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81. Jim Hogg james Stephen hogg Papers, Barker Texas History Center, University of Texas at Austin. Robert C. Cotner hogg, james STEPHEN. The Handbook of Texas Online. http://www.famoustexans.com/jimhogg.htm | |
82. Texas Governor James Stephen Hogg. A syndicated column in over 40 East Texas newspapers james STEPHEN hogg by Archie P. McDonald, PhD, Historian Joe Frantz observed http://www.texasescapes.com/DEPARTMENTS/Guest_Columnists/East_Texas_all_things_h | |
83. James Hogg John Northfield John Turnbull Cancer And People With Learning Disabil james hogg John Northfield John Turnbull Cancer and People with Learning Disabilities. Author or Artist james hogg John Northfield John Turnbull. http://www.fwag-warwickshire.co.uk/James-Hogg-John-Northfiel-Cancer-and-People-w | |
84. Jim Hogg It is now managed by the City of Rusk. History A memorial to the state s first native born governor, james Stephen hogg, 1891 1895. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/park/jhogg/ | |
85. Genealogy Data Back to Main Page. Longshore, Elizabeth Gender Female Family Spouse hogg, james Gender Male. Children hogg, George Euclidus. Back to Main Page. http://www.jinman.org/inman/dat1059.html | |
86. 1SCOTHOGG BIBLIOGRAPHY. hogg, james (ed. D Mack). The Brownie of Bodsbeck. Edinburgh and London Scottish Academic Press, 1976. hogg, james (ed. D. Mack). http://seneca.uab.es/scott/1SCOTHOGG.html | |
87. Sir Walter Scott And James Hogg, The Ettrick Shepherd This page gives an analysis of the friendship between Sir Walter Scott and the Ettrick Shepherd, james hogg, in the light of hogg s new found reputation as one http://www.walterscott.lib.ed.ac.uk/biography/hogg.html | |
88. Automated Genealogy 1901 Census Transcription Project hogg, james, SK, Assiniboia East District, 44, 5, 32. hogg, james, MB, Provencher District, 02, 21, 24. hogg, james, MB, Provencher District, 02, 21, 26. http://automatedgenealogy.com/census06/SurnameList06.jsp?surname=Hogg |
89. ADM James R. Hogg, USN(Ret) Biography Home, ADMIRAL james R. hogg, USN(Ret). Admiral james R. hogg, USN (Ret)Admiral james R. hogg, USN(Ret) is the Director of the Chief http://www.nwc.navy.mil/ssg/hoggbio.htm | |
90. Songs Of James Hogg Rise! etc) that were written by james hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd. james hogg was born in the borders village of Ettrick in the year 1770. http://www.corries-appreciation.org.uk/james.html | |
91. Hogg, JamesSelected Poems hogg, james Selected Poems. 1946 Scotland. Oliver and Boyd. . Blue Bds. Very Good/ Torn. This item has been offered on Popula, your http://www.popula.com/sh/no_424/1948950.htm | |
92. Jim Hogg's Freemasonry And Law Homepage Jim hogg's Freemasonry and Law Homepage. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! Page created December 25, 1998 at 925 AM. Under Construction. http://www.angelfire.com/fl/bosshogg | |
93. Valdemar Translate this page http://www.valdemar.com/default.php?manufacturers_id=92 |
94. Accueil Livre-rare-book http://www.livre-rare-book.com/Matieres/fd/2328.html | |
95. EAS Salzburg http://www.sbg.ac.at/ang/publ_99.htm | |
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