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1. The Private Memoirs And Confessions Of A Justified Sinner By James Hogg , Peter Author James hogg peter Garside (Editor) Ian Campbell (Editor critic André Gide was given a copy of James Hogg's neglected masterpiece, The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a http://www.campusi.com/isbn_0748614141.htm | |
2. A Black Corps D' Elite: An Egyptian Sudanese Conscript Battalion With The French Conscript Battalion with the French Army in Mexico 1863 1867 and Its Survivors inSubsequent African History Hill Richard Leslie hogg peter C Richard Leslie http://www.isbengineering.co.uk/Richard-Leslie-Hill-Peter-A-Black-Corps-D-Elite- | |
3. Michigan State University Press : Peter Hogg Peter Hogg. Books by Peter Hogg Black CorpsdElite , A Peter Hogg, Richard Hill. http://msupress.msu.edu/authorbio.php?authorID=240 |
4. Peter W. Hogg (York University) - Curriculum Vitae (CV) An academic directory and search engine Views. 157. Prof. peter W. hogg ( b. , d http://www.getcited.org/mbrz/11077741 | |
5. PETER W. HOGG peter W. hogg. La loi «sur la clarté» est conforme au droit constitutionnel http://www.vigile.net/auteurs/h/hoggpw.html | |
6. Peter Hogg's Second Letter Richard Jones' TransAtlantic Rowing Expedition. Two days latter, on June 5, 1996, peter hogg of Mill Valley, CA sent this second fax. FROM peter hogg. TO Friends of peter Bird. DATE 6/5/96. SUBJECT peter Bird and the Sector Two http://www.mindspring.com/~kimball3/hogg2.html | |
7. Hogg, Peter And Peterson, Donny, The Para-Dice Riders Charter Case Against Polic Speaker, hogg, peter and peterson, Donny Scholar in Residence, Blake Cassels Graydonand Professor of Law, Osgoode Hall Law School; Proprietor of Heavy Duty http://www.empireclubfoundation.com/details.asp?SpeechID=2448&FT=yes |
8. Crimes Of War : A Novel - Hogg, Peter Crimes of War A Novel hogg, peter McClelland Stewart FICTION WAR http://www.cmgbooksandart.com/si/009332.html | |
9. Hogg, Peter Book At The Best Price Buy hogg, peter books from the best shops. Home Books Books Browse by author H hogg, peter. hogg, peter. Browse by author hogg, peter (12 of 2). 1. http://books.kelkoo.co.uk/b/a/cpc_5101_vtl_author_c19002058.html | |
10. Vancouver Magazine: WORDS: Author! Lawyer! (December 1999) If only things had really been that easy for Vancouver prosecutor peter hogg, authorof Crimes of War (McClelland Stewart), who first had to spend two years http://www.vanmag.com/9912/crimes.html | |
11. Radiography/Staff Profiles/Professor Peter Hogg You are in Radiography Staff Profiles Professor peter hogg. Professorpeter hogg. Area of clinical interest and teaching Nuclear medicine. http://www.healthcare.salford.ac.uk/radiography/phprofile.php | |
12. Hogg Family Genealogy Forum (Page 6) Home Surnames hogg Family Genealogy Forum (Page 6) Robert hogg born Haddington about 1825 peter hogg2/06/99 http://genforum.genealogy.com/hogg/page6.html | |
13. Directorate Of Radiography Directorate of Radiography Head of Directorate Professor peter hogg.Universtiy of Salford. Professor peter hogg (Head of Directorate). http://www.healthcare.salford.ac.uk/radiography/New/clinical placement/profiles/ | |
14. Hogg Family Genealogy Forum (All Messages) Home Surnames hogg Family Genealogy Forum (All Messages) Thomas Henry hogg peter hogg3/22/04 http://genforum.genealogy.com/hogg/all.html | |
15. PETER HOGG: CRIMES OF WAR No black white hats here. By PAT ST. GERMAIN Winnipeg Sun. CRIMESOF WAR peter hogg (McClelland Stewart) A frustrated Nazi hunter http://www.canoe.ca/JamBooksReviewsC/crimesofwar_hogg.html | |
16. Hogg: Books: Find The Best Prices Search book results on hogg Compare new and used books prices among 60 book stores in a click. Find the lowest price. Author Hill, Richard hogg, peter. Publisher East Lansing, MI, U.S.A http://www.campusi.com/author_Hogg.htm | |
17. Blakes: Means Business Telephone 416863-3194 Facsimile 416-863-2653 peter.hogg@blakes.com. Profilepeter hogg is the scholar in residence of the Firm. http://www.blakes.com/english/people/lawyers2.asp?LAS=PWH |
18. Peter W. Hogg Téléphone 416863-3194 Télécopie 416-863-2653 peter.hogg@blakes.com. Profilpeter hogg is the scholar in residence of the Firm. http://www.blakes.com/french/people/lawyers2.asp?LAS=PWH |
19. Osgoode Alumni - Peter W. Hogg Graduate Award Home Giving Gifts that have made a difference peter W. hogg Graduate Award. peterW. hogg Graduate Award. Osgoode establishes the peter W. hogg Graduate Award. http://www.osgoodealumni.ca/gavehogg.htm | |
20. A Farewell Evening For Peter W. Hogg Home Events Bulletins A Farewell Evening for peter W. hogg. A Farewell Eveningfor peter W. hogg. Home Events Bulletins A Farewell Evening for peter W. hogg. http://osgoode.yorku.ca/media2.nsf/0/a157ef9102b8da6d85256e690052279e?OpenDocume |
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