli dit yasar kemal. yasar kemal est né a Osmaniye pres d Adana en 1923.
Yasar KEMAL : L'écrivain turc étudié dans les écoles françaises Kemal Sadik Gökceli dit YASAR KEMAL Yasar Kemal est né a Osmaniye pres d'Adana en 1923. Ses poèmes et ses romans évoquent les paysans d'Anatolie: Mehmed le Mince, Terre de feu, ciel de cuivre, L'Herbe qui ne meurt pas,...
Yasar Kemal Gökceli was born in 1923 in Hemite, a 60-house hamlet in the province of Adana in southern Turkey. At the age of five Ya ar Kemal suffered a profound shock when his father was murdered while praying at the mosque and this left him with an impediment of speech which lasted up to his twelfth year. Surprisingly, it was only when singing that he did not stammer and this led him very early in life to improvising songs according to the Anatolian tradition of folk minstrels. It was this love of poetry that made him want to learn to read and write in order to record the poems he composed. But at that time there was no school in Yasar Kemal's village, as was the case then for 95% of Turkish villages. So at the age of nine the little boy walked to the neighbouring village every day and attended school there. Later his family moved to the small town of Kadirli where he completed his primary schooling. He was the first villager of Hemite ever to finish a primary school. After leaving school he took up such a great variety of jobs that he himself does not remember them all. He worked as a labourer in the cotton and rice fields, taught in a school for a while, then switched to agriculture again and operated a threshing machine. He went to Istanbul where he was employed by the gas company, then returned to the little town of Kadirli, bought a typewriter and earned his living as a public letter-writer. He even managed to get into prison.

68. Yasar Kemal
Translate this page EUR 12,90, Zorn des Meeres yasar kemal Andere Bücher von yasar kemal Unionsverlag, Mai 1998. Roman yasar kemal Andere Bücher von yasar kemal 1989.

Musik DVD Video ...

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69. Yasar Kemal
Translate this page EUR 10,90, Die Ameiseninsel yasar kemal Andere Bücher von yasar kemal , Cornelius Bischoff Andere Bücher von Cornelius Bischoff Unionsverlag, September 2003.

Musik DVD Video ...

EUR 19,50 Die Ameiseninsel
Yasar Kemal , Cornelius Bischoff
Unionsverlag, März 2001
EUR 22,90 Memed. Der letzte Flug des Falken
Yasar Kemal , Cornelius Bischoff
Unionsverlag, September 2003
EUR 10,90 Die Ameiseninsel
Yasar Kemal , Cornelius Bischoff Unionsverlag, September 2003 EUR 12,90 Salman Yasar Kemal , Cornelius Bischoff Unionsverlag, April 2003 EUR 7,90 Töte die Schlange Yasar Kemal , Cornelius Bischoff Unionsverlag, Februar 2004 EUR 8,59 Holzvögel : Literaturwettbewerb für die türkische Sprache 1998. Die preisgekr. Zeitr. Asli Erdogan , Hidayet Karakus , Fikret Dogan , Nevin U Bog , Hasan L Sariyüce , Zerrin Polat , Ömer Ugur , Mahir Adibes , Mehmet Bari , Cornelius Bischoff Önel, Cengiz EUR 10,12 Lebensspuren : Literaturwettbewerb für die türkische Sprache 1998 Berat Z Güncikan , Feridun Andac

70. Facharbeit Yasar Kemal Landschaftsmalerei Referat Bayern 4 Klasse Mathematik Auf
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  • 72. Referat Yasar Kemal Anatolischer Reis
    Translate this page referat yasar kemal anatolischer reis und referat yasar kemal anatolischer reis Viele Referate, Hausarbeiten, Hausaufgaben, Schularbeiten, Klausuren
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    73. Anatolischer Reis Yasar Kemal Zusammenfassung Karlmarx Referate Illegale Drogen
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    74. Facharbeit Yasar Kemal Referat Roboter Atom Jod Wichtigste Informationen Rhinoce
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    75. Turkey Turkey S War Of Words, By Yasar Kemal
    Turkey s War Of Words. By yasar kemal. Der Spiegel, May 6, 1995. Yashar kemal, author of 36 books, is Turkey s preeminent man of letters
    Turkey's War Of Words
    By Yasar Kemal
    Der Spiegel, May 6, 1995
    Yashar Kemal, author of 36 books, is Turkey's preeminent man of letters and a perennial candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature. He recently went on trial in Istanbul on charges of violating Turkey's anti-terrorism laws. The charges stem from an article about the oppression of Turkish Kurds that he wrote for the German magazine Der Spiegel. This article was published as an op-ed piece in the New York Times on Saturday, May 6, 1995. One of the greatest tragedies in Turkey's history is happening now. Our Kurdish brothers are being slaughtered, and apart from a couple of hesitant voices, no one is standing up and demanding to know what the government is doing. No one is saying: "You are riding towards doomsday, leaving the earth scorched in your wake." What will come of all this? Fearing that Kurdish nationalist spirit threatens Turkish sovereignty over its eastern regions, the government has resolved to drain the pool to catch a few fish. The world is aware of it. Only the people of Turkey have been kept in ignorance; newspapers have apparently been forbidden to write about the drainage. Or maybe there is no need for censorship? Maybe our press, with its sense of patriotism and strong nationalist sentiment, chooses not to write about it, assuming the world will neither hear nor see what is happening. Our Kurdish brothers are at war to win their rights to save their language and their culture. During the War of Independence of 1919 to 1922, we fought shoulder to shoulder. We established this state together. Should a man cut out the tongue of his brother?

    76. Yasar Kemal Memed Mein Falke Referat Gescichte Der Raumfahrt Referate Tokyo Refe
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    77. Günter Grass
    ( ) I libri di yasar kemal non sono i libri di un agitatore.
    Günter Grass, Premio Nobel 1999
      Laudatio per Yasar Kemal
    Francoforte sul Meno, 7 luglio 1997 Sarà Günter Grass a leggere la Laudatio per Yasar Kemal, vincitore del Friedenspreis di quest'anno (Premio per la Pace istituito dalla Fiera del Libro di Francoforte). Il settantaquattrenne romanziere turco si è detto felice che la scelta sia caduta su Grass, perché - come ha affermato - si sente molto affine a lui, sia per lo stile di scrittura sia per l' impegno politico. Il Friedenpreis , che ammonta a 25.000 marchi, sarà consegnato a Yasar Kemal il 19 ottobre in una cerimonia che, secondo tradizione, si terrà nella chiesa di San Paolo ( Paulskirche ) di Francoforte sul Meno. La giuria ha motivato la sua decisione definendo Kemal - che è di origine curda - uno "strenuo difensore dei diritti umani". "Kemal è d'esempio a tante altre persone che lottano per un ordine democratico e per la pacifica convivenza di popoli ed etnie nella totale libertà di espressione. Lo scrittore si è sempre fatto portavoce dei poveri, degli sfruttati e dei perseguitati politici e-o etnici, dimostrando grande coraggio e costretto a sua volta a provare il tormento della prigione e dell'esilio." "La letteratura ci unisce e ci rende complici.

    78. Light Millennium Yasar Kemal On PEACE! By Buket SAHIN
    yasar kemal on PEACE! by Buket SAHIN. ALL WARS Literature…. yasar kemal is the most popular contemporary author in Turkey. Born
    NO New Nuclear Weapons... NO New Nuclear Targets... NO New Pretexts For Nuclear War... NO Nuclear Testing...
    NO Star Wars... NO Weapons In Space...
    We have only one WORLD yet! If we destroy it, where else will we go? Yasar Kemal on PEACE! by Buket SAHIN
    "ALL WARS, whether in Iraq, Rwanda, Bosnia, or Afghanistan, wear down humanity; they degenerate more and more, they become more inhumane with every battle, every massacre, every danger of starvation" Yasar KEMAL
    "Increase your cruelty so as to accelerate your decline." Anatolian proverb
    YASAR KEMAL, A Legendary Nomad from Cukurova - "Problems of Nomadic Entity in Anatolia” – A perennial candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature…

    79. Epigraf: Ince Memed - Yasar Kemal
    Sevgi Seker, 0809-2001 Editör Ahmet Faruk Sengenç Ince Memed - yasar kemal / yasar kemal in Ince Memed romanindan Abdi Aga nin vurulus bolumu

    80. Epigraf: Demirciler Carsisi Cinayeti - Yasar Kemal
    Gönderen Emre Sururi, 1311-2000 Demirciler Carsisi Cinayeti - yasar kemal / yasar kemal in Demirciler Carsisi Cinayeti romanindan Uso ile ilgili bir bolum

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