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Holeman Linda: more books (27) | |||||||
21. Kliatt: Holeman, Linda. Toxic Love, Stories - Book Review Print friendly Tell a friend Find subscription deals holeman, linda. Toxic love,stories Book Review Kliatt, Sept, 2003 by Lynne Remick. Tundra. 179p. c2003. http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0PBX/is_5_37/ai_108266777 | |
22. Kliatt: Holeman, Linda. Search Of The Moon King's Daughter - Brief Article - You Content provided in partnership with Thomson / Gale. Print friendlyTell a friend Find subscription deals holeman, linda. Search http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0PBX/is_2_38/ai_114326793 | |
23. Holeman, Linda. Mercy's Birds. How to subscribe to Booklist Magazine. holeman, linda. Mercy s Birds.1998. 200p. Tundra, paper, $5.95 (088776-463-0). Gr. 6-10. http://archive.ala.org/booklist/v95/youth/de2/57holema.html | |
24. Holeman, Linda Was I ever in for a surprise! linda holeman has created a uniquely beautifulnovel that deserves to be much more popular than it is. http://www.dropbears.com/amazon/template_children/type_browse/mode_1044008 | |
26. Holeman, Linda holeman, linda. Selected titles in holeman, linda. About Bookchecker.com Help- Advertise - Report Error - Link to us - Terms of use - Forgot password? http://www.bookchecker.com/cat/1044008 | |
27. CM Magazine: Saying Goodbye . . June 23, 1995. Saying Goodbye holeman, linda Toronto Lester Publishing,1995 169pp, cloth, $16.95 ISBN 1895555-47-7. Grades 8 - 12 / Ages 13 - 17. http://www.umanitoba.ca/cm/vol1no2/goodbye.html | |
28. CM Magazine: Index Of Book Reviews By Author Grades 5 8 / Ages 10 - 13. holeman, linda. Mercy s Birds. Review by Mary Thomas.Grades 6 and up / Ages 11 and up. holeman, linda. Promise Song. http://www.umanitoba.ca/outreach/cm/authors/directoryh.html | |
29. Saying Goodbye holeman, linda Saying Goodbye Toronto Lester Publishing, 1995. Saying Goodbye,holeman, linda Review by Helen Norrie Grades 812/ Ages 14-18. Video Review. http://collection.nlc-bnc.ca/100/201/300/cm/html/1995-2000/cm.b09/vol1no2/goodby | |
30. Holeman, Linda In Englische Bücher: Children's Books: Authors & Illustrators, A Translate this page Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Russell. Hoban, Tana. Hoban, Tana. holeman, linda. holeman,linda. Promise Song von linda holeman von Tundra Books (NY), erschienen 01. http://www.shopzilla.net/Holeman, Linda--1044008.html | |
31. Holeman, Linda H Holeman, Linda Authors & Illustrators, Children's Books Kids Ba holeman, linda H holeman, linda Authors Illustrators, Children s Books Kids BabyInfant Accessorie KidsAndBabyStore, Your one stop shopping place for the http://www.kidsandbabystore.com/store/shop4064/Online/Holeman_Linda/ | |
32. Anmeldelse Månekongens Datter holeman, linda Månekongens datter. Emmalines mor får knust hånden i en maskinei et bomuldsspinderi i England. holeman, linda Månekongens datter. http://www.lyngbybib.dk/composite-752.htm | |
33. Linda Holeman CANSCAIP Members. linda holeman. Author. 728 South Drive Winnipeg,Manitoba R3T 0C3 Phone (204) 4758268 Fax (204) 452-2728 Email http://www.canscaip.org/bios/holemanl.html | |
34. Canadian Children's Fiction Award Winners Database last updated June 2003. Authors. Return to Main Page. holeman, linda.Rasberry House Blues. Montréal Tundra, 2000. Book Format Novel. http://scholar.uwinnipeg.ca/research/Reimer_Mavis/authors.cfm?ARN=76 |
35. Florida Probe Publications - By Linda Holeman by linda holeman. Cuttingedge technology, a caring attitude, and a firmcommitment to patient education proved an unbeatable combination http://www.floridaprobe.com/rdh.htm | |
36. Tundra Books Online: Search Mercy s Birds linda holeman Trade Paperback Tundra Books September1998 CDN $9.99 / US $6.95 088776-463-0. Promise Song http://www.tundrabooks.com/catalog/results.pperl?authorid=13293 |
37. Promise Song - Holeman, Linda Promise Song holeman, linda Tundra Books of Northern New York FRONTIER PIONEERLIFE FICTION ORPHANS CHILDREN S SISTERS JUVENILE GENERAL HISTORICAL UNITED http://www.dustjacket.ca/si/14466.html | |
38. Fejlsituation Posterne 1 til 2 ud af 2 (lfo=holeman, linda). Udvælg Forfatter Titel Medie Opstillingholeman, linda Månekongens datter holeman, linda Fuglene vender tilbage. http://libra.dde-drift.dk/is/wsk/query-sh.asp?base=&ccl=lfo=Holeman, Linda |
39. Søgning Søgningen gav 1 post. Beskrivelse, Udvælg. holeman, linda Månekongens datter/ linda holeman ; oversat af Jan Dahl Jeppesen. Farum Arvids, 2003. http://bib.gladsaxe.dk/sites/WLTB/pub/search.html?doaction=search&data=scode_ccl |
40. Spokane Public Libraries Catalog Summary. More by this author. holeman, linda, 1949. Subjects. England Juvenilefiction. by author holeman, linda, 1949-. by title Search of the moon k http://hzportal.spokanelibrary.org/ipac20/ipac.jsp?menu=search&aspect=advanced&p |
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