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41. UIAA: Urbana: Veterans' Memorial: Hardy, Howard Info. UIAA. Check My Illinois Alumni EMail. howard henry Hardy. WorldWar I. Submit additional information or comments. Urbana Postcards http://www.uiaa.org/urbana/veterans/display_veteran.asp?veteranID=509 |
42. TENTH GENERATION TENTH GENERATION. 3028. howard henry FLESHER(Private). Home Return to Table of Contents. http://www.fidnet.com/~lflesher/johannes/d12585.htm | |
43. Auldon HARTLING - Margaret B. HARTLING Go To List Of Surnames Family Tree Web Pages Produced by Ged2Web Version 3.28 (UnregisteredVersion). howard henry HARTLING. Descendants of howard henry HARTLING. http://www.bezanson.ca/history/ged2web/people/p000002s.htm | |
44. Howard Henry Colby/Irene Marie Carney Husband howard henry Colby Born at Married 5 MAY 1917 at Died atFatherFrank H. Colby Mother Other Spouses Wife Irene Marie Carney http://www.billcarney.com/brickmasons/gedpages/fam00071.htm | |
45. Henry Howard, Earl Of Surrey (1517-1547) henry howard, Earl of Surrey, English poet and courtier. Biography,works, and resources. henry howard, Earl of Surrey (15171547) http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/henry.htm | |
46. Legislator List Page Georgia General Assembly. Representative henry howard (DSH 098) http://www.legis.state.ga.us/cgi-bin/gl_peo_detail.pl?Leg=gash098 |
47. Ray Meets Howard, Henry At Chicago Blues Fest '97 Ray meets howard, henry at Chicago Blues Fest '97 I know this is a lot to ask, but is there any way I could get a black howard Roberts instead http://www.gibson.com/whatsnew/pressrelease/1997/ray.html | |
48. Henry Howard, Earl Of Surrey henry howard, Earl of Surrey (15171547) The Soote Season " Love that doth reign and live within my thought "" Set me whereas the sun doth parch the green "" Alas! so all things now do hold their peace " ( University of Toronto) " http://www.sonnets.org/surrey.htm | |
49. The Works Of Henry Howard, Earl Of Surrey (1517-1547) The Works of henry howard, Earl of Surrey, Complete UMichigan Complete- UVA Back, to henry howard. Site copyright ©1996-2002 Anniina Jokinen. http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/henrybib.htm | |
50. Henry Howard, Earl Of Surrey - Kalliope V¦rker, digttitler, f¸rstelinier fra digte, s¸gning, popul¦re digte, portr¦tter, biografi og samtid. http://www.kalliope.org/ffront.cgi?fhandle=howard |
51. Welcome To The American Presidency A detailed biography written for older students written by henry Pringle, author of the comprehensive work The Life and Times of William howard Taft. Includes links to related topics, fact file, and inaugural addresses. http://gi.grolier.com/presidents/ea/bios/27ptaft.html | |
52. Legislation Sponsored By Howard,Henry 98th Legislation Sponsored by howard,henry 98th. (1) Epps,Carl 90th, (2)howard,henry 98th, (3) Brooks,Tyrone 47th. (1) howard,henry 98th, http://www.legis.state.ga.us/legis/2003_04/mbrs/howardhenry98th.htm | |
53. Listings free! .more . Ron howard / henry Winkler / Happy Days Friday, May14 at 811pm ET/7-10 CT, Click here for complete May schedule. Ron http://www.biography.com/tv/listings/howard_winkler_hdays_new.html | |
54. The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation ~ Indianapolis Affiliate - Home Serves Bartholomew, Boone, Brown, Clinton, Decatur, Delaware, Grant, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, henry, howard, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Montgomery, Morgan, Rush, Shelby, Tippecanoe, and Tipton counties. Information about the Race for the Cure and other events, membership, and volunteer opportunities. http://www.komenindy.org/ | |
55. MyStudios- Hans Holbein, Henry Howard Earl Of Surrey holbein, artists, my studio, northern renaissance BACK. henry howard Earl of Surrey. 1542. oil on oak 55x44cm http://www.mystudios.com/art/northern/holbein/holbein-henry-howard.html | |
56. Gloriana: The Life And Reign Of Elizabeth I Biography of the king with links to important figures in his life, including Thomas Wolsey, Anne Boleyn and Catherine howard. http://elizabethtudor.150m.com/The Tudors/Henry VIII/index.html | |
57. Catherine Howard CULPEPPER CONNECTIONS! The Story of Katherine howard, fifth wife of henry VIII and lover of Thomas Culpeper (Colepeper) Catherine howard Fifth Wife of King henry VIII King henry VIII first http://www.gen.culpepper.com/historical/howard | |
58. Happy Days Online - The Fonz And The Happy Days Gang (animated Series) Page devoted to the Happy Days animated series voiced by henry Winkler, Ron howard, and Donny Most. http://www.sitcomsonline.com/fonzhdgang.html | |
59. Catherine Howard: Biography, Portraits, Primary Sources Catherine howard was a cousin of henry VIII's illfated second queen, Anne Boleyn; and like Anne, Catherine appointment as lady-in-waiting to henry's fourth queen, Anne of Cleves http://www.englishhistory.net/tudor/monarchs/howard.html | |
60. GGA - Hon. Henry L. Howard (GA SH 118) Representatives. Georgia House of Representatives. henry L. howard of Augusta (D118) Legislation Sponsored or Cosponsored. Contact Information. Birthday June 18. Capitol Phone ( 404) 656-7859 Fax http://www.legis.state.ga.us/legis/2001_02/house/gash118.htm | |
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