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41. From Revolution To Reconstruction: Presidents: Thomas Jefferson: Letters FRtR Presidents thomas jefferson Letters, The Letters of thomas jefferson 17431826. Index. This is not a complete collection http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/P/tj3/writings/brf/jeflxx.htm | |
42. The Rojomo Expedition Of 1996 Lewis And Clark-Jefferson Letter Read the contents of jefferson's letter of commission to Meriwether Lewis exactly as it was written. http://www.mt.net/~rojomo/landc.htm | |
43. The Avalon Project : The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson The Avalon Project at Yale Law School The Papers of thomas jefferson. thomas jefferson at the Library of Congress; thomas jefferson Papers at Princeton; http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/presiden/jeffpap.htm | |
44. Thomas Jefferson (Library Of Congress Exhibition) This exhibition focuses on the extraordinary written legacy of thomas jeffersonfounding father, farmer, architect, inventor, slaveholder, book collector http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/jefferson/ | |
45. Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility jefferson Lab is a basic research laboratory built to probe the nucleus of the atom to learn more about the structure of matter. Located in Newport News, Virginia. http://www.jlab.org/ | |
46. Reflections On The Declaration Of Independence (Top Treasure): American Treasure Reflections on the Declaration In an 1826 letter to Roger Weightman, mayor of Washington, DC, thomas jefferson continued to espouse his vision of the http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/treasures/trt005.html | |
47. Thomas Jefferson District, UUA Serves congregations in North Carolina, South Carolina, eastern Georgia, eastern central Tennessee, and most of Virginia. http://www.tjd.uua.org/ | |
48. Thomas Jefferson Center For Historic Plants Collects, preserves, and distributes historic plant varieties. http://www.monticello.org/chp/index.html | |
49. Biography Search thomas jeffersonMeet Amazing Americans, Leaders Statesmen thomas jefferson. thomas jefferson, third president of the United States. Good books about thomas jefferson. http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16223 |
50. Individualist Voice - Individualist Quotes Featuring Ayn Rand, thomas jefferson, and other champions of individual freedom. http://www.individualistvoice.com/frames/quotes.html |
51. Thomas Jefferson | Third President Of The United States thomas jefferson Third President of the United States. 1743 1826. Books About thomas jefferson. thomas jefferson A Life - Author Willard Sterne Randall http://www.lucidcafe.com/library/96apr/jefferson.html | |
52. TJHS Class Of 1950 San Antonio, Texas. 50year reunion message board. Announcements, addresses, memories, and gossip. http://www.tjhs50.org/ | |
53. Thomas Jefferson University Hospital - Pulmonary Embolism Provides information on a variety of diseases, disorders and infections, plus anatomy of the system. http://www.jeffersonhealth.org/diseases/pulmonary/disease.htm | |
54. The Avalon Project : Jefferson's Second Inaugural Address The Avalon Project at Yale Law School. thomas jefferson Second Inaugural Address. Second Inaugural Address. March 4, 1805. Proceeding http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/presiden/inaug/jefinau2.htm | |
55. Thomas Jefferson High School Class Of '75 Pittsburgh, PA 25th reunion information. http://billkat.com/tj75 | |
56. Thomas Jefferson: A Manual Of Parliamentary Practice A complete reprint of the 1812 manual by thomas jefferson that was used by the United States Senate. Includes the rules of motions and how they are used. http://www.constitution.org/tj/tj-mpp.htm | |
57. The Jefferson Bible Compiled by thomas jefferson. . . thomas jefferson believed that the ethical system of Jesus was the finest the world has ever seen. http://www.angelfire.com/co/JeffersonBible/ | |
58. The Thomas Jefferson School Home Page Inside you will find all the information you need to work at TJS, enroll your students, view our staff, discover Concepcion, and learn about the TJS philosophy. http://www.tjeffersonschool.cl |
59. The Writings Of Thomas Jefferson THE WRITINGS OF thomas jefferson. Definitive Edition. CONTAINING HIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY, NOTES ON VIRGINIA, PARLIAMENTARY MANUAL, OFFICIAL http://www.constitution.org/tj/jeff.htm | |
60. Thomas Jefferson School Of Law LSAT Scholarships Students entering law school for the first time are eligible for these scholarships. They are for the first year and the award amounts are based on the applicant's Law School Admission Test scores. http://tjsl.edu/index.cfm?rID_int=9&sID_int=48 |
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