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Hogan James P: more books (100) | |||||||||||||||
1. Alpha Ralpha Boulevard James P. Hogan James P. Hogan. James Patrick Hogan (b. 1941) Other Hogan links. James P. Hogan s homepage Bio Born in London and educated http://www.catch22.com/SF/ARB/SFH/Hogan,JamesP.php3 | |
2. James P. Hogan - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia James P. Hogan. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. James P. Hogan (born June 27, 1941) is a science fiction author. Hogan s http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_P._Hogan | |
3. James P. Hogan James Patrick Hogan. Mensagem do futuro ( Thrice Upon a Time) A conquista das estrelas ( Voyage from Yesteryear) A conquista das estrelas (Voyage from Yesteryear) James Patrick Hogan. ( G.B. 1941) http://www.geocities.com/carlosdeportugal/fcc_hogan.htm | |
4. James P. Hogan FanSpace http://www.monadnock.net/fanspaces/hogan | |
5. James P. Hogan - Baen Books James P. Hogan. James P. Hogan's Homepage. Kicking the Sacred Cow http://www.baen.com/author_catalog.asp?author=JPHogan |
6. Funny.sk BRLOH - Knihy, PC A Video Hry, èasopisy, Spoloèenské Hry, Komiks hogan james p. Zobrazujem ponuky 1 4 z celkového poctu 4. Hvezda Obru hogan james p. (Straky na vrbe) áner Science fiction cena 269,- Sk zlacnené http://brloh.funny.sk/author.php?aid=94&stype=1 |
7. James P. Hogan - Bibliography Summary James P. Hogan Bibliography Summary Pub Biblio Summary Alpha Chron Main Menu Search Hogan, James Patrick (UK;USA, 1941-) http://isfdb.tamu.edu/cgi-bin/ea.cgi?James_P._Hogan |
8. James P. Hogan James P. Hogan. James P. Hogan (born June 27, 1941) is a science fiction author Hogan s style of science fiction is often compared http://www.fact-index.com/j/ja/james_p__hogan.html | |
9. Hogan James P hogan james p. hogan james p Book Review and Price Comparison. Book Review and Price Comparisons for hogan james p. Gentle Giants Ganymede http://www.bookfinder.us/Science_Fiction___Fantasy/Authors__A-Z/Hogan__James_P~~ | |
10. James P. Hogan - Baen Books James P. Hogan. James P. Hogan s Homepage. Kicking the Sacred Cow. ISBN07434-8828-8, $24.00 Hardcover (June 2004). The Immortality Option. http://www.baen.com/author_catalog.asp?author=jphogan |
11. Voyage From Yesteryear James P Hogan Title Voyage from Yesteryear hogan james p James P. Hogan Subject Fiction Science Fiction General Category Fiction General Format Paperback http://www.oconnorandmccann.co.uk/James-P-Hogan-Voyage-from-Yesteryear-935-507-2 | |
12. Phoenix Convention (P-Con): Guest Profile : James P. Hogan James P Hogan. James P Hogan was born in London in 1941 of an Irish father and a German mother. He grew up around the Portobello http://www.slovobooks.com/phoenix/oldsite/guest_profile_hogan.html | |
13. James P. Hogan - Bibliography Summary James P. Hogan Bibliography Summary. Pub Biblio Summary Alpha Chron Main Menu Search Hogan, James Patrick (UK;USA, 1941-). http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/ea.cgi?James_P._Hogan |
14. SF REVIEWS.NET: Paths To Otherwhere / James P. Hogan JAMES P. HOGAN. PATHS TO OTHERWHERE 1996. Review © 1998 TM Wagner. Book cover art by Gary Ruddell. AUTHOR S SITE. Bristling as always http://www.sfreviews.net/pathother.html |
15. BRLOH - Knihy : Hogan James P. - Kdo Zdìdil Hvìzdy Dalie knihy James P. Hogan. Hvezda Obru. Kdo zdedil hvezdy 1 3. Není obri z Ganymedu. hogan james p. Kdo zdedil hvezdy. http://www.brloh.sk/kniha.php?id_knihy=1224 |
16. BRLOH - Knihy : Hogan James P. - Kdo Zdedil Hvìzdy 1 - 3 Dalie knihy James P. Hogan. Hvezda Obru. Kdo zdedil hvezdy. Není obri z Ganymedu. hogan james p. Kdo zdedil hvezdy 1 3. http://www.brloh.sk/kniha.php?id_knihy=2871 |
17. James P. Hogan Translate this page Biographie. La fiche complète IMDb de James P. Hogan Filmographie. Voici les films auxquels James P. Hogan a participé. http://dvdtoile.com/Filmographie.php?prenom=James&nom=P. Hogan |
18. The SF Site Featured Review: Outward Bound James P. Hogan. Tor Books, 220 pages. Outward Bound. James P. hogan james p. Hogan was born in London in 1941, one of three children. http://www.sfsite.com/03b/out53.htm | |
19. James P. Hogan James P. Hogan. http://www.spies.com/~rawdon/books/sf/hogan.html | |
20. Hogan JAMES P. HOGAN. interviewed in February 1993. James P. Hogan s Home Page. James P. Hogan was born in London in 1941, his father Irish and his mother German. | |
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