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101. Joyce, James Translate this page joyce, james. 1882-1941. In diesem Arbeitsbereich der Literatur können Sie sich mit den literarischen Werken von james joyce befassen. http://www.teachsam.de/deutsch/d_literatur/d_aut/joy/joy0.htm | |
102. The James Joyce Society: Home Page Founded in 1947 in New York City, the Society meets several times a year and is devoted to the appreciation of the life, works, and significance of the Irish author. http://www.joycesociety.org/ | |
103. James Joyce -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia joyce, james Britannica Student Encyclopedia. , joyce, james (18821941). The Irishborn author james joyce was one of the greatest http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=297145 |
104. SUSAN WEIL: COVER Twentyfive drawings by Susan Weil inspired by joyce's works, including Finnegans Wake, Ulysses, Portrait, Dubliners, Giacomo joyce, and the author's notebooks. http://artnetweb.com/theoricon/weil/ |
105. Browse By Artist: JOYCE, JAMES Artist joyce, james. Title The Complete Recordings. Label SUB ROSA (BELGIUM). Format CD/BOOK. Price $20.00. Catalog SR 060CD. http://www.forcedexposure.com/artists/joyce.james.html | |
106. James Joyce Music In Ulysses | Dubliners | A Portrait | Finnegans Wake Explores the musical dimension of Ulysses, Dubliners, A Portrait, and other works, with essays on the literary context of the music and sound clips of songs. http://www.james-joyce-music.com | |
107. Editorial Policy CP joyce, james. Collected Poems . CW joyce, james. The Critical Writings of james joyce, ed. Ellsworth Mason and Richard Ellmann. http://www.utulsa.edu/JJoyceQtrly/policy.html | |
108. James Joyce Quarterly james joyce Quarterly Sean Latham, Editor Carol Kealiher, Managing Editor, http://www.utulsa.edu/jjoyceqtrly/homejjq.html | |
109. Joycean: James Joyce » Home Formerly In Bloom james joyce; features essays, multimedia resources, forums, and author's works. http://www.joycean.org/ | |
110. Joyce, James (Augustine Aloysius) joyce, james (Augustine Aloysius). The controversial Irish writer james joyce was troubled by failing eyesight for most of his life. http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0009202.html | |
111. Bloomsday Cabaret Filmsite of Canadian documentary maker Rosemary House, who tells the story of music in the life and literature of james joyce in this 2004 film. http://www.bloomsdaycabaret.com/ | |
112. James Joyce Quarterly Academic journal contains tables of contents for back issues, subscription information, and submission guidelines. http://www.utulsa.edu/JJoyceQtrly/homejjq.html | |
113. The World Authors Series Sample Profile Of JOYCE, JAMES (AUGUSTINE ALOYSIUS) joyce, james (AUGUSTINE ALOYSIUS) (February 2, 1882January 13, 1941), Irish poet, dramatist and novelist, was born in Rathgar, a suburb of Dublin, the first http://www.hwwilson.com/print/13joyce.html | |
114. The James Joyce Broadsheet A journal publishing reviews, articles and news items relating to the work of james joyce. The site provides information about subscription. http://www.cbl.leeds.ac.uk/~eng6rb/brdsheet.htm |
115. Hypermedia Joyce Studies An electronic (refereed) journal of james joyce scholarship, founded in 1994 and edited by Louis Armand. HJS appears 2 times a year, in July and December. http://www.geocities.com/hypermedia_joyce/ | |
116. Stolen Art: Joyce, James - Ulysses joyce, james 1922 Ulysses first edition book Paris Shakespeare Co. on powder blue Verge d Arches paper original blue wrappers http://www.lapdonline.org/get_involved/stolen_art/Files/books/joyce_james_ulysse | |
117. ENGLISH VERSION HOMEPAGE Interactive version of the book james joyce Triestine Itineraries. http://www.univ.trieste.it/nirdange/netjoyce/e_netjoyce/e_hp.html | |
118. Big Sur Tapes: Joyce, James ,...... century. His fans delight in his word play, comedy and irrepressible power of invention. joyce, james Code, Name, Price, http://www.bigsurtapes.com/merchant.mv87.htm | |
119. Concordance Text Search: Joyce Omnicordia Search the texts of james joyce's books. http://www.grand-teton.com/cgi-grand-teton/jjoyce/omnisearch.cgi | |
120. Joyce, James Araby Literature Annotations. joyce, james Araby. Genre, Short Story (6 pp.). http://endeavor.med.nyu.edu/lit-med/lit-med-db/webdocs/webdescrips/joyce11970-de | |
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