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81. Storm Of SteelBook By Ernst Junger Storm of SteelBook By ernst junger Storm of Steel. ernst junger rose to fame as the outstanding German writer of the war generation. http://www.americanfascistmovement.com/bookstore/junger.html | |
82. Ernst Junger And Germany: Into The Abyss, 1914-1945 - Book.nu ernst junger and Germany Into the Abyss, 19141945. Thomas R. Nevin List Price $29.95. Customer Reviews ernst junger and Germany Into the Abyss, 1914-1945 http://www.book.nu/0822318792 | |
83. D.P. Reynolds: Review Of Neaman, A Dubious Past: Ernst Junger A Dubious Past ernst Jünger and the Politics of Literature after Nazism. It has been three years since ernst Jünger died at the age of 103. http://rmmla.wsu.edu/ereview/55.2/reviews/reynolds.asp | |
84. HUMANITAS - Cartea Care Dainuie Cauta dupa titlul cartii. junger, ernst Personalitate puternica, nonconformista, fascinata de experiente http://www.librariilehumanitas.ro/servlets/librarii.autori.AfisAutoriServlet?id= |
85. Ernst Jünger In Cyberspace Iv a comprehensive, inofficial site on the life and works of the German author ernst Jünger an introduction to the life and works of ernst Jünger, 18951998, together with bibliographies and some critical http://www.juenger.org/ |
86. Citador: http://citador.weblog.com.pt/arquivo/cat_junger_ernst.html | |
87. Ernst Jünger ernst Jünger was born in Heidelberg as the son of a pharmacist. He grew up in Hannover where he attended school between the years 1901 and 1913. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/ejunger.htm | |
88. Ernst Jünger In Cyberspace Iv site contents. biography . a brief introduction to the eventful life of ernst Jünger. bibliography . further resources . Internet links relating to ernst Jünger. http://www.juenger.org/contents.php | |
89. Ernst Jünger: In Stahlgewittern Translate this page 1918-33. ernst Jünger In Stahlgewittern. Das Kriegstagebuch von ernst Jünger erschien 1920. Das Werk, die erste Buchpublikation http://www.dhm.de/lemo/html/weimar/kunst/stahlgewitter/ | |
90. Wessel And Lieberman Booksellers: A Dangerous Encounter. By Junger, Ernst; Barr, Browse by Subject , http://www.wlbooks.com/cgi-bin/wlb455.cgi/2687.1.html | |
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