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21. James C. Hogg Takes Canadian Taxpayers Money As Vice President Of MRC james hogg takes RJR money for tobacco research while sitting as the number two man on the MRC Canada's Tobacco Activist Headquarters - Top stories from NO PATSY - Canadian coverage of tobacco http://www.healthwatcher.net/Hogg/hogg-mrcman.html | |
22. §26. James Hogg. X. Burns. Vol. 11. The Period Of The French Revolution. The Ca Introduction to the writer from the Cambridge History of English and American Literature. http://www.bartleby.com/221/1026.html | |
23. Handbook Of Texas Online: HOGG, JAMES STEPHEN return to handbook view. hogg, james STEPHEN (18511906). Robert C. Cotner Recommended citation hogg, james STEPHEN. The Handbook of Texas Online. http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/print/HH/fho17.html | |
24. HOGG, JAMES STEPHEN (1851-1906) hogg, james STEPHEN (18511906). hogg, james STEPHEN. The Handbook of Texas Online. http//www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/view/HH/fho17.html . http://www.rra.dst.tx.us/c_t/people/jsHOGG.cfm | |
25. Literary Encyclopedia: Hogg, James hogg, james. (1770 1835). www.LitEncyc.com. Domain Literature. Poet, Journalist, Novelist, Biographer, Essayist, Oral Story Teller http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=2168 |
26. R. Incorvati "Dialogue And Marginality In James Hogg's Confessions Rick Incorvati. raincorv@email.unc.edu. University of North Carolina " Dialogue and Marginality in james hogg's Confessions of a Justified Sinner" Dialogue and Marginality in james hogg's Confessions of a Justified Sinner" The name james hogg is most readily associated with his very strange and generically heterogeneous text http://prometheus.cc.emory.edu/panels/4C/R.Incorvati.html |
27. Literary Encyclopedia: List Works () 35 Matches for hogg, james. The Mountain Bard; consisting of Ballads and Songs, founded on Facts and Legendary Tales hogg, james. 1807. A Poem - hogg, james. http://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?aut=Hogg, James&golist=true |
28. James Hogg -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article hogg, james Britannica Concise. , hogg, james (17701835). Scottish peasant poet james hogg enjoyed his greatest success during http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=392508&query=poetry&ct= |
29. James Hogg - The Ettrick Shepherd james hogg. The Ettrick Shepherd Poet. james hogg's Genealogy. The Scottish poet, james hogg. was b. 9 Dec 1770 to Robert hogg. and Margaret Laidlaw. He married Margaret Phillips 20 Apr 1820 in Selkirk, Scotland. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hogg/jameshogg.html | |
30. Hogg, James Book At The Best Price Buy hogg, james books from the best shops. Browse by author hogg, james (125 of 37). 1. Title Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner, The. http://books.kelkoo.co.uk/b/a/cpc_5101_vtl_author_c19200443.html | |
31. Texas Governor James Stephen Hogg: An Inventory Of Records At The Texas State Ar Records are of james Stephen hogg's terms as governor of Texas james Stephen hogg served as governor of Texas from January 20, 1891 to January 15, 1895 http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tslac/40022/tsl-40022.html | |
32. JAMES HOGG james hogg. hogg, james (17701835), Scottish poet, known as th Ettrick Shepherd, was baptized at Ettrick in in 1802 hogg became acquainted with Sir Walter Scott, who was then http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/H/HO/HOGG_JAMES.htm | |
33. JAMES HOGG hogg, james (17701835), Scottish poet, known as th Ettrick Shepherd, was baptized at Ettrick in Selkirkshir p on the 9th of December 1770. james hogg. http://35.1911encyclopedia.org/H/HO/HOGG_JAMES.htm | |
34. Hogg, James. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. hogg, james. 17701835, Scottish poet, called the Ettrick Shepherd. Sir Walter http://www.bartleby.com/65/ho/Hogg-J.html | |
35. Hogg, James Stephen. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. hogg, james Stephen. 18511906, governor of Texas (189195), b. Cherokee co., Tex. http://www.bartleby.com/65/e-/E-Hogg-JS.html | |
36. Biografia De Hogg, James Translate this page hogg, james. (bosque de Ettrick, 1770-Altrive, 1835) Poeta escocés. Fue amigo de W. Scott, a quien dedicó un libro de recuerdos http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/h/hogg.htm | |
37. Target : Entertainment : Books : Literature & Fiction : Authors, A-Z : ( H ) : H The Private Memoirs Confessions of a Justified Sinner by james hogg, John Carey Avg. The Brownie of Bodsbeck by james hogg, Our Price $7.49. http://www.target.com/gp/browse.html?node=70333 |
38. Hogg, James (1770-1835). Poet And Novelist. james hogg. The Ettrick Shepherd , as he was called by John Wilson in Blackwood s Magazine, was born at Ettrickhall Farm in Ettrick http://members.tripod.com/~giggly/james_hogg.html | |
39. The Shepherd's Calendar (The Collected Works Of James Hogg) James Hogg The Shepherd s Calendar (The Collected Works of james hogg) james hogg. Author or Artist james hogg. Title The Shepherd s Calendar http://www.lutonbsac.co.uk/James-Hogg-The-Shepherds-Calendar-958-623-733-0.html | |
40. Winter Evening Tales (The Collected Works Of James Hogg) James Hogg Winter Evening Tales (The Collected Works of james hogg) james hogg. Author or Artist james hogg. Title Winter Evening Tales (The http://www.lutonbsac.co.uk/James-Hogg-Winter-Evening-Tales-The-958-113-732-6.htm | |
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