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21. Hopkins, Gerard Manley. 1918. Poems Summa. gerard manley hopkins. Poems. Now First Published, Edited with Notes by Robert Bridges, Poet Laureate. gerard manley hopkins. http://www.bartleby.com/122/ | |
22. Gerard Manley Hopkins Collection At Bartleby.com Preface, Poems. gerard manley hopkins. gerard manley hopkins. hopkins, gerard manley, 28915 to 28987 Entries from the Columbia World of Quotations. http://www.bartleby.com/people/HopkinsG.html | |
23. Gerard Hopkins - Literary Links Texts of the Poems. hopkins, gerard manley. 1918. Poems. Bartleby Library etext. hopkins, gerard manley Felix Randal - More medical humanities http://www.dundee.ac.uk/english/hopkins.htm | |
24. Web Concordance - Gerard Manley Hopkins - Poems (1918) The Web Concordances the first interactive literary concordance system on the Web. Concordance to gerard manley hopkins Poems (1918). Sorry! http://www.dundee.ac.uk/english/wics/gmh/framconc.htm | |
25. An Irish Literary Festival Celebrates Poet Gerard Manley Hopkins English poet,gerard manley hopkins,wrote some of his finest poetry in Ireland. The gerard manley hopkins International Literary Festival. http://www.iol.ie/~hopkins/ | |
26. Gerard Manley Hopkins Online gerard manley hopkins online celebrates English Victorian poet, gerard manley hopkins. An international for all. gerard manley hopkins Online. http://www.gerardmanleyhopkins.org/ | |
27. Christian Papers And Bible Studies A short essay on hopkins by Mark Hunter. http://members.aol.com/johnstonrh/christn/mh/hopkins.htm | |
28. Druckgaus Galrev - Gerard Manley Hopkins Vorstellung des zweisprachigen Gedichtbandes. http://www.galrev.com/material/seiten/hopkins.htm | |
29. Pine Valley 7: Gerard Manley Hopkins A small selection of poems. http://users.erols.com/kmdavis/hop.html | |
30. The Gerard Manley Hopkins Resource Page Has Moved To The gerard manley hopkins Resource Page has moved to http//www.creighton.edu/~dcallon/hopkins Please update your bookmarks accordingly. Thanks! http://www.creighton.edu/~dcallon/gmhpage.html | |
31. Arnfrid Astel - Ingestalt Und Inkraft Bei Gerard Manley Hopkins Hans Arnfrid Astel ¼ber gerard manley hopkins. http://www-user.uni-bremen.de/~steimer/gesondert/hopkins.html | |
32. Redirects For Victorian Web, Postcolonial Web, And Cyberspace, Hypertext, & Crit A brief description of gerard manley Hopkin's use and interpretation of the term. http://landow.stg.brown.edu/victorian/hopkins/hopkins13.html | |
33. The Ecstasy Of Gerard Manley Hopkins Article by Burgess on hopkins's St. Winefred's Well , from 1989 New York Times. http://www.thenewyorktimes.org/books/97/11/30/home/burgess-hopkins.html | |
34. Victorian Poets (1830 - 1900) At Heart's Ease Library Selected poetry by E.B.Browning, Tennyson, Robert Browning, Mathew Arnold, D.G. Rossetti, Christina Rossetti, Thomas Hardy, and gerard manley hopkins. http://www.hearts-ease.org/library/victorian/index.html |
35. Gerard Manley Hopkins - The Academy Of American Poets gerard manley hopkins The Academy of American Poets presents biographies, photographs, selected poems, and links as part of its online poetry exhibits. Some pages also include RealAudio clips of http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=290 |
36. Gerard Manley Hopkins - County Kildare, Ireland gerard manley hopkins Society page for the Belgian poet, essayist, critic and poetry translator. http://kildare.ie/community/Hopkins/Germain.htm | |
37. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET-VERZEICHNIS DEUTSCHLAND:HOPKINS, GERARD MANLEY Die Zeit Nr. 16 vom 15.4.1999 Mein Jahrhundertbuch Friederike Mayröcker "Journal" von gerard manley hopkins. gerard manley hopkins. gerard manley hopkins / Pied Beauty - und Inkraft bei gerard manley hopkins - Hans Arnfrid Astel über gerard manley hopkins http://www.phs2.net/cwde/L3/o7766d.htm | |
38. Gerard Manley Hopkins - The Academy Of American Poets gerard manley hopkins The Academy of American Poets presents biographies, photographs, selected poems, and links as part of its online poetry exhibits. http://www.poets.org/poets/gmhop | |
39. Die Zeit - DIE ZEIT 1/1999: Louis Begley : Der Prozeß Von Fr Friederike Mayr¶cker Journal von gerard manley hopkins. http://www.zeit.de/archiv/1999/16/199916.jh-mayroecker_ho.xml | |
40. Gerard Manley Hopkins Archive - Lectures Given At The International Hopkins Summ An archive of literary criticism built around lectures on the poetry of gerard manley hopkins,collected since the start of the GM hopkins Summer School in http://www.gerardmanleyhopkins.org/archive/ | |
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