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21. A Farewell Evening For Peter W. Hogg Home Alumni News Events A Farewell Evening for peter W. hogg. A FarewellEvening for peter W. hogg. On the occasion of his retirement http://osgoode.yorku.ca/alumimedia.nsf/0/47c81bd8b485945a85256e19006abe5c?OpenDo |
22. Texas Parks & Wildlife: Varner-Hogg / Patton Plantation Slavery Project First Name, Last Name, Age, Sex, Year, Citation, Source. peter. M. 1859 1865. Hiredfor the years 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, ½ 1865. peter. M. 1860. Nov. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/park/varner/slavery/peter_flanagan.htm | |
23. Texas Parks & Wildlife: Varner-Hogg / Patton Plantation Slavery Project peter Since no further reference appears to peter in the records of Columbus Patton,he was more than likely given to another Patton family member or sold. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/park/varner/slavery/peter.htm | |
24. Telltale May 2001 The Singlehanders peter hogg. Ive been asking why singlehanders do it. peterhoggs sailing accomplishments read like the Guinness Book of Records. http://www.cyc.org/telltale/0105/who.html | |
25. History Of Singlehanded TransPac peter hogg, who safely traversed the strong winds and heavy seas during the beginningof the race in his 40foot catamaran Tainui, was the first to appear in http://www.wingo.com/sss/tpc/tphist.html | |
26. Peter W. Hogg Receives Hnatyshyn Award For Law peter W. hogg Receives Hnatyshyn Award For Law. peter W. hogg Receives HnatyshynAward For Law. Back. Throughout his career, peter hogg has made an http://www.cba.org/CBA/News/2003_Releases/2003-08-16_hnatyshyn.asp | |
27. Peter W. Hogg Reçoit Le Prix Pour Le Droit Hnatyshyn Translate this page peter W. hogg reçoit le prix pour le droit Hnatyshyn. Tout au long de sa carrière,peter hogg a contribué de manière exceptionnelle et unique à l http://www.cba.org/ABC/Nouvelles/2003_communiques/2003-08-16_hnatyshyn.asp | |
28. Peter In Conflicts & Dualities Books - Find, Compare And Buy At BizRate Author James hogg, peter Garside Subtitle Written by Himself, With a Detail ofCurious Traditionary Facts and Other Evidence by the Editor Released 2003 http://bizrate.com/buy/products__cat_id--8063,keyword--Peter.html | |
29. Peter's EPIRB sea. The message originated with peter hogg who resides in Mill Valley,CA. FROM peter hogg, TO Friends of peter Bird, DATE 6/3/96, http://www.mindspring.com/~kimball3/hogg1.html | |
30. Letter To Selwyn Pieters From Dean Peter W. Hogg, Osgoode Hall Law School In Ref Letter to Selwyn Pieters from Dean peter W. hogg, Osgoode Hall Law School in referenceto AntiIslam Article in the Obiter Dicta entitled In ALLAH We Trust http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/2381/osgoodehalllawschool/hoggresponsereant | |
31. Peter Hogg's Family Tree peter hogg s Family Tree, 1 Capt. peter hogg (see chart 10) Born 1705Place Scotland Marr Place Died Place VA, USA, , http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/5267/tree_78_hogg_peter.html | |
32. Peter Hogg www.anglingclassics.co.uk. Home, Munns Hog peter. Hook 8 14. Rib Fine GoldWire. Body Red Seal fur Tag ,Green Yellow Flashabou or lite brite Dubbing. http://www.anglingclassics.co.uk/Peter hogg pattern.html | |
33. Jedburgh Peter Hogg Private Hire In Jedburgh - Peter Hogg Private Hire Jedburgh Jedburgh peter hogg Private Hire in Jedburgh UK is one of Jedburgh s Taxis and PrivateHire these details are brought to you by TouchBorders.com keeping you http://www.touchgalashiels.com/comdir/cditem.cfm/3889 | |
34. Hogg Family Genealogy Forum 3/23/04 Thomas Henry hogg peter hogg 3/22/04 hoggs in Berwickshire Roxburghshire - Sharon Hawkins 3/21/04 MACDONALD JOHN hogg http://genforum.genealogy.com/hogg/ | |
35. Withell Family Genealogy Forum Messages Last 7 Days. Withell , Christchurch peter hogg 6/24/02 Withell- Margaret Whitaker 6/17/02 Re Withell - peter hogg 11/05/02 http://genforum.genealogy.com/withell/ | |
36. Peter Garside In Books: Compare Products And Prices At MySimon Compare all prices. A Queer Book, A Queer Book by James hogg and peter GarsideHardcover Oct 1995 Edinburgh University Press Compare all prices. http://www.mysimon.com/4016-4181_8-0.html?q=&4000051id=Peter Garside |
37. Filmlexikon FILME Von A-Z - Ian Hogg Translate this page John Gay, Edward Boyd, K (Kamera) Ernest Steward, M (Musik) John Scott, S (Schnitt)Eric Boyd-Perkins, D (Darsteller) Stanley Lebor, Ian hogg, peter Egan, John http://www.filmevona-z.de/filmsuche.cfm?sucheNach=Darsteller&wert=79408 |
38. Literatureseek.com Hogg,_Peter Literature World Literature Canadian Authors Novelists hogg, peter Found 0 sites about hogg, peter. Add / Update Url - Become an http://www.literatureseek.com/categories/Arts__Literature__World_Literature__Can | |
39. Biography Of Robert Hogg Nisbet that Reference Robert hogg Nisbet. Year, Author, Title, SubTitle. 2000, AskART.com,The Artists Bluebook, 23,000 North American Artists. 1999, Falk, peter Hastings,Who http://www.ibydeit.com/usa/RobertHoggNisbet.htm | |
40. Issues In Contemporary Society Joan McCausland 10, 4047 James hogg Selbstbild und Bild, Mergenthal (review) 1,110-14 James hogg s Fifty Pounds , peter Garside 1, 128-30 James hogg s Lay http://www.cc.gla.ac.uk/hogg/ | |
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