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         Hubbard L Ron:     more books (101)
  1. The Baron of Coyote River (Stories from the Golden Age) by L. Ron Hubbard, 2010-01-15
  2. The Problems of Work: Scientology Applied to the Workaday World by L. Ron Hubbard, 2007
  3. When in doubt, communicate: ... Quotations from the works of L. Ron Hubbard by L. Ron Hubbard, 1969
  4. Knowingness: The second volume of quotations from the works of L. Ron Hubbard by L. Ron Hubbard, 1991
  5. Enemy Within: Volume 3 by L. Ron Hubbard, 1988-11-28
  6. RON [MAGAZINE] L. RON HUBBARD: THE WRITER: ISSUE 2: CHANGING A GENRE by L. Ron [Ron Magazine] Hubbard, 1992-01-01
  7. The masters of sleep (The L. Ron Hubbard classic fiction series) by L. Ron Hubbard, 1998
  8. Invader's Plan: Volume 1 by L. Ron Hubbard, 1988-05-12
  9. Notes on the lectures of L. Ron Hubbard: Los Angeles series: 20 November 1950-1 December 1950 by L. Ron Hubbard, 1951
  10. Writers of the Future: v. 9 (L Ron Hubbard Presents) by L Ron (ed) Hubbard, 1996-10-01
  11. On Blazing Wings : L. Ron Hubbard Classic Fiction Series by Hubbard L. Ron, 1111
  12. Study Skills for Life by L. Ron Hubbard, 2008-02
  13. L. Ron Hubbard, the philosopher: The rediscovery of the human soul (RON series) by Illustrated by author l ron hubbard, 1996

121. Gambia: Gambia To Become Vanguard Of Study Technology Says ASI Re
Applied Scholastics representative joins college and government officials in the Gambia on the completion of a workshop on L. ron hubbard's Study Technology in which most of the teachers in the Gambia are now trained. The Independent
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122. Hubbard, L. Ron Book Talk Forum Frigate
hubbard, L. ron Forum Frigate FAVORITE AUTHORS FLEET If ye would like to moderatethe hubbard, L. ron Forum Frigate, please drop a line.,LRonhall/shakespeare1.html
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123. L. Ron Hubbard The Writer: The Shaping Of Popular Fiction
as he addresses the craft of writing. L. ron hubbard. L. ron hubbard The Writer The Shaping of Popular Fiction. L. ron hubbard.
L. Ron Hubbard
For all the name L. Ron Hubbard Nor let us lose sight of L. Ron Hubbard addresses the craft of writing.
Click here for the Table of Contents of

Ron The Writer: The Shaping of Popular Fiction

This L. Ron Hubbard Site in other languages
L. Ron Hubbard, L'Écrivain
L. Ron Hubbard, Lo scrittore
L. Ronald Hubbard, El escritor
L. Ron Hubbard, Der Schriftsteller ... For Trademark Information

124. - EBooks For Your PDA And Smartphone, Palm PocketPC Symbian
Alert me when new hubbard, L. ron titles are added. hubbard, L. ron. Mission Earth2 Black Genesis by hubbard, L. ron $6.99 Intrigue, Betrayal, Blackmail

125. Scientology: Comprendere La Dottrina Religiosa Di Scientology
I libri, l escritture, i filmati e le conferenze di ron hubbard, ma anche i simboli della religione, vengono descritti ed illustrati in dettaglio.
English Deutsch
Le Scritture della religione di Scientology consistono nelle opere scritte e nelle registrazioni su nastro delle parole di L. Ron Hubbard sul soggetto di Dianetics e Scientology.
Comprendere la dottrina religiosa di Scientology
Una Panoramica delle Scritture


Volumi Tecnici ed Amministrativi
In merito alla Filosofia di Scientology

Scientology Informazioni sui marchi d'impresa

126. Author: L. Ron Hubbard
L. ron hubbard. During a writing career that spanned over 50 years, L. ron hubbard shugely versatile and prolific ability to capture the imagination of every
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L. Ron Hubbard During a writing career that spanned over 50 years, L. Ron Hubbard's hugely versatile and prolific ability to capture the imagination of every type of reader was demonstrated by his publication of over 250 works of fiction in nearly every known genre. His ever-growing popularity with people who love to read has been vividly underscored by 18 New York Times bestsellers, including the perennial international bestseller Battlefield Earth, which was voted the #1 science fiction novel of the 20th century by the American Book Readers Association, and has sold more than five million copies in twenty languages around the world. Notify me when new books by L. Ron Hubbard are released. L. Ron Hubbard at Mission Earth The Invaders Plan: Mission Earth: Volume 1 Black Genesis: Mission Earth: Volume 2 The Enemy Within: Mission Earth: Volume 3 ... A Very Strange Trip

127. Church Of Scientology Celebrity Centre London, United Kingdom
Presents basic information about Scientology, Dianetics and founder L. ron hubbard.
Personality Test More Information Think Clearly Write Us Location:
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We are open from 10:00am to 10:00pm Mon-Fri and from 9:00am to 6:30pm on Sat-Sun Welcome to the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre London Scientology Aims:
A civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where man is free to rise to greater heights, are the aims of Scientology.
As various scandals dominate the news; as our daily newspaper and television bombard us with the latest bad news of loss, failure, death and destruction, you might be thinking: This just gets worse and worse. Can we save the human race from itself? You might then wonder: What can I do about it? What can anyone do about it? Well, you might be relieved to know that SOMETHING CAN FOR MORE INFORMATION on how you can learn to provide effective help in any situation contact us. Who is L. Ron Hubbard

128. ABLE - Association For Better Living And Education
ABLE s mission. helping the community. methodsof L. ron hubbard. reaching those in need.
ABLE's mission helping the community methods of L. Ron Hubbard reaching those in need Donate Now
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L. Ron Hubbard is perhaps best known as an author, his works published in 54 languages, with over 150 million copies in print. Yet he is also known to and remembered by millions as a great humanitarian who, after more than half a century of
Mr. Hubbard is also widely recognized as the founder of the religion of Scientology, a religion which embodies all of his core research and subsequent technical development which enables individuals to understand and deal with their own lives and to improve their relationships with family, friends and associates, as well, importantly, to gain greater insight into their spiritual nature.

129. De Hulpgids - Dianetics En Scientology Portal
Informatie over Dianetics, Scientology, L. ron hubbard en de Scientology Kerk in Amsterdam. Bevat beschrijvingen, een overzicht van boeken, een FAQ, een gratis persoonlijkheidstest en een agenda.
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130. L. Ron Hubbard And His Tomato
Stretch Elron s face to your needs point the mouse cursor somewhere onthe foto and move. Hours of fun! (You need a java capable browser).
Stretch Elron's face to your needs: point the mouse cursor somewhere on the foto and move. Hours of fun! (You need a java capable browser). Java Applet by Alex Rosen See also a parody of this photograph on the Scientology cartoon page Home $cientology Magic Mozilla Museum Tilman Deutsch ... Fun

131. Mi A Szcientológia?
A Szcientol³gia vall¡sr³l L. ron hubbard ­r¡sai
Szcientológia vallás teljes tudását az a mintegy negyvenmillió szó tartalmazza, amit L. Ron Hubbard, a vallás forrása és alapítója mondott el, illetve írt le e témáról.
Az tagadhatatlan, hogy a közönség gyorsan növekõ érdeklõdést mutat a Szcientológia irányában. Ezt a kötetet elõször 1992-ben állítottuk össze, hogy kielégíthessünk egy összefoglaló tájékoztatás iránti igényt a Szcientológiával kapcsolatban.
Miközben elkerülhetetlen, hogy a folyamatos terjeszkedés egyszer majd újra megváltoztassa a számadatokat, több minden változatlan marad, beleértve persze a Szcientológia technológiáját, és annak mindenre kiterjedõ hatását, bármivel is kerüljön kapcsolatba. Hogy biztosítsa e jelenség megértését, a kötet tartalmazza a Szcientológia teljes leírását: vallásos filozófiáját, gyakorlatait, szervezetét, tevékenységeit és a társadalomra gyakorolt növekõ hatását.
Szcientológia Egyház Mi a Szcientológia?

L. Ron Hubbard a Szcientológia alapítója

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Szcientológia az örökkévalóság kapuja. Ez a boldogság és a teljes ...(több)
A Szcientológia terjeszkedésének története
A Dianetika és a Szcientológia terjeszkedésének története egyszerû. L. Ron Hubbard kifejlesztette a világ elsõ mûködõképes

132. Ehrenamtliche Geistliche Der Scientology Kirche Stuttgart
Infozentrum von IHELP, der internationalen Organisation der ehrenamtlichen Geistlichen der ScientologyKirche, im Rahmen der Scientology-Kirche Stuttgart. Kompakte Information ¼ber L. ron hubbard, bisherige T¤tigkeit und Einsatzm¶glichkeiten f¼r ehrenamtliche Geistliche, Kontaktseite, Buchladen.
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Wenn Sie besorgt, traurig oder verängstigt sind oder Ihre Fassung verloren haben oder wenn Sie ganz einfach mit jemandem sprechen möchten: Wir sind jederzeit da, um Ihnen zuzuhören, Sie zu verstehen und Ihnen praktische seelsorgerische Hilfe zu geben. Wir sind bereit, Ihnen zu helfen Ihre Probleme zu lösen, was sie auch immer betreffen mögen: Kinder, Konflikte, Seelenqualen, Verstimmungen, emotioneller Schock, Drogenmissbrauch, Lernprobleme. Sie können sich darauf verlassen, dass ein ehrenamtlicher Scientology Geistlicher Ihnen helfen wird, diesbezüglich etwas zu tun. Das Programm der ehrenamtlichen Scientology Geistlichen ist eine weltweite Aktivität. Die Organisation, die dieses Programm auf der ganzen Welt verwaltet, heißt I HELP (kurz für das englische „ International Hubbard Ecclesiastical League of Pastors“, die „Hubbard Internationale Kirchenvereinigung von Pastoren Scientology Kirche Stuttgart
Hohenheimer Str. 9

133. Penthouse Interview With L. Ron Hubbard, Jr.
Penthouse Interview with L. ron hubbard, Jr. Penthouse/June 1983. They committhe highest crime the rape of the soul. L. ron hubbard, Jr.
Penthouse Interview with L. Ron Hubbard, Jr.
Penthouse/June 1983
Scientology and all the other cults are one-dimensional, and we live in a three-dimensional world. Cults are as dangerous as drugs. They commit the highest crime: the rape of the soul. L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. For more than twenty years L. Ron Hubbard, Jr., has been a man on the run. He has changed residences, occupations, and even his name in 1972 to Ron DeWolf to escape what he alleges to be the retribution and wrath of his father and his father's organization the Church of Scientology. His father, L. Ron Hubbard. Sr., founder and leader of Scientology, has been a figure of controversy and mystery, as has been his organization, for more than a generation. Its detractors have called it the "granddaddy" and the worst of all the religious cults that have sprung up over the last generation. Its advocates and there are thousandsswear that the church is the avenue for human perfection and happiness. Millions of words have been written for and against Scientology. Just what is the truth? L. Ron Hubbard, Sr., and the very few who have worked at the highest echelons of the organization have never spoken publicly about the workings and finances of the Church of Scientology. Firsthand allegations about coercion, black-mail, and just how billions of dollars the organization is said to possess have been accrued and spent is lacking: that is, until very recently. In an extraordinary petition brought November 10, 1982, in Superior Court in Riverside, Calif., by L. Ron Hubbard, Jr., to prove that his father is dead and that his heirs should receive the tens of millions of dollars being dissipated from his estate, some of the mystery about Scientology has begun to unravel. Some of the details are shocking.

134. Applied Scholastics International
Acclaimed as a major breakthrough in education by specialists and lay practitioners alike, the Applied Scholastics approach developed by L. ron hubbard is called Study Technology.
About us News Learning Barriers Services ... Our Celebrity Supporters
Lack of an effective education is one of the greatest barriers to success and happiness faced by our children and, for that matter, any individual. To a substantial degree, educational failings generate many of the ills we face in our societies, from intolerance and racism to drugs, poverty and economic failure.
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Applied Scholastics is a Social Betterment Corporation of ABLE International. For Trademark Information

135. Judge Found Hubbard Lied About Achievements
Scientology, scientology, $cientology, L. ron hubbard, Dianetics, CAN, Cult AwarenessNetwork, Miscavige, Kendrick Moxon, Heber Jentzsch, Scott Ross, Xenu, xenu
Judge found Hubbard lied about achievements
Boston Herald/March 1, 1998
By Joseph Mallia
The Church of Scientology's late founder, Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, left behind a $ 640 million fortune, and an estimated 25 million words in books and lectures that form the spiritual core of his controversial religion. But some of those words are a legacy of exaggerations, half-truths and outright lies, according to Hubbard's son, court records and critics. "The organization clearly is schizophrenic and paranoid, and this bizarre combination seems to be reflective of its founder LRH," wrote California Superior Court Judge Paul Breckenridge during a top Scientology defector's court suit against the church. "The evidence portrays a man who has been virtually a pathological liar when it comes to his history, background and achievements," said Breckenridge, who ruled for defector Gerry Armstrong in the 1984 case. Some claims by L. Ron Hubbard are hard to refute, like his ideas about past lives. He said he was the reincarnation of Buddha, and of British adventurer Cecil Rhodes, the founder of the former Rhodesia. Other assertions are transparent.

136. Cisco Exec Backs Hubbardist Courses | The Register
A senior Cisco official has lent her name to an article which praises training methods based on the teachings of Scientology founder L. ron hubbard. The Register
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    Cisco exec backs Hubbardist courses
    By John Leyden Published Friday 11th May 2001 16:56 GMT A senior Cisco official has lent her name to an article which praises training methods based on the teachings of Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard. In a publication called Government Technology Cisco's training manager for Worldwide Manufacturing, Peg Maddocks, enthusiastically backs Hubbardist training methods. Maddocks is fulsome in her praise of the "100 per cent Proficiency Training" program she received from Californian firm Effective Training Solutions. The article makes clear this Web-based self-learning package is "based on research conducted by best-selling American author L. Ron Hubbard in the 1960s and published as a lecture series covering 'study technology'". In the article Maddocks is quoted as stating: "We trained the 130 people, and we shut off the paper (process) within a three-week period. Now, when we do something new, people want 100% Proficiency modules. One group, which mostly focuses on IT processes, now trains everyone using 100% Proficiency."

137. L. Ron Hubbard @ Catharton Authors
Catharton Authors H hubbard, L. ron. L. ron hubbard. 65 million years BC.Bored? L. ron hubbard s Analysis of Rock Music. Lisa McPherson. Message Boards
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all of Catharton just Authors Catharton Authors H : Hubbard, L. Ron L. Ron Hubbard 65 million years BC Bored? Meet people at Café Catharton Websites: The Official Scientology Homepage L. Ron Hubbard's Analysis of Rock Music Lisa McPherson Message Boards: Suggest or Request a board Mailing Lists: Suggest or Request a list Chat Rooms: Suggest or Request a room Can't find what you want here? Try searching Google for L. Ron Hubbard List of Works:
A Big Pile Of Semi-Dangerous Arse

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138. POT-TV: L. Ron Hubbard On Drugs
Thus there was no inhibition about looking earlier than birth for what Dianeticshad begun to call basicbasic. - L ron hubbard, Dianetics According to L. ron

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L. Ron Hubbard on Drugs
Narconon Files with Pot-TV
Running Time: 1 hr 30 min Date Entered: 03 Sep 2003 Viewer Rating: 9.14 (41 votes) Number of Views: Fascinating Weirdness! Was the founder of Scientology and the drug rehab program Narconon a user of Drugs and a Practitioner of Black Magick? Was L. Ron Hubbard working for Naval Intelligence and involved in the drug induced mind control predecessors of MK Ultra? Has Scientologist money been used to import heroin and cocaine? Did L. Ron Hubbard really say not smoking enough cigarettes will cause lung cancer? Why are Scientologists filming events like Canada's Cannabis Day and the Seattle Hempfest? Are Scientologists planning to take over the world and make it Drug-Free? Watch this fascinating video from Detroit's Red-Eye Rising Productions to find out more. Pot-TV
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Re: L. Ron Hubbard on Drugs
Fnord_Prefect, Fri Sep 5 23:40:31 2003

139. Was L. Ron Hubbard In On This? You Make The Call.
site about the strange relationships between the corporation known as Church of SpiritualTechnology (doing business as the L. ron hubbard Library ), and the
Home The Newsroom Trademarks Documents ... Complaint Dept. This is not an official site of either the Church of Spiritual Technology, the Internal Revenue Service, the United States Treasury Department, Scientology, or any Scientology organization, and is not approved or sanctioned by any of them. This is a public service educational news and information site about the strange relationships between the corporation known as Church of Spiritual Technology (doing business as the "L. Ron Hubbard Library"), and the United States government. All information on site may be freely used for non-commercial purposes. How IRS Runs Scientology

IRS Agents in the Church

Empire and the IRS
the Guardian Office
Was L. Ron Hubbard in on this? You make the call.
"First consider a group which takes in money but does not deliver anything in exchange. This is called rip-off. It is the 'exchange' condition of robbers, tax men, governments and other criminal elements."
L. Ron Hubbard

140. The Gerry Armstrong Chronicle
Legal files, Usenet postings, letters, photos and Internet links related to Gerry Armstrong, former official biographer of L. ron hubbard, founder of Scientology.
Keith Henson (left) picketing with Gerry Armstrong
Legal Files, Usenet Postings, Letters, Photos and Related Internet Links Gerry's 1974 Wedding Onboard the Apollo Gerry Armstrong Meets The Loyalists Gerry Armstrong Photo Gallery Posts to the newsgroup alt.religion.scientology by year:
Recommended Links: F.A.C.T.Net Lisa McPherson Trust A.R.S. Web page summary Some selected GO and OSA documents ... - Scientology doesn't want you to look here either
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