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81. Mondadori Libri Junior Translate this page hughes, ted (1930-1998) Nato in Inghilterra, ha avuto il titolo di Poeta Laureato della corte inglese. Considerato uno dei http://ragazzi.mondadori.com/cataloghi/autore.asp?codice_autore=440 |
82. 'The Thought-fox' And The Poetry Of Ted Hughes A critical reading of ted hughes s The thoughtfox in relation to the conflict in his poetry between violence and tenderness. http://www.richardwebster.net/tedhughes.html | |
83. Hughes, Ted., Cave Birds. An Alchemical Cave Drama. Drawings By Leonard Baskin. Priscilla Juvelis, Inc. hughes, ted. Cave Birds. An Alchemical Cave Drama. Drawings by Leonard Baskin. London Boston Faber Faber 1978. First Edition. http://www.polybiblio.com/pjbooks/2787.html | |
84. HUGHES, Ted., Rain-Charm For The Duchy, And Other Laureate Poems. Rees O Neill Rare Books. hughes, ted. RainCharm for the Duchy, and other laureate poems. Faber 1992. One of 250 numbered copies http://www.polybiblio.com/reesoneill/200974.html | |
85. Order Books Online: Ted Hughes Website. Books ted hughes. Books change. Books Blood Wedding A Play by Federico Garcia Lorca, ted hughes 06 February, 1997, List http://www.textkit.com/support-textkit/support-mode-books-search_type-AuthorSear | |
86. La Science-fiction - Hughes, Ted, 1930-1998 lg. Le géant de fer / ted hughes ; illustré par Jean Torton ; traduction de Sophie de Vogelas. http://www.sdm.qc.ca/txtdoc/sf/jeu/HUGHESTED.html | |
87. Hughes, Ted hughes, ted (1930 ). British poet and author, who in 1984 was named poet laureate of England. Born Edward James hughes in Mytholmroyd http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/H/hughested/1.ht | |
88. Antikvariat Crafoord CATEGORY FOREIGN BELLESLETTRES. Item No 56261 Author hughes, ted. Title Kråka. Price 150 SEK. More titles from hughes, ted. There are no more titles! http://www.crafoord.com/book.asp?ID=1938&lang=eng |
89. Skönlitteratur; Lyrik; Hughes, Ted: Brev På Födelsedagen De 88 dikterna i ted hughes Brev på födelsedagen är på två undantag när skrivna till den amerikanska poeten Sylvia Plath som han var gift med 195662. http://www.nok.se/nok/titlar/27/08339-X.htm | |
90. Register At NYTimes.com Online NewsHour ted hughes poems about Sylvia Plath February killed herself. Since then, her husband ted hughes has refused to respond to accusations that he was to blame for her death. Now, in http://www.nytimes.com/books/99/09/05/specials/hughes.html | |
91. Hughes, Ted H Hughes, Ted Authors's Literature & Fiction Books Online Shopping S hughes, ted H hughes, ted Authors s Literature Fiction Books Online Shopping Store An Online Shopping Mall and directory arranged in a variety of categories. http://www.plaza101.com/plaza/store/shop348533/Online/Hughes_Ted/ | |
92. Books By Ted Hughes biblio.com The Iron Woman by hughes ,ted Detailshughes ,ted The Iron Woman. London,Faber Faber,1993.. First Edition, Fine in near fine dustwrapper,hughes s sequel to the Iron Man http://my.linkbaton.com/bibliography/Hughes/Ted/ | |
93. Twentieth Century Literature Ted Hughes And Schopenhauer The ted hughes and Schopenhauer the poetry of the will. Twentieth Century Literature, Spring, 1999, by Dwight Eddins. hughes, ted. The Hawk in the Rain. http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m0403/1_45/54895477/print.jhtml |
94. Hughes, Ted hughes, ted. Selected titles in hughes, ted. Collected Poems. Birthday Letters Poems. The Mermaid s Purse poems by ted hughes. Phedre. The Hawk in the Rain. http://www.bookchecker.com/cat/70343 | |
95. Hughes, Ted Poetry Renaissance Research Ranch hughes, ted Renaissances.com Research Reading Ranch POETRY RANCH If ye would like to moderate the hughes, ted Renaissance Research Ranch, please drop http://renaissances.com/z/ypoetry3d/Hughes,Tedhall/shakespeare1.html | |
96. Hughes, Ted Poetry Renaissance Research Ranch hughes, ted Renaissances.com Research Reading Ranch POETS RANCH If ye would like to moderate the hughes, ted Renaissance Research Ranch, please drop http://renaissances.com/z/ypoetsd/Hughes,Tedhall/shakespeare1.html | |
97. Manuscript Sources For British And Irish Literature hughes, ted, 1930 1998 (MSS 644) Papers, 19401997; ca. 100 linear Carol hughes. hughes, ted (MSS 867) Letters to Peter Redgrove, ca. http://specialcollections.library.emory.edu/guides-lit-britir.html |
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