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         Josephus:     more books (100)
  1. The Life. Against Apion (Loeb Classical Library) by Josephus, 1926-01-01
  2. Josephus by Norman Bentwich, 2010-09-10
  3. Josephus and New Testament (Recent Releases) by Steve Mason, 2003-07
  4. Jewish Antiquities (Wordsworth Classics of World Literature) by Flavius Josephus, 2006-02-05
  5. Josephus: Jewish Antiquities, Books 18-19 (Loeb Classical Library, No. 433) (Bks.XVIII-XIX Vol 12) by Josephus, 1965-01-01
  6. Tragedy, Authority, and Trickery: The Poetics of Embedded Letters in Josephus (Hellenic Studies) by Ryan S. Olson, 2010-09-30
  7. Making History: Josephus And Historical Method (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism)
  8. Josephus, Judea, and Christian Origins: Methods and Categories by Steve Mason, 2009-03
  9. Against Apion by Flavius Josephus, 2009-10-04
  10. La guerre des Juifs (Arguments) (French Edition) by Flavius Josephus, 1977
  11. Josephus by Tessa Rajak, 2002-08-15
  12. Josephus, the Essential Writings: A Condensation of Jewish Antiquities and the Jewish War by Flavius Josephus, FlaviusDe Bello Judaico Josephus, 1988-07
  13. Josephus, the Bible and History by Geldman, 1997-08-01
  14. Antiquities of the Jews - a history of the Jewish people by Flavius Josephus, 2010-02-01

21. The Sedition Of Corah And Of The Multitude Against Moses, And Against His Brothe
Chapter about the rebellion against Moses by the firstcentury Jewish historian josephus.
Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus
Book IV, Chapter 2
The Sedition Of Corah And Of The Multitude Against Moses, And Against His Brother, Concerning The Priesthood
interhack library antiquities Matt Curtin Last modified: Wed Apr 15 19:48:23 EDT 1998

22. Flavius Josephus - - Brill Josephus Project Scholarly Resources for the Study of Flavius josephus - Brill josephus Project.
Announcing the first comprehensive commentary in English to the works of Josephus, with a new English translation. The commentary will strive for a balance between historical/ archaeological and philological concerns. Publisher: Brill , Leiden, the Netherlands General Editor: Steve Mason, York University (Toronto) Principal Contributors:
  • John Barclay, University of Glasgow (Scotland)
  • Christopher Begg, Catholic University of America (Washington, DC)
  • Per Bilde, University of Aarhus (Denmark)
  • Honora Howell Chapman, Santa Clara University
  • Louis Feldman, Yeshiva University (New York)
  • James L. McLaren (ACU, Ascot Vale, Victoria, Australia)
  • Jonathan Price, University of Tel Aviv (Israel)
  • Joseph Sievers, Pontifical Biblical Institute (Rome)
  • Paul Spilsbury, Canadian Theological Seminary (Regina)
  • Jan Willem van Henten, Delenus Instituut (Amsterdam)
Published Volumes:
2001 - Volume 9, The Life of Josephus, translation and commentary by Steve Mason
  • Description and ordering information from Brill
  • Description and ordering information from
    1999 - Volume 3: Judean Antiquities 1-4, translation and commentary by Louis Feldman
  • Description and ordering information from Brill
  • Description and ordering information from
  • 23. Concerning The Tower Of Babylon, And The Confusion Of Tongues
    Chapter about Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, by the firstcentury Jewish historian josephus.
    Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus
    Book I, Chapter 4
    Concerning The Tower Of Babylon, And The Confusion Of Tongues
    2. Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah, a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it was through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence on his power. He also said he would be revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach! and that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers ! Babylon, because of the confusion of that language which they readily understood before; for the Hebrews mean by the word Babel

    24. The Works Of Flavius Josephus
    The Works of Flavius josephus Translated by William Whiston. The Life of Flavius josephus Autobiography. josephus s Discourse to the Greeks concerning Hades.

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    One of three leading Jewish sects mentioned by josephus as flourishing in the second century B.C., the others being the Pharisees and the Sadducees.
    Home Encyclopedia Summa Fathers ... E > Essenes A B C D ... Z
    One of three leading Jewish sects mentioned by Josephus as flourishing in the second century B.C., the others being the Pharisees and the Sadducees Concerning their origin, history, and tenets there has been much inconclusive controversy. The only ancient authorities we have are a few paragraphs in Philo Judeaeus , a somewhat lengthier description in Josephus , and a scanty notice in Pliny. The following synopsis is derived mainly from the first two. They are styled by Philo , who derives it from hosios "holy" , and and Esseni by Josephus . Their numbers according to both authors was about 4000 and their chief place of residence along the west side, but away from the shore, of the Dead Sea . They also dwelt in other, but mostly secluded, parts and small towns of Palestine; yet some were found in cities. The sect arose about 150 B.C. (the first-named Essene is Judas, 110 B.C.) and disappeared towards the end of the first century A.D. They worshipped one God , Creator and Ruler of all things, omnipotent and omniscient.

    26. BOOK XII
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    CHAPTER 1 HOW PTOLEMY THE SON OF LAGUS TOOK JERUSALEM AND JUDEA BY DECEIT AND TREACHERY, AND CARRIED MANY THENCE, AND PLANTED THEM IN EGYPT. CHAPTER 2. HOW PTOLEMY PHILADELPHUS PROCURED THE LAWS OF THE JEWS TO BE TRANSLATED INTO THE GREEK TONGUE AND SET MANY CAPTIVES FREE, AND DEDICATED MANY GIFTS TO GOD. 7. This was the reply which the high priest made. But it does not seem to me to be necessary to set down the names of the seventy [two] elders who were sent by Eleazar, and carried the law, which yet were subjoined at the end of the epistle. However, I thought it not improper to give an account of those very valuable and artificially contrived vessels which the king sent to God, that all may see how great a regard the king had for God; for the king allowed a vast deal of expenses for these vessels, and came often to the workmen, and viewed their works, and suffered nothing of carelessness or negligence to be any damage to their operations. And I will relate how rich they were as well as I am able, although perhaps the nature of this history may not require such a description; but I imagine I shall thereby recommend the elegant taste and magnanimity of this king to those that read this history. CHAPTER 3.

    27. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: The Pseudo-Hegesippus
    Fourthcentury translator of josephus.
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    The Pseudo-Hegesippus
    A fourth-century translator of the "Jewish War" of Flavius Josephus Josephus , but the fifth of Hegesippus combines the fifth and sixth books of Josephus , and a part of the seventh book. The authors most frequently imitated are Virgil, Sallust, and Cicero, precisely the writers most frequently imitated by St. Ambrose. The Bible is rarely quoted or made use of, which can be readily understood if the work is anterior to his career as preacher and bishop. The language and style are perceptibly the same as those of St. Ambrose. This translation of the "Bellum Judaicum" must not be confounded with that of Rufinus, which has seven books corresponding to the original, and is more literal. The best edition is that of C.F. Weber and J. Caesar (Marburg, 1864). Against the attribution to St. Ambrose: VOGEL, De Hegesippo qui dicitur Iosephi interprete (Munich, 1880); KLEBS,
    For the attribution: IHM, Studia Ambrosiana (Leipzig, 1889), 62; LANDGRAF, Die Hegesippus Frage in , XII, 465; USSANI

    28. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Scythopolis
    A titular metropolitan of Palaestina Secunda. It is the ancient Bethsan so often mentioned in the Bible, as proved by texts in the writings of josephus.
    Home Encyclopedia Summa Fathers ... S > Scythopolis A B C D ... Z
    A titular metropolitan of Palaestina Secunda. It is the ancient Bethsan so often mentioned in the Bible, as proved by texts in the writings of Josephus . Its Greek name Scythopolis is very likely derived from a colony of Scythians who invaded Palestine in the seventh century B.C. (Herodotus, I, 103-5), and left some of their number behind (Pliny, "Hist. natur.", V, 16; John Malalas, "Chronographia", V, in P.G. XCVII, 236; George Syncellus, "Chronographia", 214 etc.). The earliest known use of the name is in II Mach., xii, 29, and in the Greek text of Judith, iii, 10. Although Sythopolis was the only town situated on the right bank of the Jordan, it was the capital of Decapolis and in the fourth century became the civil and ecclesiastical metropolis of Palestina Secunda. Several bishops are known. Patropnilus, intimate friend of Arius and his adherents, assisted at the Council of Nicaea in 325 and at various councils of the Arians till 360. Cruel and fanatical, he ill treated the Catholic bishops exiled to Scythopolis, especially

    29. Flavius Josephus
    Flavius josephus on Early Christian Writings the New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, and Church Fathers information and translations of Gospels, Epistles
    Flavius Josephus
    Online Text for Flavius Josephus
    Online Resources for Flavius Josephus

    30. Esther
    josephus' version of the story of Esther with commentary and comparisons with the Septuagint and Masoretic texts by G. J. Goldberg.
    Thematic Concordance to the Works of Josephus
    Esther: Her Point of View
    Josephus' Version with Commentary
    by G. J. Goldberg
    The Great King and the Jewish Woman

    The Feast of King Artaxerxes

    The Disobedience of Queen Asti
    ... Concluding Comment
    The story of Esther is the foundation for the festival of Purim, the only time of the year when Jews are expected to drink to excess. It is the story of a threat to the Jews living under the Persian Empire "which stretched from India to Ethiopia" and how they are saved by a Jewish woman. It is also a domestic drama of the royal court, which begins with the feast of a king and the disobedience of a queen , and ends with the obedienc e of a king and the feas t of a queen . The winning of the battle of the sexes by a woman stands as a metaphor for the survival of the relatively powerless Jews when faced with a hostile government. This question of survival was of the greatest importance precisely at the time Josephus was composing his works. Esther's story is retold by Josephus in Book 11, Chapter 6 of the Jewish Antiquities. Since Purim is not a holiday ordained by Moses in the first five books of the bible, scholars have wondered if Jews of ancient time indeed observed it annually. Josephus' statement at the end of his version, that the Jews "still keep" the festival of Purim, is the earliest evidence we have of the celebration of this holiday.

    31. 1st Stop For Online Bible Study Aids - Bible Commentaries, Church History, Devot
    Searchable online Bible in several versions, commentaries, concordances, devotionals, and biographies. Writings of Flavius josephus, Fox's Martyrs, and Robertson's Sketches of Church History.
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    32. Biblical Chronology - Dating Of The Exodus And Birth And Crucifixion Of Jesus
    Includes article proposing a 16thcentury date for the Exodus; chronology of Jesus' ministry; works of Flavius josephus.
    Doig's Biblical Chronology
    Exact Dating of the Exodus and
    Birth and Crucifixion of Jesus
    BIBLICAL CHRONOLOGY Search Doig's Biblical Chronology
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    - The exact dating of the Exodus.
    (The complete dating of the Old Testament is in preparation) NEW TESTAMENT CHRONOLOGY
    - The exact dating of the birth and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. REFERENCE DESK
    - The Complete Works, Translation by William Whiston.
    Book of Jubilees

    - Search engine for most translations. (external link)
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    33. Concerning The Flood; And After What Manner Noah Was Saved In An Ark, With His K
    Chapter about the life of Noah by the firstcentury Jewish historian josephus.
    Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus
    Book I, Chapter 3
    Concerning The Flood; And After What Manner Noah Was Saved In An Ark, With His Kindred, And Afterwards Dwelt In The Plain Of Shinar
    3. This calamity happened in the six hundredth year of Noah's government, [age,] in the second month, (14) called by the Macedonians Dius, but by the Hebrews Marchesuan: for so did they order their year in Egypt. But Moses appointed that which is the same with Xanthicus, should be the first month for their festivals, because he brought them out of Egypt in that month: so that this month began the year as to all the solemnities they observed to the honor of God, although he preserved the original order of the months as to selling and buying, and other ordinary affairs. Now he says that this flood began on the twenty-seventh [seventeenth] day of the forementioned month; and this was two thousand six hundred and fifty-six [one thousand six hundred and fifty-six] years from Adam, the first man; and the time is written down in our sacred books, those who then lived having noted down,(15) with great accuracy, both the births and deaths of illustrious men. to be ruler of the people, who was born to Lamech when he was one hundred and eighty-two years old, and retained the government nine hundred and fifty years. These years collected together make up the sum before set down. But let no one inquire into the deaths of these men; for they extended their lives along together with their children and grandchildren; but let him have regard to their births only.

    34. Herod
    And he also penalized the cities of Galilee 100 talents. josephus, Antiquities 14.414-433. 23. josephus, Antiquities 14.450, 479-480. 24.
    IHO Index House of Herod Uprisings after Herod Roman Senate names Herod 'King of Jews' In 40 BCE Octavian Caesar ] convened the (Roman) Senate. To it Messala, along with Atratinus, presented Herod , detailing both the good services of his father ( Antipater ) and (Herod's) own support for the Romans... And since the Senate was moved by these things, when (Marc) Antony came up and said that Herod should be king to help carry on the war with Parthia, all concurred. Josephus Jewish War Herod crushes Opposition in Galilee [38 BCE] [During the winter of 38-39 BCE] while snow fell from God, ( Herod ) came to Sepphoris (in Galilee ). And as the guards of Antigonus (his opponent) had left, he was unopposed for their provisions. Then, planning to end the evil deeds of some

    35. Weston
    7 portfolios presented for sale at the josephus Daniels Gallery.

    36. The Credibility Of Josephus - Magen Broshi @ CenturyOne Bookstore
    Jerusalem. Our knowledge of the last two centuries of the Second Commonwealth depends very substantially on the writings of josephus.
    Main Page What's New? Specials • Title Index: A-J K-Z Archaeology Biblical Studies ... CenturyOne Foundation
    Educational Reference
    by Magen Broshi
    The Israel Museum, Jerusalem O ur knowledge of the last two centuries of the Second Commonwealth depends very substantially on the writings of Josephus. Matters such as his credibility, accuracy and sources are therefore foremost among the topics which should occupy scholarship. Archaeological Data
    It is not exactly clear to which stadium Josephus refers; in his day several standards were in use. See H. Prell, Die Stadienmasse des Klassischen Hochschule Dresden 6 (1956/57) Heft 3, pp. 549-563. If however Grafman's contention is correct that the Herodian foot measured 31 cm, the stadium in this case could well equl 186m (i.e. 600X31cm). See R. Grafman, Herod's Foot and Robinson's Arch, IEJ 20 (1970) pp. 60-66. It would then correspond with the standard Roman stadioum (according to Prell, above, 185.6m), which agrees with our conclusion.
    Y. Yadin, "The Excavations of Masada - 1963/64 Preliminary Report", IEJ 15 (1965), p. 69 and note 45; see also the remarks of M. Avi-Yonah, "The Archaeological Survey of Masada, 1955-1956"

    37. Concerning The Death Of Abraham
    Chapter by the firstcentury Jewish historian josephus.
    Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus
    Book I, Chapter 17
    Concerning The Death Of Abraham
    A LITTLE while after this Abraham died. He was a man of incomparable virtue, and honored by God in a manner agreeable to his piety towards him. The whole time of his life was one hundred seventy and five years, and he was buried in Hebron, with his wife Sarah, by their sons Isaac and Ismael. interhack library antiquities Matt Curtin Last modified: Fri Apr 17 11:40:34 EDT 1998

    38. Josephus Unbound
    Supplementary Articles No. 10 josephus Unbound Reopening the josephus Question. Did Jesus exist? 10. josephus UNBOUND Reopening the josephus Question.
    Was There No Historical Jesus?
    Earl Doherty Supplementary Articles - No. 10: Josephus Unbound: Reopening the Josephus Question
    Did Jesus exist? Are the origins of Christianity best explained without a founder Jesus of Nazareth? Before the Gospels do we find an historical Jesus or a Jesus myth?
    Enlarging on the Main Articles, this section of The Jesus Puzzle web site examines a wide range of topics in New Testament scholarship. Each one adopts the viewpoint that such problem questions or documents relating to the subject of Jesus and Christian origins are best solved when approached from the position that there was no historical Jesus. These studies will help provide a greater insight into the nature of early Christianity, the object of its worship, and the source of its ideas. The author reserves all re-publication rights. Personal copies may be made as long as author identification is preserved.
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    (after Preamble) Supplementary Article No. 10 JOSEPHUS UNBOUND
    Reopening the Josephus Question
    I: PREAMBLE Contrasting Worlds
    In an alternate universe to this one , scholars investigating Christianity’s origins are a happy lot. There, the man whom 2000 years of Christian tradition places at the genesis of the movement enjoys ample attestation. There, the five canonical Gospels may be filled with much legendary and theological accretion, and the indefatigable Paulus may have been guilty of bringing too much hellenistic hocus-pocus to his interpretation of Jesus of Nazareth, but the assortment of Christian correspondence preserved from the movement’s first century is filled with teachings attributed to the beloved Master, with cherished memories of the events of his life and death. There, letters written by early believers speak of reverent visits to the site of Jesus’ redeeming sacrifice, of pilgrimages to the tomb where he rose from the dead, even if these had to be carried out in clandestine fashion.

    A name given in josephus to the author of a letter ascribing the Greek translation of the Old Testament to six interpreters sent into Egypt from Jerusalem.
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    A name given in Josephus (Ant. XII, ii passim ) to the author of a letter ascribing the Greek translation of the Old Testament to six interpreters sent into Egypt from Jerusalem at the request of the librarian of Alexandria . (See SEPTUAGINT VERSION If an ad appears here that contradicts Catholic teachings, please click here to notify the webmaster. Praise Jesus Christ in His Angels and in His Saints
    New Advent is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

    40. The Wars Of The Jews; Or The History Of The Destruction Of Jerusalem
    Flavius josephus (AD 3795). josephus was esteemed in the first ages of Christianity as an author deserving a high degree of respect for research and integrity.
    Nickname Words/Verses: Located Where: Whole Bible Old Testament New Testament Books of Law Books of History Books of Wisdom Major Prophets Minor Prophets The Gospels Pauline Epistles General Epistles Apocalyptic Books Which Version: The New American Standard Bible The American Standard Version The New King James Version The King James Version (Authorized) Third Millennium Bible The New Living Translation The New Revised Standard Version The Revised Standard Version The Good News Bible in Today's English Version The Douay-Rheims Bible The KJV Strong's Version The NAS Strong's Version New Century Version GOD'S WORD World English Bible The Bible in Basic English The Darby Translation Hebrew Names Version of World English Bible Webster's Bible Translation The Latin Vulgate Young's Literal Translation Wesley's New Testament Tools! HELP FRAMES The Wars of
    The Jews The History of the
    Destruction of Jerusalem
    Written in A.D. 74/75
    Flavius Josephus
    (A.D. 37-95) "The destruction of Jerusalem in A.D.70, only five years after our epistle, was the greatest single event of a thousand years, and religiously significant beyond anything else that ever occurred in human history."
    (James Burton Coffman

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